Warrior for Social Justice — provided, you are black of hair and eye

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Teutonic Ingrid with her dark-haired daughter from a Hispanic.

Washington DC is full of Obama-Biden types…..for  years putting Hispanic  kids in cages…. but it’s okay if you are a black politician, or a self-hatng white liberal:

An Italian comrade sent me this pic and wrote me:

When [your daughter Ingrid] finds out who the real racists are, dressed up as little lambs…

That fist of hers is closed to great human values and opposing the Truth. 🙁 🙁


I replied:

Wow. Sad.


But thanks.

Ingrid doubtless accuses me of having tried to indoctrinate her, but I see her own little daughter was taken to this rally or whatever.

The Washington DC area is now hopeless:

–blacks, who in overt racism hire ONLY other blacks to run the entire, gigantic Metro system (subway and buses)

No crackas need apply.

–gays, by the zillions…..

White House in gay lighting under Obama-Biden



–jews galore, and

–self-hating whites like Ingrid,


not to mention

–pedophiles and

–military-industrial fatcats who get rich off human blood……

Margi and I lived for 18 years, in Alexandria, Virginia, a Wash DC suburb, which was a beautiful old southern town…… and I helped raise Ingrid here:

But nowadays, in Alexandria and northern Virginia, it is racist to say Hispanic gang members are Hispanic. 😉

But whites get blamed rightly for everything.

It’s a drug, an intense emotion that makes an office worker feel alive. Ingrid is on a holy crusade…. for people who hate, fear, use and despise her.


My family now is those who love and fight for our people. This is true bravery, Ingrid, to love your own people, not conforming to leftist commands, and obeying your jew masters.






……See also




Who knows? Maybe Ingrid will write a book…….like Mary Trump about her uncle. Gotta keep up on the mortgage on her $600,000 house in jewy Bethesda, Maryland.

Margi’s place —  where a woman full of love and loyalty lives.

Webeatehr cancer,Now  ot beatthe human ancere

We beat her cancer. Now to beat the hook-nosed tumors.


Especially important blogs





    • I have no contact with her but fear she is, based on something Ingrid wrote.

      As conformist as most men are, women are even more so. In this town, 90% of the people who refuse to wear the Covid muzzle are men. The women are often fanatics about obeying our female hyper-lockdowning governor.-

      I love both my daughters but it is a triage situation. There are so many who ARE now ready to listen, especially since the outrageous Stealection. They know how to reach me. 🙂

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