Washington Post writes me; I respond; Peter, the disciple who wussed out

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Jeff Bezos, multi-billionaire owner of Amazon, also owns the Washington Post.

A WaPO reporter, Ms. Loveday Morris, apparently British, wrote me with various allegations about MZW News supposedly advocating violence and an assassination. I responded:


Dear Ms. Morris: 
(….and please know that I consider your salary-giver, the WaPo, to be a traitorous organ of the murderous, lying CIA and of the jewish-controlled Deep State. I lived in greater DC for 18 years, btw, and I know your paper well. I am a Georgetown high-honors/Phi Beta Kappa graduate, and I had three meritorious promotions in a row in the Marine Corps Reserve, so pls know with whom you are dealing):
But to save you time, here is my statement:
I had no idea whatsoever what MZW News was up to, or supposedly up to. 
I have had no contact with them for months, not per email, VK or any other electronic means, and because I have been living since September 2014 in the UP of Michigan, with the MZW people over in Germany also never visiting me here either, I have had no physical meetings with them as well.
Years ago, MZW asked me to be legally the owner so I said yes, to possibly help them with US First Amendment protections, just as Daniel Johnson, Atty., of Los Angeles does the same for the French website “Démocratie participative”

And let me be clear, Ms. Morris, that it was purely and solely an informational website at that time.
Again, I have had zero contact with these MZW people for months — and never at any time had any contact whatsoever or knowledge of with this Telegram chat room of people, half of who are probably agents provocateurs like the infamous Ray Epps.  
I will review the entire situation with MZW at this point, and possibly end my pro forma ownership. I am not in favor of violence or assassinations unless that is the very last resort to prevent genocide.
Your newspaper should understand this concept. Your paper glorifies brave Jews and Israelis who say “Never Again,” and you mostly support an extremely violent Israel, which also engages in constant assassinations via the Mossad, and which has WMDs in violation of US non-proliferation policy.
So spare me any whining about “violence.” Your paper and the Jew York Times, while loathing George W. Bush,  also supported the invasion of Iraq for absolutely fictitious WMDs, proof of which the UN denied, and this invasion which your paper advocated resulted in hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths and massive urban devastation.
Finally, you wrote: “I saw your statement also said that MZW News has never published calls for violence [….]”
This was THEIR statement, MZW’s, not mine. I did not issue it. I copied and pasted it as being THEIR stance. 
I am learning only now what is going on in Dresden and in Saxony, 4,275.51 miles from my home in Ontonagon.
Should any law enforcement attempt to arrest me for things which strangers discussed, unbeknownst to me, of whom probably half were government undercover agents, out ot commit entrapment, then there will be a gun battle.
I have no desire to kiss jewish/Deep State boots, whatever others may do. 

John de Nugent

[End of statement]


…….German police strangely release all Telegram chat roomers

I get from theJewTube comments by libtards that they feel outrage that all these Telegram guys were released without charges.

My conclusion: Most of the group probably consists of “V-Männer”, short for “Verbindungsmänner,” meaning literally “connected men,” meaning undercover government agents and assets. This is what the marxist “East [sic] German” regime called IM, Inoffizielle Mitarbeiter, that is, “inofficial co-workers.”

Were they not primarily undercovers, then their talk about taking out the governor of Saxony would have led to an indictment.

If some in this group, maybe even half, were not undercover agents, but sincere patriots, then the mere fact that all were released would suggest they are now undercover agents/informants/agents provocateur quite against their will, recruited by threats of a long prison term, plus thrown in with muslims and negroes who would be informed they were “Nazis.”

And if a black or muslim “lifer” knows he cannot get the death penalty, why not go and physically attack or attempt to murder a white nationalist?

All they would risk is time in the “hole,” and then some reward for their attack down the road.

This is exactly what they did with Henrik Holappa.

Several times I asked him to retract his libels against me but every single time his answer was identical:


There was a sword of Damocles over his head — being raped and murdered in prison.

This is the famous “Western democracy,” “human rights” and “the rule of law.”

Work for the enemy of your people, or be raped and killed.

What a sick joke!




……..Peter, the disciple of Jesus, wussed out and abandoned Him in his hour of need

In the New Testament, Peter appears repeatedly and prominently in all four gospels as well as the Acts of the Apostles. He is the brother of Saint Andrew, and both brothers were fishermen. The Gospel of Mark in particular was traditionally thought to show the influence of Peter’s preaching and eyewitness memories.
In the miracle where Jesus walked on water, Peter courageously joins Him on the water, but then begins to fear, and immediately starts to sink. Jesus has to rescue him.

Peter wusses out yet again in Jesus’ hour of need, after His arrest:

All four canonical gospels recount that, during the Last Supper, Jesus foretold that Peter would deny him three times before the following cock [rooster] crow (“before the cock crows twice” in Mark’s account). All three synoptic gospels and the Gospel of John describe the three denials as follows:

1) A first denial came when a female servant of the high priest spots Simon Peter, saying to a Temple soldier that she had seen him with Jesus.

“The Denial of Saint Peter” by Caravaggio, 1610

According to Mark (but not in all manuscripts), “the rooster crowed”.

2) A second denial when Simon Peter had gone out to the gateway, away from the firelight, but the same servant girl (per Mark) or another servant girl (per Matthew) or a man (per Luke and also John, for whom, though, this is the third denial) told the bystanders he was a follower of Jesus.

According to John, “the rooster crowed”.

3) A denial came when Peter’s Galilean accent was taken as proof that he was indeed a disciple of Jesus, also knows as a Galilean (and with Galilee meaning “Goyim District” — ) According to Matthew, Mark and Luke, “the rooster crowed”. Matthew adds that it was his accent that gave him away as coming from Galilee. Luke deviates slightly from this by stating that, rather than a crowd accusing Simon Peter, it was a third individual. John does not mention the Galilean accent.

Jesus, being slapped and beaten during his farcical trial, then looks at Peter, out there in the crowd, and, as the New Testament says, Peter realized the prophecy of the three denials had come true.

It adds: “Peter wept.”

Peter was mortified by his own cowardice in his Master’s hour of need.

Decades later, the Emperor Nero, at the instigation of his judeophilic wife Poppaea, ordered Christians massacred and for Peter to be crucified in Rome. Peter requested to be crucified upside down so as not to be compared to his leader — whom he had betrayed.

The Crucifixion of Saint Peter (1601) by Caravaggio



  1. Dear John,

    This absolutely malicious attempt to finish you off and neutralize you will prove to be the biggest barrel burst. One enters, e.g. at google.com, as search term:

    John de Nugent Telegram

    Hundreds of thousands of results prove that your name has already been published internationally(!) on thousands of mainstream “news” sites. However, every critically thinking person knows by now how the media of the background powers operate, every questioning person can make his own picture of the facts today. There have been too many false flags in the past for critical readers to let this go unquestioned.

    However, this worldwide concerted attack on your reputation proves that, due to your holistic articles and analyzes and due to your friend-of-the-peoples internationality, you are considered to be an influential enlightener who is becoming more and more dangerous for the NWO and therefore must now be finally annihilated by the media, silencing is no longer enough.

    The international press has now turned the spotlight on you on the world stage, accompanied by worldwide media annihilation cries. That will prove now as the total barrel burst (Rohrkepierer), because the old dressage mechanisms do not strike any longer with the critical viewer.

    Result: A world-wide, 100% free advertisement for johndenugent.com. Or formulated differently: “[I am] a part of that power, which always wants the evil and always creates the good. … ” [1] 🙂


    [1] https://www.aphorismen.de/gedicht/676


    In German:

    Vorhang auf für John de Nugent!

    Sehr geehrter John,

    dieser absolut bösartige Versuch, Sie fertigzumachen und zu neutralisieren, wird sich als der größte Rohrkrepierer erweisen. Man gebe ein, z.B. bei google.com, als Suchbegriff:

    John de Nugent Telegram

    Hunderttausende an Ergebnissen belegen, daß Ihr Name bereits jetzt international(!) auf Tausenden von Mainstream-“Nachrichten”-Seiten veröffentlicht wurde. Jeder kritisch denkende Mensch weiß jedoch inzwischen, wie die Medien der Hintergrundmächte operieren, jeder Hinterfragende kann sich heute selbst ein Bild vom Sachverhalt machen. Es gab zu viele False Flags in der Vergangenheit, als daß kritische Leser das unhinterfragt ließen.

    Dieser weltweit konzertierte Angriff auf Ihre Reputation beweist jedoch, daß man Sie, aufgrund Ihrer ganzheitlichen Artikel und Analysen und aufgrund Ihrer völkerfreundschaftlichen Internationalität, für einen einflußreichen Aufklärer hält, der für die NWO immer gefährlicher wird und daher jetzt medial endgültig vernichtet werden muß, totschweigen reicht jetzt nicht mehr aus.

    Die internationale Presse hat jetzt auf der Weltenbühne die Scheinwerfer auf Sie gerichtet, begleitet von weltweitem medialem Vernichtungsgeschrei. Das wird sich nun als der totale Rohrkepierer erweisen, denn die alten Dressurmechanismen schlagen nicht mehr an beim kritischen Zuschauer.

    Ergebnis: Eine weltweite, 100% kostenlose Werbung für johndenugent.com. Oder anders formuliert: “[Ich bin] ein Teil von jener Kraft, Die stets das Böse will und stets das Gute schafft. … ” [1] 🙂


    [1] https://www.aphorismen.de/gedicht/676

  2. I feel like the very fact that she bothered to write was an act of provocation. You are a more magnanimous man than I am. I would not have responded to mainstream journalistic scum launching an insidious jab from their dunghill high ground, but I liked your “Alamo” response. Hope it never comes to that.

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