Watch this PERFECTION! Without a comeback of national socialism, we Whites will never beat the growing superiority and absolute focus of NS China

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Quan Hongchan is already an Olympic gold medalist at just 14 years old. China’s youngest athlete at the Tokyo Games, she performed two dives that the judges scored unanimously as a 10 in the women’s 10-meter (32.8 feet) platform diving.


I wish to recall that whereas the USA won hands-down the 1932 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, it was our NS Germany, with our Reich having just about half the population (65 million) of America (130 million!), which won hands-down the 1936 Berlin Olympics.



I wish the Americans — who (I am speaking of the true Americans, white Americans) themselves are one-third German and most were also antisemitic, anti-black, and anticommunist in the 1930s — had ALL wanted to just kiss me! 😉 The tourist who kissed Hitler at the Berlin Olympics | Daily Mail Online

Soon America will get a second chance to kiss its only hope, national socialism, albeit in a very new form.

I wrote something important today to a French-speaking comrade:

(First in French, then in English)


Cher camarade [],
Un merci superlatif pour le don via PayPal de 500 euros!
Je viens de republier mon article sur Dominique Venner:
Un camarade me demanda ce qu feront les Francais face au pass mortel que la Cour constitutionnel aux ordres a béni.
Je lui répondis qu’une minorite infîme, bien sûr, comme c’est éternellement le cas, voudra agir — par “action directe” — mais comme dit Abel Bonnard dans son “Océan et Brésil,” “les modérés, ils sont modérément courageux.”  😉
Et l’on méconnait encore l’influence massive des chemtrails sur la race blanche.
Ils sont carrément anxiogéniques.
La semaine même de l’apparition de ma vidéo la plus bien-aimée, “Mort aux pédophiles”, surgie le 20 avril 2015,
….le régime Obama commenca a chemtrailiser notre village de 1400 âmes avec deux avions par jour. Qu’on sache qu’Ontonagon se trouve à 100 km d’une très petite ville de dix mille habitants, Houghton!
Voilà la preuve que les chemtrails sont là pour zombiser et tétaniser les gens.
Donc mon message doit impérativement être d’une force phénoménale et surmonter tous les obstacles à l’action aussi bien neurochimiques que mentaux (lavage de cervaux).
Il faut que j’avance vers mon et vers notre destin á nous tous ensembles. Nous n’avons plus rien à perdre.
En plus, je n’ai plus l’argent nécessaire pour protéger le site, continuer à bloguer, et surtout payer les $800 par mois pour [].
Comme disent les Allemands, “es geht um die Wurst.” Il s’agit de la grande saucisse. 😉
Encore une fois je vous remercie de plein coeur de votre générosité noble, cher camarade [].
Mon article sur les Celtes sera publié aujourd’hui, puis il n’y aura plus rien avant la proclamation de la religion “Virtus”.
J’en ai marre des plaintes. Les juifs sont maximalement 2% de nos populations. Quelle absurdité que de tolérer encore cette secte létale et leurs traîtres serviteurs goy, “baiseurs” et tueurs de nos pauvres enfants!!
John de Nugent



Dear comrade [],


A superlative thank you for the donation via PayPal of 500 euros!

I just republished my article on Dominique Venner, who committed suicide in 2013 at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris to protest white surrender:


FRENCH En souvenir de Dominique Venner (de “Boulevard Voltaire”)


A comrade asked me what the French will do in the face of the deadly pass that the Constitutional Court has blessed with orders.

I replied that a tiny minority, of course, as is eternally the case, will want to take action – even “direct action” – but as Abel Bonnard says in his “Ocean and Brazil,”

“the moderates, they are also only moderately courageous. “ 😉

And the massive influence of chemtrails on the white race was still unknown.

They are downright anxiety-inducing.

The very week of the appearance of my most beloved video, “Death to VIP Pedophiles”, appeared on April 20, 2015,


…. the Obama regime began to chemtrail our village of 1400 souls with two planes a day. Let it be known that Ontonagon is 60 MILES (100 km) from a very small city of ten thousand inhabitants, Houghton!

This is proof that chemtrails are there to zombyize and paralyze people.

So my message must imperatively be of phenomenal force and overcome all obstacles to action, both neurochemical and mental (brainwashing).

I must move towards my own and towards our destiny together. We have nothing more to lose.

In addition, I no longer have the money to protect the site, continue blogging, and especially pay the $ 800 per month for [].

As the Germans say, “es geht um die Wurst.” It’s about the whole hot dog. 😉

Once again I thank you wholeheartedly for your noble generosity, dear comrade [].

My article on the Celts will be published today, then there will be nothing more before the proclamation of the religion “Virtus”.

I’m sick of complaints. Jews are a maximum of 2% of our populations. What an absurdity to still tolerate this lethal sect and their treacherous goy servants, both of them being child molesters and killers of our poor white children !!

John de Nugent


Especially important blogs





  1. There are aspects of National Socialism which contradict the main principle of American government, which is to prevent tyranny.

      • American freedom is defined as what is innate. Degeneracy is a social concept. What is innate does not become lost.

        • Is freedom innate? I see only a covert police state — since the Wilson administration already! — that is now an open police state.

          Degeneracy is very much a reality, not a concept. When people are dying of heroin, suicide and alcohol, and I see millions of white kids with single mothers, and a government riddled with pedophiles, and maniacal warmongers who want a US war with Russia and China, the decadence is a physical reality.

    The following article is now nowhere to be found “depopulation through vaccination”:

    There are good reasons not to take the vaccine:

    alphabet agencies try to push the next covid scam and that our hospitals are on the edge:

    You can take off a seatbelt, you cant undo the vaccine:

    jewish totally not lies at all:

    Auschwitz, while german soldiers were dying at the eastern front, because kikes wanted the war:

    police in germany hating their own people:

    I was thinking it would be a good meme to do large posters of picrel posted all over cities with just the words GET THE VACCINE, just the disgusting face is enough to associate the negative emotion and yet is saying the exact base level message the media wants so they can’t take it down without becoming antivaxxers themselves and be dehumanized.

    Kikes behind the vaccine:

    The average brainwashed NPC:

    QUI women in france is now wanted for “antisemitism”:

    It is the lack of will-power, and not the lack of arms, which renders us incapable of offering any serious resistance to-day. This defect is found everywhere among our people and prevents decisive action wherever risks have to be taken, as if any great action can be taken without also taking the risk. Quite unsuspectingly, a German General found a formula for this lamentable lack of the will-to-act when he said: “I act only when I can count on a 51 per cent probability of success.” In that ’51 per cent probability’ we find the very root of the German collapse. The man who demands from Fate a guarantee of his success deliberately denies the significance of an heroic act. For this significance consists in the very fact that, in the definite knowledge that the situation in question is fraught with mortal danger, an action is undertaken which may lead to success. A patient suffering from cancer and who knows that his death is certain if he does not undergo an operation, needs no 51 per cent probability of a cure before facing the operation. And if the operation promises only half of one per cent probability of success a man of courage will risk it and would not whine if it turned out unsuccessful.

    Remove NWO propganda:

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