Cartoon by Robert Minor in St. Louis Post-Dispatch (1911).
Karl Marx surrounded by an appreciative audience of Wall Street financiers: John D. Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan, John D. Ryan of National City Bank, and Morgan partner George W. Perkins. Immediately behind Karl Marx is Teddy Roosevelt, leader of the Progressive Party.
Wall Street has funded Marxism ever since, which — the same as finance capitalism — centralizes power under a few gigantic corporations and keeps working people under tight control while the central bankers loot and enslave them. Marxist socialism keeps the monopolies in place and centralizes power even more.
The growing tyranny and monopoly power of of Facebook, Amazon, Walmart, Google, YouTube and Twitter prove that mega-corporations are the main way today the Jews are tightening their grip.
Jews created the Fed in 1913 to create trillions of dollars out of thin air and stuff it in their own pockets.
Then they bought up the media, which then was just newspapers and magazines. Then in the 1920s they bought up the new radio stations, in the 1940s and 1950s the new television stations, and in the 1990 they bought up the new Internet platforms.
Marxism and mega-corporations — two different ways to the same thing, centralize all power in the hands of the Jews.
And according to the Talmud, once the Jews own everything,THEN, as a reward by Yahweh unto His People, Jewry, their Jewish Messiah will finally appear — and certainly not be any kind of “Gentle Jesus”!
Jesus, “the lamb of God”
Jesus, though a part of God, consciously lets the Jews (force the Roman Pilate to) arrest, torture, humiliate and crucify Him. He is the supreme role model of being a willing martyr and letting evildoers stomp your guts out.
“See the holes in my hands? I let myself be killed so you can leave the earth to the evildoers and go instead to heaven.”
Nota bene: Jesus did not intend to create a passive religion of resignation that served Jewish interests, but it sure ended up that way.
Hitler and Eckart had the highest respect for Jesus and what He tried to do — wake the world up about the Jews. And they respected the church as well, for all its flaws, for its lofting moral teachings, its beautiful churches and its sublime music.
In fact, Hitler believed strongly that the Folk needs religion – rituals, ceremonies and dogmas that engender inner certainty.
The Jewish messiah in the Old Testament and Talmud is, in contrast, a bad-ass and merciless king.
He will “rule the nations with a rod of iron,” slaughter the rebellious goyim, and install a Jewish kingdom where every Jew will have 2,500 slaves.
In my French friend Hervé Ryssen’s brilliant book “The Eschatological War/The End Times in the Great [semitic] Religions”….
…Ryssen lays out how both the Jewish and muslim idea of both the “end times” and “the messiah” (for muslims, the “Mahdi”) are radically different from the passive Christian idea.
In the Christian idea, all the good people die as martyrs,and Satan openly takes over the world.
THEN Jesus comes and takes them up to heaven.
And then HE beats Satan and creates a new earth.
Just sit there and die. Jesus will rescue your soul.
In the muslim and Jewish view, however, the deity Allah or Yahweh rewards his people with the messiah and world domination only AFTER they have themselves taken over the world themselves, “preparing the way.”
Then the infidels are enslaved or slaughtered.
Moses by Michelangelo, depicted mischievously with devil horns
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