We could be living like them, and not in a jew-run hell

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A USAF Minuteman-3 launch team 



A field of purple lupine in Ontonagon behind the grocery store reminded me one again how beautiful our “Goldilocks planet,” the earth, can be, and specifically life in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan: “not too hot, not too cold, but just right.” 😉


Lupine and yellow birdsfoot trefoil

We are having a delightful spring with moderate rainfall and temperatures in the low sixties (from 15 to 21 Celsius).



….We do NOT have to live this way

Fourteen years ago, in 2010, on my always extremely factual website, I began offering hard proof that we are not alone in the universe.

This includied my own UFO experience in July  of1989 in McMinnville, Oregon,  I and a client of mine both saw a cigar-shaped, grayish tube-like craft, which literally dematerialized in front of us.




I was interviewed by Canadian vlogger Brian Ruhe in April 2020 about this sighting: .https://www.bitchute.com/video/z1A9CSOPzDG0/


But 2010 was seven long years before 2017, when the Jew York Times finally ran its first editorial saying aliens may be real after all, and the government permitted two US Navy pilots to show their jet nose-camera films of that famous tic-tac-shaped object.

US Navy pilot Chad Underwood of the famous carrier USS Nimitz saw and then famously filmed in 2004 a tic-tac-type UFO off the coast of San Diego,California, home of  an enormous Navy base, including aircraft carriers with nuclear weapons.https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7811215/Navy-pilot-shot-famous-Tic-Tac-UFO-video-breaks-silence.html

….It was disgraceful, however, that I lost half my readers and two good webmasters by saying and proving the then still scorned TRUTH that we are not at all alone!

Ahhh,  but NOW they believe, because our lying government has finally said so. 😉

It has basically admitted that we might have some  company in this vast universe –this after decades of them lying to and insulting us with their laughably bogus Air Force or NASA explanations about “what you saw was actually weather balloons, swamp gas, meteors, or the planet Venus”. (Oh, and “our” government MURDERED whistleblowers.) Yes, they called me a kook for trusting my lying eyes. 😉 )
And one of these ET truths is that many of the aliens (a third) are literally humans like us, but humans who are not from this planet and are more advanced, civilized and peaceful, mostly from the Pleiades star system.
Other than the males being “buff” (with non-steroidal bodybuilder physiques) and as tall as basketball players (the men are often 6’5″ or more and the women 5’10” or more) and having blond hair and blue eyes — in other words, like a Finlander or a Swede, simple as that — they are just humans, who eat food, have sex, use the toilet, get married and have kids. Most Caucasians have some genes from them, and northern Europeans a lot.
However, by having inner peace and good health from safe water, air, and food, the Nordics live to be 120-130, or more.


One interesting feature is that unlike earth women, Nordic women — after centuries of positive eugenics — have a perfect hourglass figure, and that includes breasts that are neither too small nor too big. It is part of how defective this planet is that there are women with almost no bust, which is not good for attracting a red-blooded male, and others with overly huge breasts, which are just distracting and not attractive. Big-chested  woman sometimes say in exasperation when a guy stares too much at their chest “Hey! My eyes are up here!” 😉 And excessive mammaries can even cause serious, chronic back pain. Just as with dogs, cats, and cattle, the human breed can be improved by mating good female stock with good male stock. We are not animals, of course, but we ARE living in animal bodies.


The Spartans practiced this eugenics, and their men and women were the handsomest in Greece. (“Helen of Troy,” who  had “the face that launched a thousand ships,” was a Spartan princess.)

Helen, the Spartan, and her Trojan lover Paris look on in horror as Hector battles Achilles in vain. 

The former Defense Minister of Canada, Paul Hellyer, a member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada (a very high honor) decided to come clean in September 2005 with what he knew about aliens as the Canadian Defense Minister with his access to classified reports.

“Hellyer” is a rare English name.


Hellyer confers in 1963 with his NATO colleague, US Defense Secretary Robert McNamara

President Kennedy, scarred by the awful, 13-day-long Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1961, was extremely concerned about a nuclear war breaking out by mistake or accidentally. He shared with the Soviet leaders such as Nikita Krushchev his worry that a fast-moving alien spacecraft on US or Soviet radar might be mis-interpreted as an incoming ICBM.

Kennedy confers with longtime (1957–1985) Soviet foreign minister Andrei Gromyko

Both our and Russian missiles are capable of incredible speed when, like the early German V-2 missiles, they enter space to eliminate all air resistance (drag) and accelerate, then leave space and re-enter earth’s atmosphere above the target city from low earth orbit.

Their speed is an astounding 7 km per second (4.3 miles per second) or 15,000 miles per hour. This amounts to 20 Mach, and is also the speed of certain UFOs.

Such a fast-moving “blip” that was actually a UFO COULD be seen — especially in a time of US-Russia tension –as a missile carrying out a surprise nuclear “first strike” on the other superpower.

JFK ordered the CIA — ten days before he flew to Dallas and was murdered by the CIA — to report to him on the “Unknowns,” as he called them, an order they ignored — as usual.




“It is important that we make a distinction between the Knowns [US or Soviet missiles/bombers, etc.] and Unknowns [alien craft].”


Hellyer said that all the species visiting earth were humanoid (meaning having one head, two arms, two legs, fingers, two nostrils, two eyes, etc.). BUT one of the species visiting us regularly was the “Nordic aliens.” They are humans, and look, speak and act human, though their foreheads are a bit higher.



Though not an alien, of course 😉 — I do very closely resemble both of my earthling parents and also both my maternal grandparents — I have that high forehead. We who have much northern European DNA do have some literal Nordic-alien DNA in us.


Me in my salad days in 2010


I thank herewith once again a comrade and former Green Beret who sent me the info on the crashed Baltic UFO. On both sides of the crash site is the highest incidence of Aryan features on earth.

Whites today are a mixture of two major waves of white colonists from other parts of this galaxy.

Lost wars and natural disasters (including comet strikes) can force emigration to another planet, but then the spaceship lands and over time its batteries die, and there is no resupply.

In fact, if being pursued by the victors, they would very much “lay low” and not dare to send out a distress signal to anyone. So you face your new reality, make a spear, and start hunting!

Welcome to the Stone Age, Mr High Tech nordic alien. ;-).


The Baltic UFO from 10,000 BC is an established fact.  A Swedish company searching professionally for sunken ships for the treasures in their cargo bays found, photographed and examined it. Then it was declared off-limits. No one is to know that Nordic aliens crash-landed in Northern Europe, and the survivors then spread out, interbreeding with and adding a huge IQ boost to the already intelligent Cro-Magnons.   

See: https://johndenugent.com/?s=baltic+ufo

Swedish divers examined the craft carefully down in 285 feet of water, a dangerous depth. (A friend of mine, Eric Gramm, died in 1971 during a 200-foot dive to retrieve an anchor.)

An interesting opening on top. The Swedish government, under US/NATO pressure, predictably now lies that this is a natural rock formation.

As it crashed, it skittered along the bottom of the northern Baltic Sea, called the Bay of Bothnia, smashing through a muddy hill on the bottom of the bay.


The highest incidence of blond hair and blue eyes in Europe is on both sides of the crash site. One can assume that other craft did land safely — on land nearby — and their occupants survived, emerging and spreading out to find food, water and shelter.

Eventually, of course, their ship batteries all died, and they had to “go native,” adopting the Stone Age lifestyle of the Cro-Magnons to whom they were related in order to live.


. Nordic Aliens are, to repeat, just humans like us, but they have left our barbaric ways behind.

They feel great compassion for us, living on this mostly beautiful planet that is often like hell-on-earth, with endless, insane wars, pedophiles, greedy billionaires, divorce, drugs, suicide, depression, alcoholism, crime, lethal “vaccines,” and with most of us now struggling to barely pay the bills.
And these Nordics have urged us since the 1950s to change our ways before it is too late. (Eisenhower had a meeting with them in 1954 and blew them off. Nixon later derided them as “space hippies.”)

Otherwise, either WWIII will happen and 95% of us will die, or an ecological collapse will happen.

(The oceans, the source of 80 percent of the world’s oxygen via planktonhttps://eos.org/research-spotlights/worlds-biggest-oxygen-producers-living-in-swirling-ocean-waters — are dying from millions of tons of dumped garbage, especially plastics, and other chemicals, plus radioactive water is being run through the overheated Fukushima nuclear power plant over in Japan.)
If earth becomes a toxic wasteland, the few survivors will live a highly regimented life of poverty in sterile underground cities, or exist under giant, protective domes on the surface in an otherwise desertified and sterile landscape.
Or, if they belong to the elite, they will live up in luxury on rotating space stations, in earth orbit, as in the movie “Elysium.” It will be a high-tech dictatorship of total control where the government knows your every move.
The US Deep State almost never, EVER talks about these advanced humans, the Nordic Aliens


If they DID, “We, the People” would demand to have what these fellow humans enjoy: peace, freedom, security and prosperity.


In fact, the famous German/NASA rocket scientist Wernher von Braun revealed to his assistant at Fairchild Industries after he was forced out of NASA by German-haters, a Carol Rosin, PhD, that the US government was preparing a fake “alien invasion” with lots of fear porn about aliens were landing to genocide all earthlings à la “The War of the Worlds” (2005) with Tom Cruise, directed by (((Steven Spielberg))).


This faked alien invasion would be used to create mind-bending FEAR, “justifying” martial law in the face of objections by constitutional patriots, and a one-world government would be ushered in, because, see, “no one country can stop these aliens. We have to be united under one central,l global command.”

Fear is a useful instinct which makes you hyper-focus on the threat and on taking the right action. But the brain becomes useless for pausing (forbidden) to question what is really going on.   

(Remember the fakery, lies and tv hysteria in 2002-03 about Saddam over in Iraq supposedly building “WMDs” — “weapons of mass destruction,” that is, nukes — and how we just had to invade his country or he would threaten to launch nuclear missiles at the US? Turns out he had NO nuke program at all!!!!! 400,000 Iraqis then died in our utterly unnecessary and illegal invasion and occupation.)

Fear stampedes people!
The History Channel series “Ancient Aliens” is good — but it NEVER talks about Nordic Aliens, only about the very “alien-looking” species, some of which despise and mistreat us, such as the Greys.

The one good thing about these horrible times is that, especially after the Jeffrey Epstein mega-scandal, more and more people are finally waking up to the truth that our societies are now controlled by some seriously evil “elites”.— pedophile billionaires. And W-E MUST remove them, whatever the price.
If not, 90% of us will either die in or after a nuclear war (US vs Russia and China) — or we become miserable work slaves in a cold, high-tech world of robocops, cameras, long work hours, with a controlled, censored Internet, eating artificial food made from insect protein, and taking drugs to numb us down, and then we just hit the bed, only to rise the next morning and do it all over again….a meaningless, treadmill existence. And you know this IS where we are heading unless, as the other disaster, WWIII ends the world.
We COULD, however, live instead like the Nordic aliens, having a satisfying life with manageable challenges, and enjoying human dignity.
This is a very famous ET video from the BBC in 1972 about a 1954 incident in Staffordshire, England (near Stonehenge, actually).


The woman comes across as totally honest and authentic. She encounters two Nordics, “beautiful people” who say nothing but look at her and her two boys with great compassion.
The sobering truth? Aliens view earthlings as mostly hopeless, except for individual cases.

We need to change their minds about being us being hopeless!
All the stories about the Greco-Roman gods (Apollo, Zeus, Mars, Diana) depict them as tall, blond, handsome (“as a Greek god”) and blue-eyed, except for Zeus, who had dark hair. But they were often cruel toward earthlings, including many cases of rape of earth women. The Indo-European word for a “god” was like the Latin word “deus”, related to our word for “day” and meaning a “shining one” — just as the sun SHINES — this coming from their often glittering, silver-colored spacecraft.

Pluto abducts Persephone 

And the “god” Apollo skinned a satyr alive (one of the many genetic freaks created by these wicked “gods” by combining human and animal DNA, in this case that of a goat) who had challenged him to a music contest: Apollo played his lyre, a kind of small harp, against Marsyas with his double flute.

Apollo on the lyre, the slave with the flaying knife, and Marsyas on  the pan flute

Although Apollo won, as judged by the three Muses, he was seething — and he grabbed the satyr.

The Muses, goddesses of the fine arts, looked very nordic, unlike modern Greeks. The words amusemuseummusic, and musing upon come from them.


A terrified Scythian slave (the Scythians may have been ancestors of  the modern Slavs) sharpens a flaying knife (used for skinning dead animals) for the god.

 Apollo then flays Marsyas. (Note his goat hooves.)  


This was a disgraceful bunch of Nordic alien outlaws who came here to misuse their very advanced technology to lord it over us.
Btw, the “gods” only stayed immortal as long as they regularly ate something called “ambrosia” or drank something called “nectar.” (Among the Norse gods, similarly, they had to regularly eat from the “golden apples of Idun.”)
So this is not about “gods” at all but about technologically advanced humans who misused their tech, which was centuries ahead of ours, to rule us for their own selfish gratification.
The stories of these “gods” are indeed based on real events, and the ancient Nordic Aliens, whether good or bad, had a huge effect on us.
In fact, the worse they acted, the more earthlings wanted a real God, a God of love, or, as Jesus memorably put it, a loving heavenly father. I believe in this God, and that we can fight and win over the forces now gathering of nightmarish evil.

If animals can be kind, supportive, affectionate and loving, why not humans?


One expert on Nordics says they today feel shame for what other Nordics did to earth humanity, that sickening feeling you would get seeing someone mistreat a child or an animal, or some guy battering his girlfriend or wife.

The Nordics normally are big, strong, ethical, brilliant, and compassionate, not unlike these scenes with “Jack Reacher”:

And some say the Nordics might intervene if a nuclear war were about to erupt, such as shutting down electronically all nuclear missiles.

…if they see us as not hopeless but as trying hard to change and thus worthy of their intervention.

We know of many incidents where Nordics took over both US and Soviet nuclear missile silos.

In March 1967 there was the well-documented incident at Malmstrom AFB in Montana, and as we read or watch their accounts, we understand thst obviously ICBM launch officers are screened to be among the best ,– and most mentally stable — men in the military :


….When aliens showed Americans they were “pissed”

The Sun (UK) had an excellent article in 2021 listing many of these incidents:  https://www.the-sun.com/news/3897045/secret-us-nuclear-missiles-bases-ufo-map/


UFOs have reportedly tampered with nuclear bases and missile test facilities across the United States – and this is where the mysterious craft targeted, according to whistleblower military veterans.

The Sun Online has mapped the alleged extraterrestrial meddling with Earth’s doomsday weapons that apparently occurred during the height of the Cold War in the 1960s and 1970s.


Former US Air Force chiefs went on the record yesterday, claiming aliens have tampered with US weapons systems undergoing tests and disabled secret ballistic missile silos.

The veterans are calling on the US Congress to investigate and hold public hearings into reports UFOs meddled with, or knocked out, nuclear weapons at their hidden underground launch sites.

All the alleged witnesses claim they were gagged after their astonishing UFO experiences.

One of them was former US Air Force captain Robert Salas.

He was the on-duty commander of an underground launch control facility assigned to Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana, US on March 24, 1967.

Speaking yesterday at a press conference at Washington DC’s National Press Club in Washington DC, Captain Salas said: “In the coming days and months, I think we will all have to deal with this reality — because there is abundant and sober evidence, past and present for the reality of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP).”

Captain Salas added: “It is undeniable. It is not swamp gas, or any other quirk of nature.

“Indeed, the evidence that there is some intelligence and intent behind the UAP has been established by the testimonies we have presented, and many more which have yet to be presented.


Perhaps the most startling alleged UFO incident unfolded in 1964 at the edge of space above the Big Sur in California.

Former US Air Force first lieutenant Robert Jacobs alleged a craft resembling a flying saucer circled the dummy warhead during a test flight in California.

Giving his testimony, he said: “I was part of a US Air Force cover-up. It was shaped like a flying saucer and was firing a beam of light at our warhead. Then it flew out of the frame the same way it had come in. At that point, the warhead tumbled out of space.”

A reconstruction of a UFO sending a beam of light at the warhead in the edge of space


Former US Air Force officer Robert Salas, was the on-duty commander of an underground launch control facility assigned to Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana, US on March 24, 1967.

He claims all ten of his intercontinental ballistic missiles became inoperable.

But Captain Salas said the simultaneous shutdown was an “impossible” occurrence because the ten nuclear Minuteman missiles were all running on independent systems.

The “attack” implied a level of sophistication that no human at the time possessed, he claims.

Captain Salas said: “I can only speculate as to why it happened. I think it was simply a message [from them] to all of us on Planet Earth that we need to rid ourselves of nuclear weapons.”



According to Deputy Missile Combat Crew Commander Jerome C Nelson, during the winter of 1963/1964 some UFOs emitted beams towards his missile silos at Walker Air Force Base in Roswell, New Mexico.

He said: “While I was on alert duty in the launch capsule at Atlas Site 9, west of Roswell, my topside security guard called me on the telephone and reported an extremely bright light — that is, a fully illuminated, round-shaped object — was hovering silently over the missile site and shining a spotlight down onto it.

“I could tell he was serious, and his voice revealed he was frightened. After five minutes the object left the vicinity.”

He reported what he thought was possible sabotage but was fobbed off.

But during the next month or so it happened several times.


Two incidents were alleged to have happened here.

The first was in 1966. It was reported by USAF Airman Patrick McDonough, who was surveying Minuteman I missile silos.

Here at about 1:30 am, he reported a 30 to 50ft wide UFO coming in from due North, stopping above the base at about 300 ft.

He said: “It appeared to have dim lights outlining the disc and white light emanating from the center.

“It stayed there for approximately 20 to 30 seconds and, from a dead stop, sped off to the East at a tremendous speed. There was no noise or wind.”

The second was reported by Minuteman III ICBM launch officer Bruce Fenstermacher in 1976. [JdN:  How typical to see German names in the US Air Force 🙂 ]

*** modern ICBM (Minuteman 3) launch center of the USAF


One of the security guards, he said, had reported in an excited voice that they now saw a pulsating white “thing” in the sky.

They claimed to have seen flashing red and blue lights between the pulsations. The craft was close to the launch control facility, hovering 100 feet or so above it.

The UFO was said to have been shaped like a “fat cigar” and appeared to be about 50 to 60ft long.

Mr Fenstermacher said it appeared above launch facilities or missile silos.

He said: “Over the next couple of hours the pulsating light made stops very close to several more missile sites.

“Each time it moved to a new missile. I tried to send a Security Alert Team (SAT) to the site in question.

“Each time they responded that they were having car problems and other equipment problems.”

Sometime around 4:30 am the UFO “whooshed away” and turned into a white dot within a few seconds. Then it totally disappeared, it was claimed.


A former nuclear missile base boss, who later went on to develop backpacks for NASA Apollo astronauts, claimed a UFO crippled ten of his nukes in their silos.

Retired Air Force Captain David D. Schindele [JdN:  Again, how very typical to see German names in the US Air Force 🙂 ] alleged the bizarre incident unfolded in 1966, while he was a missile launch crew commander in the Minot Air Force Base missile field in North Dakota.

He said: “I estimated the object to be 80 to 100ft wide. After many minutes passed, the object then glided to the north end of the building and out of sight.

“But it then became visible to security guards in the control section of the building.”

A recreation of the UFO that retired Air Force Captain David D Schindele says crippled his nukes Credit: Robert Hastings: UFOs and Nukes 
The map Captain David D Schindele presented to the press conferences, with the circle indicating the position of the flying saucer to the base

Meanwhile, the scared-witless base guards viewed the object through the security centre window.

Captain Schindele said: “It was a short period of time before the object took flight and disappeared within a second.

“They all confirmed to us a terrifying experience to behold, which  I could tell by the tone of their voice and expressions on their faces.

“They knew the object was not a helicopter. Base choppers did not fly at night, especially not without notice to the base command. “

Following the press conference, the retired nuke base bosses are now hopeful the military is edging towards disclosure.

A crucial development towards this came in June when the Pentagon released its UAP Task Force report which revealed 144 unexplained incidents.




………Will THEY pity us or let us die as a hopelessly wayward breed? 

Only a new faith that re-molds our people and gets us out of our doldrums can save us, or make others WANT to help.





  1. If I had to pinpoint the exact center of the Gulf of Bothnia, I could not have done it any better than the crash-site. Coincidence? If not, why?

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