On Tuesday, I published a post on X (Twitter), which summarized an economic worst-case scenario for the Israeli-Palestine war. It included 10 points:
1. The conflict escalates into a regional war with the U.S. becoming directly involved.
2. OPEC responds with an oil embargo.
3. Iran closes the Strait of Hormuz.
4. The price of oil reaches $300/barrel.
5. Europe succumbs to a full-blown energy crisis due to a LNG (liquid natural gas) shortage, having boycotted cheap Russian LNG.
6. Massive spike in energy prices reinvigorates inflation with central banks responding accordingly.
7. Financial markets and the global banking sector collapse.
8. Debt crisis engulfs the U.S.. forcing the Federal Reserve to enact yet another financial market bailout.
9. Petrodollar trade collapses.
10. Hyperinflation emerges.
Or does the dreaded “digital currency” emerge?
…..Excerpt (edited) from my email to my webmaster
Hi, [].
johndenugent.com unexpectedly closed the connection.
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator at webmaster@johndenugent.com to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
“Oh, this is strange. I never saw this before. In a long line of code, one single letter has been changed.”
I live alone (a very BAD idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) since my wife’s suspicious death. I have two computers for a reason. What do you think is on the other computer?
I owe $379 for webhosting
and am 40 days
I need also to pay my website monitor! I sent him $30 so far this month — thirty dollars — and his daughter is my goddaughter, for God’s sake! He wrote the article on the hand grip strength.
This was the scene, and my monitor, Irish and Italian, looks a bit like Mel, too. This is the scene where Mel recalls precious moments with his little daughter — before the jews murdered her, as an adult, who had become a whistleblower about a nuclear false-flag plot.
……You saw today that my website was down.
The jews know they are about to do something really big.
A donation to me is a donation for YOUR survival.
You can donate by Western Union, MoneyGram, PayPal, GabPay, or send cash via USPS next-day air or by FedEx.
Write me at john_denugent@yahoo.com
Do you think your precious dollars will work when the digital currency comes in? Biden announced it in October of 2022!
I am convinced that something really big is coming.
I can stop it.
And this area HERE where I have lived since 2014, nine years, is very good for white survival.
Do not think I will roll out the red carpet for anyone who never sent me one penny.
I am through helping MONSTROUS INGRATES.
A friend said to me:
“When the shit hits the fan, John, you know, they will all call you up out of the blue for gas money —“Hey, good buddy, John, I love your website. Say, umm, can you, uh, maybe wire me $200 for gas to get up there from Illinois?”
Why would I want to PAY for a freeloader like you? I already helped four freeloaders 2008-2023; just being white means precious little to me these days.
But you who HAVE DONATED know who you are…. especially the few who donated a lot.
$12,924 (plus 8 excellent books and two great pistol holsters) since December first
……Bavarian custom
In Upper Bavaria/Germany and in kindred Austria, which are deeply Catholic areas (I lived there and was married for 13 years to a girl from Brandenberg, fathering two good daughters with her), there was a very practical custom called “Fensterln.”
Brandenberg, Tyrol, Austria, whence my first wife….and not surprisingly, given reincarnation, I speak in a flawless Austrian dialect, which weirded out the Tyroleans. 😉 (“Wia kimmt des, doß der Ami do so wahnsinnig guat deitsch ku?”) LOL!
The word Fensterln comes from the German word for “window” (das Fenster). It meant, to be clear, a ladder put up at night to the girl’s bedroom window.
It went far beyond sexual compatibility to actual impregnability.
This was an age when a young farmer expected to inherit the farm from his father…. and then pass it on down to HIS offspring someday, a millennial tradition.
If the girl did not become pregnant, there simply was no wedding. Sorry, but the having of children was a central mission back then….. and it must again be central for our race to survive.
A little white person is about to re-incarnate — and he chose me as his mother!
Oh, and by the way, while this was definitely a recognized custom, it does not mean the father HAD to approve of the boy as a husband for his precious daughter!
Some lad is going to get a big surprise at the top of the ladder:
“Get away from my daughter, punk!”
Our girls deserve the best!
….My assessment
An Italian comrade asked me, and I replied:
Questa crisi a Gaza e il momento della svolta. Ho aspettato che la miseria fosse sufficiente per questo, come ho aspettato nella mia ultima vita da soldato dal 1914 al 1918. Lasciate che le masse pensino „il Kaiser ci salverà con una nuova arma“ o „Se ci arrendiamo, gli Alleati vedranno che siamo gentili e saranno gentili con noi in cambio“.
Ora, però, come nel 1919, incombono molteplici disastri e anche le pecore umane più docili e fiduciose e credulone sono nervose.
Fino ad ora, francamente, dal 1978 al 2023, mi è sembrato un simpatico, intelligente, disponibile, ma strano essere umano alieno alle masse.
Ho confidato in Dio e nella Sua sapienza; Egli ha permesso alle masse di mietere l’amaro raccolto delle loro menti egoiche e ha permesso all’ebreo di torturarle fino alla disperazione.
È un dio dell’amore duro, ma l’amore duro è il vero amore, l’amore che innesca la prontezza per crescere davvero, evolvere e cambiare. E ora sono pronti!
This Gaza crisis is the turning point. I waited for the misery to be enough for this, just as I waited in my last life as a soldier from 1914 to 1918. I patiently let the masses think „the Kaiser will save us with some new weapon“ or „If we surrender, the Allies will see that we are kind and will be kind to us in return.” LOL!
Now, however, as in 1919, multiple disasters loom, and even the most docile, trusting and gullible human sheep are nervous.
Until now, frankly, from 1978 to 2023, I have seemed to others like a nice, intelligent, helpful, but strange human being, an alien to the masses.
I continued to trust in God and in His wisdom; He has allowed the masses to reap the bitter harvest of their egoic minds and the Jew to torture them into sheer desperation.
He is a god of tough love, but tough love is true love, the love that triggers the readiness to truly grow, to evolve, and to embrace radical change.
And now ENOUGH of the white masses are ready!
They were ready even under Trump — but he was no Hitler. He kept kissing the jews’ boots, fawning all over Israhell, even murdering an Iranian general and war hero for Iran in cold blood — and look where it got him.
I talk to Whites like this every day — this 99% white town voted twice in landslides for the Evil Orange Man —
— and what they NOW say is this:
“You know, I like Trump; I voted for Trump, but …. they’ll never let him win. They might even put him in jail. And if he does win, they’ll just steal it again. And look at all those people he appointed that screwed him over.
I dunno — I think this country is now well and truly f—ed.”
It is time for the Ultimate Jew-Fighter. 😉
And enough of the masses are ready.
But this Trump, even at this late date, still won’t even use the word “White” — or discuss “white replacement” — not Mr. Big Mouth with his tiny testicles………. although 99% of his supporters, and the people who are rotting in jail over January 6 who gave everything for this man, ARE white!
Just ONCE, ten years ago, Donald actually brought up “people from Europe”!
It is time, my friends, to talk about race — and about the jews!
And about the pedophiles, and child sex trafficking, and 100,000 WHITE fentanyl deaths a year, and about
jewish ritual murder!
I was ready in 1979, but hell no, not the masses! They had to try voting Republi-CON eleven more times!
The sign was cropped — it said “Get the faggots out of the Student Council”
Almighty God expects every man to do his duty!
And, guess what, my fellow Americans, WE, the national socialists, were right! WE were the Greatest Generation!
…..White safety zone — Upper Peninsula of Michigan
Yes, in this heavily Finnish-Swedish-German area, we do have people who look like this here.
I tried to run for president in 2012:
In fact, dear reader, in 2012 I created not just a $5,000 presidential launch video, but also a full, moderate-sounding (no-swastika), 22-point presidential platform, which went up at http://www.johndenugent.org/site/index.html:
Prego per Te.
Sai, chiedono di pregare per la “conversione” del papa.
Ma lui non merita NESSUNA preghiera.
5000 anni di preghiere, sottomissioni e codardia possono bastare.
Se DEVO pregare per qualcuno quello sei TU..la persona che ha sempre pregato per me.
Preziosa come il SOLE.
Quindi questi ebrei atavici intendono uccidere tre mucche rosse (giovenche, mucche che non hanno mai avuto un vitello) per “purificare” il Monte del Tempio dalla presenza per 1800 anni dei goyim impuri. Poi intendono distruggere la terza moschea più importante dell’Islam, Al-Aksa, e poi costruire un nuovo tempio ebraico, il numero quattro. (Che interessante che Dio Onnipotente non abbia salvato i primi tre costruiti dal “suo popolo eletto”……..) Poi i rabbini vogliono ricominciare a perpetrare sacrifici animali, un’usanza dell’età della pietra. Ma capisco: gli ebrei amano uccidere e danno la colpa a qualcun altro, un animale o un essere umano, o anche all’intera razza bianca. La visione cristiana, che rappresentava un grande progresso, era che il nostro sacrificio dovesse essere un cuore contrito e il rimorso per tutto ciò che pensavamo, dicevamo e facevamo che fosse sbagliato. In che modo tagliare la gola di un animale innocente e fiducioso ci purifica dai NOSTRI peccati? Nessun altro popolo di oggi fa ancora questo! Ma gli ebrei mentalmente e moralmente sono ancora una razza sadica dell’età della pietra.
Sacrificare l’agnello di Dio a(Yahweh).
La croce cristiana è anche un sacrificio.
Anche se la croce solare celtica ha un significato profondo.
Tutto ciò che ha a che fare con il sangue,con i chiodi proviene da Religioni fuorviate.
Uomini delle caverne.
Perché colpire proprio quella moschea con il simbolo del numero Otto?
Numero gradito a Federico di Svevia..e non solo.
S.Dali’ ha rappresentato Gesù sulla croce senza chiodi.
Ora mi chiedo:
Cosa sono in realtà le stigmate????
Sono opera di Jahweh???
Contro un Essere profondamente Illuminato?
Ho notato i suoi tatuaggi.
Sono celtici, buddisti…
Quando Sinéad ha strappato in pubblico la foto del papa, portava al collo la Stella di Davide.
Poi ho pensato alla sua conversione all’Islam…si presenta anche con i costumi palestinesi.
Ora sai cosa sto pensando…
“Problemi di salute mentale” — questo è certo. Il cristianesimo, e soprattutto il cattolicesimo, era molto più protettivo e onorava le donne, le mogli e le madri rispetto all’Islam! L’adorazione di Maria, le sante, le Madri Superiori… Sinead è uno dei tanti, tanti artisti di talento che erano anime tormentate. Mia madre frequentava un’università di belle arti. La metà di quelle persone erano pazze. 😉
Una volta qualcuno mi ha raccontato che i palestinesi sono stati costretti a convertirsi all’Islam..ma c’è una parte dell’Islam, una parte dell’ebraismo, una parte del Cristianesimo che hanno tutti un comune denominatore..un Cristo Salvatore, un vero Messia.
Ruotano intorno alla base ottagonale ché è la matrice Originale di tutte le cose del Creato.
Che unisce Yin e Yang.
Gli Israeliti vogliono distruggere questa matrice cosmica..o madre cosmica(Antica sapienza).
Perché non distruggere la MECCA?!!
Hanno bruciato NotreDame.
Sono attacchi “mirati”.
La croce celtica bizantina usata dagli esorcisti è il tatuaggio di Sinéad.
Der keltische Hias aus der Steiermark mit roten Haaren:
Hello John.
Windows is a spyware system by default. The NSA has full access to it anytime; no need to hack anything.
Linux is extremely safer. It is good to use LUKS encryption, too.
Also good to use, no matter what operating system, is a custom DNS server setting instead of leaving it automatically for your ISP to provide to avoid your traffic being maliciously routed to fake websites. It is easy to do.
Tails is an easy to use Linux distro that runs on a USB stick. You could probably download and install by yourself from a Windows computer. It uses the TOR browser by default.
Using TOR by itself is a lot better than any VPN. There is no 100% trustworthy VPN company, anyway,especially when you have to install their proprietary software. TOR by itself, alone, is safer.
Setting a bitcoin and other cryptocurrency wallets would likely increase donations a lot. That Anglin kid got some really high bitcoin donations.
Donations would definitely increase, especially the more generous ones.
Thank you. I actually used Linux 2011-14….. It was faster and ran well.
But what in the real world can I buy with Bitcoin?
You can write me (in German or English) here: avatardah@protonmail.com
These Muslims come to our countries in Europe, commit violent crime, terrorism, rape our children and women, so why to care what happens to them in Gaza? I don’t give a shit about them.
I know. I have blogged on muslim atrocities for 15 years. One just stabbed a white teacher to death in Arras, in the north of France, seriously wounding two other French people, and another muslim yesteday shot two Swedes to death in Brussels while yelling “Allahu Akbar.”
I am most interested in how the jews act on the world stage, which is turning the world against them.
The Muslims, blacks and browns and other gimmigrants are sent to white Christian lands by these jews.
They boast about gimmigrants. They are the cause of diversity and multiculturalism. Let’s have open borders for Israel.
The scum like Dr Alan Dr Alan Shatter, George Soros, Barbara lerner Spectre are the anti-white jews who hate us.
I hope their nukes malfunction and radiate them all.
Non ho FB ma si apre(Speriamo).
Conoscevi questi scritti e produzioni di Dalì?
Un Sacerdote Wotanista, tipo Babbo Natale 😉 😉
Metamorfosi di Hitler.S.Dali’.
E ricorda incredibilmente la poesia del 1915 del Fuhrer.
Sembra quasi una sua evocazione.