Welcome, Russians, to my Telegram channel; Black South African: “Let power go back to the White people!”

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My webmaster since 2019 is a Slav, a russophile Ukrainian long working in Russia.

I have supported the post-Yeltsin Russia since 2006.

Russia is the only white country not 100% jewish-controlled and degenerate and limiting immigration from non-white countries.

This Black woman in South Africa wants WHITE rule back; she admits that black rule for 28 years is a dismal failure.

“Let the power go back to the white people. We as black people just need to accept that we failed dismally for 28 years. 
We were given a chance to prove ourselves, and we failed dismally.  
This thing of voting for one black person after another — it won’t help us with anything! Let power go back to White people.
When white people were governing this country,

Union Building, Pretoria



…irrespective of whatever job they were doing, our parents were working.  Kids used to get “[?]” [I do not understand her heavy African accent… maybe she is saying “vouchers”?] to go to universities. 
The towns used to be clean. There were jobs EVERYWHERE. If you applied, you got a job. And if you didn’t have any qualifications, you could work in hotels; you could work wherever. You could work on the farms, where any black people could work. 
Black people are a dismal, dismal failure.  They can’t govern. Let the power go back to White people. We have to accept that. 
Let us just swallow our pride and give these White people the power back so that the country can go back to normal.  
We will go to the graves of those people [like Nelson Mandela and the ANC, the African National Congress] who fought for [liberation] and against apartheid. We will go and inform them that, ‘guys, we tried and we failed. We will visit the grave of Father Mandela and the graves of all the stalwarts who fought for this democracy, because, at this point in time, there is no democracy in our country. There is nothing left.
We really, really respect the people who fought for our liberation. We respect them and we are still going to respect them, but at the end of the day, we just have to take this power back to the white people.
We are TIRED. South Africa is a mess … everywhere you go, it’s a MESS.
We are tired; we accept we failed. Black people cannot rule; black people cannot govern.


White people should take over this country so that this country can have its  dignity back.
All these things that are happening in our country, then they will never happen again. This problem of foreigners [= millions of black illegal immigrants from other African countries, leading to riots by local people and massacres of the immigrants], and this problem of crime — they won’t be there anymore!  
White people — they don’t play. They don’t play; they rule; they govern. The police, the white police — they don’t play with criminals. They don’t play with undocumented people in the country…..like what we are seeing in this country yet again, white people….” 

Russian translation follows the video….


«Пусть власть вернется к белым людям. Нам, чернокожим, просто нужно признать, что мы потерпели неудачу в течение 28 лет.

Нам дали шанс проявить себя, и мы потерпели неудачу.

Голосование за одного чернокожего за другим — это нам ничем не поможет! Пусть власть вернется к белым людям.
Когда этой страной правили белые люди, Юнион Билдинг, Претория . . . … независимо от того, какую работу они выполняли, наши родители работали. Детей раньше “[?]” [я не понимаю ее сильного африканского акцента… может быть, она говорит “vouchers” =“стипендии”?] чтобы поступить в университеты.
Раньше города были чистыми. Работа была ВЕЗДЕ. Если вы подали заявку, вы получили работу. А если у вас не было никакой квалификации, вы могли бы работать в отелях; можно было работать где угодно. Вы могли работать на фермах, где могли работать любые чернокожие.
Чернокожие — жалкие, жалкие неудачники. Они не могут управлять. Пусть власть вернется к белым людям. Мы должны принять это.
Давайте просто проглотим нашу гордость и вернем этим белым людям власть, чтобы страна могла вернуться к нормальной жизни.

Мы пойдем к могилам тех людей [таких как Нельсон Мандела и АНК, Африканский национальный конгресс], которые боролись за [освобождение] и против апартеида. Мы пойдем и сообщим им, что «ребята, мы пытались, и у нас не получилось». Мы посетим могилу отца Манделы и могилы всех стойких приверженцев этой демократии, потому что на данный момент в нашей стране нет демократии. Ничего не осталось.

Мы очень, очень уважаем людей, которые боролись за наше освобождение. Мы уважаем их и будем уважать, но в конце концов мы просто должны вернуть эту власть белым людям. . Мы устали. Южная Африка – бардак… куда бы вы ни пошли, везде бардак.
Мы устали; мы признаем, что потерпели неудачу. Черные люди не могут править; черные люди не могут управлять.

Белые люди должны захватить эту страну, чтобы вернуть этой стране ее достоинство. . Все эти вещи, которые происходят в нашей стране, больше никогда не повторятся. Эта проблема иностранцев [= миллионы чернокожих нелегальных иммигрантов из других африканских стран, приводящая к беспорядкам со стороны местного населения и массовым убийствам иммигрантов], и эта проблема преступности – их больше не будет!
Белые люди – они не играют. Они не играют; они правят; они управляют. Полиция, белая полиция — они не играют с преступниками. Они не играют с людьми без документов в стране … как то, что мы снова видим в этой стране, белые люди … “.



….I publish many memes in both English and Russian







EN [Did you know the Ancient Romans were black? The jew Long implies this.]

RU [Знаете ли вы, что древние римляне были черными? Еврей Лонг подразумевает это.]





…..Russians have sent me excellent content to my Telegram channel…

….such as the attempted CIA coup d’état against the country of Georgia


Hello, John Nugent!
I wanted to alert your page in America that:

Georgian Prime Minister Garibashvili, who yesterday accused Zelensky of supporting a coup attempt in Tbilisi, made a number of statements on Ukraine. According to him, the Georgian authorities knew about the beginning of the war in Ukraine since autumn.

“We had information about this, including I knew from our colleagues, partners.

When did Saakashvili arrive in Georgia? October 1. Saakashvili was sent in an organized manner, the main goal was to arrange a coup here and include the country in the Russo-Ukrainian war at the right time. Today, we have no doubt about it.”

According to him, if the opposition had won, “Georgia would have turned into a testing ground for war with Russia and the country would have received a second Mariupol [destroyed city]. Ukraine would thus have gained time.”

The prime minister also mentioned the Georgian militants, who were paid by the American embassy.

“I know that several dozen people have come from Ukraine. I want to appeal to them – May you have no illusions and expectations that something will happen here. As long as the Georgian Dream is in power, we will not allow a second front [for attacking Russia from Georgia]. It’s out of the question,” Garibashvili added.

In general, these are certainly important statements so that the Georgian people have no doubts that [the CIA] was planning to drag Georgians too into the slaughterhouse of war with Russia, but NATO failed in these plans. Saakashvili was arrested and imprisoned — where he belongs!

….Secrets of British Coronavirus

For your page from us in Russia

There is a new scandal in Britain: journalist Isabelle #Oakeshott leaked to the media the correspondence of ex-Minister of Health Matt Hancock with colleagues, which revealed a lot of interesting things.

So, the British “health” minister discussed with colleagues how best to force the public to comply with the lockdown rules for Christmas 2020.

British Ministry of Health officials feared that this decision would cause resistance from the mayors of large cities, such as London. To overcome this resistance, #Hancock proposed to announce the discovery of a new strain of coronavirus the day before.

“We’ll scare the hell out of everyone with the new strain,” he explained.

The correspondence is dated December 13, 2020, and the very next day, Hancock, indeed, announced the identification of the so-called “Kent” strain of coronavirus.

And later, in January 2021, the head of the civil service, Simon Case, demanded that the Ministry of Health “increase the power of messages” in which

“the factor of guilt and fear is vital.”

In addition, it can be seen from the correspondence that decisions on certain quarantine measures were made practically without any analysis of their consequences – simply based on the results of 5-10 minutes of communication in instant messengers

Actually, this is how we all got fucked with this “terrible, terrible infection”.

Once again, absolute respect to Belarus and Sweden for preserving the economies of their countries and the psychological health of people despite the crazy Covid mania and fear pressure.



….Wikipedia on the anti-Russian, pro-jew, pro-Ukraine NATO stooge Saakashvili

Ordering beating of Valery Gelashvili

On 14 July 2005, businessman and Republican member of parliament Valery Gelashvili was beaten by unknown people. Gelashvili suffered skull trauma, numerous fractures of facial bones, lacerations in the nose and forehead, and fractures of the bones of the upper and lower jaw. The incident occurred after daily newspaper Rezonansi published interview with Gelashvili, in which he talked about a conflict between him and Saakashvili over the former’s house and made comments about Saakashvili’s personal life. In 2004, Gelashvili was requested by authorities to hand over his apartment building to the state after the government decided to transform the nearby Road Traffic Police building into the new presidential residence. Gelashvili agreed but requested the construction works of the new presidential residence to be carried out by his construction firm Evra. Gelashvili alleged in the interview that the government had not paid the firm for construction. He later blamed authorities and Saakashvili for ordering his attack. When the new government came into power in 2012, they promised to start investigation. On 28 June 2018, Tbilisi City Court sentenced former President Mikheil Saakashvili to six years in prison in absentia for, among other crimes, ordering the attack on Valeri Gelashvili in 2005. Saakashvili was also banned from taking any state post for two years and three months.[177]

Violent dispersal of 2007 protests

Saakashvili received widespread criticism for his handling of the 2007 Georgian demonstrations, which were violently dispersed by the police using heavy-handed tactics. Saakashvili came under criticism for using rubber bullets and tear gas against protesters who were blocking Tbilisi’s main transport artery, Rustaveli Avenue.[178][179]

Allegations of corruption

Saakashvili has been accused of corruption and amassing wealth after coming into power by his political opponents. Although petty corruption in Georgia has been largely eliminated by the Saakashvili administration, it was alleged that elite corruption remained a significant problem.[180] Alleged corruption in Saakashvili’s inner circle was one of the main causes of 2007 Georgian demonstrations. Former Georgian Minister of Defense Irakli Okruashvili after his resignation accused Saakashvili of corruption and lobbying the interests of his own family. Okruashvili claimed that he caught the president’s uncle with a $200,000 bribe but had to hush up the scandal at the president’s request.[citation needed] It was alleged that Saakashvili’s family members have acquired large number of state property by president’s orders, and as a result, Saakashvili’s family has emerged as one of the richest families in Georgia by the end of his second term. According to allegations, Saakashvili’s family has taken over much of the higher education sector (his mother owning shares in several universities in Tbilisi), the spa industry and the advertisement sector. The opposition also accused then president Saakashvili of overseeing a system of elite corruption encompassing oil and minerals.[181] Saakashvili denied accusations of his political opponents, claiming that his administration has been one of the most successful in eliminating corruption. He accused his opponents of spreading lies and not being honest.[181] After leaving presidential post, Saakashvili has been charged by Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia with illegal seizure of property and embezzlement of state funds. He and his supporters have denounced charges as politically motivated.[182]



  1. Dear John,

    At Yandex.com I could not find your Telegram channel via the search terms

    John de Nugent https://t.me

    Where is your channel (you do not mention the URL)?

  2. Good move, JdN, in reaching out to all our white race. Let’s all try reading the same script.
    The elites want to ethnically mix the white race with the blacks and brown…. to race-mix us out of existence.
    The elites since WW2 are attacking the white race, its history and cultures.
    If Putin falls, Eastern Europe too will be invaded by the blacks and browns.
    They are out to destroy white Russia also and its white population.
    In his book Praktischer Idealismus (Practical Idealism) Count Coudenhove-Kalergi wrote:

    “The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.”

    These “new Egyptians” will be taxed to death, and work until they die.

    £££££££££ or $$$ — this is what the gimmegrants see, but not what they will get.

  3. California governor Newsome (who has such extreme dyslexia that he cannot read at all, and is therefore illiterate) has proposed giving $5 million to every California Black in “reparations” for slavery and the racism from which they have suffered.

    My father, who was a physicist who was employed at Oak Ridge and Argonne National Laboratories, told me that the African Negroes never invented the wheel nor the written word.

    It would seem to me that Negroes are lucky to live in White civilization, and the slavery and racism they have suffered are a small price to pay for this advantage.

    • Thanks, yes.

      Nor did negroes ever invent the sail (same goes for Amerindians!!), not any two-story structure, nor even the concept of the street, as in houses lined up in some order.

      Their villages are just huts placed willy-nilly.

      (The Amerindians knew all about copper but never used it for hunting, knives, axes or tools, just for jewelry.)

  4. According to Rudolf Steiner an exchange between the Germanic and the Slavic peoples is supposed to take place in the next step of development, whereby of course also the peoples in the Anglosphere are meant as well as worldwide all spiritually conscious (becoming) people.

    Exactly this, however, Ahriman (= Satan) and his armies want to prevent under all circumstances, the next step in the consciousness revolution is to be prevented under all circumstances, the people are not supposed to become conscious of their inner origins (guardian angels etc.), so that the people remain also further attached to the materialism.

    If now the west or the west and the center (central Europe) and the east come closer, then all alarm bells ring with the background powers. John de Nugent has been appreciating the culture of Slavic peoples in articles and analyses for many years, he deals (as with all peoples) with their achievements and strengths as well as with critical aspects, and with their contributions to the development of mankind; JdN has a kind of hinge function here and his analyses are certainly also read by high-ranking decision-makers in Russia.

    Just as life partners in community merge and expand their abilities (and always remain highly individual), so also peoples can profit immeasurably from CONSCIOUS cultural, spiritual exchange.

    If the attempts of division do not work any more, then the NWO falls apart. Therefore, it must be further split between West (+ vassal Central Europe) and East, on every conceivable level.


    In German

    Beobachter: Nichts wird mehr gefürchtet als eine Annäherung zwischen West und Ost!

    Laut Rudolf Steiner soll im nächsten Entwicklungsschritt ein Austausch zwischen den germanischen und den slawischen Völkern erfolgen, wobei hierbei selbstverständlich auch die Völker in der Anglosphäre gemeint sind sowie weltweit alle spirituell bewußt(werdenden) Menschen.

    Genau das sollen aber Ahriman (= Satan) und seine Heere unter allen Umständen verhindern wollen, der nächste Schritt in der Bewußtseinsrevolution soll unter allen Umständen verhindert werden, die Menschen sollen sich nicht ihrer inneren Ursprünge (Schutzengel etc.) bewußtwerden, damit die Menschen auch weiterhin dem Materialismus verhaftet bleiben.

    Wenn jetzt der Westen bzw. der Westen und die Mitte (Mitteleuropa) und der Osten sich annähern, dann klingeln alle Alarmglocken bei den Hintergrundmächten. John de Nugent wertschätzt schon seit sehr vielen Jahren in Artikeln und Analysen die Kultur slawischer Völker, er befaßt sich (wie bei allen Völkern) sowohl mit ihren Errungenschaften und Stärken als auch mit kritischen Aspekten, und mit ihren Beiträgen zur Menschheitsentwicklung; JdN kommt hier eine Art Scharniergelenkfunktion zu und seine Analysen werden mit Sicherheit auch von hochrangigen Entscheidungsträgern in Rußland gelesen.

    So, wie Lebenspartner in Gemeinschaft ihre Fähigkeiten verschmelzen und erweitern (und stets hochindividuell bleiben), so können auch Völker unermeßlich profitieren vom BEWUSSTEN kulturellen, spirituellen Austausch.

    Wenn die Spaltungsversuche nicht mehr funktionieren, dann fällt die NWO auseinander. Daher muß weiter gespalten werden zwischen Westen (+ Vasall Mitteleuropa) und Osten, auf jeder nur denkbaren Ebene.

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