Were Biden, Schumer, Fauci & Garland to go too far, begin forced vaccinations, and end the First and Second Amendments…this is the one and only winning option we have

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Dear []:
This is simply GIGANTIC, if true, simply cosmic:
Red [= white conservative] states supposedly are getting (via one set of vaxx lot numbers) a death-shot, blue states by another set of lot numbers a harmless vaxx or placebo.

(As I suspected, but I said “by race in the military”!!!!) Most lethal batches of Covid vaxx going to red (white) states!!! Kentucky (pop. 5 mio) has almost as many vaxx dead as California (39 mio)

The addressee replied to thank me for sharing the link. He then opined that the terrible part to all of this is that we will not know the effects of this Covid vaxx for many years — and by then all the news we have today will be memory-holed.
I responded:
Maybe, but radical analysts say we have enough proof now. And there are heart-rending scenes now occurring. This one has people irate, and ire precedes revolution.

Austral. cops seize and vaccinate baby. This makes people go “300.”


If Russia supports armed revolutions in the West, ahem, “the moderate rebels,” 😉 then it is “Game On.”
For we Westerners then become vitally useful, The Enemy of Their Enemy.

A neo-isolationist America which unilaterally ends NATO and withdraws from Taiwan, is in the vital interests of both Russia and China.
On the other, an America that became a totalitarian war machine after de facto or even de jure scrapping the US Constitution (written by un-woke, sinister, white, male slave owners.. 😉 ) is a huge threat to everyone.

The creation of a regimented America, a militarized, gigantic wasp’s nest run by the (((Epsteiners))), would lead to a North American, transhuman juggernaut, and this Total War Machine would be THEIR doom.

Why? Because if you add the power and size of the United States to “The Jews Everywhere in the World,” then you have a powerful duo with worldwide military, tech, media and financial might.

And believe me, the wokiness will be gone…. the sensitivity training and safe spaces.

Instead, America will be one big nation of killers, because the jews run America — and they will fight to the last American to conquer Russia, China and the entirety of this world. That is the jew goal.

Before this Stalinistic makeover is completed, we can rise up and defeat it. And we can definitely win …..if we both fight and get serious backing.
For that support, a new and dynamic movement must begin, gather popular support …. this is my mission….


…..And then we earn the attention of the Russian and Chinese military experts who study insurgencies and their viability.

If they see a potential winner, as Paris, Amsterdam and Madrid saw in George Washington after 1777,

….they will aid the rebels for their own reasons.

In doing my own huge workup of The Nameless War, I saw that revolutions succeed when 1) rebels have an electric message, 2) early successes, and 3) foreign powers then aid them.





And what can the Jewnited Snakes do if the tables are turned and other governments start supporting rebels in OUR country for a change??

How would they get help to us?

….jamming ZOG communications

….Night air drops,

….submarines landing military trainers, money, cool toys and other things we need, and outright commandos (America having long, long coastlines on the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific)

I did a night zodiac-boat landing myself in 1979 with the Marines on the island of Sardinia.

And can the US just threaten to “nuke” Russia and China for “interfering” and supporting “regime change” the way they do?
Well, do it. Threaten away! They can vaporize us right back!

Motto: “We deliver anywhere in the world”


FILE: 30 Foreign Intelligence Officers Including Israelis Killed in Russia Missile Attack


The Chinese dissed black US President Obongo by neither putting up a passenger staircase ramp for his airport arrival in China nor unrolling a red carpet for the jug-eared negro, who as a head of state normally merited both. Look at his expression. 😉


(Xi: “Look at this monkey-boy. Wow, has America gone downhill.”)



  1. Die Wahrheit bricht sich Bahn! 🙂

    Kati Schepis – ALETHEIA Medienkonferenz 12.11.2021 – Deutsch



    00:50 Die Impfungen sind unwirksam, unsicher und unnötig und erfüllen die formalen Anforderungen auch an eine befristetet Zulassung nicht

    01:20 Studienvorgaben wurden nicht eingehalten

    02:00 Beeinflussung der Studien

    03:10 Wirksamkeitszulassung irrelevant

    04:04 Biontech/Phizer, unzureichende Studie, abs. Risikoreduktion nur 0.7-1.2%, Taschenspielertrick: relative Wirksamkeit

    06:40 Keine Belege für Reduktion von schweren Verläufen

    07:35 Analyse Harvard University, Länder mit hoher Durchimpfrate haben mehr neue Fälle

    08:45 Nebenwirkungen und Vertuschung in der EU

    09:20 US VEARS Nebenwirkungen, Gefahr für Schwangere

    10:10 Es werden nachw. nur 5% der Nebenwirkungen erfasst, Schweiz unter Schusslichter bei der korrekten Erfassung

    11:00 Nebenwirkungen

    11:45 Zu kurzer Zeitraum Nebenwirkungserfassung. Kinder und Jugendliche anfälliger auf N.

    12:15 Keine Fakten für Epidemie oder Pandemie

    13:10 Alternative Therapien

    14:00 Unnötige Impfung, gravierende Mängel bei den Zulassungsstudien

    Das obige Dokument habe ich im folgenden absolut lesenswerten Artikel des deutschen Bloggers Vitzli aufgetan, und zwar im Kommentarstrang, wo Vitzli selbiges eingestellt hat – das besondere ist, daß der Jutt das Dokument wo möglich mittels Löschung zensiert:

    Corona: Ein kluger Arzt


  2. – Nachtrag zu meinem vorherigen Beitrag –

    Der deutsche Blogger namens Vitzli hegt folgende Einschätzung, die ich vollumfänglich teile, und zwar:

    wenn die schepis recht hat und biontech und co nicht meßbar wirken (für mich klingt das sehr nachvollziehbar), wäre der skandal komplett. kein wunder, daß die sofort gelöscht wird. mal sehen, ob die das wirklich dauerhaft unterdrücken können.

    dann bricht der ganze laden mit impfpflicht zusammen und auch der letzte depp müßte erkennen, daß die maßnahmen bisher für den arsch waren. die geimpften können sch darüber freuen, an einem gigantischen genexperiment mit lauter unbekannten teilgenommen zu haben.


    (Anmerkung: In der Kommentarspalte berücksichtigt Vitzli die Groß- und Kleinschreibung nicht)




    • Thanks.

      The same b.s. from the same crowd that successsfully brought us World War Two.

      “In 1939, Germany invaded Poland”…

      (after weeks of massacres of ethnic Germans and border violations…)

      “In 1940, Gernany invaded France”

      (13 months after France declared war on Germany)

      I feel trepidation that the Wash DC Russia hawks may actually be deluding themselves that Ukraine could take Russia.
      This is the same bunch of clowns, drinking their own koolaid, who predicted, in the infamous words of their tribesman, the late Charles Krauthammer, in 2003 that it would be a “cakewalk” for US forces to subdue Iraq…….

  3. As I commented in detail earlier, I believe the whole COVID-19 fake pandemic and insane lockdowns are a way for the Jews to prevent the nationalist revolutions you described in this article, once WWIII arrives. Joel Skousen, in his World Affairs Brief, has been saying for years that a Russian/Chinese nuclear attack on all U.S. and Western nation military bases and facilities is coming soon, and that the U.S. has been actively provoking Russia and China in order to achieve that goal. If the Jews can use this fake pandemic or a future one to lock down their captive populations in Western nations, and eventually declare martial law, it would prevent any nationalist revolutions from arising in those countries, once the expected Russian/Chinese nuclear attack occurs.

    As many alt-media people have commented, the fake COVID-19 “pandemic” is not about a virus – it’s about CONTROL. The Jews are desperately trying to gain total CONTROL over their captive Gentile populations in Western countries (the U.S., UK., EU, Australia, and New Zealand). And why are Gentile politicians in all Western nations suddenly so desperate to lock down their populations and gain total control over them?

    I believe it’s because they have been given secret briefings by their respective intelligence agencies that a Russian/Chinese nuclear and/or biological attack is coming, and that the Western nations must already be under martial law when that happens. If I’m reading this correctly, it means that the time is very short.

    I also recall an interview that Mike Adams did with Dr. Paul Cottrell, who said that the real reason for the insane push for mass vaccinations is actually to protect populations from an expected Chinese or Russian biowarfare attack. He claimed that the mRNA shots serve as a “viral backbone” antidote for biowarfare inoculations to come. Mike Adams was very skeptical of this theory, and said that it seems more like they’re trying to kill us all. But Cottrell said that the deaths and bad reactions to the vaccines were just unintended side effects of the mRNA antidote:


    This is the About page from Cottrell’s website. He has a Ph.D. in Finance and an MBA, but is a medical student:


    I think his theory may be correct, and it would make sense if WWIII, which may be biological as well as nuclear, is coming soon. I also recall the opening scenes of the 1971 movie with Charlton Heston called “The Omega Man,” whose plot line was that a Chinese biowarfare attack, delivered by Chinese ICBMs, wipes out nearly all human life in the United States, except for some black-robed albino mutants known as “the Family.” I’ve long believed that “The Omega Man” was an early form of Jewish predictive programming of events to come:




    The director, Boris Sagal, was a Ukrainian Jew:


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