EXCLUSIVE “We’re Number One!” America the world leader in late-term feticide (killing of 5-month-old babies)

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America is one of only seven nations on earth to allow elective feticide/abortion beyond 20 weeks….yet progressives continue to claim that, compared to Scandinavia, we are too right-wing and overly moralistic as a nation.


By F. Arouet

Progressives often deludedly look to Scandinavia for inspiration in their relentless pursuit of fake-assed ”woke” social justice.

They point to the home of Greta Thunberg and Ivar the Boneless [JdN: an ugly, disabled, especially murderous Viking who plotted his atrocious crimes from a kind of wheelchair] as the present-day home of of Leftist truth and the vanguards of utopian social progressivism.

When they picture Scandinavia they envision wind farms, electric cars, violent Muslims living side by side with skinny-jean-wearing men and their pink-haired, feminist rulers.

It’s fair to say that the progressive wing nuts of the Democrat Party think pretty damn highly of the ”social democracies” of northern Europe.

Heck….some lefty fiends go as far as their deluded Republican counterparts by referring to the likes of Denmark and Norway as ”socialist”, in spite of the fact that these nations have lower corporate tax rates, FAR stricter immigration polices, and more lax Covid-19 restrictions than we do….

But never let the facts get in the way of effective propaganda.

Some on the Left believe Scandinavia is virtuous as they are the only Europeans never to enslave people or conquer anyone.

Tell that to the victims of four centuries of Viking atrocities perpetrated against the people of Britain, Ireland, Russia, Ukraine, France etc.

A mass grave of Vikings beheaded by the Anglo-Saxons at Dorset:  

Filed Viking teeth

At least they never raped and pillaged black lands, I suppose.

Regardless of how markedly different public policy in northern Europe actually is from what filthy left-wing demons believe it to be [or what they want the proletariat sheep who follow them blindly to believe they believe], the fact remains; progressives routinely claim that northern Europe – Scandinavia in particular – is far more ”liberal” and ”progressive’ politically’ than America.

Northern Europe is, in fact, regularly applauded by the likes of Alexandria [Zer0-Cortex] Cortez and Bernie Bolshevik Sanders for its social programs, public education, health care, etc.

This has resulted in lefty buffoons in Scandinavia feeling pride knowing the likes of AOC respect them, and that their own climate-change-fighting mong, ‘Greta,’ is as revered in America as she is back home.

Comical, I know….

But are Scandinavia and northern Europe in general really as progressive on the issues Leftist Americans hold most dear?

If there is one social barometric which leading liberals, progressives and moderate lefties concurrently cite when discussing how progressive a place is….its how liberal a nation’s abortion laws are.

Would it surprise you if I told you neither Denmark or Somali-loving Sweden, nor Finland, Norway even Belgium, or Merkel’s MAD house Germany, PERMIT the murder of a baby via elective abortion beyond the 18-week mark?

All while Marxist China, the former Communist stronghold of Vietnam, the People’s Republic of North Korea, the capitalist gulag of Singapore and WE DO.

There are in fact but three nations west of China that allow elective abortions past the 20 week mark – and only one in Europe.

Besides America, Holland – governed by a cabal of weed-smoking, Muslim-loving, prostitute and child-abusing ponces [Anglo term for homosexuals] and nonces [Anglo term for pedophiles] and equally abhorrent, Canada – as fake moral nation as there is on this heinous planet – are the only other Western cesspools that permit the murder of a baby after the 20th week.

Although in Canada abortion is ”legal” through all nine months (40 weeks) of pregnancy, in practice it is more challenging to get an abortion north of the border than it is in America after 20 weeks due to how few providers there are, the geographical distance between the evil bastards who murder babies and the girls that want to kill them, and the fact that abortion is rare after 20 weeks. Doctors also have to sign off on it at a certain stage.

As per the Lozer Institute Report, there are a ‘total of 59 countries [there are 198 countries on this deranged planet] that allow abortion ”without restriction” as to reason,” or “elective,” or “abortion on demand.”

These are countries where the letter of the federal law does not impose specific eligibility requirements for women. The other 139 countries “require some reason to obtain an abortion, ranging from most restrictive (to save the life of the mother or completely prohibited) to least restrictive (socioeconomic grounds) with various reasons in between (e.g., physical health, mental health),” the report says.

Only seven of the 59 countries allow elective abortions after 20 weeks, the group found: Canada, China, Netherlands, North Korea, Singapore, the United States and Vietnam.

Yes again, that’s a paltry SEVEN total globally…and America is one of them.

Donald Trump made this point a few years ago, tweeting “Seven out of 198 nations allow elective abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. We are one.”

I can already hear the lefty scum roar in unison:

‘But….but….but….Scandinavia. They’re socialists. Bernie and AOC told me so. Europe is so much more progressive than America. This is fake news and these statistics are lies. You’re a Russian bot.”

The reality is America has some of the most evil ”liberal”’ abortion laws on the planet and is third in total number of annual abortions behind only China and Russia – the nations the likes of AOC would be lionizing and citing if she was remotely honest. [In Russia’s defense’ they, like the former Soviet nations of Poland and Hungary, which I discuss later in this article – are doing their utmost to rediscover their Christian morality and undo the ravages of Bolshevism. We, on the other hand, are heading in the opposite direction.]

There are, in fact, a half dozen European nations where abortion is entirely prohibited and several others, like typically left-wing authoritarian Ireland,  regularly governed by Marxist Sinn Fein, where abortion was still entirely forbidden a few short years ago. Even now it is rare and only allowed through the first trimester.

There are even talks in Britain to reduce how far into a pregnancy an abortion can be performed. Even now, at least two doctors must agree that the baby is harming the mother for the baby to be aborted, whereas in America it is still elective/”’choice” right through 24 weeks.’

FACTS, never feelings on this site….

The north of Europe is no different.

Finland – often lionized by the American Left for its high-achieving public schools, which rival those of world-beating Japan and South Korea [Finland is over 95 percent white-indigenous] and overreaching nanny state — only allows abortions up to 12 weeks.

Even then, Finnish doctors who perform the heinous act still require authorization from two other physicians (unless special circumstances dictate otherwise, like imminent threat to the life of the mother, etc).

Norway is a little more forgiving of baby-killing. As per the Norwegian [Scandinavia] government’s English-language website.

”Current Norwegian legislation and public health policy provides for abortion on request [meaning elective or by choice] in the first 12 weeks of gestation, by medical application up to the 18th week, and thereafter only under special circumstances until the fetus is viable, which is usually presumed at 21 weeks and 6 days.”

Sweden is slightly more liberal still than Norway, as you’d expect, but not nearly as bad as we are…

”Sweden permits abortion on the request of the pregnant woman until the 18th week, and thereafter only in cases of severe indications of medical risk. After the 18th week, abortions can only be performed after an evaluation by the National Board of Health and Welfare.”

So much for America being run by Evangelical Christian ”rednecks” and ”woman-hating” moralistic zealots, while the north of Europe is supposedly run by progressive liberal democratic socialists….

Even Wikipedia reluctantly allows the truth – ”Most countries in the European Union allow abortion on demand during the first trimester [12 to 14 weeks]. After the first trimester, abortion is generally allowed only under certain circumstances, such as risk to the woman’s life or health, fetal defects, or other specific situations that may be related to the circumstances of the conception or the woman’s age.”


Go on, ya bastards….

”For instance, in Austria, second-trimester abortions are allowed only if there is a serious risk to the woman’s life, physical health, or mental health (that cannot be averted by other means); serious fetal impairment (physical or mental); or if the woman is under 14 years of age. Some countries allow abortion after the first trimester for a variety of reasons, including socioeconomic ones, but the woman needs an authorization to have such an abortion.”

Sounds like a pretty conservative place to me….

But then again I am a Russian bot. 😉

Wikipedia continues,


”Access to abortion in much of Europe depends not as much on the letter of the law, but on the prevailing social views which lead to the interpretation of the laws. In some areas where abortion is legal through only 12 weeks [I’ll expound on that later], it is still difficult to have a legal abortion even in the early stages of pregnancy due to conscientious objection by doctors refusing to perform abortions against their personal, moral, or religious convictions.

Malta is the only EU country that bans abortion in all cases and does not even have an exception for situations where the woman’s life is in danger.” Thankfully, the law in Malta is not strictly enforced in instances where a pregnancy endangers the woman’s life.

Abortion in Italy was only legalized in 1978 and it is still hard for people to find a doctor who will perform an abortion based solely on the mother’s ”choice”.

In fact, the law allows health professionals in Italy to refuse to perform an abortion.

This conscientious objection has the practical effect of restricting access to abortion in most cases.” (end of  Wikipedia quote)

As mentioned earlier, in Ireland, just three short years ago, abortion was illegal except in cases where a woman’s life was endangered by the continuation of her pregnancy.

And Ireland is as despicably left-wing and ”socialist” in the western sense as it gets….

As per Wikipedia,

”In 2018 referendum a majority of Irish citizens voted to repeal the constitutional amendment prohibiting legislation relating to the termination of non-life-threatening pregnancies; and the new law enacted (the Health Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy Act 2018) allows abortion on request up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, and in certain circumstances at later stages. Abortion in Northern Ireland was decriminalized on 22 October 2019.”


Interestingly, it was the regions that tend to be most supportive of Left wing Sinn Fein [political wing of the pseudo-nationalistic/Marxist IRA] that were most opposed to the push to legalize abortion in the referendum to legalize abortion. As a party, Sinn Fein openly embraces Islam and open borders, pushes LGBT malarkey, supports the liberalization of abortion laws etc. But since they obsessively hate Britain, that’s enough for their seriously blind supporters.

Even with this egregious liberalization of the law that permits Irish women to KILL their unborn children, American leftist women – who incessantly kvetch about their lack of reproductive rights – have been able to have an abortion 12 weeks farther into pregnancy without any medical authorization whatsoever for some four+ decades….yet believe they are being oppressed.

Let that sink in for a moment.

That’s the power the demonic Left have over America’s mentally-battered modern women.

Wikipedia gleefully reports that, ”Europe’s formerly Communist countries have the most liberal abortion laws in Europe”. Communism is GREAT after all ;-] Wikipedia literally has an entire section dedicated to good ol’ Marxism….speaking about the dastardly ideology in objective and largely positive terms.

With that said….the former nations of the Soviet Union are restrictive by American standards. Sadly, however, bad old habits die hard as Slavs in general still murder their unborn babies at an astronomical rate, in some places twice as often as Americans.

Hungary – a nation with a particularly alarming abortion rate – which has moved as FAR away from communism as possible, is thankfully looking to limit ”elective abortion” and Poland – where abortion is ”allowed only in cases of risk to the life or health of the woman or when the pregnancy is a result of rape or incest” – has already prohibited it.

Abortion in case of fetal defects, which was also previously legal, was ruled unconstitutional by Poland’s Constitutional Tribunal on 22 October 2020.

A child having abnormalities/disability is the third most popular reason given by American woman for killing their unborn babies. So much for the American leftist ”caring” about the disabled.

The same Wikipedia entry also states that ”most European” [both Eastern and Western, I’d like to add] countries have laws that ”stipulate that minor girls need their parents’ consent or that the parents must be informed of the abortion”.

This is even the case in pathological Holland, where girls are obligated to tell their parents they are having an abortion and in effect get consent before doing so, leaving only Canada and America holding the mantle of evil for allowing underage girls to kill their 22 week old unborn babies without their parents even knowing about it.

Considering how hard it is for a young girl to travel from northern Ontario to a Toronto clinic, due to how few places offer abortion in Canada, that leaves only American girls [in the West at least] of 14 years-of-age with the ability to pop into their local Planned Parenthood to murder their 24 week [that’s almost 6 MONTHS] old unborn baby.

In 2014 the conservative Lozer Institute group analyzed abortion laws in 198 countries and other independent or “semi-autonomous” regions with more than 1 million residents to crunch the data farther.

The report found that a total of 61 countries allow abortion “without restriction as to reason,” though some of these countries had parental authorization or notification requirements. Most of these countries had a 12-week gestational limit on abortions, as is the case in tje aforementioned Scandinavian nations.

The report utilized the ”fetus age measurement that is used by medical professionals and the American CDC [Center for Disease Control] which is counts the fetus age from the first day of the pregnant woman’s last menstrual period (LMP). While critics of abortion rights often use a different method of fetal age measurement, the Charlotte Lozier Institute said all the gestational limits were converted to the LMP method because more than 80 percent of countries use it.”

They did this as this is how evil corrupt demonic Planned Parenthood roll….

The data is bulletproof.

After reading this you might be thinking that I am some sort of evangelical Christian moralistic do-gooder. Or perhaps some sort of bog standard Republican.

This couldn’t be farther from the truth.

In fact I am neither American nor all that opposed to abortion.

Brother John – who is opposed to abortion – and I have had a fair few discussions on the matter where I have actively defended the utility of legal widely diffused abortion in America.

Like the Jew lefty Congressman Chuck Schumer – who fights tooth and nail for abortion in America but vehemently opposes it in Israel, I reluctantly OPPOSE it in my homeland but support it in America.


For me – as a eugenicist first and foremost – abortion does have its uses.

Abortion can be hugely beneficial when thinning out the weeds, retards, degenerates and deviants, future murderers, pedophiles and Democrats.

The titular image might be photoshopped but the Planned Parenthood founder, Marge Sanger – my second favorite Margi 😉 – did in fact speak at a major KKK rally about the nation’s ”black problem” and abortion being a useful tool to control it.

Just look at how many black babies have been aborted in America since 1950.

America would literally have double the number of blacks it has, the Democrats would never lose an election again, murder and violent crime rates would be almost twice as high as they are etc…. if it were not for good ole Margaret Sanger – who, like me, was a proud eugenicist.

Ms. Sanger was also quite frank when it came to boosting national IQ by aborting low IQ people of all races. She had some pretty interesting ideas.

Still….as someone who purposefully tries to see the world in simplistic black and white terms – and our role as combatants in an ongoing battle between good vs evil – I believe regularly utilized abortion as a form of contraception is morally abhorrent and a sure-fire sign one’s society is sick to its core. I try to see the world in this manner in order to remain sane.



…..Here’s the full Lozer Institute report

Gestational Limits on Abortion in the United States Compared to International Norms
Charlotte Lozier Institute | February 1, 2014

By Angelina Baglini, J.D.

Abstract: The United States is one of only seven countries in the world that permit elective abortion past 20 weeks. Upholding laws restricting abortion on demand after 20 weeks would situate the United States closer to the international mainstream, instead of leaving it as an outlying country with ultra-permissive abortion policies.

This report compares gestational limits in United States abortion law with gestational limits in the abortion law of the international community. The goal is to determine where the United States stands in comparison to international norms, with its federal policy enshrined in Roe v. Wade, which allows abortion past 20 weeks and without restriction until fetal viability.

The sample group for this project included a total of 198 countries, independent states, and semi-autonomous regions with populations exceeding 1 million. Of these 198 countries, independent states, and regions worldwide, 59 allow abortion without restriction as to reason, otherwise known as elective abortion or abortion on demand. The remaining 139 countries require some reason to obtain an abortion ranging from most restrictive (to save the life of the mother or completely prohibited) to least restrictive (socioeconomic grounds) with various reasons in between (e.g., physical health, mental health).i

Currently, the United States permits abortion on demand through viability, which is usually marked around 24 weeks. For this report, it is appropriate to compare the United States with the other 58 countries that allow abortion on demand up to some point in pregnancy. The remaining 139 countries require some reason to obtain an abortion (that is to say, they do not permit abortion on demand) and are, by definition, more restrictive than the United States on the issue of gestational limits. To require some reason before obtaining an abortion is inherently more restrictive than not requiring any reason at all.

This report finds that the United States is one of only seven countries in the world that permit elective abortion past 20 weeks. This finding suggests that current proposals in the United States to restrict elective abortions past 20 weeks would move the United States from the fringe, ultra-permissive end of the spectrum to a position closer to international norms.

Terminology and Method of Comparison

Not all countries or statutes use the same terminology when drafting restrictions on late-term elective abortion. When drafting a restriction on elective abortion past 20 weeks of pregnancy, the most common measurement of “weeks of pregnancy” is gestational age, or in short form “gestation.” Gestational age marks the duration of pregnancy, which is most commonly and medically measured from the date of the woman’s last menstrual period. The woman’s last menstrual period is the most identifiable date by which to measure the duration of pregnancy, and occurs approximately two weeks before conception or fertilization.

The vast majority of countries in this international survey of abortion laws use gestational age to measure duration of pregnancy. Over 80% of countries maintaining some restriction on elective abortion use gestational age as the method of calculating duration of pregnancy. However, a minority of countries measures duration of pregnancy from “conception” or “fertilization.” One country measures from the time of “implantation,” which occurs approximately one week after conception or fertilization. Some statutes do not even specify a method of measurement, simply using the vague term “weeks of pregnancy” without indicating a precise method measuring the duration of pregnancy.

Conception or fertilization is the moment when an ovum and sperm unite, which creates a unique human organism. The date of conception or fertilization is often difficult to determine, as few women know the exact date they conceived. Because the last menstrual period is a more ascertainable date, in many cases doctors add two weeks to the woman’s last menstrual period to approximate the date of conception or fertilization.

Using Gestational Age to Produce the Best International Comparison

This report uses gestation to compare restrictions on elective abortion that are based on duration of pregnancy. More than 80% of countries already use gestation in establishing duration of pregnancy restrictions on elective abortion and measuring the age of the unborn child using gestation is in line with common medical practice.

For those countries that use a different measurement of age, such as conception or fertilization or pregnancy, this study converts the measurement of age into gestation by adding two weeks to date back to the woman’s last menstrual period. Using gestation as a common method of measuring duration of pregnancy restrictions on elective abortion produces a more meaningful comparison.

International Gestational Limitations on Elective Abortion

The sample group of countries for this project included a total of 198 countries, independent states, and semi-autonomous regions with populations exceeding 1 million.1

Of these 198 countries, independent states, and regions worldwide, 59 allow abortion without restriction as to reason, otherwise known as elective abortion or abortion on demand.2ii

The remaining 139 countries require some reason to obtain an abortion ranging from most restrictive (to save the life of the mother or completely prohibited) to least restrictive (socioeconomic grounds) with various reasons in between (e.g., physical health, mental health).iiiivvvi

Of the 59 countries permitting elective abortion:vii

9 countries limit elective abortion before the 12th week of gestation,3
36 countries limit elective abortion at 12 weeks gestation,4 5 6
6 countries limit elective abortion between 12 and 20 weeks gestation,7 8
7 countries permit elective abortion past 20 weeks or have no gestational limit.
1 country maintains a federal system where abortion policy is determined at the state/territory level, and at least two of those states permit elective abortion past 20 weeks.

Australia is the one country where a federal system is in place, but abortion policy is determined on the state or territory level. Three states or territories within Australia permit elective abortion, and two allow elective abortion past 20 weeks. However, other states and territories of Australia maintain more restrictive abortion policies and some do not permit elective abortion at all.viii Due to the diverse range of abortion policy in Australia, from restrictive to ultra-permissive, this study does not include Australia, as a whole, as a country that permits elective abortion past 20 weeks.

More than 75% of the countries permitting abortion without restriction as to reason do not permit elective abortions past 12 weeks gestation.ixx

Only 12% (7 out of 59) of the countries permitting abortion without restriction as to reason permit elective abortion past 20 weeks gestation.

The U.S. is among these 7 countries that permit elective abortion past 20 weeks.xi This is true whether 20 weeks is measured from the last menstrual period (gestational age), conception, or implantation. No matter how duration of pregnancy is measured, whether by gestational age or conception or fertilization, or implantation, all countries in this category pass the 20-week threshold. These countries/territories are:

Canada (no restriction in law)xii
China (no restriction in law)xiii
Netherlands (24 weeks)
North Korea (no restriction in law)
Singapore (24 weeks)
United States (viability)9
Vietnam (no restriction in law)xiv

The United States is within the top 4% of most permissive abortion policies in the world (7 out of 198) when analyzing restrictions on elective abortion based on duration of pregnancy.

Implications for Current Policy in the United States

Under U.S. law, abortion on demand is permitted without restriction through viability. Viability can vary, and is decreasing in terms of weeks of gestation as perinatal medicine advances, but normally occurs no earlier than 24 weeks.

Recently, in the United States, there has been great interest in restricting abortion on demand after 20 weeks.xvxvi Two states have had 20-week laws on the books since before Roe v. Wade. Eleven more states have enacted 20-week laws in recent years.10 A proposed 20-week law in Albuquerque, New Mexico failed to gain majority support in 2013 but was notable for the engaged citizen activism that resulted in the proposal being put on a municipal ballot for a direct vote.xvii

There is also interest at the federal level in restricting elective abortion after 20 weeks. In 2013, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a 20-week law.xviii A similar law has been introduced in the U.S. Senate.11 xix

Permitting abortion on demand past 20 weeks places the United States among the top 4% of most-permissive countries in the world based on duration of pregnancy restrictions on abortion. If the United States adopts a federal policy restricting elective abortion past 20 weeks, or if more states adopt such policies, the U.S. will more closely align itself with the international norm that limits elective abortion past 12 weeks. Policies imposing gestational limits on elective abortion have been overwhelmingly adopted by countries permitting abortion on demand, indicating policies that encourage woman’s safety in limiting abortion to early pregnancy and policies that protect unborn children from pain and prolonged exposure to the risk of abortion.


In terms of gestational limits,the United States ranks among 7 countries with the most permissive abortion policies. The clear norm among countries that permit elective abortion is to limit abortion to before 20 weeks gestation, and elective abortion is more commonly limited to 12 weeks (the first trimester).

Twenty-week abortion laws in the United States are neither extreme nor unreasonable. Rather, they move the United States closer to international norms of legislating what is safe and healthy for the mother and what grants unborn children more protection in the womb.





    • Yes, and thanks. Now he truly is.

      Let us get one thing straight.

      Except for national socialists, all politicians either quit politics or cave in to the jews and commit literal treason.

      The brilliant The Nameless War by Captain Ramsay proves the jews are at war with the gentiles, seeking our enslavement and destruction, and organizing the bloodiest wars and revolutions to crucify us.

      Anyone in bed with them is a TRAITOR.

      ..like Trump.

  1. Dear Francisco: I don’t see how anything that happens in Scandinavia, Poland or Hungary has any bearing on what American political movements choose for themselves. For someone who is so anxious and easily outraged by any infringement on national prerogatives you seem to be pretty loose about that when it comes to conforming to “international norms”.

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