“We’re reckless, arrogant, stupid d1cks”

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Nicholas van Rensburg prophesied in 1917, during WWI, THREE world wars, with the last one nuclear.


“We’re reckless, arrogant, stupid dicks.”

I watched about two thirds of a snippet from “Team America,” a satire on the Bush Administration. Funny at first for me but so much juey genitalia & toilet humor…. ugh, to the max.

I just watched this new Duran video:

Trump and his nominee for National Security Advisor, General Kellogg, are incredibly badly informed.

The Internet has led since 1996 to many serious, truthful, factual websites (among them, IMO, my own site, www.johndenugent.com, which has been around since 2009 and at vast expense to me).

But this Trump seems to only know and believe what the Washington Compost and Ju York Times say — and they are his enemies and arrant Deep-State liars!

More and more I see Trump as just not very bright, not that he has ever appeared at any time to be a bright, well-read man of presidential material.

Just watch the movie “Thirteen Days” — about John and Robert Kennedy and the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, and there you seen two Ivy League men from back when a Harvard degree actually meant something. Kennedy uses the book “The Guns of August” by historian Barbara Tuchman, showing key lessons from the catastrophe of World War One, in order to guide him in how to NOT listen to his military bureaucracy, which in 1962 was on auto-pilot for war with the Soviet Russians — on auto-pilot for NUCLEAR war, which is where we are heading now.

And, just as with Reagan or Bush II, the Trumpster comes across to me as a typical business chap (like my late father, also a self-made man) who has not read a serious book in ten years — and who has maybe a 125 IQ, enough to qualify to try to become a lieutenant in the Marine Corps — or maybe run the sporting-goods section at a Walmart. 😉

In this juey movie “Team America” (from the South Park guys, Stone and Parker), a satire about the Bush Administration, the “All-American heroes” actually boast: “We’re reckless, arrogant, stupid dicks.” 😉 So I watched about two thirds of it. …. Amurrikins as blithering idiots who blow sh– up. In the Duran video below, the two men marvel at how Jukrainian propaganda and lies have been swallowed and blindly regurgitated by both Trump and Kellogg. One wonders how anything will change on January 20th, if Trump even lives that long.

I said it back on April 20, 2017 — and I am the ONLY one to say it: we are heading toward a thermonuclear war. I can probably stop it, with your help.



  1. Donald Trump is a fucking moron, he inherited his fathers wealth and was mentored by him.
    He worships jews and thinks their living gods he’s an evangelical christian.

    Thats all i need to say, the evangelical christians are the biggest nutjobs on this planet.
    I’m a 39 year old and i don’t think Donald Trump would have read a history book in his life.

    I don’t see him as a book person not even in the 1960’s when he was younger.
    He’s an imbecile thats living in the matrix.
    If this is a real prophecy then you can’t stop it, i don’t think it’s possible to stop a real prophecy.

    Were definitley under marxist totalitarian rule in nearly every white country.
    When i go into a government building in Australia they have big signs up saying racism will not be tolerated.

    It should say at the end unless it’s against anyone of white European descent.
    This is Trotskyism and it’s heading into dangerous territory.
    Theres also a radical jewish marxist group called the white rose society operating in Australia.

    With members in the greens party and the marxists far left ABC media media.
    Our society is run by stupid,gullible deranged people, and evil demented nutjobs.

    I think most white people in the cities are brainwashed and retarded and nothing is improving or getting better on any level.
    The fake libtard hippy commy white people are what represents all white western cities in the western world.
    Melbourne has been like this for decades now, it’s an oppressive commy shithole.

    I think that quality of life is what concerns me not my own race, and i think that improving things in my life is my goal.
    I say that because i get along with most non whites better then white people.
    And the demographics are different here in Australia.

    I would rather be around none whites most of the time because white people are such programmed retards.
    I can’t afford to leave Brisbane so i’ll make the most out of it.

    Compared to ther cities in the world it’s half decent and it’s very safe as well.
    I think a lot of this stuff is out of our hands.

    Ww3 and bolshavism of the earth is good posibility but the average person cannot plan for that scenario.
    Were talking about an armageddon scenario.

      • Well, we shall see if this is true. A total traitor is someone who for money goes over to the enemy of his country. A lot of people rationalize flattering the juze and supporting Israel with being realistic.

        If a truly antisemitic movement that can develop dynamic growth is created, and it has a future, Trump might just join it.

        But this we shall find out soon.

        • John, With his ‘warp speed’ jew death jabs having probably already caused thousands of white deaths and his ‘death penalty for atisemites’ and bombing of Syria for his jew masters i think at least he is patially a race traitor already, but as you say -we shall see.

        • Donald Trump is an imbecile, thats the problem.
          Their is only one white leader that ive heard criticise the jews in recent times and that is Lukashenko.
          But him and all the rest buy into this anti semitism crap.
          It’s just a recent word that jews made up, as long as his close to Russia and China, he might be able to keep the jews at bay.
          Belarus is the last country in Europe with the death penalty, and Lukashenko is the only half decent leader in Russia. But if theres nucleor weapons used.
          Then the whole continent of Europe and Russia is obliterated and uninhabitable for the next 50000 years.

    • It is amazing how any immigrant — who is a GUEST in another country, as I was once in Austria, and later on in France — can do such a thing, and how a medical doctor can kill people.

      I guess he may also be thinking Germany is a US vassal, and radically supports a murderous Israel, which genocides the Gazans and other Muslims, and that Germany has a woke, pro-LGBTQ, and sick, satanic culture.

      • I don’t think muslims or arabs think that deeply, and in my last message i meant Lukashenko in Belarus not Russia.
        If i had a good paying job and health i would prefer to live in a foriegn country like Japan rather then Europe.
        At least your around civilised decent people.
        And thanks to very few immigrants Japan is the safest country on earth.
        I don’t think the average Saudi gives a shit about the Palastinians, the Saudis and Israel are allied and Israel knows that if they offer Saudis transport and resources to get to Europe then they in turn can spread the jihadist movement and conquer the infidels.
        Most muslim countries are not united and their constantly at wars with each other. The Shia, Sunny and other factions

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