What Happens When the Regime Steals the 2024 Election?
Does anyone have a good answer to this?
Note that I did not say ‘if’ the regime steals the election.
So far the 2024 election is proceeding according to the same playbook as 2020. Trump is touring the country, holding massive rallies that generate vast enthusiasm. He puts his foot in his mouth as often as he strikes rhetorical gold, making his online supporters oscillate wildly along the familiar it’s so over/we’re so back pendulum, alternately convinced that victory is inevitable and that their leader is determined to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by, for instance, declaring that he wants lots of immigration because AI is coming (no, that didn’t make sense to me, either). None of this matters to the base, who continue to turn out in their tens of thousands, regardless of what the big man says or doesn’t say. It’s all vibes.
Meanwhile, Kamala hides from the public, refuses interviews, avoids any unscripted interactions, and doesn’t attend rallies. She’s an idiot, of course – a mentally deficient, vindictive, charmless, alcoholic dollar-store prostitute. Every time she opens her mouth in public the word salad that cackles out elicits incredulous mockery from everyone who bothers to pay attention, just as she always has. She can’t even run on her record – the border broke on her watch, and so did the economy, with her campaign insisting, remarkably, that inflation is fine but also, supermarkets need price controls to prevent gouging. In recognition of this, her team plays hide-the-candidate, a game the regime’s fluffers in the legacy propaganda outlets are only too happy to assist with.
This is precisely the strategy adopted by Joe Biden in the 2020 campaign, which he conducted entirely from the comfort of his basement. Biden was obviously senile. Everyone could see it. His running mate was as unlikable then as she is now. So they both stayed out of view, let the press do his talking for them, while Trump ran around the country holding massive, enthusiastic rallies.
It was obvious to everyone that Trump would win, easily, in a landslide.
And he did win.
Except where it mattered.
Everyone saw what happened on election night. They stopped the count in swing counties in which it looked like Trump would win. When the country went to bed, Trump was comfortably in the lead. When they woke up, the Democrats had magically found boxes of ballots with Biden’s name on them. In some places Democrat-controlled vote-counting centres covered the windows to prevent an angry public from seeing what was happening within. Elsewhere the count lingered on for a week, weeks even, so that the Democrats could count up the number of Trump votes and introduce a sufficient quantity of Biden votes. Then of course there were all the questions about electronic voting integrity, with revelations that the machines were not airgapped, but were in fact unsecurely connected to the Internet.
When it was all said and done, Trump exceeded his performance in 2016, but Biden obtained more votes than any presidential candidate in history.
Despite never leaving his basement.
An election day week month miracle!
Of course the propagandists gaslit everyone – election fraud was a conspiracy theory, it was the most secure election in history, and so on and so forth. That this was the precise opposite of what they’d been saying for the previous four years – that Russia had hacked Our Democracy – was neither here nor there. Later Time Magazine bragged that they had ‘fortified’ the election, which everyone understood to as an admission that they’d stolen it.
Election fraud in America utilizes a variety of tactics: ballot stuffing, ballot harvesting from senile seniors, registering illegal immigrants and other non-citizens to vote (which, as everyone knows, is why the regime is so hostile to voting ID laws), electronically forged ballots, and forged mail-in ballots. Definitive evidence of any one form of electoral fraud is extremely difficult to obtain, requiring painstaking forensic work. Even when such evidence is found, it will only pertain to one form of fraud, in one or a few locations. This enables regime respecters to claim that fraud is rare, and does not occur on a large enough scale to swing elections. Somehow they never say that any cheating at all is unacceptable. Funny that.
Not everyone fell for the fraud, of course. Outraged rallies began to spontaneously rise up across the country, ultimately converging on DC for the doomed J6 ‘insurrection’.
It didn’t matter.
The propagandists called Trump’s supporters terrorists. Those who entered the Capitol were arrested, imprisoned, subjected to various forms of psychological torture.
The regime stole the election in broad daylight, grinned with its hands in the cookie jar, looked the country right in the eyes with crumbs dribbling down its wobbling chins, grinned “What cookie?”, and dared anyone to call it on their blatant lies.
The regime got away with it.
It is obvious that they are doing the same thing again. It worked the first time, so why would they not? The Biden administration proved that you don’t need a charismatic candidate, or even a minimally competent one. All you need is a warm body that can be wheeled in front of the cameras every now and then. The compliance of the propaganda organs renders any embarrassing behaviour from the warm body wholly irrelevant. Enough of the population is so thoroughly brainwashed, so completely incapable of evaluating reality, so utterly prostrated before propaganda, that they will believe whatever they are told to believe and they will do so with the whole of their hollowed-out hearts. Not everyone, to be sure … but enough. Particularly as those most completely captured are the Single Woke Females, the professional-managerial class aparat-chicks that infest the institutions.
In the confusing months between November 2020 and J6, there was rampant speculation Trump would take some sort of bold action – a military coup d’etat, or even a Civil War. There’s no question that if he’d given the word his supporters would have turned out in their millions. Everyone sensed that it was go time, and they were ready to go. In the end, after some half-hearted lawsuits and a few rallies, the big man lost his nerve. Go home, he told his supporters. Go in peace. It’s over.
He may well have been right to do so. The Biden presidency was disastrous for America. The economy has fallen apart; inflation has wiped people out; the leaking border has shattered, letting in tens of millions, many criminals, many very possibly much worse than criminals; America has found itself embroiled in wars all over the world, which threaten to turn nuclear. The last four years have been an almost unprecedented national humiliation. Biden is, without a shadow of a doubt, the worst president America has ever had.
But was the Biden presidency worse than a Civil War?
Think about that.
Civil Wars have a tendency to spin out of control, very quickly. They are almost uniquely vicious. With America’s total breakdown of social trust, the war would spread everywhere, and fast. No one really knows what way the military would go; it would probably split, in practice, some units (Air Force and Navy especially) declaring for the regime, others for America (Marines, if I had to guess). Ad hoc militias would form all over the place. There would be ethnic strife that would make the usual antics of Blacks Looting and Murdering look mostly peaceful. Supply chains would break down. Civilians would die of lack of medicine. Children would starve. Then of course there are foreign adversaries, all of whom – the Russians, the Chinese, the Iranians, the Saudis, the Mexicans – would almost certainly get involved, with the goal of exacerbating the war, dragging it out as long as possible, in order to break American power forever.
As horrible as the last four years have been for America, they were nowhere near as bad as a Civil War would have been.
Maybe Trump understood this. Maybe it wasn’t cowardice on his part, but prudence – he did not want to be the one to unlock the hellgate in the District of Columbia, and unleash the legions of the damned on the continent.
So what happens in November, when the Democrats steal the election in broad daylight once again, and their cackling idiot Kali assumes the Oval Office.
The most likely answer is: nothing.
At least nothing of consequence.
There will be outrage on social media. Everyone will see right through the charade, and they’ll make sure the establishment knows that they see. The memes will flow like fine wine at the open bar of a billionaire wedding third wedding. There will be rallies. Angry Americans will show up to wave placards and chant slogans about fertilizing the Tree of Liberty and so on. There will be grim predictions of Civil War, of the right’s inevitable victory because of course, they have all the veterans, and all the guns, so the left better watch out.
But without a leader to tell them to open fire, the barrels of those Ar-15s will remain as cold as a witch’s useless tits.
The response to the regime’s theft of the Republic will be an idiot’s response – sound and fury, signifying nothing. The barking of angry dogs, whose owners know can be easily kicked into supplication. A resentful, fitful supplication, to be sure. But supplication nonetheless.
If Trump was a different sort of man, things might be different. But he is not a general. He is not a warrior. He is not a military man. He may possess physical courage, he may be bold, but he is not a Julius Caesar, or even a General Franco. He is a businessman. He negotiates. He strikes deals. He is also an actor – a reality television star who plays himself. He cultivates his personal brand, rides the waves of the publicity he generates, curates his image. These are not useless talents. He knows how to talk to his audience, how to get a message out and get people fired up about it. He’s great at getting things built. He knows how to strike a deal. But he is not a man of violence.
So when the deep state steals the election for its papier-mâché candidate, Trump will probably do what Trump did the last time: put on a good show, make lots of noise, and then swallow his losses and his boundless pride and go back to Mar-A-Lago … while those of his supporters who are too hot-headed to take the hint, take the hit.
What happens next is hard to say. Again, probably just a continuation, and an acceleration, of the same decay into impoverished single-party totalitarianism that America has already been experiencing.
Maybe the first amendment will finally be destroyed via explicit implementation of hate speech and counter-disinformation laws. But maybe that won’t be necessary, and instead an end-run around the first amendment will be found: some sort treaty with the EU, for example, which forces American social media platforms to abide by European regulations.
Maybe they’ll finally come for everyone’s guns. Oh, sure, that will start the Civil War, you say. Cops going door to door confiscating people’s black rifles will find themselves full of holes. Only that isn’t how it will happen. People will simply be ordered to turn their weapons in; those who do not comply will find their bank accounts frozen. It is very difficult to shoot a frozen bank account. Will people be angry? Sure. Angry enough to start shooting? Who will they shoot? The ATM? The people responsible are inaccessibly distant.
Maybe they’ll naturalize all of the illegals who have flooded in, expanding Democrat voter rolls by tens of millions overnight. They can even have honest elections after that, because the demographic changes will mean that no Republican will ever win an election again … certainly no anti-immigration Republican.
Maybe they’ll finally push Russia too far, and the Russians will let the nukes fly. Or the Chinese. Or the Iranians. Or all of them. In that case it’s the end. But maybe America’s adversaries, more responsible than Washington’s petulant tyrants, will resist America’s nuclear brinksmanship, while ratcheting up World War III in other ways. In that case there will probably be a draft. The white boys can go die for the regime, and make room for their replacements. That might start a civil war, sure. But not if the guns have been confiscated via bank account freezes. Oh, and if you don’t show up for the draft? That’s also an account freeze, of course.
Leaving aside a strategic weapons exchange, none of those scenarios are worse than Civil War. At least not from a purely economic, material standpoint. Americans will find themselves impoverished and disinherited, second-class citizens in their own countries, reduced to helotry. But they’ll be alive, mostly. And they’ll be better off than they would be with a complete breakdown in public order. This might not be true in the long run, given that the globalist elite has made it quite clear that they intend to embrace degrowth, dramatically reducing living standards in the former first world, while gradually replacing the native populace with imported ethnic groups. But that process will stretch out over a decade or two, it will be soft and incremental. By the time those who remember how good things used to be realize their mistake, that they should have fought, they’ll be too old and beaten down to do anything about it; the youth will be accustomed to their reduced circumstances, and so hormonally poisoned and MKULTRA’d that they, too, will accept their prostrate subjugation in the country once known as the land of the free, now the home of the slave.
How do we avoid such a grim outcome? Assuming it can be avoided.
‘Voting harder’ doesn’t seem like it will do anything. It doesn’t matter how aggressively you get out the vote if the other side just fakes as many additional votes as they need to cancel out your lead. I should think this is obvious.
Some have suggested election surveillance. This would require a huge, coordinated open source intelligence effort in every key district in every swing state, with citizens shining a bright light on every single ballot that gets counted. This should absolutely be done, but I’m skeptical that this will be very effective in practice. In many cases citizens won’t be allowed in to observe as their votes are counted; forcing their way in on election night would disrupt the count, and probably get citizen observers arrested for election interference. Monitoring electronic voting is extremely difficult, as the systems are all proprietary. Keeping track of mail-in ballots is similarly hopeless. And of course, whatever evidence of fraud is detected, no matter how blatant, the propagandists will simply lie about it, right to the country’s face … and their demoralized base will be only too happy to believe them.
What about secession? Perhaps in the aftermath of an obviously fraudulent election, a coalition of red state governors, with Florida and Texas in the lead, might have the backbone to declare the obvious, that the ‘elected’ president is a pretender, and leave the Union. We had a preview of how rapidly this might spread last January, when Texas’ dispute with the Feds over the border rapidly led to a large number of states declaring for Texas.
Not that it mattered; the Feds backed down, sort of. The border crisis continues unabated.
Secession is likely to lead to Civil War. Many are already convinced that this is the only way. For this to be even remotely plausible, America – the real America, which is to say not the Blue coalition of non-Americans and traitors – would need the right leader. As discussed, Trump is not that man; at least, he has given us no reason to think he is that man, and many reasons to believe that he isn’t. It is hard to say who that man might be, or where he might come from. There are no generals with the necessary name recognition; in any case, America’s general staff are now, and have been for many years, political appointees, wholly loyal to the regime. We live in an age of actors, celebrities, and entertainers, not in an age of conquerors and kings. We may wish for a king, but the only kings we know are those who play one on TV.
I do not wish to blackpill. There is much about this election that is more favourable than in 2020. In 2020, Twitter was in the hands of the enemy, which enabled them to shadowban Trump’s supporters, and to suppress the news of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal; had that news been allowed to spread beyond the narrow circle of the Very Online, it might have changed enough votes to complicate the regime’s vote fraud. In 2024, X belongs to Musk, who has purged the state’s agents, taken the leash off of the right, and has recently come out for Trump, inviting him back to the platform and hosting a conversation with him that broke every record, racking up over a billion views. Indeed, it looks as though the tech elite – or at least a considerable part of it, for Google is certainly still wholly owned by the regime – has thrown its weight behind Trump. They certainly do so for their own ambitions, not out of any sense of patriotism, but this split in the elite is to the regime’s detriment, and our advantage.
The well-wishes of billionaires and a levelled playing field on social media won’t count for anything, however, if the regime simply steals the vote again. It won’t matter if Musk himself points out the obvious fraud, as he surely will; Musk is a fascist or something, remember, and you shouldn’t believe anything that racist incel says. It won’t matter how many people see right through it if they aren’t willing to do something about it in the real world. And if their leader tells them not to do anything, they almost certainly won’t. Not in enough numbers to matter.
So we come back to the question.
When the regime steals the election, what happens then?
Does anyone have a plan for this?
…..”Does anyone have a plan for this?”
Btw, the longing for the providential leader occurs often in the tides of human affairs. This is the great “De la Rey” song by a top modern Afrikaner singer down in South Africa, Bok van Bleurk
This 2005 song has become legendary amongst the Boers. General De la Rey, during the Second Anglo-BoerWar (1899-1902) was, so to speak, the Robert E. Lee of the Boers, a superb general, and the fact that he believed that Nicholas Van Rensburg was a true prophet – which in fact Nicholas had been from his childhood on — deeply impressed the Boer people. And in this prophesy the Boers survive; the white race survives.
This song is so touching — the men are hardened soldiers, and say they are willing to die for their general, a man whom they trust with their very lives to defend a beleaguered people.
The Boers are a mix of Dutch, German, French Protestants and also plenty of British and Irish
….The 1917 Nicholas Van Rensburg prophecy of three world wars
UPDATE: The tsunami bomb is now a reality!
It has four times the explosive power of the old Soviet-Russian “Tsar Bomba” of 1961, which at 50 megatons wiped out buildings in a 50-km/30-mile radius:
The new Poseidon torpedo, powered by a nuclear engine, is designed to creep forward through the Atlantic Ocean floor at a snail’s pace — but then speed up to 180-kmh/100-mph as it nears the beach on the US East, Gulf and West Coasts so it cannot be intercepted.
(The last minute consists of an ad.)
What is horrible is when Nicholas Van Rensburg said that not one person in England would survive.
According to the video, a 1,600-foot/500-meter high wave would arise. It would drown everyone in mostly flat England, and most people in Wales and Scotland.
And it would do the same to much of the US East Coast, Gulf and West Coasts as well. Russia has thirty of these tsunami torpedos.
Tsunami scene from “Deep Impact” (with a comet producing the wave):
Also, whereas a nuclear-armed missile could perhaps be shot down by some sort of “Star Wars” laser, it could NOT destroy a torpedo a hundred or more feet underwater, and especially not if moving at 100 mph.
When I first heard of this NVR prophecy, this Russian weapon was not yet deployed.
Now it is.
Still laughing it all off?
This 1917 prophecy marches now toward its fulfillment, ending with the Reich Germans of the Absetzbewegung, the Disengagement Movement, re-emerging from bases under the Antarctic and the Andes mountain chain to rule a world mostly in ashes — in alliance with the Boers who have survived, with sudden Reich-German help, a merciless race war.
It marches now toward its fulfillment, ending with the Reich Germans of the Absetzbewegung, the Disengagement Movement, re-emerging from bases under the Antarctic and the Andes mountain chain to rule a world mostly in ashes — in alliance with the Boers who have survived, with sudden Reich-German help, a merciless race war.
NVR foresaw Britain turns against America, Turkey against Russia, then Russia invades Turkey and the rest of NATO in Europe (the weaker party “ getting in the first blow”).
And then (in the quaint 1917 phrase by Van Rensburg) “the horror bombs” go off.
Simon Roche of South Africa: the astonishing 1917 prophecies of Nicholas van Rensburg
Van Rensburg predicted that after a black becomes president of South Africa ( = the communist Nelson Mandela, here with his communist, Lithuanian-Jewish adviser, Joe Slovo)
….and also after a black likewise becomes the president of the United States ( = Obama), described as “a black boy,”
….and recall that — back in 1917 — such notions of black presidents seemed absurd and even unimaginable….
…THEN a male, white, older conservative will take over the reins of the state.
This white, male conservative will have “hair like a wig,” and constantly frown. It ends up eventually in a war with Russia.
America will be crippled for generations by massive destruction.
Russia too will be almost completely destroyed.
Some European countries as well will be wiped out, especially England, which will break its alliance with the United States and therefore will be abandoned by them. Not one Englishman will survive, van Rensburg predicts.
The Soviet nuclear Sakharov Plan was to plant and ignite hydrogen bombs at key places to crack open the crust of the earth, creating a gigantic tsunami that will drown everyone in low-lying England — or the whole, low-lying US East Coast.
Andrei Sakharov, later a famous dissident, built the first Soviet hydrogen bomb.
America before WWIII
This movie is based on the actual 2004 tsunami that killed 400,000 people in Thailand, including many white tourists. I am highly suspicious that this was triggered deliberately via an underwater nuclear device — practicing mass killing and population reduction of the hated goyim, as per the openly stated first goal on the Georgia Guidestones, by the jewish Deep State.
Ironically, Germans and Boers, supposedly the vanquished ones of history, down in South Africa, will be the only major white survivors of this utterly useless, pointless world war that will destroy the entire northern hemisphere of our planet.
They will build together a new white empire in Africa, which will have remained unscathed from the Third World War.
And these two very tough, smart, warlike white peoples with no racial illusions will crush without mercy any black people who oppose law, order, civilization, and progress.
As far as the Germans are concerned, as I have explained many times on my website, Adolf Hitler ordered, after the great defeat at Stalingrad, the evacuation of the most elite of his German scientists and military down to Antarctica. They have huge under-ice military bases there, and also in the Andes mountain range, in a kind of existence like a badger, protected in their lairs, but not daring to wage war on the United States or Russia (neither against Soviet Russia 1945-91 nor the Yeltsin-Putin Russia of 1991-2018).
The Reich population is only five million, like Finland, Ireland, or the US state of Wisconsin.
Their only option is to wait for WWIII, and for their enemies to destroy each other.
What are Van Rensburg’s prophecies concerning the Tribe, the Jews, who are certainly our worst enemy, not the primitive blacks?
He was negative toward them, and often spoke of “Jews, Blacks, English and jingos”[Boer sell-outs].
Like all Boers, he hated especially the English (who had killed two of his daughters in Lord Kitchener’s horrible concentration camps).
And he loved and admired the Germans.
He prophesied that the Germans would lose two world wars but win, that is, survive — and survive alone — the third world war.
Hitler himself said “Das letzte Battalion wird ein deutsches sein.” (“The last battalion will be German.”) This becomes understandable only if one accepts the reality of the military “Absetzbewegung” of 1943-45, the “disengagement movement”. (“Sich absetzen” in German means “to withdraw your troops.” “He who runs away can live to fight another day.”)
…..And now my first of two 2018 interviews (as host on Resistance Radio) with Simon Roche, activist and spokesman for the Southlanders in South Africa (90 minutes) on WHAT HIS ORGANIZATION WANTS TO DO.
Should Boers plan to stand and fight in place — or evacuate to a safer, more isolated area?
The Southlanders organization (of which Roche, a non-Boer, is the key spokesman to the anglosphere) is operating under explicit international law to protect the white South Africans (both Boers and Brits) by withdrawing — under arms but peacefully — to defensive perimeters in case a full race war breaks out in the nightmarish, black-majority South Africa.
Part 1 of 2
Part 2 of 2
…..Debunking the specific slanders against the Suidlanders, Simon Roche, and Van Rensburg by the previously honest Jan Lamprecht
……The gigantic slander campaign
Justin L. Smith One of the most depressing lines of the song by Saga “Ode to a Dying People”: “The heroes of the race have already died…” We need giants to appear and lead our people.
Questa bambina è una forza della natura, ginnasta da quando aveva due anni.
Mi ricorda la tua Margi..