What is our underlying fascination with this beauty about?

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The Garnier Palace is a famous Parisian opera house 

Oslo’s modern but also attractive opera house – the back of each seat has a screen with the subtitles of the lyrics being sung in eight languages. 

Stephen Alfred Hung Phung John De Nugent Aufdeutsch I know you love to look at beautiful architecture, so here’s an article with those.
  • John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Thanks, Stephen… sublime, wonderful, inspiring.
    What people do not understand is that things like the depicted Garnier Palace in Paris reflect what heaven actually is like, and so is a lit-up Christmas tree – gorgeous lights and stunning beauty.
    A 1943 wartime German woodcut 
    The reincarnation reality is that the decent majority of people incarnate here from a beautiful world and return there at death, but we cannot STAY there. We are not allowed it.
    It is like a “temporary heaven,” a holding place. Here on this rough-and-tumble world, this earth, is where we are to learn. One can grow 30 times faster here than in “heaven,” which is a perfectly run place, a kind of celestial dictatorship where all you have to do is conform. There are no criminals, no crimes, no degeneracy, and no temptations — thus also no challenges, no enemies and no evil to fight.
    You can actually grow a lot by pondering things that are ugly, tawdry, ignoble and disgusting and being repelled by them. 😉 (Sometimes the kids of alcoholics and abusers grow up to become the most ultra-conscientious parents themselves.)
    The film “Miracles from Heaven” (based on a true story) shows what a stunningly beautiful world the little girl experienced in her NDE (Near-Death Experience). Once one grasps all this, then the Palais Garnier’s attraction makes a deeper sense, as does the famous line of poetry by Alphonse de Lamartine: “L’homme est un dieu tombé qui se souvient des cieux.” (“Man is a fallen god who remembers the heavens.”) 🙂
    It is literally true. 🙂

…..Reincarnation facts


…..Maverick, egotistical, flashy, bellicose, blondish, blue-eyed, 6’2″ President Donald Trump (born June 1946) is literally the reincarnation of the maverick, egotistical, flashy, bellicose, blondish, blue-eyed, 6’2″ general George Patton (died December 1945)


……Recent donations

People who understand my religious mission donate. Those who understand the soul really is immortal fear dishonor, not death. I am getting whites ready to fight — no longer against each other, but for their survival, and a free and beautiful national socialist world.

December 1942 sign put up in Detroit across from a federally funded black housing project  called “Sojourner Truth”. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1943_Detroit_race_riot) Gung-ho GI Joe had no idea what FDR had planned for White America after the warmongering Patton and his GIs had crushed our brothers and sisters in White Germany and the Nuremberg “War Crimes Trials” demonized “racism” and “antisemitism.”


Patton watching training maneuvers at Fort Irwin, California just before the deployment to North Africa. It looks like the Coachella Valley in California where they trained, near the Salton Sea.





–21 September 2019 loan via PayPal of $100 from M in California

–20 September 2019 loan via PayPal of $88 from B in New York State

20 September 2019 check for $75 from G in Cicero, Illinois

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