What is up with black folks? and mystery craft docks at the ISS, the International Space Station

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…..I have never seen this before — white Buffalo, NY guy says VERY calmly to gayish-sounding, nerd reporter that any blacks moving in — will have their house burned down.




What was outstanding was that this is a working-class guy who did not back down one inch, stayed steady, kept his dignity, and made the reporter (some college boy) look and feel like the dork he is.


…..A Pennsylvanian wrote me after walking through west Scranton, Pennsylvania

John, you can tell there’s something palpable happening as I pass. Every black youth you can see has a stare going; I’m telling you there’s something on the horizon. I’ve never experienced this before. It’s like their looking at me with suspicion. I mean you can see in their eyes.

I replied:

Really?.. hmm. We have zero blacks up here, I mean almost zero, and back in Apollo, in western Pennsylvania, it was a whopping 2%. 🙂 Some of them were quite friendly but maybe it was just me. I have always liked black people without having an illusions (about them — or the average white, for that matter!).

I wonder if someone (black agents of the FBI, SPLC, ADL network) is feeding them a specific message, or is it that HAARP is (I am not joking) being set to the frequency of the negro brain to agitate them? Or to make the white brain more cowardly?

As my recent blog points out, the government is spending a huge amount of money now to chemtrail my tiny and very, very isolated town…doubtless to either zombyize the whites here — or to get ready to stir them up and agitate them against me. (Mike Delaney of TruTube.tv lives here too). They come with two jets….







Now the Baltimore thing was a perfect example of a non-racial incident that nevertheless triggered a race riot.

He replied:

I believe you about HAARP. I’m sure they’re able to manipulate weather, so why not human beings? Some say HAARP caused the Japanese tsunami that hit Fukushima, etc.


…..Strange screenshot of ISS docking

Check this out, John.  An eagle-eyed viewer of the ISS live feed spotted a strange object docking with the ISS. He grabbed a screenshot before NASA (you guessed it) cut the live feed off.


This has happened a few times and I now think that NASA (which was helped formed by the thelemic witch Jack Parsons, follower of Aleister Crowley and friend to Hubbard) has the feed on a loop so that no more anomalies can be spotted. Many have been passed off as “ice crystals,” but if that’s so, why cut the live feed? Why are we not allowed to look at floating ice? 😉

This goes along with my theory that the ISS is somewhat of a pit stop for alien craft. Hard to deny photographic proof.

I replied:

This is very interesting, and thank you very much. This would fit my theory, enunciated here in this very long an thorough essay (https://johndenugent.com/ufos-the-third-reich-after-1945-and-the-pleiadians) that what is going on is that the US government has been taken over, since the Eisenhower years, by grays and reptilians.

The so-called Secret Space Program is the REAL one and NASA just a cover.

The hopeful thing in all this is that there is also tremendous opposition to this takeover by both patriotic Americans (civilian and military) and also other species, human and humanoid, who are radically opposed to earth becoming a reptiloid colony for many reasons, 1) being compassion, and 2) a takeover would threaten their own interests.

What is delicate about this is no one wants to resort to an all-out war with that could go nuclear — and wipe out what all sides want to keep or get. So a lot of stuff is going on behind the scenes, and some seeming earth humans are not at all.

The reason why the movie “They Live” is so haunting is because it reflects reality, as do in fact many Hollywood movies!

Now, all this just does seem pretty crazy, but it is a theory that fits the strange facts we see, which most definitely are of an anti-human species getting ready to depopulate the planet – so another species can live here, and the top Jews (Rothschild types, certainly not the little Jew who is just a dentist!) are their chief agents.


I’m going to do a quick blog on this. Thanx again.


…..Illegal aliens murder 90-year-old Minnesota farmer


Last month, 90-year-old Earl Olander was found beaten to death inside his Carver County home. Until a few…



  • Stephen Wynne replied · 1 Reply



  • JohnNy Oselot replied · 1 Reply


  • John D. Nugent There is NOTHING courageous today about being a liberal. It is going with the flow — right over Niagara Falls. 😉
  • Stephen Wynne Liberals see themselves as resistant to Bush-style politics, which they think is dominant. “The Man” needs opposing, and perhaps he does. A few ask for Obama’s Nobel Prize to be returned when he lobs a drone at a family somewhere on the other side of the world.
  • Stephen Wynne America seems to have a big case of cognitive dissonance. It cannot simultaneously break down unique aspects of individuals in the name of assimilation and maintain its own sense of culture.
  • John D. Nugent I have seen my own liberal family members, who are all peace-and-love toward minorities both racial and sexual, rip into me like piranhas with savage hatred, so I never want to hear again how liberals are loving and compassionate. Then they go live in their gated community or lily-white area! Hypocrites!
    Like · Reply · 3 · 6 hrs
  • Stephen Wynne Which type of family is really open-minded? Mine is leaning to the Christian right with a few hippie stragglers.
  • Stephen Wynne Going with the flow is the common denominator IMHO.
  • John D. Nugent Nietzsche did an acidic analysis of both Christianity and its secular version, liberalism, saying it was a feel-good, self-righteous, holier-than-thou head trip –goody two-shoes.
  • Stephen Wynne Any scan of the daily newspapers will reveal that supermen are unwanted from among our children. Bobby is in detention because he wore a gun rights T-shirt to school. Sally faces Chicks on the Chicks On The Right criticism because she won’t stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
  • John D. Nugent In the movie “Dead Man Walking” the nun (Susan Sarandon), who is crusading against the death penalty, runs into the father of the raped, murdered girl victim, and gets her come-uppance.
  • Stephen Wynne But it’s conservatives who’re the staunchest supporters of the thieves in Israel.
  • John D. Nugent Which is why national socialism is neither left nor right…
    When we once again have the power, all these people will conform to US….They’ re just going where the power is.
  • Stephen Wynne The Christian right has a lot of firepower and is entrenched politically. Beyond that, how faithful would they be if their preachers stopped preaching Zionism, and their AIPAC and CUFI organizations vanished?
  • Stephen Wynne Baby boomers see Jewry as a miracle tribe because of Israel’s seemingly prophetic existence.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 6 hrs
  • John D. Nugent The Christian Zionists are the most PERFECT example of “for fear of the Jews.” They are licking the boots of those who crucified Jesus, their Lord, and hate Him still! But they know who controls the media.
    The primary problem of our times is cowardice.
    They THINK they are all quivery about Bible prophecy being fulfilled ;-), but in reality they sense Jew power, they see what the Jews did to Jesus, and don’t want to get on the Jews’ bad side like their Lord did. 😉 The Crucifixion was about establishing who’s boss.
  • Stephen Wynne I’m more of an observer rather than a leader.
    Unlike · Reply · 1 · 6 hrs
  • Stephen Wynne I like to point out the inconsistencies in existing assumptions, but finding the right questions is the most important challenge.
  • Shawn Jones They also killed Mohammed. Clearly they have a record of using assassination to establish who’s the boss. Rockwell also met a odd fate. Of course Hitler did too.
    Unlike · Reply · 2 · 6 hrs
  • Justin E Anderson Indeed this was truly disgusting what these illegal alien racists did to this old fellow Minnesotan country man. I would love to get my hands on these racist scumbags!
    Like · Reply · 1 · 6 hrs
  • Shawn Jones I’m surprised no vigilante has shut down the dindu parades.They must know what areas are free of whites who would do that.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs
  • Paul Lovett Death to the illegal scum!


Robert Sahm Just think rag heads, Mexicans, and Hindu Indians come over to this country, pay no taxes, and in a year own profitable business like hotels, Subway, restaurants and 711 mini marts, plus get housing paid by the government and can get loans from banks for mortgages and business loans — while a chump like me works for peanuts and gets denied mortgage home loans. That, my friend, is the America we live in today

…..Eternal Solutreanism



….to donate to a man who always thinks outside the box of failed methods




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