What is your PERSONAL reason for becoming anti-zionist? Here is just ONE of mIne

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A relative murdered on 9/11

…First, some humor



Someone called the cops — kids were “sledding on the street.” But there is still a young boy inside every cop 😉



…..David Angell, killed along with his wife on 9/11

First, some intro…. David and I had the same great ancestor:

My ancestor through both parents, Thomas Angell, helped found Providence in 1636 and the colony of Rhode Island, a unique bastion of religious freedom in a world where people killed each other over clashing doctrines.

Angell then gave the land from his apple orchard for the building of the first Baptist Church in North America, and the old dirt road from then is now called “Angell Street.”

Over in Europe and also in Puritan Massachusetts, the Baptists, then called “Anabaptists,” were persecuted (and even burned at the stake) for declaring it wrong, evil, silly, and meaningless to baptize a mere baby, going goo-goo and gah-gah, into any religion! 😉

Only an adult can intelligently choose his faith….. In Boston, after three warnings, people who skipped church were literally hanged, and if they did attend, were whacked on the head with a stick if they fell asleep during the SIX-HOUR Sunday service. 😉

How can any man say he KNOWS the mind of God, a Being who created this universe and all its billions of galaxies?

A religion is just a signpost pointing to God! As the Buddha said, “A finger pointing at the moon is not the moon.” 🙂

Well, David Angell (creator, producer and wrote for the longtime hit tv comedy “Frasier,” as well as “Cheers” and “Wings,” was a relative of mine.
He was murdered on September 11, 2001 by those who really were behind the 9/11/2001 massacre of 3,000 Americans and other innocent people.

David was born in Providence, Rhode Island (as was I), a city which our ancestor, Thomas Angell, helped found in 1636 as a colony for people seeking religious freedom.
He and his wife were flying home to California from Boston. when their plane (American Airlines Flight 11) was hijacked. I actually heard their jet take off, because I lived in the tiny coastal town of Winthrop, Massachusetts, located next to Boston’s Logan Airport and near the end of the northeastern runway.
Who really planned 9/11? Hint: 9/11 was used to initiate two long and incredibly costly wars (in Iraq and Afghanistan) against these two countries that just happened to be enemies of Israel.

Here is that film:




New York Times obituary

David Angell, 54; A Creator and Writer For ‘Frasier’ Sitcom

David Angell, a creator and executive producer of the NBC series ”Frasier,” died on Tuesday on American Airlines Flight 11 from Boston. He was 54 and lived in Pasadena, Calif.

Mr. Angell was returning with his wife, Lynn, 52, to California from their summer home in Chatham, Mass., NBC reported. Flight 11 was hijacked and flown into the north tower of the World Trade Center in Manhattan at about 8:45 a.m.

Kevin Scully, a family friend and funeral director, said the family had received confirmation of the death from the airline.

Along with Peter Casey and David Lee, Mr. Angell was a creator and executive producer of ”Frasier,” starring Kelsey Grammer, and had written for the show.

Produced in association with Paramount Network Television for NBC, ”Frasier” has won 24 Emmy Awards since its creation in 1993, including 5 wins for outstanding comedy series.

Mr.  Angell joined the Army after graduating from Providence College and served at the Pentagon until 1972. He shuttled between jobs at an engineering company in Boston and at an insurance firm in Rhode Island before moving to Los Angles in 1977.

There he sold his first script. Five years later, after working at various temporary jobs, Mr. Angell sold his second script, to ”Archie Bunker’s Place.” In 1983 he joined ”Cheers” as a staff writer.

By 1985 Mr. Angell had joined Mr. Casey and Mr. Lee as a supervising producer and writer on ”Cheers.” He won two Emmys for that show. In 1990 the three were the creators and executive producers for ”Wings.”

Ms. Angell was active in charitable causes, among them Hillsides, a home for children in Pasadena.

Mr. Angell is survived by a brother, Bishop Kenneth Angell of Burlington, Vt., and a sister, Claire Miller of Stowe, Vt. Mrs. Angell is survived by her mother, Marilyn Edwards, and a brother, Dr. Thomas Edwards, both of Birmingham, Ala.




  1. In addition to giving rise to American military campaigns against Israel’enemies in the Mideast, the 9-11 false flag event officially authorized the surveillance of Americans in violation of the Fourth Amendment.

    Evidence that the 9-11 event was authored by Israeli and American Jews, and it had been planned for years, is provided by Christopher Bollyn’s _Solving 9-11_.

  2. Regarding how I became an anti-Semite, it began with the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. I obtained a copy of the Gunderson Report about the incident, which FBI man Gunderson wrote and submitted to Congress. (Gunderson thought a high-tech “Barometric Bomb,” which receives its name because it greatly affects barometric pressure, was involved because the blast apparently caused extensive damage to the Murrah Building which was at too great a distance for it to have been so damaged by a fertilizer bomb.

    From the Gunderson Report I drew the conclusion that something was wrong about the official story regarding the OKC bombing.

    Next I read Butz’s _The Hoax of the Twentieth Century_, which denied the reality of the Holocaust, which at the time has the status of being an established fact.

    I had to read Butz’s book twice before I could believe it; and if I hadn’t read the Gunderson Report about the OKC bombing I don’t think I could have believed Butz’s book which denied the Holocaust no matter how many times I read it, for the Holocaust was at the time unquestionable to me.

    I had grown up a liberal and I thought Jews were friends of Whites and could be trusted absolutely to have good intentions toward Whites.

    Thus it was Butz who first shattered my faith that Jews were friends. And Gunderson had paved the way for my enlightenment by Butz.

    • Thanks for this story. I got to know Ted Gunderson and his assistant, Clarence Malcolm, and Clarence and I are still in touch.

      Gunderson was a straight-arrow FBI man of the old school such as the public perceived FBI men: professional, ethical, and relentless.

      As for the jews, one sure would think that they would feel deep gratitude toward Americans for having defeated their great nemesis in Germany. But no…. For the Chosen, a goy is just a slave, and if he does his job, then, well, he gets no whipping that day; you feed him his food scraps in the trough — and that is all. Must never spoil them….

      Their mindset is truly neo-feudal.

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