What Lee really thought at Appomattox; the rise of national-socialist CHINA

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Ulysses Grant removes his hat to Robert E. Lee, as do all his officers, but Lee only lifts his own hat slightly to Grant, and stares grimly, horrified, at the libtard general, feeling foreboding for America’s future as a race-riven nation


I was appalled at all the gushing in the comments under this JewTube video about how great and compassionate Lincoln was — after murdering 250,000 Southerners and burning half the South down to ashes — and how gifted the jew director Spielberg was… and how perfectly the jew actor Daniel Day Lewis played Dishonest Abe … and so, to all the cheap euphoria, I added my own contrary view:


There was mutual respect at that surrender, of course, because both sides had fought valiantly, with skill and tenacity.

But note that while Ulysses Grant and his Union officers doffed their hats and were bare-headed, Lee barely removed his hat.

Maybe he understood better than the Yankees, as Thomas Jefferson predicted in 1784 — after 200 years of white-black interactions in the South, that for all the Yankee optimism, not really born of experience, the white and black races would simply never get along — and was he wrong? It is just as some individuals will never get along, and had best part company.

Jefferson said in 1784 in his “Notes on the State of Virginia” that the Blacks should be 1) freed and then 2) sent far away, to Africa or another part of the world — or it could all end, he said, in a war of racial extermination waged by both sides.

If Jefferson was right, and Robert E. Lee (who, btw, graduated second in his class at West Point, and later served as the Superintendent of West Point), then all those 750,000 brave white men (among them Abraham Lincoln himself) who were lost to their loving mothers, fathers, siblings, wives and girlfriends, actually perished — in sweat, blood and agony — in that shameful fratricide of 1861-65 for absolutely, positively nothing.

This war, let us be honest, for all the bravery and idealism on both American sides, actually solved…. NADA!

In fact, the black family today is in a worse shambles than ever before in its history…and crime, single motherhood (very bad for the child), drugs, and imprisonment rack that community.

Chicago is just one of a thousand horrible urban-life examples — seventy black people died there last weekend alone, mostly shooting each other, or were shot (often) by a black police officer…..This, 159 years after Appomattox. Not enough time? Do we need 159 more years?

China, consisting of 90% Han Chinese, NOT diversity, will rule the world by then — and we will be a Third World nation.

I am a Northerner myself, and a former Marine, but I would have been a “Copperhead” back then, a sympathizer with Lee, because Thomas Jefferson, one of our very greatest Founding Fathers, was right. He had lived for many decades in a black-white reality that was far more hostile than the Yankees from a then lily-white Minnesota or Maine realized. Some marriages are incompatible and were a mistake, and so it is with these two races.

I can actually see Whites and Hispanics, or Whites and East Asians, getting along okay, respecting each other, and not having a past full of bitterest hate.

And, full disclosure, my late wife, who was white, kind, brilliant and liberal as a young person, was the victim of a terrible hate crime in Washington DC.

Read what Jefferson wrote:

“Deep-rooted prejudices of the Whites; ten thousand recollections by the Blacks of the injuries they have sustained; new provocations; and the real distinctions which Nature has made will divide us and produce convulsions which will NEVER END but in the extermination of the one or other race.”

Thus wrote the author of the Declaration of Independence, then governor of Virginia, US Ambassador to France, third President of the United States (for two terms), and founder of the University of Virginia… and he was the owner of 200 Black slaves.

He did not read about Blacks in a newspaper. He lived alongside them.

Just maybe President Thomas Jefferson grasped the black-white problem a bit better than Ulysses Grant, an alcoholic from all-white Ohio who, after the war, between cigars, ran one of the most corrupt and ineffective presidencies in our history.

The great Ernst Zündel on Adolf Hitler’s predictions on April 2, 1945: LISTEN AND WATCH IT


A top-of-the-line Buick, from General Motors, bought by a Vietnam veteran — but entirely (every part, chassis, engine, transmission, interior and tires), Made in China…and I must admit, a beautiful car.


OH-SO-QUIETLY, and without admitting it to the jew-run West, China, dumping all marxist economic theory, is using almost ALL of Adolf Hitler’s key teachings on 

– preserving and improving the race (the Chinese marry UP, that is, Chinese women will marry a white man),

— the leader principle,

— the folk community, and

— a  nationally guided free-market economy

….to become a superpower itself!

China has quietly but openly jettisoned most of its old marxism and has adopted the NS model of society and government that was elucidated by NS legal philosopher Carl Schmitt (The article below from the prestigious Atlantic Magazine is, of course, negatively slanted.

Carl Schmitt (r) with the great German novelist and “Blue-Max”/”Medal-of-Honor (“Pour-le-Mérite”) winner Ernst Jünger (l), who wrote up his WWI experiences in his In Storms of Steel




Zero race mixing with any lower races! But yes, they race-mix eagerly with the Whites!

The Chinese take pride in a great and ancient heritage — and in their hard work, practical education and strong families!


Just for fun, for entertainment, I just did a Chinese I-Ching…. This is asking your own soul what, deep-down, it already knows.




    • Understandable. And I have blogged myself on this horrid practice for eleven years, and in fact again in April of this year.


      The Chinese government has tolerated this very old and accepted, but ghastly Chinese custom. (Partly, it is about a lack of birth control — spaying — for dogs, and the urgent need to kill abandoned dogs….who can run around in urban areas dangerous packs, become feral, and in these ferocious and hungry groups, corner and attack humans, kill and eat them!!!)

      This actually happened to a black acquaintance of mine in Braddock, Pennsylvania, a run-down former steel town with many abandoned houses and stores that is located near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. A pack of maybe 25 dogs began chasing him, and he had to flee for his life into an abandoned house.

      However, every single day on traditionally white countries, millions of chicken, cows and pigs live in hell in gigantic pens, unable to even move, and, in the case of chickens, being literally defecated upon by the chickens confined right above their heads.

      And cows and pigs are hanged by their feet while fully conscious, and their throats are cut, just as the jews do in their ghastly shechita method of animal slaughter. (The muslims do the exact same thing and call it halal.) By being upside down, their blood rushes downward to their brain and this keeps them fully awake and conscious as their own blood gushes all over their faces. It is right out of a horror movie.

      When I worked on videos for a German comrade in 2006 near Nuremberg, there was a butcher shop next door. Every Tuesday morning at 8 am the butcher did this crime opf extreme animal cruelty to the pigs — animals who, as all pig breeders say, are actually quite intelligent and sensitive creatures, btw. They squealed dreadfully for a good two minutes of agony before falling silent. The butcher hanged maybe four or five of them up (I could not see them, just hear them) and they all wailed simultaneously.

      Every day, MILLIONS of animals in western countries live and die in pure hell. Here two lions kill a buffalo, and imagine how it felt to be strangled by the one, and have the second lion bite into your leg? The buffalo is in great pain.

      The great Hindu sage Nisargadatta was no romantic about this planet, a very wild place, or as we say in English: “dog-eat-dog.”

      And so we must forget any romantic notion of chickens, cattle and pigs running around free in yards or fields in fresh air, sunshine and nature until their final day.

      I am not so sensitive that I found their deaths abhorrent. Animals kill and eat each other every day. And we humans die, too — my own wife was in great pain from her cancer for years, and felt that her own death was approaching. It was then that she suggested we get legally married to ensure that I inherited the house from her. I was actually happy for this woman I loved when she passed on and was released from her pain, though I was quite miserable and felt extreme loneliness for myself.

      Margi was one of the 75% who go to a beautiful temporary heaven for a while, learn and grow there from watching a life-review video again and again with a guardian angel before reincarnating. And there she is as if 30 years old again, and in her prime. All the relatives and friends we encounter once again with joy are in perfect health and like 30.

      But we Whites coop all these poor creatures up in huge, prison-like death camps. And they do know at the end that they will be killed. A local woman whose husband is a county commissioner and from whom we bought eggs told me that the chickens notice that she takes each chicken off to another room — to cut its head off — and they never return. They actually do run around in circles when beheaded, but of course they cannot make any noises.

      The Nordics are meat-eaters but humane. Their meat, which is delicious, is grown without any terror, suffering or violence to any sentient being in special dishes, and thus no animal whatsoever is harmed. 🙂

      So while the Chinese do indeed do cruel things to dogs (and to monkeys), it is just as Jesus said when the adulterous woman was brought to him for stoning:

      “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.”

      The warmongering CIA, a servant of the Big Jews, is who is behind the China-bashing, a mix of half-truths, things taken out of contest, or exaggerated, and outright lies.

      Right now white children are being raped and killed in secret basements all over America, and more and more of us know about it. How are we “better” than a chinese persOn who shrugs his shoulders and looks the other way?

      How many white medical doctors gave the lethal clot shot knowingly to their own patients rather than be fired, and lose their comfy lifestyle?

      Which is more reprehensible, to kill and eat a stray dog or to murder a white baby with a syringe?

      Earth is a sinful place, as are ALL the races on it. My mission is to awaken the vast good that slumbers in us, as we did 1920-45, not in a day-dream, but in a very real country called Germany!

      • John, I agree. The animal cruelty is insane, and I even agree with the vegans on some things. Also, it’s crazy how much food gets thrown out – still-fresh meat, eggs, veggies, milk products, cheese, and bread, all thrown out because the sell-by date is over in this judeo-capitalist world.
        I know this because I dumpster-dive at supermarkets sometimes.
        I found about 30 still-frozen ducks once where there was still a year left before their sell-by date!
        If a fuse for a freezer goes, and they have been unrefrigerated for too long, the law says they have to be discarded even though they are perfectly fine, and homeless shelters could use them. But because time is money, they just get thrown out.
        I found tons of brand-new clothes, too –same story.
        The rape of Mother Nature continues, but not forever. When we win, we will ensure justice and get our revenge for every crime!

    • Thanks. 🙂 If we continue loving and fighting for our race, we too will be in temporary heaven.

      Scene from the true-story film “Miracles from Heaven”

      And I will see my wife again.

      I thank an Italian comrade again for this!)

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