What should we think of Martin Luther and Protestantism?

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“The Jew Goldmann was right. ‘Luther put the Old Testament back in the spotlight’. (…) Even Luther was taken in by the ‘chosen people’. He looked at the Old Testament as a divine revelation. He approached the book with ecstatic respect, convinced that it contained nothing but pure treasures. ”

(Dietrich Eckart, Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin, 1923)

“All Jews have a good reason to celebrate Luther and ignore his anti-Semitism. Without intending to, he opened the way for them, and how! The more they glorify his authority, the less the world notices his error. (…) [At the end of his life] he saw the Jews as we have only started to see them today. But unfortunately, it was too late, and not in the area where they had done the most damage – in Christianity.

Oh, if only he’d seen them there; if only he had seen them in his youth! So… instead of glorifying the Old Testament, he would have denounced it as the arsenal of the Antichrist. ”

(Adolf Hitler, dialogue with Dietrich Eckart)

“Protestantism has the warmth of the iceberg. ”

(Adolf Hitler, Table Talk, December 2, 1941)

“It is a real misfortune that the Bible was translated into German and that it made all this Talmudic fine talk accessible to the people. ”

(Adolf Hitler, Table Talk, June 5, 1942) [And it was Luther who translated it into German!]


“Apparently bearing a new freedom, Protestantism limits it to the analysis of indisputable texts, aggravates the Semitization of Christianity and has drowned in blood the social revolution to which its very first years had given birth. ”

(Robert Dun, article in L’Or Vert, spring 1974)

“As for it, the Protestant church looks like a court of justice. The pastor is dressed in the same black robe that the judges wear, there are benches, tribunes, and all the wooden furniture that we usually see in a court. And like the judge, the priest brandishes his book in front of you! ”

(Alan Watts, Behind the Void, 1978)

JdN: A Protestant church in Providence in Rhode Island / United States. My ancestor, Thomas Angell, born in England, donated land from his apple orchard for its construction.

The more than austere interior


In contrast, the Catholic Church of Neumarkt in the Bavaria of the young Dietrich Eckart is not a tribunal, and recalls the Christian image of Heaven, a happy place.


Wallfahrtskirche Maria Hilf, Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz, Upper Palatinate, Bavaria, Germany


“More familiar than Catholics with the Old Testament, Protestants feel more in solidarity with the Jews. Since the English Reformation, the role of the Devil is rather given to the Pope and the Jesuits. ”

(Alfred Fabre-Luce, Ending Anti-Semitism, 1979)

“… Roman Catholicism, like Orthodox Christianity, has given rise to many mystics, while the Protestant Churches, born of criticism, do not have a single one to their credit. ”

(Robert Dun, The Confidences of a Werewolf )

*** About Robert Dun




“… The Protestants, despite their dogmatic logic, have been floundering for four centuries for having eliminated the Virgin from their cults. ”

(Robert Dun, op. cit.)

[The “Virgin Mary” is only the Catholic expression of the feminine side of the cosmos (which is neither more nor less than half of the cosmic energy! This is why there are six gods and six goddesses in ancient European paganisms; there are also many goddesses in Hinduism, etc.). In its early days, Christianity was intolerant and (like all Semitic religions) had a big problem with the Feminine; but later, the Catholic Church had (or “recovered” with the pagan sensibility) the intelligence to reintroduce it with the Marian cult.

However, Christianity as a whole is a religion of Semitic origin and is not an appropriate religion for the Indo-European psyche, even though Catholicism and Orthodoxy are more “paganized” and less semitic.]

“(…) [The] obligation to consider the Bible, a collection of protohistoric accounts, as the basis of all knowledge, has dangerously limited the freedom of thought of the Protestant world. ”

(Alain Daniélou, The Way of the Labyrinth, 1981)

“We are not taking the Protestant side here. We consider their religion to be the worst form of Christianity, the most Judaized and contrary to the European soul. We only take the side of the children of freedom. ”

(Robert Dun, Towards Europe or Death )

In his early days, in his break with the Church, Luther was admirable in his courage and energy. But then he took a wrong turn and returned to Judaism, deifying the Bible (yet there is no “holy book” now for authentic Indo-Europeans: the only “holy book” is the Cosmos itself. , including Nature) and hwe paved the way for a Calvinism that was even more rigid and even more Semitized than Lutheranism.

Luther’s anti-Semitic pamphlets are virulent (which proves that he was not totally bad!),

The Jews and Their Lies, 1543


… .But that is the tree that hides the forest: all Protestantism is a movement back to Judaism (at a time when the Catholic Church was “paganized” more and more), a terrible error, further worsened by Calvinism.

Protestantism is an error and a dead end, and it is not the right way to get out of Christianity, a Semitic religion foreign to Europe. The right way out is to turn to non-duality, pantheism, pre-Christian European religions (polytheists), and also to oriental spiritualities: Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Shintoism, etc. (not necessarily to convert to any of them, but because their study is very profitable) and generally towards all that is “cosmic” and non-dualistic.

Calvinism in particular is a religion very little compatible with the Aryan (Indo-European) worldview; it is in a way a “Judaism for Aryans”. The Afrikaners completely poisoned and Judaized by the biblical preachy-preachy are the sad result, despite their “racism” (of biblical origin, and directed against the “race of Ham”: they are racist, but not for the right reasons! ) and despite their superb “Aryan” phenotype.

American southzern slave-owners were also hypnotized by the disastrous Bible, and we have seen the result … (the southern slave system and the South African apartheid system were both wrong-headed —  see what Arthur Kemp has said about apartheid).

And now we see the Anglo-Saxon Calvinists who feel “obliged” to obey all the orders of the Jews and to wage wars on behalf of Israel, repeatedly (because how can one deny anything to the “chosen people”?) .

If we Indo-European whites had our own Aryan religion (which could be a cosmic, polytheistic [Druidism, Asatru, etc.] or pantheist spirituality, or even some sort of “Shintoism” suited to the Indo-European psyche, for example), the Jews would no longer have any power over us!

The “chosen people”

… According to the Bible they wrote themselves!


…..My comment

I tend to agree with the author, except that in the United States, a half-Celtic country (Irish, Scottish, Welsh, miners from Cornwall, but in addition the millions of Franco-Canadians in New England and in Louisiana, then also the Americans of English origin but of the lower classes, often with red hair, therefore also of Celtic DNA), the Protestant churches which are neither Lutheran nor Calvinist are often very animated, popular, friendly and not at all “cold” but warm, welcoming and often very beautiful.

The gorgeous Mormon temples northeast of Washington DC

A mega-church, having a pastor, not celibate but married, of course, with a wife and kids, and leading a dozen sub-pastors





  1. Counter jewish supremacy. Toxic Semitism is a real problem!

    >gets tricked by 17 year old male pretending to be a woman
    >man kills “her” in retaliation for his deceit
    >now found guilty of murder
    this is the problem with trans “women”, they have to trick men into have sex with them.



  2. Sie liegen im Westen und Osten,
    sie liegen in aller Welt,
    und ihre Helme verrosten
    und Kreuz und Hügel zerfällt.

    Sie liegen verscharrt und versunken
    im Massengrab und im Meer,
    aber es leben Halunken,
    die ziehen über sie her.

    Heut tobt man mit frechem Gebaren
    durch Flitter und Lüge und Glanz.
    Sie fielen mit achtzehn Jahren
    in einem anderen Tanz.

    Sie waren nicht ausgezogen
    um Beute und schnöden Gewinn,
    was heute verlacht und verlogen,
    es hatte für sie einen Sinn!

    Sie hatten ihr junges Leben
    nicht weniger lieb als die,
    die heut’ höhnen:
    Es hinzugeben sei reine Idiotie!

    Sie konnten nicht demonstrieren:
    „Mehr Freizeit bei höherem Lohn!“
    Sie mußten ins Feld marschieren,
    der Vater, der Bruder, der Sohn.

    Sie gingen, die Heimat zu schützen
    und haben allem entsagt.
    „Was kann uns der Einsatz nützen?“
    hat keiner von ihnen gefragt!

    Sie haben ihr Leben und Sterben
    dem Vaterland geweiht
    und wußten nicht, welchen Erben
    und welcher Erbärmlichkeit.
    -Paul Beuthe

    Diese Tafel stand seit 15 Jahren beim Gefal-lenen-Denkmal auf dem Annabichler-Zentral-friedhof in Klagenfurt. Sie wurde von den rot-grünen Grabschändern mehrmals beschädigt und von der Bevölkerung immer wieder erneuert.

    Was uns droht:

  3. https://photos.app.goo.gl/UDFV9U6LVqav1J929
    Questa cosa è inquietante.
    Come la numerologia,le coordinate di Washington…77/318(18/3 segno dei pesci)associato al pianeta Giove e alla sua distanza dalla Terra,a Gesù e al nuovo testamento.
    Come gli Stati Virginia a Maryland che ricordano qualcosa 😉
    Giove è tutto un significato.
    La data 11 settembre è stata riportata da uno scrittore che ho trovato poco fa..e nella Gematria da un altro ragazzo.
    Tutto porta a Horus,come lo stesso Giove..figlio di Saturno.
    Vedo più significati ormai,su più livelli,anche grazie a Leonardo.
    Ma lui è incredibile davvero.

  4. https://photos.app.goo.gl/w2XNMrfJuLXKkdTr6
    Un bellissimo cerchio nel grano 😉
    “Famiglia” “Reincarnazione” Yin/Yang, “UNO”,”Illuminazione” “Evoluzione”.
    Passiamo da “Giove/Adamo/666 a Saturno/Wotan/999 senza Anelli e Ghiaccio 😉
    Un Saturno “Purificato”.
    L’Ankh ricorda il numero esoterico 9, il terzo occhio,in un certo senso anche il numero 8,la vesica piscis e il numero 153(Resurrezione).
    Ho il sospetto che Giove(Trump sta seduto sul cigno che ricorda Giove/Adamo/666)è la FALSA luce,con tutta la casta degli AMON basata sulla triade IHS.
    Il 666 si associa anche all’età del Ferro e al Grafene.
    “Non abbiamo bisogno di Idoli,Religioni,falsi DEI per riconoscere il Dio nascosto in noi stessi” 😉
    Trump è nato in una luna di sangue?!!
    Anche i miei bambini…e sono i veri figli del Sole,come indica il Vangelo di Giovanni e tutte le profezie che sono riuscita a leggere(17/6/2011).

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