What suddenly killed at 51 the wife of the ONLY Israel-criticizing GOP congressman, Thomas Massie of Kentucky?

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Thomas Massie, a six-term Congressman from Kentucky, businessman, and brilliant MIT graduate (anything but a hick), recently lost his wife Rhonda, also an MIT graduate (engineering) and the mother of their four children, dying at just age 51. They had been high school sweethearts and Rhonda was his prom date, too.

Massie is sworn in as a Congressman in November 2012 with his family looking on:

The Wikipedia article shows he is by far the most conservative member of Congress and the ONLY Republican critic of Israel. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Massie

He appeared on the Tucker Carlson show to denounce AIPAC and the Israel Lobby in early June and his wife “died suddenly” on June 27th.


Why is the autopsy result still not released? If Mrs Massie had been 75, and had had cancer or another known serious ailment, and if Massie had not been an outspoken critic of AIPAC, I would not raise this question.

I find it so strange. Massie only says it was not due to crime or taking the Covid vaxx, which he says they both did not take.


Did the jews say: “If you say we murdered your wife, we’ll kill your kids and get you, too”


We have a right to some answers from public servant Massie.



  1. If your a politician in America and you speak out against Israel or Aipac then you’ve pretty much signed your own death warrant for yourself and your family. Without christianity the jews wouldn’t have god like status in America.
    Most Christians care about Israel and put Israel first regardless if they like the jews or not.
    The only solution i see is the U.S collapsing and a major civil war breaks out, then Balkanising.
    A civil war in America could last 10 or 20 years and would kill millions.
    But the alternative is much worse which is America becoming a second Brazil, a mixed race 3rd world banana republic.
    China and Russia ruling over us is not going to be any better.
    Living under Chinese style communism is brutal and it does not value human life or people as individuals.

  2. This is a list of some of the toture used by the bolshaviks. Another nethod of torture the bolshaviks used was putting burning hot coals into a slavic wo.ans vagina or impaling them on stakes through there. Bolshavism has to be the most gruesome acts of mass torture ever comitted against millions of innocent people.

    Cheka’s perverse methods of torture and murder

    If the Okhrana had been characterized by its brutal methods, the communist Cheka exceeded in every way the degree of cruelty of its tsarist predecessor. Among its methods of torture and assassination against political dissidents, Orthodox clerics and others considered enemies by the Bolsheviks, it is worth mentioning savages such as the following, documented by the Russian historian Alexander Nikolaevich Yakovlev and by the State Archives of the Russian Federation, among others sources:

    Stoning, that is, stoning the prisoner to death.
    Crucifixions, a method used against many priests and religious.
    Throw inmates into cauldrons of boiling pitch.
    Drowning of inmates in icy waters.
    Rip off the scalp of inmates. A practice that was done, for example, in the Cheka of Kharkiv, in Ukraine.
    Force inmates to ingest molten lead.
    Kill the inmates by throwing them into blast furnaces.
    Burying inmates alive, a practice perpetrated in the Cheka of Kremenchuk.
    Skinning, that is, tearing off the skin of inmates. The Cheka in Kharkiv used the ripped skin of prisoners to make gloves.

    Skin scratched from the hands of detainees in the Cheka basement in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Chekists used metal combs and tongs to apply this horrendous torture.

    Poaching the prisoner, that is, throwing boiling water at him until he is killed.
    Stripping inmates, tying them and throwing cold water in the middle of winter until freezing them, a practice of the Cheka de Orel, 360 km from Moscow.
    Killing inmates by throwing them handcuffed into the sea or into a river (this is what the Cheka of Kholmogory in the Dvina River periodically did with her prisoners).
    Tying naked victims around barrels surrounded by nails, and rolling them until the prisoners died, a practice of the Cheka of Voronezh.
    Tying rat cages to prisoners’ bodies and rodent rodents with red-hot irons until they made their way through the intestines of prisoners, a practice used by the Kiev Cheka and that years later would include George Orwell in his famous novel “1984”.

  3. Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it, [George Satayana].
    This part of history has been covered up and forgotten.
    These gruesome horrific crimes agaist millions were ordered by the jewish butcher Vladmir Lenin and Trotsky.
    And he’s actually portrayed in a positive manner in the west.
    There was a marxist conferance for young people in Melbourne with pictures of Karl Marx,Lenin and Trotsky.
    Both being psychotic,psychopathic jewish deranged monsters.
    Thats actually concerning and thats why the civilian population should be able to own fire arms.
    Americas gun violence has been caused by liberalism, political correctness, cultural marxism,diversity.
    No freedom of speech, and mass communist censorship.

  4. I’m still amazed at how Thomas Massie was willing to criticize Israel. and he won re-election despite AIPAC pouring money to defeat him. Then, AIPAC denied any involvement.

    • Yes, it is amazing, since many fine politicians over the decades lost re-election when the jew lobby poured money into their opponent.

      During the US Civil War, in 1862, northern general Ulysses S. Grant openly condemned the jews and banned them from his area — and the very next day, President Abraham Lincoln by telegram ordered him to revoke the order.

      As president 1869-77 Grant totally kowtowed to jewry, and appointed jews to all sorts of high positions, and he also ran one of the most corrupt presidential administrations in US history.

      Forty years later, Republican President William Howard Taft refused to bow to the jews and end the US trade treaty with Russia. The ruler of that nation, Tsar Nicholas II, was quite antisemitic, and there had been pogroms against Ukrainian jews, especially over ritual murders and seizing land from farmers who could not repay loans.

      So the jews poured money into former president Teddy Roosevelt, also a Republican, to run against Taft with a brand-new political party, the Bull Moose Party. Roosevelt’s candidacy split the conservative vote, which, as the jews intended, enabled the election of the libtard Demoncrat Woodrow Wilson, who would do whatever the jews ordered, and so we got the Federal Reserve, the IRS, the income tax, direct election of US senators….. AND we entered WWI against Germany, based totally on lying atrocity propaganda about Germans supposedly cutting the hands off Belgian babies and raping nuns!

      The US-caused defeat of Germany then led to the survival of the murderous and heavily jewish Bolshevik regime in Russia and the spread of communism around the globe.

      In effect, my father suffered horribly as a Marine officer in the Korean War fighting the communist Red Chinese and North Koreans because, 40 years earlier, Teddy Roosevelt took money from the filthy jews to punish President Taft.

      So this Massie is an impressive man to survive jewish enmity that destroyed many political careers of good men.

  5. This world is just a test, an illusion of sorts.

    When all the evil jews and their collaborators are put on trial in a higher World no matter how much they screech no one will listen to them or feel sorry for them. They will finally get what they deserve: eternal separation from all the good people who they caused to suffer.

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