Hi, John,
I used to talk to you on FB sometimes, around 2016. I mentioned that I was from [Quebec/Canada], I think.
I thought this was interesting, relating to the mob setting fire to an elk statue in Portland, Oregon about two weeks ago. I saw it first on that Styxehhexenhamm66666hexemer guy (whatever his name is), and he couldn’t figure it out, and neither could I.
Why on earth would they destroy an elk statue? It’s amazing, however, what you can find out through slightly offbeat google searches:
Grant has been pushed to the margins of environmentalism’s history, however. He is often remembered for another reason: his 1916 book “The Passing of the Great Race, or The Racial Basis of …
Sure enough, the elk was admired by Madison Grant, so the people at the Jew Yorker have to say the elk is on the racism blacklist.
It does suggest that all these things are very tightly orchestrated. I doubt that most of that mob even knows who Madison Grant was, so their activities MUST be being directed by other people.
I had the same feeling when they attacked the Louis IXth statue [in St. Louis, Missouri], and then found out that he was the French king who had 2,500 [handwritten!] Talmuds burned.
Regards to you,
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