What to do with a radically disobedient child as a prominent WN (whom the State, CPS and the jews are watching like a hawk); spiritual reading

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Professor Robert Faurisson, a graduate of the Sorbonne, was the top revisionist for decades and a real man in every sense. I met him in 1989 and corresponded with this great man. He was half-French and half-Scottish (via his mother), fluent in both French and English, a superb writer on the Holofraud, and absolutely without fear or compromise.

Yes, even after jewish thugs, five against one, nearly beat him to death.

He said something profound to me once. I relate it below.

A friend has been raising his daughter alone, because his wife “took off.”

But when he tries to discipline her (nota bene that this is in an arch-liberal country where spanking, incredibly, is literally ILLEGAL, and counts as “child abuse”), she, knowing this, screams bloody murder at the top of her lungs.

Then concerned neighbors, imagining the kid is being literally tortured or murdered, understandably pound on the door, demanding to know

“What is going on in there?!”

Nothing except a normal dad trying to make his daughter mind.

Btw, she is in most ways a great kid, and being without her mom has been very hard on her. The problem is that she has tasted power, the power to make her own father submit to HER whims.

Now  he lives in terror — that the cops come, with CPS, then google him — and find out who he is. Then the fun for him really begins. And she gets PUT IN THE DREADED CPS SYSTEM….

Btw, this friend in fact an exemplary father, never abuses her in any way, and is, au contraire, an extremely loving, gentle, attentive, and responsible dad.

I know the entire situation like the back of my hand. I also knew the wife before she left.

I wrote him (very edited, and with names and other identifiers changed):


Hi, Steve. Good morning. I am up especially early today, 4 am. 🙂

I have a major article to write, on who the Hebrews in the Old Testament really were, based largely on what an American jew with a PhD in history from Harvard has revealed.

Well, I believe that your thinking regarding Marie is logical, practical and correct.

As Robert Faurisson said: “Before I was a husband or a father, I was a man, and I am still a man and will always be one, first and foremost. And what a man does is this: he fights.”

You cannot let a kid, even one you love (and that Margi and I love too!!), DESTROY you.

What saved young Donald Trump? Being sent to NY Military Academy.

Donald had socked his own music teacher in the mouth, which was the final straw for his dad, Fred Trump. Off he went to hyper-strict New York Military Academy, which tamed his wild side and that of other children of the rich who were out of control.

Having received tough love from his German-American father Fred, Donald then went on to achieve greatness.  No kid feels loved unless his parents discipline him for his own good. The human brain keeps growing until age 30, as a Harvard study revealed. Before then, the brain is immature. This is why everywhere on earth, elders rule, not the wild young’uns. 🙂


In my case, I adored Ingrid, my elder daughter. She was “Daddy’s girl” and she was beautiful.

(Margi was telling me how beautiful your Marie also is, btw.)

But she had a very [] streak, which still exists in her today. She turned against me, became an arch-liberal —  her academic advisor was one Stanley Rosenberg —  and cut off all ties. She even got a lawyer to demand in a letter that I delete all references to and photos of her……..which I refused….reminding her of the [] I had on her, and that her federal buddies [and David Duke, Don Black and Carlos Porter] had been spreading for years that I was a homosexual.

THIS is what had forced me to mention her and her sister, Erika, run their photos, and to publish their birth certificates online to prove I was their father. Plus she [and her sister] looked a lot like me, strongly suggesting I was indeed the father.

But looking back, all the incredible amounts of time I spent with her were fundamentally wasted.

Read this:

https://ingridirigoyen.blogspot.com/Reflections on Equity and Justice in Americahttps://ingridirigoyen.blogspot.com

So if our kids decide to turn their backs on us, and love turns out to be a one-way street (and all the hugs and kisses deployed to wrap Daddy around one’s little finger, as with Ivanka Trump. are not the same as good ACTIONS)….. then we gotta cut them loose.

For WE as WN activists are on a mission, Steve, to save all white children from a horrible end.

Look what some Blacks do to white South African children, like throwing them into a bathtub full of boiling water.



The murders so brutal they shocked even South Africa: Couple shot dead, then son, aged 12, is drowned in scalding bath

  • Sobbing child was tied up and gagged before being murdered in bath ‘because he could identify them’
  • The three men assaulted the father with a golf club and blade before shooting both adults
  • Family dog had stomach cut open
  • Trio worked for the family and said killings were revenge for being badly treated


Amaro Viana was murdered to prevent him from identifying the three housebreakers who carried out the raid in suburban South Africa.

The gang included the family’s gardener and the son of a domestic servant.

The three men laughed as they walked back to their cells after pleading guilty at Vereeniging Regional Court.

Twisted: From left, Sipho Mbele, David Motaung and Patrick Petrus Radebe smiled in court as they admitted to their sick crimes



Now is a time for tough love.

In the old days, if a baby was born severely defective, the men came, being less sentimental, and by established custom took the defective baby away and left it on a hillside.

The mother, of  course, could not bring herself to do this.

You gotta save yourself, Steve.

What Marie is doing with this screaming is deeply unloving and ungrateful.

And in every fiber of my being — think of who I was –I am a disciplinarian.

Kids must honor and obey their parents, or else.

You could end up in prison over Marie screaming, and then, once they have you in there, you could be murdered by n—ers or muslims with shivs, or even knocked out and then raped.

I think she needs to go be with her [relative], at least for a while, and until the day she really, really appreciates you again, not with the manipulative hugs and the kisses of a clever Daddy’s girl, but with her actions of loyalty and support.

I have known you for years now. You are a precious, beautiful human being, highly gifted, extremely valuable, and a brave fighter for our race.

THIS is why []. I am speaking with my deeds.

You gotta take care of this precious being, Steve [].

THAT is your FIRST responsibility in this incarnation — YOU. 🙂

Who knows — sending her to a relative might just straighten Marie out, and be for the best for her as well. But she has free will. She has had many incarnations before running into you. She has to make choices and live with the consequences, as you and I do every day.

Why was Rome great? Because Roman MEN were great — strong, brave, disciplined, focused, realistic, practical and strict.



The paterfamilias, the father, the male head of household, was a sacred institution in Roman custom, law and religion.



In theory at least, he held powers of life and death over every member of his extended familia through ancient right. In practice, the extreme form of this right was seldom exercised.

The laws of the Twelve Tables required the pater familias to ensure that “obviously deformed” infants were put to death. […]

The pater familias had the power to sell his children into slaveryRoman law provided, however, that if a child had been sold as a slave three times, he was no longer subject to patria potestas.

The pater familias had the power to approve or reject marriages of his sons and daughters; however, an edict of Emperor Augustus provided that the pater familias could not withhold that permission lightly.


We need — more than ever today — real men, not pussies. You cannot let some kid become a monster, a tyrant, and your dictator.

That would damage your healthy self-esteem forever. It would go so much against the grain of who you are, a fundamentally brave man, that it would destroy you inside before it also destroyed you externally via CPS taking her, and also even prison. Today you are a tiny blip on the [] police’s radar, but that can change overnight.

You must love and respect yourself before you can love and respect others. You have the right to be respected, appreciated and, as the father, obeyed instantly.

Steve, “Tu paterfamilias es.”

We must know when to be yin and when to be yang.

With all my affection and respect,



…..Spiritual reading

October 24

Leaven your day today. Whatever it is that might lift you up, make you lighter: this must be your
emphasis today. Try to avoid the old dark corners, the heavy and age-old questions that you still don’t know how to answer. Let those go and have some fun. Once in a while this is absolutely essential and we think that today is just such a day. Laugh today.

Because you know, none of it is real in the end anyway, so although you have no choice but to make the journeys you began and to which you commited, in the end there is nothing but love and light.

Today is a day to connect to that perspective and leave for just a bit the challenges, the hard work, and even the seriousness of the reverence you may feel. Just laugh a bit, don’t take anything too seriously. Especially yourself, of course!

Although for most of you, the fall season is encroaching, there could be a spring-like influence in the air today. See if you can fnd it, catch a ride on that carefree, joyous tide. It will add to your fun.

And if you find yourself downtrodden, sad or just not in the mood for fun and laughter, then take a siesta. You can’t join in if you can’t join in, but stay away from the contemplation, the unraveling, the conscious healing. If you can’t find the fun, take a break and just get some rest.

We love you. — E. West

Ancient Roman dinner party –note the light hair  of the Ancient Romans




1 Comment

  1. Some of my kids developed varying degrees of differences of opinion with their old man. It was frustrating, but I reminded myself that they were hard working, studious and drug-free. That is a major accomplishment as far as I’m concerned.

    As young adults, my patience is now paying off. I know that all of them are going to vote for Trump, AND they are all marrying within their race.

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