What would await us if Kamala, with her jew husband, got in after senile old Biden steps aside?

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Kamala Harris and her jewish lawyer husband, Doug Emhoff


Communism was not created by “the masses” to overthrow “the bankers.”

Communism was created by jewish bankers to enslave gentile masses.

“You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the “Russian Revolution.” It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators.

“We cannot state that all Jews are Bolsheviks. But: without Jews there would have been no Bolshevism. For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth. The blood maddened Jewish terrorists murdered sixty-six million in Russia from 1918 to 1957.” — Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Nobel-Prize-winning novelist, historian and victim of Jewish Bolshevism,who did 11 years in the gulag for one intercepted letter, written while he was an artillery captain,  criticzing Red Army atrocities against German civilians in East Prussia.


And now to the film “Europa,” just below.

I find it hilarious in a SAD WAY that people show no interest in my many articles proving life after death is real, because you might be facing death very soon, and so this topic is releveant.

You will either fight and die as a hero for our race or, as a silly coward who surrenders to an enemy you know is merciless, be sadistically tortured and then exterminated while you hate yourself for your idiotic yellowness.

Cowardice is born of your fear of death. 

It is your own egoic mind that tells you to not be “interested” in what happens when you die.

Your own egoic mind thrives on fear, depression and masochism, wanting to suffer.

Do you enjoy living in fear, depression and masochism? No, but your egoic mind DOES.

All these people surrendered…. knowing it was the most idiotic thing they could do.


Know that reincarnation is not a theory; it is a fact. I only deal with facts.


Near-Death Experiences are not a theory; they are a fact. I only deal with facts.



Julius Caesar said the reason why the Gauls (Kelts) of ancient France took seven years for the Roman legions to conquer, despite their gigantic technological superiority, was because the Gauls had no fear of death, believing in reincarnation.

Now let me go back to the theme of the movie “Europa” about jews mass-murdering gentiles.

Here is a photo of a bolshevik shooting two white men, clad only in their underwear, and on their knees, in the back of the head.

So why did they turn in their guns?  Most Russians had guns before 1917  in this very rural country, full of bears and wolves, as well as of deer.

Why did they give up their guns?

Because they would be arrested and shot if they did not.

But they would be arrested and shot later if they did!

So why not fight and die like a man, while killing as many bolsheviks as you can?

That way some of your race, though maybe not you, will survive!

The egoic mind is something toxic produced by your brain that makes you harm yourself.

You do not do what you know you should, and you do do what you know you should not.

The jew only wins because your toxic, egoic mind rules you. The jews are just 1/4 of 1% of mankind!

The new spiritual community that is arriving soon will explain how to destroy your egoic mind.

Then only can we win, we pitiful 99.75% of mankind who are so powerless. 😉

Then our body and brain will obey our divine soul.


If Biden is inaugurated, maybe it is time to acknowledge that the unfixable cannot be repaired, that all good things must come to an end.  Should we put yet another layer of lipstick on our beloved old Uncle Sam, pretending he will somehow snap out of his coma?


Then let the crooked ballot box be replaced by the honest cartridge box.

If the rule of law is definitely over, then heroes, who fear not death, knowing it is an illusion, understand this, that the rule of physics must begin. 





  1. If SEAL Team 6 could take out the fake bin Laden under CIA protection, then the same special ops should be able to take out fake pres-elect Biden the same way. Even though the communist coup criminals have their own body guard army protecting them, that is what military special ops are trained for. It is way past the time when Trump and his advising generals needed to send out the bloodhounds to track down and take down these vile traitors. These criminals think they are safe because Trump is not issuing the legal military directives to stop them and their terrorist mercenaries. Fearful cowards and (((traitors))) should not be in command of brave and patriotic fighting forces.

  2. The DOOM to America report is posted by Jim Stone now. If Trump does not call for a 1776 uprising of Patriots to fight the Communist takeover, then Patriots had better start it themselves to try to save this country. There is not going to be any legal justice and likely any loyal military will be locked up in prisons on bases on in FEMA prison camps. From now on, any alleged active shooter news could very well be Patriots fighting against armed Communists supporting the coup.


    I was right!!!

    Trump put an appeal to the Pennsylvania decision before Alito. He did not immediately reject the appeal, but he said he’d give a yes or no on Dec 9, ONE DAY AFTER IT WILL MAKE NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL. F****************ING SLIME BALL! WE. JUST. GOT. OUR. ANSWER. Even the supreme court is corrupt, and in on the steal. Now it is time for martial law.

    PROBLEM: The military will not cooperate, the notice has already been given. Obama’s firing of countless generals just came home to roost. GAME OVER.

    At this time I am calling it. The corruption is so deep it completed the coup.”

  3. Here’s Joe Biden saying he will “develop some disease and resign” if he and Kamala Harris disagree on some policy issue. Thanks for telling the truth again, Creepy Joe!:


    “Joe Biden is asked about his disagreements with Kamala Harris on certain issues:

    “Like I told Barack, if I reach something where there’s a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, I’ll develop some disease and say I have to resign.””


    I read in the latest Epoch Times that Kamala Harris has the most “liberal” (leftist) voting record of any U.S. senator – even worse than Bernie Sanders. Here’s a Fox News link on that:


    See Kamala Harris at the very bottom of this list:


  4. It is reported that Trump is having a political rally in Georgia today to support Republican candidates for an “election.” So many desperate Americans want the President to give the help he promised. Many have been pleading for a national security intervention, like in Portland, Oregon and taking down the Antifa terrorists. This rally may be the last very public opportunity for Trump to call out for the Insurrection Act to be carried out to put down the violent, election fraud Democrat Communist coup. Maybe his administration/military foes won’t enforce this, but Trump must accuse them of treason. My guess is that right now, Trump’s only concern is staying alive along with his traitor daughter Ivanka. I am not even sure he cares about Melania and Barron. No doubt Trump would have already been assassinated if it fit into the Deep State agenda. It seems that there is no way to avoid an uprising against the Communists across the country and in the military ranks. To just lay down and be run over by evil, just doesn’t cut it with duty-bound men and women. Silence the treasonous media voices as soon as possible, too. Resistant actions, not just words are needed now. There are brave and ready Patriots who know what they must do to prevent the Communist coup from succeeding. Even in 1776, not everyone was primed for battle against the English military.

  5. This is near where I live in Oregon. And this is what should have already been stopped by Trump invoking the Insurrection Act months ago. Trump could at least apologize to Americans for not doing his legal duty to subdue these domestic enemies. All the time he was campaigning to thousands of supporters, Trump did nothing to defend Americans in their own cities and states. This violence is not “protesting”; it is terrorism sponsored by the Democrat Communists.

    Andy Ngô
    BLM-antifa militants shut down the streets in a protest tonight in Eugene, Ore. #AntifaRiots


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