What would you do if, post-collapse, the warden released all his prisoners?

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Scene from “The Road” (2009): A gang seizes a boy as his father glares, having just two more bullets in his revolver. (See below.)


Video say the worst threat to post-collapse America is prisons with no food and power releasing 1.1 million violent felons to roam, scrounge, live off the land, rape, kill and pillage
(not to mention three million already released violent ex-cons — felons who will get guns without hesitation when the SHTF…)



John de Nugent See “The Road” about the gangs roaming around then.

John de Nugent Actually, roaming crime gangs would be welcome and “useful” to the NWO to justify martial law and gun confiscation. So I absolutely could see the wardens being ordered to let the prisoners out.
John de Nugent The SS in 1945 categorically refused to release concentration camp inmates for this same reason, even when starvation and disease hit: Enemy civilians would roam about, committing mayhem on Germans, raping, stealing and killing. A Russian woman who is on our side and once sent me a $100 donation claimed to me the SS poisoned a load of Russian civilians near Nuremberg rather than let them roam the countryside, where the Germans were already starving themselves. She said her own sister died as a result. 
John de Nugent I wrote to the comrade who sent this: Excellent video, Tony Rawlings, and thanks! But the author fails to make an obvious additional point — that almost all US prisons are located out in the sticks, in rural areas, so living out there on the farm or in the woods could be VERY dangerous if the warden releases his prisoners. Ask the white farmers of South Africa about the safety of living in the boondocks!

The nearest prison to Ontonagon (UP of Michigan) is located here, way out in the sticks (and I have driven through that area):


I know someone who works there. It is at least half-black, plus Mexicans and white low-lifes (not to be trusted just because they are white!!!!!). Note the name of the nearest town!

Wider aerial view — The prison (level one =  the least dangerous prisoners) and the town of Marenisco are close to the Wisconsin border. Lots of guns up here, oh yeah, but do they have enough ammo for a sustained period of anarchy, and 1,000 criminals on the loose without food, water or warm clothing?

We’re talking at least 500 African-American felons and 500 other criminals out here in blonde-women-land.
(Scene from a local Walmart) 
John de Nugent The author predicts the following chain reaction: 1) collapse, 2) no food, water or power for prisons, 3) warden releases all prisoners, 4) prisoners storm car dealerships, gunshops, gas/petrol stations,  liquor stores and pharmacies, and 5) they begin roaming the countryside with cars, weapons and fuel (even more than the cities).
 Harrowing scene from “the Road” (and these guys are literally cannibals) 


John de Nugent Of course, a more bad-ass scenario is that the President of the United States (or the governor) orders simply that all prisoners be killed by the guards. It can be done with guns, poison gas or poisoned food. Various countries have done this over the years, rather than let these bad hombres run free.

1 Comment

  1. A white comrade sent me this comment:


    I posted that survivalist video over at Northeast Shooters and got some great comments.

    First the guy who made that video makes an assumption that I think is fundamentally wrong.

    If there is an SHTF scenario, there won’t be many guns, ammo, food, gas or cars left at retail by the time prisoners are let out of jail. I think ex-cons do pose an actual threat, but people who are incarcerated now will be let out of jail after all the stores are cleared out, or perhaps in some jails, the wardens will just order executions of the hard criminals.

    Also, being alone out in the sticks is probably as dangerous as being in a big city
    Plus, most criminals just aren’t that smart. I’m not saying they should be underestimated, and the video serves as a good warning and reality check, but it won’t be the horror show he makes it out to be.

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