What you’ll never see on Israeli tv

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If this were shown to Jewish kids on Israeli tv, a mob of Lubavitchers would form and burn the tv station down.

A comrade on VK noted that IsraHell, though located far from Europe, has applied for European Union menbership.

I responded: Jews never have to obey the rules they set up for others.

The goal is for all white countries to turn into a stupid mass of café-au-lait, sterile workers created in test tubes, and 2,500 goy slaves, all chipped, working in misery for each Jew.

They will have no culture or identity, since national pride always triggers antisemitism.

And their religion will be Holocaustianity, humbly serving the jews for free forever to repent for 3,000 years of Gentile expulsions, pogroms and holocausts against God’s Chosen People…..a goy destiny that will be worse than death..

The Soviet gulag — with 8 of the 11 work-to-death camp districts run by directors who were Soviet Jews (wrote Nobel Laureate Alexander Solzhenitsyn, a gulag prisoner himself for 11 years), a gulag which eliminated 40 million of the best and brightest white Slavs — was the Jews’ trial run for the mass white slavery, culling and genocide that is planned.  And it already is being introduced now in gradual forms.









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