Whatever his masters wanted

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Churchill’s last day in Commons, 1964. (He really brought out the worst cruelty in artists and caricaturists in his last ten years.) Except for about three years after the First World War, he’d been an MP since the last year of Victoria’s reign.
Dresden never bothered him, or the British Empiyah dissolving, just falling out of the headlines. Next stop, Winnie: sulfur and hellfire.

Julieanne Currie

Traitor, pederast, alcoholic and war criminal….To think many silly Brits imagine he was a hero.

John De Nugent

Julieanne Currie Aww, is that all? You’re sure hard on the poor man.  And paedophilia has a glorious tradition among the British upper classes. Look, if it weren’t for Winnie, you’d still have that silly little BRITISH EMPIRE……
But seriously, fondness forChurchill is a real litmus test for brainwashedness. In the States, it is the “Greatest Generation” veneration and interviewing old geezers on how they killed the Germans in the Battle of the Bulge whilst “fighting for our freedom.” I now write: “WHAT freedom? Say one wrong word and you’re cancelled!” No one has any retort to that one — “freedom” to discuss sports and the weather.
I was just reading Wikijudia on Churchill. The man had only one consistent policy: What do the Khazars want me to do? After WWI, he opposed the anti-German harshness of the Treaty of Versailles, wanted Germany to retain a large army to stop the Bolsheviks, and castigated the jewish role in the Bolshevik regime.
So why then did he oppose Hitler?
His paymasters had so ordained. Churchill worked for the jew enemy; he was that most despicable of men, a traitor to his country.
In early 1927, Churchill visited Rome where he met Mussolini, whom he praised for his stand against Leninism.[237]
And yet there he sat, right next to Stalin…
The rich jew who prevented Churchill from losing his mansion, Chartwell:
And natürlich this rank narcissist was an atheist, a belief system that meant “there will be no divine wrath when I die, no matter what the crime.”
 In an 1898 letter, he referred to his beliefs, saying: “I do not accept the Christian or any other form of religious belief”.[29] Churchill had been christened in the Church of England[30] but underwent a virulently anti-Christian phase in his youth,[31] and as an adult was an agnostic.[32] In another letter to a cousin, he referred to religion as “a delicious narcotic” and expressed a preference for Protestantism over Roman Catholicism because he felt it “a step nearer Reason”.[33]

…..Sweden descends even further

Mark Pountney

Seen churches being converted into mosques in England too and whole areas ethnically cleansed of whites
John De Nugent

Mark Pountney It’s the new religion, Jewdeochrislam.

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