When common cowardice becomes the capital crime of t-r-e-a-s-o-n

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Look at the expression on the face of Paul Ryan when Trump was inaugurated on January 20, 2017. He was already conspiring with Pence (IMO a total pedophile) to destroy Trump’s presidency and all our freedom for his jew masters. Once you have raped and killed kids, then you feel all godlike, exercising a power of life and death, t, and after murdering children, any crime at all after that gets easier and easier.
My April 20, 2015 video on the pedophile Leo Frank and modern VIP child molesters


Life-transforming video by brave elite banker: Yes, the Illuminati, Lucifer worship and ritual sacrifice of kids are real — and MANDATORY to get to the top

…..My site was slow this morning for a while.

I kept getting this:
Error 503 Service Unavailable

Service Unavailable

Guru Meditation:

XID: 847559037


…..Trump supposedly getting ready to act

To a key supporter:
I am so grateful for that link you sent in a comment from the Nye County, Nevada Republicans.
I am certain Trump WANTS to do martial law, but is hesitating. 
I, having interacted with him 1942-45, need to get him to act.
I know this: He cannot take me, of all people, calling his bravery into question.
Trump has cognitive dissonance. He knows about the Jews hut has deluded himself until now that he somehow could placate these monsters.
As my dad, a combat veteran of WWII and Korea, always said,
“He who hesitates is lost.”
I just know in my bones that Ivanka is urging him to “think of us, your children!” and concede.
I will say “I cut my own daughter Ingrid loose, and you can and must do the same.”
From Daddy’s girl …
…..to a leftist who actually adressed me, her own father, insolently as “John” — and, since then, with no salutation at all.
Gee, I only cared lovingly for the kid 24/7 (outside of school) for her first eight years, and drove for 215 miles through a heavy New England blizzard eight hours (in a very light Toyota Corona station wagon) to see her after n she had been suspended from her college, the University of Vermont (where I had gotten her a full scholarship) for two semesters.
(I will add in fairness that, aside from her liberal brainwashing, as far as I know she is a fine person, employee, wife and the good mother of two twin girls.)
Your obligation now, Donald Trump, is to man up and lead your country, not to placate some conflict-averse, play-it-safe female having her hissy fit —

“If you REALLY loved us, your c-h-i-l-d-r-e-n, you would quit!”


Donald John Trump!

 75 million peopled voted for you, donated (as I did with $200) to you, drove hours to your rallies, and endured ridicule, ostracism, and hatred from our leftard relatives for you.

The little people believed in YOU!

2016 (when the election was not yet a Stealection) : all counties in red went for Trump

No one elected Ivanka to lead this nation — or her arrogant jew husband!

Kushner looks at you, Mr. President, like some retarded goy he has been tasked to “handle” — squeeze like a lemon for Israel — and then make into a one-termer.

YOU, Mr. Trump, if I may remind you, sir, tasked yourself in 2015 to become the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

So act it!

Before 500 million people around the world you took an oath!

“….to defend the Constituti0n of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic!”

It is telling how Trump grimaced as he took the oath of office in this fetid Swamp City of DC. I would love to be a fly on the wall and hear for just one week the threats this man has been subjected to from murderous, pedophilic Deep State child-killers. Look at the treacherous expression on House Speaker Paul Ryan’s face, on the right. 

I feel as if Trump’s German side is saying “obey the law and work within the system” — yet his keltic, Scottish side (the Scots being literally an Irish tribe who emigrated from Hibernia to Caledonia) is saying
“Go for it. You HAVE to take the plunge, and NOW”
Sean Connery in his Scottish kilt
“Killecrankie” by “the Picts”

What makes America so very great is this mix of the hot kelt and the cold teuton, which of course is what Hitler was as well. Be brave, yes, but first plan each step out.
And if you hit the king, be sure you kill him.
Margi is the perfect example of this keltic-teuton mix, of Scots-Irish and German.
As a gentle female and a cancer survivor who still is living with the aftermath, weighing less than 90 pounds, she dreads danger, a life of fear, stress and violence, and I am more sure than ever that she died horribly in the Hellstorm in her last life.
So anything about rape and torture makes her VERY averse, even getting her on her feet, putting her hands in  the air to ward bad thoughts off,  and literally leaving the room.
The James Leininger reincarnation case: a little boy in 2000 begins screaming at night about drowning under his stuck cockpit glass when the Japs hit his Navy fighter plane in 1945 and it crashes into the Pacific:

Great James Leininger reincarnation video

But Margi also supports my logical conclusion that we must act — and not wait for the 100% inevitable knock on the door.
Under Obama-Biden a SWAT team raided an Amish farmer for giving raw milk to his neighbors! Biden-Harris will be much worse! Now (unlike under Obama) they control every branch of government, all the media, and they run for China the voting machines!
And that is indeed a fine woman, who says to her man: “Return with your shield or on it.” I have run these two videos a hundred times, but this being an age reeking with the cowardice of so many harridan-cowed former “men,” I will run them, God Willing, one thousand times more:
Spartan queen Gorgo, daughter of a king and wife of one, tells her man (by her head-nod in the first video and her words in the second), both times, to “just do it.” This is an enlightened woman who understands there is a time to be yin and a time to be yang.

Napoleon, who was basically a kelt (dark hair and blue eyes) like other Northern Italians — the north of Italy was then called Cisalpine Gaul, and later was settled by germanic Langobards  — had a contingency plan for everything that could happen in a battle, good or bad.
His enemies often thought he was beaten, but no — he had a backup plan for absolutely anything that might go wrong.
Here are some good quotes from Nappy, who was not a shortie at all at 5’7″ but of normal height back then. An often Perfidious Albion, the origin of this mocking garbage about Napoleon being a little shrimp with some kind of short-man complex, has lied — while committing atrocities on the innocent — about literally everything under the sun since the nightmare of the Norman Conquest.
And what was that event? It was actually the Rouen, Normandy JEW Money Landers’ conquest of England using the Normans. The English people were its victims!

The Norman Conquest gives the English to the Talmud

And the first thing the jews did was begin raping and killing English children, draining out their blood for matzo bread for their Passover, and then bribing sheriffs (like our Republicons and Demoncraps of today) to look the other way!

In this house they killed little Hugh of Lincoln!


Here are Napoleon’s major quotations:

  1. History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon
  2. You must not fight too often with one enemy, or you will teach him all your art of war.
  3. Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
  4. The battlefield is a scene of constant chaos. The winner will be the one who controls that chaos, both his own and the enemies’.
  5. A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon.
  6. Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily.
  7. The first virtue in a soldier is endurance of fatigue; courage is only the second virtue.
  8. Soldiers generally win battles; generals get credit for them.
  9. When soldiers have been baptized in the fire of a battle-field, they have all one rank in my eyes.
  10. The army is the true nobility of our country.
  11. I made all my generals out of mud.
  12. If they want peace, nations should avoid the pin-pricks that precede cannon shots.
  13. An army marches on its stomach.
  14. War is the business of barbarians.
  15. A revolution is an idea which has found its bayonets.

I truly revere Michael Collins, the victor of the Irish Revolution of 1917-21,  for having both fire and ice in his soul. He was quite tall for someone born in the 19th century, 5’11”, when 5’7″ was the average, and likely had germanic, Viking blood. (And, btw, red hair is most common in the Dublin area, which was founded and settled by the Vikings. Thor, the ultimate Norse god, had red hair!)

Now this is a man who puts first things first: Michael Collins eliminates “Cairo Gang” – YouTube
Let THEM start to feel fear, and let the fence-straddlers start to feel pressure from US!
The key is to not fear death, but to fear cowardice and its disastrous consequences for our people.
Arya expects every man to do his duty.
To be a coward now is to be a traitor.
Carlson interviews Glen Greenwald, a gay jew who has more balls than 90% of my readers.

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