When God is NOT your wingman; my American Legion event last night; comment on my last NDE article

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Two World War Two warplanes, a B-17 bomber and a Kingcobra fighter, collided yesterday at an air show in the skies over Dallas, Texas in front of thousands of horrified spectators.

The B-17s in WWII rained fire and death down very deliberately and systematically on innocent German civilians, a clear war crime under the Hague Rulers of War signed by both the United States and Britain. A million German old men, women, and children died — on fire or torn to pieces — whose sons and husbands were bravely fighting at the front to oppose the jews and communism.


 A Kingcobra — a superb WWII American warplane that ironically was not given by the Pentagon under President Rosenfeld to the American air force–  but was supplied instead ONLY to the godless, savage, German-raping Soviets (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell_P-63_Kingcobra):




No guardian angel is going to watch over such WWII-glorifiers. Forget that! When you believe lies and fight God, do not expect miraculous interventions and divine protection. You are on your own in the harsh, cruel world, bub!



…..America Legion Veterans Day event

Last night, I and a new friend, a disabled US Navy veteran of German descent who had served in nordic-keltic Iceland, attended a very nice American Legion event in Rockland, Michigan, with a hundred other veterans and their spouses. (A whopping 14% of all Ontonagon County residents are in fact veterans!)

I will always respect the humility and patriotism of the majority of those who knowingly volunteer for the extremely dangerous work of being a soldier, sailor, airman, or Marine.

The commander, a retired Air Force colonel of German descent with the last name Seid, has led this unit of the American Legion to solid growth, and the event went off perfectly with excellent food, raffles (we both won valuable prizes), and appeals to reach out and care for our war veterans who seem psychologically hurt and troubled. He told of one veteran who recently committed suicide, which affected him deeply.

The Navy vet is the very one who called out “Hi” to me on the street, to my surprise, and she got me on the meds that have saved my life from lethal hypertension that was caused by my extreme grief over Margi’s death.

Dropped by 100 points afterward…. See lower-right column: “Blood pressure 129/67” !!!


God works — through His angels and kind humans — if you endeavor every day to be a good person and to listen to the Big Guy. 🙂



…..A shabbas goy

A German-Irish-American gal and regular major donor wrote me that the Walmart CEO, Douglas McMillon, a WEF young leader type, was the perfect “all-American” front man.




“In August 2017, McMillon wrote a rebuke of President Trump’s response to the violent protests [violent because of both Antifa and the jew/negro-commanded police, who ignored a court order to let the white nationalists peacefully demonstrate!!!!] in Charlottesville, Virginia in an email to all employees and on the internal company website that is viewable by the public.

The statement said the President, “missed a critical opportunity to help bring our country together”.  […]

In September 2019, McMillon announced that the company would no longer sell ammunition used for handguns and military-style weapons.”


…..Comment on my blog yesterday about heart-attack patients having NDEs

Massive US-UK medical study shows even many heart-attack patients — still having full brain function and active breathing — have serene Near-Death Experiences

On VK:
It’s true that we go on. I did. Had an accident in 2014. Got rear ended bad. Knocked me out of my body. It was like I stepped outside of the car. I saw my feet in the barbed wire I crashed into. Heard and saw my kid yelling at me. Saw the car that hit me. I never left the car until the EMS got there and pulled me out
John De Nugent Aufdeutsch
Laura, thanks very much for this, and your courage to step forward with it. I suppose the NDE incident was too brief for you to do some of the things often also associated with a NDE, but not necessarily happening in every case, such as seeing and going through a tunnel of light, seeing a review of your life, or encountering deceased loved ones?
Did some kind of loving being tell you you had to go back, or offer you options to either go back or stay in the afterlife? [I an now awaiting her answer.]




  1. It is a deeply tragic event.

    Perhaps it is another vaxxident, a vaccine-induced (concentration) failure that led to the accident. In any case, horrific for the relatives.

    This type of airplane fuselage/airplane spine breach was the subject of the movie “Memphis Belle” (1990), here is the direct jump to the corresponding scene:

    “Memphis Belle (7/10) Movie CLIP – Mother and Country Goes Down (1990) HD”,

    In the movie, a German defender is shot down by the U.S. bomber gunner, who cheers with joy and then has to watch another U.S. bomber have his spine broken as a result, his plane’s fuselage knocked off.

    Just like in real life: By destroying the last bastion of freedom, the last defensive bastion of the white peoples’ right to exist, the German Reich, the Allied soldiers broke the backs of themselves and all white peoples. They accomplished the triumph of the background powers, the NWO, and brought the white peoples to the present situation, to the edge of the abyss.

    … But of course, afterwards one is always smarter, we know today, thanks to worldwide networking, more than the generations before.

    Much strength/fortitude for the bereaved!


    In German: Ein zutiefst tragisches Ereignis.

    Es ist ein zutiefst tragisches Ereignis.

    Vielleicht handelt es sich um einen weiteren Vaxxident, um ein impfinduziertes (Konzentrations)Versagen, das zu dem Unfall führte. In jedem Fall grauenvoll für die Angehörigen.

    Diese Art von Flugzeugrumpf/Flugzeugrückgrat-Durchbruch wurde im Film “Memphis Belle” (1990) thematisiert, hier der Direktsprung zur entsprechenden Szene:

    “Memphis Belle (7/10) Movie CLIP – Mother and Country Goes Down (1990) HD”,

    Im Film wird ein deutscher Verteidiger vom US-Bomberschützen abgeschossen, dieser jubelt vor Freude und muß dann mitansehen, wie dadurch einem anderen US-Bomber das Rückgrat gebrochen wird, der Flugzeugrumpf abgeschlagen wird.

    So wie im echten Leben: Indem die Soldaten der Alliierten die letzte Bastion der Freiheit, die letzte Verteidigungsbastion des Existenzrechts der weißen Völker, das Deutsche Reich, vernichteten, brachen sie sich und allen weißen Völkern das Rückgrat. Sie vollbrachten den Triumph der Hintergrundmächte, der NWO und brachten die weißen Völker in die jetzige Situation, an den Rand des Abgrundes.

    … Aber natürlich, hinterher ist man immer schlauer, wir wissen heute, dank weltweiter Vernetzung, mehr als die Generationen zuvor.

    Viel Kraft für die Hinterbliebenen!

    • Thank you for this comment. Yes, perhaps it was a vaxxident. Why else, one must ask, on a clear and sunny Texas day, would that King Cobra fly directly into the bomber, killing everyone?

      It is striking how nordic-looking the American actors were that the jews used in this film, and it is partly accurate. In 1944 American citizens and troops were still 90% white and overwhelmingly of good British/Irish, German, and Scandinavian stock.

      The jews just love it when the best Aryans yet again go off to kill each other, and die in horrible ways. They gloat and laugh over it all the way to the bank.

      Hey, dumb fuck! Did you ever think that while it is horrible to see your comrades die, that German women and children were also dying horribly right below them thanks to YOU and your blatantly illegal bombing of unarmed civilians?

  2. Young Russian soldiers experience extreme karma at the hands of Jewish-led Ukrainian “Nazis,” for the many atrocities committed by their Soviet ancestors in WWII. Knowing of all the horrible things white Soviet soldiers did to German civilian men, women, and children in the closing months of WWII and afterwards, with the encouragement and approval of their Jewish commissars, I can’t really feel sorry for these Russians.

    In my view, Russia and Russians as a whole have extremely bad karma, just like the old American WWII “heroes” so celebrated by the Jew media. They will all be judged very harshly by God when they die, and their descendants will pay the price for their WWII sins. It was Russians who allowed a tiny minority of Jewish communists to overthrow their Czar in 1917, institute the first communist state (the Soviet Union) and start WWII, which killed some 50 million people worldwide, most of them white Russians and Germans.

    Russia has extremely bad karma for inflicting the Jewish cancer on the world, and they will eventually pay the ultimate price for it, unless they apologize for their many WWII atrocities, admit that communism is a wholly Jewish creation, admit that the “Holocaust” was a monumental Jewish hoax, and throw off their Jew masters’ shackles.

    But notice that despite all the evils committed by Jews, their destruction of Russia, their killing of millions of Russians, and their slanderous lies about the “Holocaust,” Putin has never criticized them at all, proving that he is still under their control.

    This is what extreme karma looks like. I’ll bet that most of these young Russian soldiers had Soviet ancestors who committed atrocities in WWII:


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