When love means grasping humbly that your country NEEDS a dictator

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French Foreign Legion troops in Africa

A lady comrade out in leftist-ruined Oregon wrote me:

Is it true that the French Foreign Legion demands fearlessness be achieved through the extreme training the recruits endure? To not be hesitant to die if necessary to achieve success in mission? Didn’t that used to be the same for US Marines?

Saving one’s country from being overrun by destroying enemies should be the highest calling of patriotic men expected to be brave in battle. The need for independent military heroism by both these French and American forces couldn’t be greater than it is now to save their countries from complete tyranny.

Even General Washington led into battle when success could not be known, and certainly not without risk.

I replied:

Yes, and all elite units throughout history have been based on both radical courage and radical obedience.

The problem with any literal revolution given the advanced state of technology today, is that America is now a total surveillance society, where any uprising would be instantly detected and drones could annihilate it from the air over even the most hostile rebel territory.

And also the country is chock-full of obese, aging white cowards…. AND the few younger Whites are often severely damaged by both vaccines and cultural degeneracy. I see a high percentage of Whites with vaccine damage and located somewhere “on the autism spectrum,” which makes people into antisocial loners and prone to conflict.

Robert Kennedy, Jr and Dr Andrew Wakefield are two genuine heroes fighting the plague of autism caused by vaccines.



They have proven that vaccines containing the adjuvant “thimerosol” cause autism, which leads to both the severe cases and also to the many, many people who have Aspergers.

With them, their head may not bob as with the severely autistic ones (the kind of people whom we used to call, accurately but cruelly, “spastic”), the “Aspies” CAN “function,” meaning go to work, pay bills, mow their lawn, cook, etc..

BUT they act “weird” and “off-putting.”

Autistic people, depending where they are on the autism spectrum, cannot read social cues, and constantly say awkward things that miff or offend others — but not by intent. It is actually tragic.

I can see traces of it in Margi, who has ADD, which is a kind of mild autism.

She may launch into an extensive sentence about some topic that is at hand, utterly oblivious to the fact that I left the room five minutes ago. 😉

I come back and she is still talking. 😉

That is anything but intentional. She was really trying to communicate some information or opinion to me, perhaps about an important matter, and she is very intelligent and has lots of life experience.

But her brain is hyper-focusing — and she is in a kind of mental tunnel where she cannot see if I am even there!

My own little mermaid

Margi has helped me deal with years of severe childhood sexual abuse and worse — and I help her with her ADD….

‘Cuz we both mean it: “for better or worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, for as long as we both shall live”! 🙂

As I said to a recent visitor, “I have to lead an army of the damaged.”

We are not talking here about people who are like the disciplined Germans of 1932, or like their ancestors, the Americans of 1941. Those GIs grew up mostly in intact families, meaning with a man in the house, a male authority figure (as my dad was). And those young men were also hardened by the Great Depression of 1929-41.

There was also no generous welfare system back then. You had to cooperate with your friends and family back then to get a job, pay your bills, have a roof over your head and survive.

Back in the day, as the great poet Robert Frost said, families were intact and dutiful toward their members.

Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in. 😉

Today, the welfare society means the most dysfunctional and belligerent, trouble-making people can survive, get a free apartment, and even breed yet more dysfunctional people.

I see all this moral downfall and more in this small and all-white town — young white people who are:

— disgustingly obese,

— rude to customers,

— simply do not show up for their shift, and

— steal from the till while knowing the restaurant is struggling.

Recent guests in our house have seen some of it with their own eyes.

So “I really have my task cut out for me.” 😉

Some say Hitler was a dictator. Well, after one of two generations of national socialism, let me tell you, had we won the war, you would NOT need a dictator.

People would consistently do the right thing on their own.

But when you have unruly, ornery, lazy and bad-attitude young people to deal with, the first task is to make them simply comply and obey the rules.

I saw this as a substitute teacher and achieved this compliance and obedience in the mist unruly American teens. Often I would have three different county school systems (whether in Rhode Island, Massachusetts or northern Virginia over the period 1981-2004) call me in the morning around 6 a.m.

I could establish order immediately and get the assigned classwork done. Often the first step was sending one openly rebellious kid within the first 30 seconds to the vice-principal for detention.

This awed the others.

“Discipline one — educate a hundred.”

Without firm rule from above, which my dictatorship — a necessary and temporary evil — provided, we would be trotting out onto the battlefield with a motley horde of cranks, not with the disciplined, effective, and, above all, loyal soldiers who alone can bring us victory.

Believe, obey — and fight!

For we are at war.

Every general in history has been “a dictator” out of dire military necessity, even executing some of his own troops to maintain discipline. It is all tough love, designed to prevent the horrors of defeat by a savage foe. Remember this ever — Our enemy is not honorable, and he knows no mercy.

Eisenhower starved one million surrendered Germans to death here at Bad Kreuznach and at other locations along the Rhine River:

To expect mercy from the jews or their goy lackeys — now that is the very definition of insanity!

Look at these manipulated white fools 40 years ago in South Holland, Illinois, a Chicago suburb, ridiculing “the American Nazis.” Today this once white suburb is half-black.


As a commentator said:

Turns out the Neo-Nazis were right. Go to South Holland or Dolton today.



It is okay to be a fool, but then accept you are one — and obey someone who is WISE. 😉

Finally, let me go back into blunt-kraut mode 😉 or even into Ancient-Roman mode. (I’ve done incarnations as both Romans and Germans.) I need to state a brutal truth to clear the boards:

If earthlings were not so spiritually primitive, there would be zero need for this necessary evil that is dictatorship.

I have no emotional need to be your dictator, neither now nor then!

In fact, dictatorship fails to educate the people to rule themselves. So it is an evil that must be temporary, and must end when the dangers of the emergency situation have been banished

The secondary goal of NS 2.0 is the same as that of the great Founding Fathers of America: a maximum of personal, political and economic freedom. The primary goal is our race”s survival.

But we can no more achieve this with people as they are now than a loving dad can hand the keys to his Ferrari to his 16-year-old. To do so would be a death sentence.

NS 2.0 is about all of us becoming Hitler. 🙂 We incarnate here to grow!


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…..Recent donations

— 11 August 2021 300 Euros from M in Belgium

–10 August 2021 $500 cash from G in Michigan

— 4 August 2021 500 Euros (same in US dollars) from L in Québec, Canada

— 28 July 2021  400 euros via PayPal from M in France

— 28 July 2021 $200 with letter from M in Texas

This Texan, who previously sent me a great holster,

…donated, as he had promised, two hundred dollars ($100 cash and $100 via USPS money order) — and he wrote me a beautiful letter.


— 25 July 2021 $500 in cash from S in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

— 22 July 2021 40 euros, photos and note from M in France


— 21 July 2021 30 euros via PayPal from M in France

— 20 July 2021 400 Euros via PP from C in Germany

— 16 July 2021 400 euros, photos and card from M in France


–15 July 2021 400 euros via Moneygram from C in Germany

–15 July 2021 $25 via Amazon gift card from S in unknown location

— 14 July 2021 $400 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

–13 July 2021 two superb historical books from J in New Mexico, Stalin’s War of Extermination by Joachim Hoffmann, and Chief Culprit, by the Soviet jew and military historian Suvorov, proving that Stalin was just about to massively surprise-attack Germany, in August 1941 (despite the Berlin-Moscow Non-Aggression Pact of 1939)  when Hitler Germany instead, with full justification, surprise-attacked HIM.

–13 July 2021 book from Stan Hess in Idaho Defensive Racism by the late WN lawyer Edgar Steele, who was later tragically framed for attempted murder on the word of honor of a convicted felon who had stolen thousands in silver coins FROM HIM!  Then the FBI created a deep-fake audio — using tech from the Media Lab at MIT — of Steele supposedly discussing ON THE PHONE having his own wife bumped off, which his wife Cindy  never believed for a second. Steele was then railroaded into prison, given “diesel-therapy” (moved around constantly from prison to prison (in a diesel-powered bus, hence “diesel therapy”) with his mail never forwarded, so he had almost no communications with his friends, supporters and family for months). He then died in prison due to the feds withholding his medications and probably despair as well. This book is superb. You can see from it why the jew-feds hated and feared him.

— 12 July 2021 100 dollars Australian [ = US$75], ltr, UFO/Annunaki info from J in Oz

— 10 July 2021 200 Euros from M in France

— 9 juillet 2021 50 Euros et cartes de S en Allemagne

–29 June 2021 200 euros and letter from M in France

— 29 June 2021 100 euros, silver bracelet for Margi, and a copy in Italian of the famous Serenity Prayer from E in Italy

The Serenity Prayer from Reinhold Niebuhr


— 28 June 2021 $23 in cash and ltr from W in Tennessee


— 25 June 2021 50 euros via PP from M in France

–24 June 2021 $190 in cash and ltr from N in Georgia


–21 June 2021 200 euros, photos from the Louvre Museum, and a kind note from M in France


–18 June 2021 150 euros, photos of the Roman arena in ancient Paris, then called “Lutetia,” and card from M in France.


  1. To resort to dictatorship in the United States to mitigate our problems is, in my opinion, to throw out the baby with the bathwater. Our national heritage is that of a free country. A dictatorship would cost us our heritage.

    • The presidents already have emergency dictatorial powers, and have exercised them ever since Lincoln, who jailed anti-Civil War newspaper editors and sent the US Army to surround the Maryland State House to prevent that southern and slave-holding state from joining the Confederacy.
      Woodrow Wilson jailed leading anti-WWI dissidents, such as Congressman Robert Lafollette!

      FDR seized all private gold as soon as he came to power AND briefly closed ALL private banks.

      Under Reagan, and his official, Oliver North, presidents got the power to lock anyone up and seize literally everything, all in the name of “continuity of government” after a nuclear or civil war.

      Then Bush rammed through the USA Patriot Act, giving the FBI the power to permit itself — via a “National Security Letter” which it issues to itself — the “right” to access everything about you.

      And at Abu Ghraib prison and other places every kind of torture and murder were practiced by American officials.

      The 2011 NDAA gave Obama and subsequent presidents the power to use the US military to lock up dissidents permanently at secret locations, without any charges, and forever, with relatives having no right to any information about them. Of course, “enhanced interrogation techniques” can be used.

      Face it, comrade: We already have a nearly total dictatorship right now.

      It is the dictatorship of the Jews.

      And no election will bring all those freedoms back. 2020 proved that.

      In a war for survival, sadly, there is only the law of the jungle. It will be warlord against warlord, and incredibly ruthless and brutal. The goal is true human freedom, but that cannot come until the (((genociders))) are gone.

      All you can do is choose the noble warlord over the wicked one. We cannot whine that it came to this. For many incarnations earthlings did nothing about the Jew menace, ignoring myriad warnings. 🙁

  2. https://files.catbox.moe/9n8aoc.png

    Governments and corporations across the world have banded together and declared war on their own people. The time for civil disobedience is now. This thread is to discuss ways to defeat the government/corporate tyranny in a civil and legal manner.
    The lockdowns are stripping you of your rights and replacing Western Civilization with Global Corporate Tyranny. Their intention is for them to permanent and expanded.

    Methods of civil disobedience:

    >Only shop at local businesses.
    >Only pay with cash.
    >Grow/farm your own food wherever possible.
    >Do not consume their propaganda. This includes: News, Hollywood, Television, Social Media Influencers. Be wary of “right wing truth tellers” who exist to divide.
    >Do not comply with any lockdown mandates. No masks. No social distancing. Act like they don’t exist.
    >DO NOT TAKE THE INJECTION. Under any circumstances. If you take the injection you will submit to permanent lockdowns and “green passports” which will strip you of all your rights indefinitely
    >If your employer/university demands you take it, force them to fire you. Get the reason in writing. Then sue them.
    >Educate yourself on legal tax loopholes. Use them.
    >Understand that petty tyrants are also your enemy Frustrate them at every opportunity.

    >believe in a higher power. If you don’t believe in a higher power, you will treat the government like they are God.
    >stay fit and healthy. Exercise regularly. Don’t consume sugar
    >Reject all forms of degeneracy
    >Seek esoteric enlightenment

    Please suggest furthers ways to fight this war.


    On waking people up:

    Understand that waking up is a process that takes years. Remember your own. Also remember it is a never ending process so don’t become too certain of anything. Understand the crux of the issue:

    >The government/corporations/banks/media/universities are one entity working together
    >their goal is to increase their own wealth/power
    >all politicians are in the same uni-party. The Left vs Right dichotomy is a Divide & Conquer tactic.
    >Politicians are just actors hired to read talking points by corporate interests.
    >the core enemy is central banking
    >the media is just the propaganda wing of the enemy

    How to approach NPCs:

    >rule #1: be funny
    >rule #2: be funny
    >rule #3: be physically attractive or perfectly groomed
    >gain their trust for weeks/months before approaching any serious issues
    >Try to gauge what level people are on before you say anything serious
    >plant seeds in their head. Don’t outright say what the problem is because their minds are not prepared. For example: “Isn’t it weird that they are saying we need to vaccinated everyone to stop the spread but they are also saying that the vaccine doesn’t stop the virus from spreading”. That is enough of a seed of doubt. One seed per week is enough.
    >understand they need to come to the realization on their own.


    Perhaps you are right. But remember there was decades of civil disobedience before 1776.

    If someone can’t muster the courage to refuse the mask, they will never be able to muster the courage required for war.







  3. Comment on VK (https://vk.com/wall567389027_1336):


    Avran Iv
    You’re right, the experiment of freedom started in 1776 ended in 1871. we had a good run, but humanity just wasn’t ready. we will need dictators with the vision to be both stern and compassionate where appropriate, like a father and mother, for a few generations to nurse us back to health before we can try again.

    John De Nugent Aufdeutsch
    Avran, Thanks very much!

    • Sorry, I do not understand your meaning. You can also write in Ukrainian or Russian and I will probably understand.

      Nice city, according to your IP address! 🙂 One can see the very strong Austrian architectural influence.

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