When we take back the whole West Coast, remember beautiful Oregon

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While some of the Oregonians are artsy-queery antifas, others are not libtards at all.


The big cities of both Oregon and Washington State may be disgracefully libtarded right now, but the outlying white areas still have a lot of good white folks in them and also spectacular scenery, which you can reach and see since Aryans before you invented the car, jet, train, and autobahn, ahem, “superhighway.” 😉

A comrade from Reedsport, Oregon, just off the Pacific coast on the Umpqua River, sent me this collection of pix he took:



Should we lose all this to the Mexicans, blacks , Chinese et alia?

No, and in the future, all white areas currently squatted on will be completely retaken.

The whole of what is now the United States was once white, Solutrean territory before mongolian “Indians” came ovwer from Siberia and then down from Canada to invade and massacre the outnumbered whites here. This occurred AFTER a comet had hit the area, decimating the whites down to maybe 10% of their previous number. It happened around 10,800 B.C.

Our ancient white Solutrean ancestors in America and around the world

When whites retook North America, and thus states with Indian place names like Oregon, Idaho, Kentucky and Connecticut, they were taking back our own sacred white land.



The day is coming when the white male will again be an ARYAN.

And then all the craziness will end.





  1. The AH autobahn known as the Dwight D. Eisenhower Interstate Highway System. The Hohenzollern silver wasn’t the only thing Ike absconded with.

    • Ike sure was a piece of work. I was just reading an interview with James Bacque in the latest Barnes Review, where he talks about how Ike and FDR denied any plan to starve the Germans while doing exactly that, even banning the production of fertilizer and sinking fishing boats. Bacque says that 50% more Germans died in American than in Soviet camps.

      What is sick is how both German troops and civilians fled desperately at the end toward the American lines, imagining the Amerikaners would be “better” than the Reds.

      And nowadays, the whole country, having forked over hundreds of billions to Jewry and Israel, is being pushed to extinction. Since both Jewry and Israhell are now disgustingly rich, the German slaves can just die under the boots and knives of muslims that George Soros brought in.

      Happy, then, all those who fell in the war for their folk and fatherland and did not survive to become wretched servants of an implacable Zion, falling from a relative heaven of national socialism into an absolute hell of Jew enslavement.

      Had NS evolved THEN already into a religion, every civilian and soldier would have fought honorably to the death, not fearing the mere expiration of a body, and knowing their souls to be immortal, rather than imagine ever getting mercy from the jew enemy. The entire purpose of Germany today is to enrich the Jews, order the EU around to fulfill the refugee wishes of Soros, and meanwhile gradually die out. In fact, every German who survived the war and rebuilt Germany from the ruins was working in reality to build up the jews.

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