When White South Boston rose up; spiritual reading

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You can count on many white cops, and in fact on many Whites in general, to do just about anything to keep that paycheck coming, including protecting buses bringing violent, hateful negroes into the very schools their own white children attend. For years cops  carried out the busing orders of a white traitor, federal judge Arthur Gerrity.


Kevin Weeks, a mobster with the late Whitey Bulger’s Irish crime gang in South Boston, as he reveals in his autobiography, Brutal, at least had the physical courage to fight the Blacks during the Boston school-busing crisis of the 1970s.

This was when the feds (the FBI and the “Justice” — LOL — Department, plus federal Judge Arthur Gerrity, and the sickeningly liberal Boston Globe newspaper all ganged up on the working white people of South Boston. They demanded that THEIR kids in Southie be bused to black schools across town, and blacks be bused into the white schools. Meanwhile, these vile, virtue-signaling libtards and jews lived in all-white suburbs or sent their kids to expensive private schools!

A generous, long-time donor from Southie sent me the following scans from Week’s book.





Enter Sigfried Goldstein….




I wrote this donor:

  • , [], and thanks for this. I remember Judge Garrity well, and also the noble Louise Day Hicks (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louise_Day_Hicks).

    The really outrageous thing for me was that while it was crypto-jew and Demoncrat Lyndon Johnson who as US president appointed Garrity to the federal bench, but it was actually the Republican Nixon and then the RINO president Gerald Ford who enforced busing. “We must follow the Supreme Court’s order” they said. https://johndenugent.com/wp-content/uploads/nixon-rumsfeld-blacks-trees.png

    And the Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren who rules for “desegregation” also was appointed by a Republican, Dwight Eisenhower.

    Governor John Volpe of Massachusetts— same thing — RINO ngr-lover.

    I will blog on this.
  • That Weeks, of course, was no angel.  But he did have a fighting nature, and he stood up for his local white people.
  • Yet it is comical how even tough-guy Weeks claims twice in these passages that the riots were not a racial thing, just “we wanted our kids going to the close-in local schools, not being driven 45 minutes one way to another part of town.” Even this mobster is politically correct.
  • George Lincoln Rockwell (a Rhode Islander, basically) was up in Boston, btw, and Spiro Lagoulis, a Greek, was his local guy in Boston, and I knew him. Great man.
  • What was needed, obviously, was to say the blunt truth: “The blacks are a savage, inferior race — violent, oversexed, stupid, and full of hatred for whites, and we don’t want them around our kids. It is not safe, and, besides, educating most blacks is a waste of time and money. “
  • Rockwell said this, and the reaction of cowardly whites was: “Well, you can’t just SAY that like that.” 


  • WHY NOT?
  • I was 20 around that time, having graduated from Dedham HS (a white suburb of Boston) in 1972, and I remember thinking: “Well, if this is the ‘land of the free and the home of the brave,’ and our dads fought in WWII to defend freedom, what freedom do we really have anymore when we can’t say what we mean, and we can’t say the truth?”
  • The Boston Globe, then as now, was just an appalling libtard rag that flew in the face of racial facts.
  • I began thinking even then about what was wrong with white people. Ngrs were just following their own wild nature, so they have an excuse of sorts, but these leftwing Whites were lying without shame about equality and discrimination, while putting their own kids in white schools — and the rightwing, educated, middle-class Whites were wussing out.
  • The working-class Southie people had no hero except Louise Day Hicks, and even she, though educated, a politician and a lawyer, could not put it into a bigger framework.
  • She was a good woman, but she wussed out too about racial realities. (Wikipedia): “Hicks opposed George Wallace of Alabama, who ran for U.S. President on four occasions: “He’s a segregationist. I don’t want to be connected to him.” Hicks continued, “While a large part of my vote probably does come from bigoted people. … I know I’m not bigoted. To me the word means all the dreadful southern segregationist, Jim-Crow business that’s always shocked and revolted me.”
  • Northern Whites dissociating themselves from Southern Whites as if this would ever appease the jews and white libtards who want white genocide. Louise still got compared to Hitler!
  • I decided way, way back then that it was not just about the jews and liberals… Whites themselves had a tragic flaw. They would seek to appease people who obviously were irreconcilable enemies, many psychopaths where the only true explanation was that they HATE Whites.
  • And this was because the poor Southie people had no spiritual leader and forgot the power of truth. And a mobster like Kevin Weeks was certainly not that spiritual leader, either.  (edited)
  • As for today, look at the Boston public schools…. Whites paying outrageous taxes to educate hopeless ngrs and spix while they pay through the nose for private school or move out to the suburbs!

Here they go, typical Republicans, privately expressing over the phone their real feelings:

  • So the governor of California and the president of the United States had their private yuck but wussed out totally in public.
  • This is why we need a militant, heroic Aryan religion, where to be branded a “selfish, pathetic coward” is the ultimate insult!

…….spiritual reading for July 5

[This spiritual reading that follows is a bit ironic in view of the above. But through my religion we will reach out successfully to many formerly moderate Whites (now victims of crime and anti-white racism) and to Blacks as well who are simply miserable, know the jews are behind all this, that they ARE inferior, and they would accept white supremacv if it were benevolent.]

Today we want to direct you to the concept and more importantly, the practice of brotherhood. The words are difficult sometimes, so we beg you to stay with us. When we speak of brotherhood it is in a sense totally un-tinged with leftist political or sociological meaning. Please understand that because of its long standing as the descriptor of a generalized idea in your language we use it (in contrast to “sisterhood,” which carries a more specific and narrower meaning) today.

Remember that language is limitation, and we are trying to work through it as best we are allowed. You, for your part, are charged with interpreting and understanding the meanings beneath the words.

So back to brotherhood. Yesterday there was an overarching energy of connection and union available to you. If you gave yourself the time and space to drop into that energy, you would have found your heart at one with all hearts: big, small, human and not. It is a glorious sensation and one that can fill hungry bellies, heal illness and soothe worry and sadness.

Today, we would like for you to move that experience into a more practical realm. Today, there is a need for you to identify across the boundaries that so often separate and defne you as different from others.

Here, we are saying that it will be most important to go beyond sensing the oneness, and take that knowing into a place where you can look at others who appear to live on the other side of one line or another from you. Look with your physical eyes and strive to see beneath the differences.

Again, we are talking about an experience between one individual and another. We are suggesting that you take some time today—whether you are already out and about, or if you go out intentionally to practice this—to make energetic connections across lines that tend to daunt you.

No mater how open your mind and heart, there is some kind of person that puts you off. Almost no one on your planet is immune. Today is the day to find someone (or ones) who you cannot imagine in your wildest dreams that you could love, and then love them.

This is not just a good exercise for you. Although it is essential that you work to bring the spiritual and the etheric into the material, and although this is a wonderful day to do that—for your own growth and wisdom—it is also a moment when actual boundaries can be crossed, lives altered and the direction of things to come decided.

We are not asking you to do something good for yourself. Instead, we are telling you that today there is something you can do—and you all can do it—that very much needs to be done and that will determine a great deal of what will unfold in your world.

So, please, take this seriously. Anything that you can do to cross or dissolve boundaries between real live people will change the world more than you can imagine. The act of planting a seed is most insignificant when it is compared to the full-grown manifestation of that seed. The effort is ridiculously small when compared to the outcome. We are asking you to sow as many seeds as you are able to today.

Only you can do this. We look on and may not act in the ways that you can. We send you all our love, our support, our gratitude and the many, many blessings of a multitude of beings of light who love and cherish you all.




  1. A few days after George Wallace shocked everyone by winning the Democrat Primary in Florida, cowardly Nixon (who backstabbed Joe McCarthy), totally reversed himself and halted his order to enforce bussing. George Wallace had campaigned heavily against bussing.

    The most racist guys I ever met in the Army, were Irish from Boston.

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