UPDATED “When you’re gone” — Cranberries singer/songwriter drowned in bathtub of quadruple alcohol overdose, but really from being RAPED for four years as a young girl

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Finally the autopsy results: Genius-level, beautiful, world-famous Irish vocalist/songwriter of “The Cranberries,” a mother of three, aged just 46, died of an alcohol overdose (3.3 pro mille, four times over the limit), drowning in her bathtub in a London hotel………….. 🙁 🙁 🙁

Dolores Mary Eileen O’Riordan was born in Ballybricken, a town 8 miles outside Limerick, Ireland on Sept. 6, 1971. Her parents are Eileen and Terrance. Terrance was in a wheelchair due to a motorcycle accident. Dolores was the youngest of seven children in a poor family, and one of two girls. It was in America where her band, The Cranberries, first found satisfying success – and then they returned to be loved in their native land.

It is probably highly relevant that she was molested from ages 8 to 12 in Ireland — by a relative, amazingly not by a priest  — and also, like most female and male molestation victims, suffered from extreme rage, depression and suicidal thoughts.
***See also this article related to molestation victims, still shattered fifty years later

UPDATED Bergoglio’s infernal church – a paradise for pedophiles, a hell for victims

Her very courageous anti-IRA, anti-British Army protest song about Catholic-Protestant violence in Northern Ireland  “Zombie”


.on YouTube


“Dream” — perhaps her most magical and rocking hit, showcasing her lilting, unique “yodeling” sound and a strong, beautiful Irish brogue



On Youtube:




On Youtube


…….My unique perspective on her life and tragic death:

I was a victim myself of sexual abuse and much, much worse than that as a child inside the Jewish-founded, Jewish-run MK-ULTRA horror program called “Manchurian Candidate,” designed to create mind-controlled, puppet generals, admirals, police chiefs, senators — and presidents.

It was as real as a heart attack, and I WENT THROUGH IT, running away in a supreme act of will at age ten in 1964.


Tony Podesta, top lobbyist and brother of Hillary-for-President chairman John Podesta, with the lovely headless-corpse bronze sculpture hanging in his house


“Spirit Cooking” paintings

(Oh yeah, sure, just as the MSM claims, these top Clintonistas who were trying to get Hillary to beat Trump and get into the White House are just going on and on in these emails endlessly about what kind of fish — mahi mahi — and toppings for their pizza they want…. These are all pedophile code words for different kinds of children to rape, kill and disembowel! )


Inverse crucifix on Chelsea Clinton


Around 2000, the logo of the supposedly super-patriotic and family-values Republican Party changed from American stars to inverted pentagrams. George W. Bush even appointed a jewish homosexual, Ken Mehlman, in 2004, as chairman of the party.

1999 —- 2000


The “Manchurian” program of SUPER-TORTURE to create absolute amnesia was designed for the children of the “elite” and conducted under the supervision of the arch-malevolent Jew Henry Kissinger.




Henry Kissinger, one of the premier monsters of our time, is seen here photographing a child, Nicole Cianci, who later killed herself using heroin, (http://www.abc6.com/story/17632537/nicole-cianci-daughter-of-buddy-cianci-dies) …. With his hand on her head is her father, the mayor of Providence, Rhode Island, Buddy Cianci, who later did five years for extortion; next to them is my father, James Waddell Nugent.

with President Reagan

with President Ford

MK-ULTRA and its even worse subprogram, “Manchurian Candidates,” were run by the Jew Sidney Gottlieb, MD (photo) so the criminal CIA could  make mind-control human puppets.


Dutch banker Ronald Bernard (a real person who was in the media plenty as a banker before all this) say to be accepted into the banking super-elite you must agree to rape and kill children:

Comment underneath on YT:

@ 25:15 – when this man begins to tell us about the child sacrifices in which he was asked to participate, I find it to be one of the most powerful, genuine, and truly heart-breaking moments I’ve come across in my research into these sick people.
The fear in his eyes, the emotion on his face, it just cuts to your core, and you know without any doubt he’s speaking truth, and for whatever reason, the true magnitude of all of this finally hit me, the severity of it, the evil within it, I could see it with a clarity I hadn’t previously known…
I find myself cycling thru a lot of “IF ONLY” type thoughts… If only I had the means to access these people, if only I had the power to get to these sick bastards, if only I could find and corner these evil fu*ks… the things I would do to them would make their sins look like nothing… and I know that means I’ve lowered myself to their level, but I don’t care…
These people deserve to experience horror, to experience pain, to know what it feels like to be so helpless and so afraid, with no one to hear their screams…
I truly don’t care, I would keep them alive for weeks…

Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino, US Army, practicing satanist, child rapist and child killer

A victim wrote:

“Something permanent snapped that day. I felt myself detach from my body.


Now, I feel like I’m walking around in the shell of someone else. A part of me went numb, a sense of being a whole person with hopes and dreams about what’s possible in the world was now gone. I felt my belief that people are inherently good twist into some cruel joke in an instant.”

….I can say to you from four decades of nightmarish experience (reflected in dozens of violent nightmares, insecurity, awkwardness, shattered self-esteem and suicidal bouts with despair) that only a spiritually enlightened person — who lives in the beauty of the now and has overthrown the eternally rehashing egoic mind, the tyrannon, in himself — can overcome the torturing memories of an excruciating past, and not stay a TOTAL HUMAN WRECK FOR THEIR ENTIRE LIFE.
The alcoholism, drug, suicide and imprisonment rates among adults who were molested as children are staggering. And in my case, it was much worse than “mere” molestation.

Dolores O’Riordan: “When you’re gone”


.On Youtube


And to those who delude themselves that spirituality is just fluff, no, it can save your life.

And then you are not:

–lying in a pine box at 46,

–leaving three children behind (Taylor, 21, Molly, 17, and Dakota, 13),

–depriving the world of the genius-level talents which God gave you ,

–and destroying one of the best alternative-rock music bands of all time by drowning the core, vital vocalist-songwriter! 

How about the other three band members now?

Dolores, Dolores, you let the man that molested you win! 🙁 🙁 🙁

But I hope you are finding some peace and healing now on the other side, my beautiful keltic sister.

Being part-Irish myself, I do like me some Jameson’s now and then too ;-)….

Castle Nugent or Delvin, County Westmeath, Ireland, built for my Norman ancestor Gilbert de Nugent in 1166


I was a Norman-Irishman two lives ago, this one.

But I did not become a field marshal in Austria and get the highest decoration for valor (by “winning every battle for 50 years,” as Kaiser Franz Josef said to me) by drinking Jameson’s. 😉

Knight’s Grand Cross of the Order of Empress Maria Theresa


…but now you know, Dolores, being on the other side with your guiding angels, that this was not the solution, and you left a big, sad gap in the world.

The solution is to discover 1) you are an immortal, learning, loving soul and 2) there is no permanent happiness on this earth, but you can find  serenity by embracing the now.

I know it can be done, because I have done it… and the truth is that while it was horrific to be molested by a family friend, well, I have been through ten times, a hundred times, Dolores, worse than you.

MK-ULTRA and “Unshackled — A Survivor’s Story of Mind Control” by Kathleen Sullivan



…..Nietzsche, though he was an atheist and went mad, had some truly great insights….



……My viral 2015 video,  “VIP Pedophiles, Kill Them All (w/German subtitles)

This video had to be especially uploaded by my webmaster off FTP to my site. I pay  him — a note to all you non-donors out there, month after month reading me for free as if I were a bloody millionaire. 😉 ).

It could not be converted readily to the correct video format “mp4,” unlike a hundred other videos on my site, or uploaded in any other way than the FTP system (“File Transfer Protocol”). Strange, don’cha think?


And by the way yet again, my two downloaded videofiles of the Ronald Bernard story, a short and a long version,  also could not be uploaded to my site, and so my webmaster once again has to resort to a trick to get them available to be hosted on MY site, in case JewTube takes them down.

And if a question in the back of your head is: why have they not bumped this Bernard guy off, the answer is easy: 1) the Jews like the fear effect this creates, and 2) Bernard never says who any of these people are and especially avoids saying they are Jews or Masons.

If you wish to donate, it is not fair that Margi both fight throat cancer and pay for everything I do.

After I start my religion I will need millions from you and the whole white world to stop the Soroses, Kissingers, Rothschilds and Rockefeller criminals from torturing and killing the white race, leaving a few million white women and men as their wretched sex slaves.


We can do it — together. We can. We will it to be so. And we must.



  1. Unrelated to above article, but tennis primate and possible transsexual Serena Williams (whose neck is the size of a linebacker’s) has a steroid meltdown / temper tantrum at the U.S. Open because she was being beaten by her black-Asian opponent:


    Typical entitled negress – “You be stealin’ from me, white boy! I dindu nuffin! You betta apologize to me!”

    What’s even more disgusting that her behavior is the way the white libtard audience and announcers stick up for this whiny, poor sport primate.

  2. This article perhaps explains why Andrew Anglin constantly praises Rodrigo Duterte and the Filipino people:


    From the above article:

    “But who are these Noahides? They are members of a new religion, subordinate to Judaism, founded by rabbis from Israel, mainly from Chabad and the religious Zionist movement. According to the World Center, there are dozens of Noahide communities across the world, with more than 20,000 believers. That’s a hefty number, given that the religion was only founded at the beginning of the decade. Small Noahide communities exist in various countries, with the largest one in the Philippines.

    Cooperation between Israel and the Philippines is constantly growing, and this week reached new heights with the visit to Israel of the country’s president, Rodrigo Duterte. The Philippines are a key arena of Chabad activity, and one of the primary venues where the new religion is being disseminated. There are four Chabad centers in the country, and in addition to assisting Jews, they support 10 Noahide houses of prayer. The Hasidic emissaries view the Philippines community as the model for Noahide communities in other countries. A group from the community was brought to Israel two years ago, and its members met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has also sent his greetings to all the communities worldwide.”

    Here’s an example of Anglin’s latest praise of Duterte and the Filipinos:


    Of course, Anglin almost certainly has a Filipina mother, and is thus half-Filipino himself. Maybe his mother is one of these Noahides.

    • Thanks for the comment and Noahide information!

      Well, I know two people well who have talked at length with Anglin, who started with Alex Jones, and Anglin is definitely, personally, ferociously anti-Jewish.

      Even if he were half-East Asian, I still see him as sincere. Plenty of mixed-race people, and race-mixing whites, and muslims also, admire Hitler and hate the Jews.

      In this amazing, unfaked video footage, taken from the film “Look Who’s Back,” you see whites, blacks, muslims and Chinese all WARMLY greeting Adolf Hitler in downtown Berlin — to the sincere surprise and shock of the liberals producing the film.





      One of the two people who know Anglin said to me that he takes whatever positions can grow his website viewership, regardless of his personal views, which are somewhat cynical. But both sources said Anglin truly, truly hates the Jews.

      And I, of all people, with my stated views, am never going to totally reject anyone of any race who is also against the Jews.

      I shot this video at the home of a black supporter after white comrades did NOTHING for me and Margi in 2014, our white landlady threw us out, and we were, in effect, homeless.



      My dear readers, gnawed at by the repeatedly debunked vicious lies or half-truths of a Henrik Holappa (now a race-mixing ANTIFA!), Carlos Porter, jury-convicted swindler David Duke, Stormfront tyrant Don Black (whose own son Derek left the Cause) and Jewess-sexer Jared Taylor, white men all, not one being half-filipino, sat on their hands.




      In the end, under massive FBI pressure, we had to leave the black guy’s house too, and a local hotel, and so we came up to Ontonagon, almost penniless and destitute, because we were promised two months free rent in a furnished little house.

      A far cry from the lifestyle my father had and which I rejected

      We drove 18 hours with almost no rest, having no money for a motel.

      We brought only what we could stuff in this car, a 1996 Crown Victoria which I still drive, which was visibly packed to the rafters.

      After passing the Mackinac Bridge (background), the entrance to the UP of Michigan 

      At the log-cabin Marquette Visitor Center

      I drove these 18 hours with a torn, age-yellowed, sclera-scratching contact lens, because I could not afford to replace it, thanks to my noble, non-half-filipino white readers sending nothing. 😉

      Beat… but we did it, and I did a 90-minute interview with Red Ice two hours after we arrived. 


      Raising some chickens (and mowing five lawns a week) 


      So, anyway, should I hate Anglin because he is maybe “half-something else”?

      If you worship white earthlings as they are, they will break your heart every time and stomp on it. 😉


      Nota bene that the last words of AH’s Political Testament in 1945 say little about the white race, which was then idiotically exterminating Germany:

      My Political Testament

      by Adolf Hitler,

      translated by The United States Government Printing Office
      Documentation for the TextInfo template.information about this edition.
      Sister Projects.sister projects: Wikipedia article, Commons category, Wikidata item.
      This is a testament given by Adolf Hitler on 29 April 1945.

      More than thirty years have now passed since I in 1914 made my modest contribution as a volunteer in the first world war that was forced upon the Reich.

      In these three decades I have been actuated solely by love and loyalty to my people in all my thoughts, acts and life. They gave me the strength to make the most difficult decisions which have ever confronted mortal man. I have spent my time, my working strength and my health in these three decades.

      It is untrue that I or anyone else in Germany wanted the war in 1939. It was desired and instigated exclusively by those international statesmen who were either of Jewish descent or worked for Jewish interests. I have made too many offers for the control and limitation of armaments, which posterity will not for all time be able to disregard for the responsibility for the outbreak of this war to be laid on me. I have further never wished that after the first fatal world war a second against England, or even against America, should break out. Centuries will pass away, but out of the ruins of our towns and monuments the hatred against those finally responsible whom we have to thank for everything, international Jewry and its helpers, will grow.

      Three days before the outbreak of the German-Polish war I again proposed to the British ambassador in Berlin a solution to the German-Polish problem — similar to that in the case of the Saar district, under international control. This offer also cannot be denied. It was only rejected because the leading circles in English politics wanted the war, partly on account of the business hoped for and partly under influence of propaganda organized by international Jewry.

      I have also made it quite plain that, if the nations of Europe are again to be regarded as mere shares to be bought and sold by these international conspirators in money and finance, then that race, Jewry, which is the real criminal of this murderous struggle, will be saddled with the responsibility. I further left no one in doubt that this time not only would millions of children of Europe’s Aryan peoples die of hunger, not only would millions of grown men suffer death, and not only hundreds of thousands of women and children be burnt and bombed to death in the towns, without the real criminal having to atone for this guilt, even if by more humane means.

      After six years of war, which in spite of all setbacks will go down one day in history as the most glorious and valiant demonstration of a nation’s life purpose, I cannot forsake the city which is the capital of this Empire. As the forces are too small to make any further stand against the enemy attack at this place, and our resistance is gradually being weakened by men who are as deluded as they are lacking in initiative, I should like, by remaining in this town, to share my fate with those, the millions of others, who have also taken upon themselves to do so. Moreover I do not wish to fall into the hands of an enemy who requires a new spectacle organized by the Jews for the amusement of their hysterical masses.

      “their hysterical masses” = white goyim in Anglo-America and Russia


      I have decided therefore to remain in Berlin and there of my own free will to choose death at the moment when I believe the position of the Führer and Chancellor itself can no longer be held.

      I die with a happy heart, aware of the immeasurable deeds and achievements of our soldiers at the front, our women at home, the achievements of our farmers and workers and the work, unique in history, of our youth who bear my name.

      That from the bottom of my heart I express my thanks to you all, is just as self-evident as my wish that you should, because of that, on no account give up the struggle but rather continue it against the enemies of the Fatherland, no matter where, true to the creed of a great Clausewitz. From the sacrifice of our soldiers and from my own unity with them unto death, will in any case spring up in the history of Germany, the seed of a radiant renaissance of the National-Socialist movement and thus of the realization of a true community of nations.

      Many of the most courageous men and women have decided to unite their lives with mine until the very last I have begged and finally ordered them not to do this, but to take part in the further battle of the Nation. I beg the heads of the Armies, the Navy, and the Air Force to strengthen by all possible means the spirit of resistance of our soldiers in the National-Socialist sense, with special reference to the fact that also I myself, as founder and creator of this movement, have preferred death to cowardly abdication or even capitulation.

      May it, at some future time, become part of the code of honor of the German officer — as is already the case in our Navy — that the surrender of a district or of a town is impossible, and that above all the leaders here must march ahead as shining examples, faithfully fulfilling their duty unto death.

      Second Part of the Political Testament

      Before my death I expel the former Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring from the party and deprive him of all rights which he may enjoy by virtue of the decree of June 29th, 1941; and also by virtue of my statement in the Reichstag on September 1st, 1939, I appoint in his place Grand Admiral Dönitz, as President of the Reich and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.

      Before my death I expel the former Reichsführer-SS and Minister of the Interior, Heinrich Himmler, from the party and from all offices of State. In his stead I appoint Gauleiter Karl Hanke as Reichsführer-SS and Chief of the German Police, and Gauleiter Paul Giesler as Reich Minister of the Interior.

      Göring and Himmler, quite apart from their disloyalty to my person, have done immeasurable harm to the country and the whole nation by secret negotiations with the enemy, which they conducted without my knowledge and against my wishes, and by illegally attempting to seize power in the State for themselves.

      In order to give the German people a government composed of honorable men — a government which will fulfill its pledge to continue the war by every means — I appoint the following members of the new Cabinet as leaders of the nation:

      President of the Reich: DÖNITZ Chancellor of the Reich: DR. GOEBBELS Party Minister: BORMANN Foreign Minister: SEYSS-INQUART

      [Here follow fifteen others.]

      Although a number of these men, such as Martin Bormann, Dr. Goebbels, etc., together with their wives, have joined me of their own free will and did not wish to leave the capital of the Reich under any circumstances, but were willing to perish with me here, I must nevertheless ask them to obey my request, and in this case set the interests of the nation above their own feelings. By their work and loyalty as comrades they will be just as close to me after death, as I hope that my spirit will linger among them and always go with them. Let them be hard, but never unjust, above all let them never allow fear to influence their actions, and set the honour of the nation above everything in the world. Finally, let them be conscious of the fact that our task, that of continuing the building of a National Socialist State, represents the work of the coming centuries, which places every single person under an obligation always to serve the common interest and to subordinate his own advantage to this end. I demand of all Germans, all National-Socialists, men, women and all the men of the Armed Forces, that they be faithful and obedient unto death to the new government and its President.

      Above all I charge the leaders of the nation and those under them to scrupulous observance of the laws of race [so should Anglin be indeed part-something else, the fault lies with his parents, not himself, who came into this world as a powerless baby like everyone else] and to

      merciless opposition to the universal poisoner of all peoples, international Jewry.

      Given in Berlin, this 29th day of April 1945. 4:00 A.M.



      In the final analysis, multiculturalism is a Jewish absurdity, because it triggers conflict.

      In the entire galaxy, there is no multiculturalism, and in fact almost all planets are inhabited by one single race, because they were colonized by just one group of people, and obviously they did not tolerate any others landing, settling there, and becoming an eventual threat.

      Ask the Amerindians about that! 😉

      German cartoon — the Indian chief is spouting hopefully the Angela Merkel phrase “We can do it!”

      In fact, in cheeky self-revelation, the Jews proclaim this truth themselves — that multiculturalism leads only to conflict — in an infamous episode of the cartoon tv series “South Park” on the cocaine-snorting, lecherous, cynical, large-nosed “Joozians.” 😉

      (If you can find this whole episode, please let me know.)


      Multiracial Earth, as the South Park kids suddenly realize, is just a reality tv show where the Joozians have caused conflict to get high ratings from a galactic tv audience by introducing multiculturalism. 😉

      Of course, because human consciousness is so blind, the Jews can admit every crime they do (while also denying them a breath later) and we just sit there, medusa-ized. And the John de Nugents wear biweekly contact lenses for two years straight. 😉

      Here is a perfect representation of the truth — we are hostile to no race, and wish just to be left alone, and perhaps visit each other, and at most do some useful trading for mutual benefit — AND THEN LEAVE.

      Btw, I made my and your comments into a blog. 🙂


      • I don’t have any problem with Anglin being of mixed-race, if that is the case. As I’ve mentioned here before, I had several non-white friends in my youth, one of whom was half-black and half-Turkish, and others who were Mexican. My problem with Anglin is that I believe he is a Zionist agent and a deceiver.

        The Andrew Anglin whom you said you heard through unnamed third-party sources “truly hates the Jews” is the same Andrew Anglin who told the black podcast radio host Paul Ironshore in 2012 that:

        1) He has many Jewish friends. (“weev” and the totally unfunny Borat-wannabe comedian “Sam Hyde” are obviously two of them).
        2) Jews are smarter and better than white people.
        3) “It’s not the Jews’ fault. It’s stupid to talk about how it’s the Jews’ fault.”
        4) White people should be bred out of existence.
        5) White people went around the world and FUCKED everybody.
        6) White people are dangerous.
        7) He (Anglin) is “only attracted to black girls, honestly.”





        Seven months after his 2012 interview with Paul Ironshore, Andrew Anglin started the Jew-bashing website “Total Fascism” with the help of his Jewish radical/communist friend and webmaster “weev” (Andrew Auernheimer), and soon renamed it “The Daily Stormer.” It was quite a 180-degree turnabout on Anglin’s part in just 7 months, which is why I don’t trust him at all. The probability of him being half-Filipino is relatively unimportant to me, so please don’t make that the issue. The issue is that he is likely a Zionist agent and a deceiver.

        In one of his previous articles on the Daily Stormer, Anglin also mentioned how he had visited a Filipino village during the time he lived there, which was founded by a Jewish rabbi (almost certainly a Chabad rabbi), and how everything there was Jewish except for the people, and that there were many more villages like it in the Philippines. All of which ties in with my previous comment.

        Here’s a recent article in which Anglin praises the Israeli IDF for murdering a young rock-throwing Palestinian protester:


        Anglin’s comments from the above article:

        “Wtf I love Jews now.”

        “I really honestly hate the kikes and think they should all be stuffed into gas chambers and gassed like insects with diesel fumes from a repurposed Soviet submarine engine.

        The thing I think is really cool about these rats tho is that they slaughter niggers and aren’t afraid of anyone because it’s really cool guys.”

        Yeah – shooting and killing rock-throwing protesters after you’ve invaded their country and terrorized them out of their homes is “really cool, guys.”

        Why do you defend this troll? Can’t you see through his deceptions? He’s putting on a comedy act that he hates the Jews, when in fact, he is likely working for them and funded by them.

        • Suppose he had a sincere conversion? And, yes, still is no angel? 😉

          Btw, I just added this to the blog:

          Even if he were half-East Asian, AND I KNOW MANY HALF-ASIANS, AND NONE, not one, HAS BLUE EYES, I still see him as sincere.

          But, yes, he looks like he has something in his woodpile, but maybe going way, way back. 😉

          He claims to be of mostly German heritage, which in Ohio is frequently the case.

          He is also brilliant, imaginative, hard-working and, like all the best Germans, he plans his work and works his plan.

          And the fact is that a few Germans, especially in eastern Germany, do look part-Asian due to the Huns and Mongols in the Dark and Middle Ages, or the raping Red Army in 1945.

          I was once on a cruise boot on the Achen Lake in Tyrol, Austria, in 1985, and a bunch of East German tourists got on board. I heard their Berlin or Saxon accents, and was amazed to also see some slanted, mongol-type eyes on a few of them, just as one can see in a few Russians, Poles and Ukrainians.

          Zbigniew Brzezinski, of the Polish lower nobility, with light hair, blue-gray eyes, and a slightly mongolian cast to his eyes


          And  even so, if we say Anglin might be part-East Asian, well, the truth is that plenty of mixed-race people, and race-mixing whites, and Hindus, and muslims, all admire Hitler and hate the Jews.

          • The proof of his true motives will be how Anglin, the apparent Hitler admirer, reacts to me and my new religion once it is unfolded to the world. 😉

            Julius Streicher had the sheer greatness and selflessness to turn his entire, big Nuremberg movement over to a greater man.

            Few grasp to this day how utterly despicable in the same Bavaria this counter-example and human zero was, Gustav von Kahr.


            By promising to help Hitler during the Beer Hall Putsch, and then, out of sheer egomaniacal jealousy, breaking his promise and betraying him, he not only caused the death of sixteen brave and good men, gunned down by the police at von Kahr’s order as prime minister of Bavaria, but, far worse, he thwarted a superb 1923 chance for:

            –1) national socialism to come to power TEN YEARS EARLIER;

            –2) to do so while the White House was occupied by anticommunist Republicans (Harding, Coolidge and Hoover) of considerable integrity, and pro-white leanings (see the Johnson Act of 1923, passed amidst the heyday of the Second KKK), and

            –3) the Soviet Union itself was in ruins after years of civil war and while Stalin slowly consolidated his power, the USSR was in no way the industrial juggernaut and obedient war machine it became by 1941.

            No one man, by his disgraceful ego, was more responsible for the current, catastrophic situation our race is in than the ego-slave Gustav von Kahr.

            We will see when the time comes if Anglin is a Streicher or a von Kahr.

            I will recycle here my May 20, 2018 blog.

            …..Was Hitler wildly charismatic like a rock star?

            No, he was quietly impressive, solid, self-controlled, to-the-point, clear, logical, gentle with women and children, and surprisingly modest and unassuming.
            One (hostile) Wehrmacht general said he came across like “a train station waiter.”
            Those who met him were amazed what a regular guy he was. Those who judge me and my claims need to know this.
            Rochus Misch was one of many who testified to this non-rockstar quality.
            Misch was from Silesia, worked a bit in graphics, became an SS soldier and then one of Hitler’s bodyguards — and his main telephone operator 1940-45.
            Misch liked Eva Braun very much, another average person with a good heart. 
            Wedding photo; Hitler gave him and his bridge, Mrs. Gerda Misch, a case of very fine German Sekt (champagne). 
            Misch heard the beginning of every phone call the Führer made during that time.
            On April 30, 1945, he saw the corpse of Adolf Hitler burning with gasoline in the yard above the bunker.
            He was horrifically tortured in Moscow’s dreadful Lubyanka prison by the Soviets in order to get out of him if Hitler had actually “escaped the bunker” and gone elsewhere.



            (He had NOT “escaped.” What he HAD done was set up the vital postwar Antarctic operation, about which I have written extensively!)


            Misch before his death in Berlin in 2013
            Btw, Misch did not have blond hair or blue eyes, just like most SS — and most Germans. 😉 What counted with Hitler was loyalty — and action. 


            Now this what Rochus Misch, who was with Hitler almost every day for five years, wrote about Hitler’s personality — and every fair observer has said exactly the same thing:

            (first in the original German)

            From Misch’s first encounter with “the boss” (p 75 of “Der letzte Zeuge”  https://johndenugent.com/images/Rochus-Misch-Der-letzte-Zeuge.pdf)
            Ich weiß nicht, was ich erwartet hatte, aber es war alles ganz normal gewesen, keine Spur außergewöhnlich. Ich hatte weder ein Monster gesehen noch einen Übermenschen.
            Dieser erste Eindruck bestätigte sich über die Jahre. Der Privatmann Hitler war ein normaler, ein einfacher Mann, der einfachste Mensch, den ich kannte.
            Mustache edited out; this color photo (originally with the silly stache) was taken by the  American Life magazine
            Nur nach außen schlüpfte er in seine »Führerolle«, dann musste alles protokollgerecht ablaufen, die Inszenierung perfekt sein.
            Aber privat – und wir vom Begleitkommando gehörten zu seinem Privatleben – war er unkompliziert.
            Übergroß und herrschaftlich, das war der Staatsmann und alles, was ihn in dieser Funktion umgab.
            Für sich selbst, als Privatperson, war Hitler jedoch äußerst bescheiden. Nach der ersten Begegnung mit ihm war ich jedenfalls erleichtert. Jetzt hätten zehn Hitlers kommen können, meine Angst war verflogen.


            *** translation


            Misch’ first encounter with the boss (from “The Last Witness”)



            I do not know what I had expected, but it was all so normal, not in the slightest bit extraordinary. 

            I had seen neither a monster nor a superman. This first impression was confirmed over the years. 


            The private man that was Hitler was a normal, simple man, the simplest man I knew. 


            Hitler early in WWI


            Only to the outside did he slip into his “Führer role,” and then everything had to be done logically, and the dramatic production had to be perfect. 


            But privately – and we from the escort command belonged to his private life – he was an uncomplicated person.

            “Bigger than life” and “the great ruler” – yes, that was the statesman and everything that surrounded him in that function. 


            However, as for his own needs as a private person, Hitler was extremely modest. 

            After the first encounter with him I was in any case relieved. 

            Now ten Hitlers could have come my way; my fear [of him] had vanished.


            ……Leon Degrelle on Adolf Hitler

            Degrelle was the most decorated of the 400,000 foreigners who joined the Wehrmacht or Waffen-SS, and a French-Belgian fascist who had had his own big party, the Rexists.


            Degrelle in Spain as an exile with all his decorations

            He knew Hitler very well, and, as both a politician who led the masses (in Belgium) and as a frontline soldier (Degrelle fought on the Eastern Front 1940-45!) he also could understand Hitler — the highly decorated WWI soldier and the leader of a mass movement — and the challenges and stresses Hitler faced.
            Margaret Huffstickler and I translated his entire memoirs for the Barnes Review magazine, as well as doing sixty other articles, both translations and original writing.

            Later, our translation work for this magazine was turned into this book.

            Degrelle was a great military hero at the 1943 Cherkassy breakout, when completely surrounded German troops smashed boldly through the lines of the Red Army unit encircling them. Though very many Waffen-SS died, two-thirds made it — thanks to the quick action and decisive leadership of Léon Degrelle.

            Seen here in Brussels, Belgium with German general Jungclaus.

            Degrelle after receiving the Knight’s Cross with silver oak leaves from Adolf Hitler

            Now here is what Degrelle said about the wild Jew stories that Hitler had some weird aura, oranything at all extraordinary about him as a person when you were in his presence:



            And as I have never tired of reminding immature WNs who worship Hitler as a god, although he was a household word in Germany, he was rejected overwhelmingly by the German people –that is, until the Great Depression (and poverty and hunger) began, and with it the rapid rise among the working class of the terrifying Communist Party of Germany, controlled by the bloodthirsty Stalin and his German lackey,  Ernst Thälmann.
            Adolf Hitler was NO John Kennedy (or a Justin Trudeau) type, handsome and charismatic, over whom the masses tend to swoon, whom women love and men respect.


            One of many proofs:

            the May 1928 election to the German Reichstag, an utter debacle for Adolf Hitler, the supposed god. 😉


            Hitler got 2.6% of the vote after eight years of hard work!


            Weimar-era Germans considered Hitler a


            –“a maniac obsessed with the Jews,”

            –the leader of a “crazy political personality-cult,”

            –possibly a homosexual,

            –a “wartime coward who had a nervous breakdown,”

            –a Jew (even a Rothschild bastard) and

            –an agent of (take your pick!) Mussolini, Wall Street or Stalin!


            Hess is far left in the photo, then the very short Streicher…. with Himmler behind me to the left, wearing spectacles.


            So now along came in 2018 a WN (who does some excellent work, btw, and has done big films and has a big website), using a fake name — and he challenged me, right after I did a radio show that many praised (https://johndenugent.com/english/john-de-nugent-on-renegade-radioaryan-talk-with-host-patrick-chouinard-on-the-solutreans/), to show I am/was Hitler by a detailed knowledge of personal Hitler trivia.
            Robert Craufurd (This was the name of a Scottish officer in the British Army… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Craufurd

            I am just going to cut to the crux of the issue as I don’t really know how to say this any other way and I’m not good at hinting around:
            1. It is obvious that you think you are the reincarnation of Hitler.
            2. I think that all claims should be tested.
            So here’s your chance. I know several very private things about the Reich, the rise of the NSDAP, etc. And I’d like to see if you can actually get these questions right:
            – Hitler did not want to be repetitively seen in public with any specific woman. He wanted people to think of him as a bachelor.
            But there was one occasion, and I have this on an extremely reliable source, in which he allowed Unity Mitford to ride next to him in the back of one of those large Mercedes type cruisers he used to ride in. This only happened once that I’m aware of. There were three seats in the back. Hitler was on the far left, Mitford was center, and there was a man (from the inner circle) seated on the far right. Which man was it?
            – During the rise of the NSDAP party (in the 30s) which party members referred to Hitler as ‘Adi’?
            – Did Hitler like cats? Yes or no?
            – Who was Hitler’s best friend in the late 20s and early 30s?
            – Who helped turn around the NSDAP’s image in the late 20s (more business suits and less culty nonsense). Hint: it wasn’t Goebbels.
            – During the final downfall in Berlin, there was a shepherd puppy that Hitler frequently cradled inside the bunker. What color & gender was it? And what was it’s [sic; it should be “its”] name?
            – There was a member of the inner circle who enjoyed working up Dr. Morell and getting him to tell his ridiculous stories (let’s be honest, it was a great way to irritate several people). Who was that person?
            Finally, if you are Hitler then you need to stop blaming other people for when things go wrong. Personal responsibility matters.

            My reply, which bounced back because his email address was fake:

            Dear Mr “Craufurd”:
            Reincarnation, which you clearly do not understand, does NOT mean, and thank God for this, that you remember every detail of previous lives.
            This is not a cop-out, sir, but standard reincarnation doctrine and reality.
            By age 6, the memories go away. This is best for the individual, who needs a fresh start.
            Slide from Ian Stevenson,  MD, founder of scientific reincarnation studies at the University of Virginia
            Graphic summarizing the key findings by Jim Tucker MD, Stevenson’s successor
            In fact, as the Stevenson-Tucker research at the University of Virginia has shown, in the rare cases where kids do have some detailed memories of some events, usually traumatic ones, they fade away by around age five or six.
            It is just not good for our spiritual advancement to dwell on other lives, which often are full of disappointments and failures as well as triumphs.
            Reincarnation is meant to provide a clean slate after one goes over one’s mistakes with one’s guardian spirits — if one avails oneself fully of that debriefing possibility.
            There is free will on the other side as well as this.  
            Between earthly lives there is every opportunity to speak with your spiritual case workers and do some soul searching, then work on your flaws while THERE, on the other side. Ideally, when you reincarnate, you are a changed and better person, ready to tackle new challenges both inside yourself and in the world about you into which you will be born.
            By the way, then as now, and this is my value system speaking, which is unchanged, and not a memory of my old personal ways 72 years ago when I was in a very different life, culture and country, I still prefer dogs, who are usually far more unselfish, brave and loyal than cats, although I did have a wonderful tomcat (male cat) for a little buddy in 2011.
            In the darkest hours of 2011, when the renegade WN Henrik Holappa (now a race-mixing antifa!) and his handler, David Duke, were massively defaming me with the help of Stormfront, and Google put his psychotic slanders at the top of page one…..
            Now an antifa, he wrote “I founded a Neo-Nazi movement” (https://johndenugent.com/?s=holappa) and boasts betraying not just me but his Scandinavian comrades.
            …..well, that tomcat was sure there for me in every way, sensing my sadness, sleeping comfortingly on my left shoulder every night, and licking my cheeks every morning — which they say is a sign that a cat really loves you.  (I had to put him down myself after a car hit him while out chasing females. His hind legs were shattered, with raw white bones sticking out, and he was pulling himself forward by his front paws. I hope he is doing well in his next life, maybe as a fine human “young soul” right now.)
            Now, as for this remark of yours:
            Finally, if you are Hitler then you need to stop blaming other people for when things go wrong. Personal responsibility matters. 
            Well, “Mr. Craufurd,” who are born, nota bene, in 1987, ten years after I began sacrificing every pleasure I had for this Cause and gave up a millionaire lifestyle (https://johndenugent.com/wn-biography-of-jdn/), since you hate blame, here for you is the original and bitter, accurate, blaming title of Mein Kampf, by one Adolf Hitler:
            Viereinhalb Jahre (des Kampfes) gegen Lüge, Dummheit und Feigheit,
            that is

            Four and a Half Years of Struggle Against


            Stupidity and


            (Hitler was referring to the traits OTHERS displayed…)

            (Max Amann, head of the Franz Eher Verlag and Hitler’s publisher, suggested the much shorter title “Mein Kampf” — “My Struggle“.)
            This barb was directed against the German public as a whole, and his fellow rightwingers in particular.
            He was b-l-a-m-i-n-g, Mr “Craufurd,” the cowardly, selfish, stupid majority of the German people — and rightly — for most of his “failures.”
            You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink, and you can lead a people to the truth, but you cannot make them think.
            (But I did hide my own fault in Mein Kampf, the shameful fact that I got sixteen good men killed for nothing by botching the Beer Hall putsch. Even a ten-year-old Jewish boy would know that to overthrow the government, first you do not release your bitter enemies on their supposed “word of honor,” such as the jealous rightwing governor of Bavaria, Gustav von Kahr, a little hack politician motivated only by his rivalry and lust to be the glorious hero (thus hating me) — but he certainly got his in the Night of the Long Knives 11 years later.
            (By then, of course, it was already too late. The crypto-Jew Roosevelt was in power in 1934, as was Stalin, busy building a gigantic war machine that would some day be in Berlin. In five more years, Churchill would complete the troika against me.)
            Secondly, no street-smart Jewish kid would have failed to seize the Munich newspapers, train stations, telephone/telegraph offices, police stations and army barracks! 
            That was “Putsch 101!”
            I take my share of responsibility, but others must take theirs as well. Often both leaders and followers do wrong things — or fail to do the right things.
            Both Henry Ford and William Dudley Pelley, founder of the Silver Shirts (who got 11 years in federal prison), gave up on the American people, saying bitterly they do not want to hear the truth — or do anything — about the Jews. 
            Cowardice and miserly refusal to help have been endemic qualities in the majority for millennia.
            This is not a highly evolved planet, or do you affirm the contrary?
             On what basis do you assert what you seem to be implying, the premise behind your denunciation of blame, to wit, that
            most whites are just noble heroes waiting for the right leader to come along so they can spring into action? *;) winking 
            Do you seriously believe that yourself?
            The Germans, who demonstrably are among the best of all the whites, rejected Hitler in a landslide. So do not expect ANY white masses anywhere to embrace such a man unless they are both starving and terrified.

            John de Nugent

            With hair dyed black for your convenience 😉



            …..A German comrade who knows all the biggies called me

            The late German lawyer Jürgen Rieger, a wealthy, smart WN who died in 2009. In my opinion, he was poisoned.


            I just completed a long and very important video conversation about me and the near future with a very important German comrade.  He knew Ernst Zündel (and sent me some correspondence with him), and Horst Mahler, Sylvia Stolz, the late Manfred Roeder and lawyer Jürgen Rieger (photo)– the entire top tier of activists.

            Attorneys Sylvia Stolz and Rieger at the 2006 trial of Ernst Zündel in Mannheim.  I met with them both after a session.

            His wife is a seer.

            They visited the Berghof, outside of Berchtesgaden. They stood in the ruins of the basement of the Berghof and he had just said to her “I wish Hitler would come back.”



            Today just a back retaining wall to the basement, overgrown with trees


            She had a vision, and she said to him:

            “He IS back, he has been back for a long time, and he is extremely active — but not in Germany.”

            K is a big guy in Germany behind the scenes and knows everyone. He called me and we had a very useful conversation…………..




            …..The sad Ruiter video on Obersalzberg — then and now







            What I can promise today is to be a deeper, more spiritual, and thus more effective leader, and to save us on a new path, absolute freedom from the tyrannon, the egoic mind.



  3. Anglin is no Hitler admirer. He’s stated many times that any public display of National Socialism or Hitlerism in America is stupid, and won’t work. And actually, I have to agree with him on that. The image of goose-stepping, Sieg-Heiling “neo-Nazis” marching down the street wearing Nazi-type uniforms is a huge turn-off for the majority of “normal” (i.e. brainwashed and uneducated) Americans. Joe Six-Pack, whose primary goal in life is to drink beer and watch Negro Felon League games on Sundays, will never be swayed by such public displays of “Nazism” because he has been well-trained via 70 years of Jewish propaganda. Such public displays only play into the Jews’ false narrative that anyone espousing National Socialist views is a dangerous extremist who needs to be shut down. So, what is needed is a 100% American version of National Socialism, with no Nazi symbolism, and with the emphasis on true American history, and the fact that America was designed to be an all-white nation by our Founding Fathers in 1776, 113 years before Hitler was born in 1889.

    But even with that, it will take a severe economic crisis in America before white Americans wake up from their slumber and take back our country from the Jews. Most white Americans are just too financially comfortable to take any kind of meaningful political action. In Germany prior to Hitler’s rise to power, people were starving to death and committing suicide by the thousands due to massive unemployment, courtesy of the Jew-orchestrated economic hyperinflation of the Weimar years. That hyperinflation depression is what brought Hitler to power, which is why the “Federal” Reserve Jews in America are very careful not to let that happen again, even though the real U.S. economy is a basket case, propped up with toothpicks. The Jews keep the U.S. economy afloat only because they worry about what might happen if they crashed it like they did in Germany in the 1920s and early 1930s. They greatly fear the rise of another nationalist party in America similar to National Socialism, which will address the root cause of all our problems – Jewish control of our money, via the Jews’ unconstitutional “Federal” Reserve banking cabal.

    • Good comment except for the opening non-sequitur:

      “Anglin is no Hitler admirer. [then] He’s stated many times that any public display of National Socialism or Hitlerism in America is stupid, and won’t work.”

      Since to thwart hackers Anglin has no more internal search engine on his site, I cannot enter the word “Hitler” to find any of his hundred articles glorifying Hitler as a person, hero and leader, over the years.

      And his readers, for years, have posted truly Hitler-worshiping memes daily. 😉

  4. Anglin’s father is supposedly Irish, so how can he be “mostly German” as he claims? And as for Anglin having blue eyes, that photo you posted in this article’s comment section is not clear enough to really tell. There’s a blue glow over his entire face from his computer screen display, so it’s hard to tell his eye color – they could be green. Or, he could simply be wearing blue-tinted contact lenses, which are readily available – I’ve seen black people with “blue eyes,” courtesy of their blue-tinted contact lenses. Anglin’s sister has black, wavy hair and a definite Mongoloid/Asiatic slant to her eyes, which I believe are brown or black. And as I commented here awhile back, Eddie Van Halen, who is half-Malaysian from his Malaysian mother, has green eyes from his Dutch father’s side:



    So, I will continue to believe that Anglin is half-Filipino from his Filipina mother, unless he provides evidence otherwise. But as I mentioned, Anglin’s likely bi-racial ethnicity is not the main issue I have with him – it’s that he’s likely a Zionist agent and deceiver.

    On the subject of eye color, you’ve never specifically addressed Henrik Holappa’s allegation that your eyes are actually green, and that you use blue-tinted contact lenses to make them appear blue. You’ve called Holappa a liar, which I’m sure he is, since he’s now working for the Jews against white nationalist organizations, but you’ve never specifically addressed Holappa’s allegation about your eye color. Not that it matters at all to me – I have green eyes myself, and I’m of 100% German ethnicity. But it seems to be a big deal for you, since you’ve mentioned your blue eyes many times in comparison with Hitler’s blue eyes. You’ve said that you wear contact lenses, and posted a photo of a ripped pair that you had to wear during your trip to the UP, and the lenses did look bluish in color. So, what say you to Holappa’s allegation about using blue-tinted contact lenses to hide your green eyes? I guess the only way to definitively refute Holappa’s allegation is to make a quick close-up video showing you removing your contact lenses, but I won’t hold my breath waiting.

  5. I came across this one recently because my wife liked this band and I even had one of their albums many years ago. I remember hearing of her passing, but I didn’t know about any of the things I found out here. Very interesting. Thank you for that.

    Then at the end it was very interesting reading the comments. Especially that one great, long reply of yours. Your insights on that rat, Gustav von Kahr, were really powerful. Fascinating idea to think of how things could have turned out had that putsch been successful.

    • Thank you very much.

      Gustav von Kahr makes me think now of the saying: “Everyone will be either your friend or your teacher.”

      What von Kahr (his family was raised to the nobility only in his father’s generation; he actually had a peasant, beaverlike face that went with an ignoble mindset) taught me was this:

      1) the egoic mind makes people insane — in his case, imagining that he, a merely conservative nobody, would ever have “the right stuff” to be the Führer of the German nation. he betrayed his solemn word to me and our wonderful men, with sixteen of us killed, as well as several of the cops who had fired on us, obeying von Kahr’s orders, and were shot by our side. We were almost all combat veterans. Von Kahr afterward was despised by everyone and his career was over. No new idea, no new vision, no charisma, nothing and nobody proclaimed to this man, only his own little mind, that he was the man to save his nation.

      2) The term “blue-eyed” in the meaning of “naive” certainly applied to me at that moment when I let my prisoner von Kahr go on his word of honor (LOL) in the beer hall. So my own egoic mind was at work, telling me what I WANTED to believe, namely that the “Reaktion,” the Establishment conservatives consisted of selfless men like ourselves whose only thought was for the salvation of the fatherland. (In America many call such types RINOs, “Republicans in Name Only.”) These compromisers, later on, the Horst Wessel song would condemn, right alongside our other lethal enemies, the communists of the “Red Front”.

      But it was only in this life that I began to realize that while the main problem seems to be very clearly “the Jews,” it really is the “inner Jew” which exists inside each and every one of us.

      Von Kahr was as much a Jew as was Judas Iscariot.

      It is indeed horrible if a man commits one rape, swindles one war widow out of her life savings, or murders one other living human being, or two or five.

      How much worse, however, to bring about the death of your entire nation — the rape and murder of millions of innocents.

      And yes, via Germany’s defeat — over time — von Kahr helped cause the death of the entire West.

      We see now the miserable lives (mere existences) which the people of our race lead, plodding along to barely pay their bills to the Jew Man, and the horrible death now awaiting hundreds of millions of Whites in WWIII, a depopulation pandemic, or FEMA camps because of this ludicrous little egomaniac, Gustav von Kahr, and because I, yes, I, decided blue-eyedly to trust him.

      Just as later on I trusted Friedrich Paulus, and appointed him as the commanding general of the entire Sixth Army in Stalingrad. (he had been only a General Staff officer who had planned campaigns — the victorious Polish and French campaigns, to be fair — and had never been a field commander. There was no proof he could lead men or had fighting spirit!

      But I had already lost God’s blessing when we invaded Russia, not to liberate and partner, but to enslave.

      But everything can be forgiven — if the angels see that your aura is bright and sincere as you face and realize your serious wrongdoings, and the effect on others. You also must seek, with every once of your energy, to change, apologize, and make amends to your victims.

      THEN only will you see that Jesus was right: God is love.

      God IS love.

      Tough love. 🙂

      In the life-review video, it is as Jesus said:

      “Everything that is hidden will be revealed, and what you seek to keep secret will be shouted from the rooftops.”

      Here is another “Cranberries” song for you, comrade:

      ….Dolores denouncing the insane war between Protestants and Catholics in Ireland (when most of them do not even attend church of either denomination or believe at all in any of the core teachings of Jesus):


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