Israelis, including those killing the Gazans, like this general, get free medical care in the US, their plane tickets are also reimbursed, and they go to the head of the line for organ transplants (while Americans DIE because there are not enough hearts, lungs, kidneys and livers).
(I note that the first of the two gals who expose this (the redhead) speak is wearing nurse clothing.
Makes sense, for we are just animals in human form to them:
Btw, the video above appears to be from TikTok, a huge, Chinese-owned site that has young people addicted. The US Congress (kowtowing to the Big Jews ) is irate at TikTok (which is allowing a lot of Israel-bashing) and they want China to divest itself of the company so that it gets a new and jew-friendly owner.
TikTok is also an authentic threat to us white people because it is full of degeneracy. But this applies ONLY to the Western version, the Chinese version of TikTok is full of wholesome content…. heterosexual content, pro-work ethic and studying hard.
My theory is that the Chinese are NOT anti-white per se, BUT if the jews continue to rule the West and try to bring China down, they will do all they can to weaken the West.
I have seen so many videos by white Americans living in China and they love it there. And there is NO hostility at all toward them, just against the US government. See more below.
…..ADL’s Greenblatt very worried that only the “oldies” still feel sympathy for jews and IsraHell
This is exactly why now is the time for me to start my movement.
….I have both severely criticized China but also praised it many time over the years (for going quietly quasi-NS)
Only in America, certainly not in China, is there an almost total ignorance about history, the rise and fall of Rome, racial differences and jewry.
Americans are now incredibly dumbed-down.
“Martial” comes from Mars, the blond Greco-Roman god of war, and means “military.” The Romans believed they descended directly from Mars, who fathered the twin brothers Romulus and Remus, the co-founders of Rome.
“Marshal,” however, comes from “mareskalk” (“Mare” being related to our word “mare,” i.e, female horse). That meant “the keeper of the royal horse stable,” a high Frankish-Germanic term under the mighty emperor Charlemagne.
China has morphed into a quasi-NS state, jettisoning marxist economics totally and therefore thriving in every area.
And today — here is the truth — China is soaring. Why?
OH-SO-QUIETLY, and without admitting it to the jew-run West, China, dumping all marxist economic theory, is using almost ALL of Adolf Hitler’s key teachings on
–preserving and improving the race (the Chinese marry UP, that is, Chinese women will marry a white man),
— the leader principle,
— the folk community and
— nationally planned, free-market economics
to become a superpower itself!
Zero race mixing with any lower races!
pride in a great and ancient heritage — and hard work, practical education and strong family!
The Chinese also crack down on foreign, semitic, trouble-making Islam!
…The Economist: China is betting that the West is in irreversible decline
The country’s leaders see their moment, and are seizing it
The Washington Post did publish the op-ed on Dec. 22, 1963, in its early edition, but immediately excised it from later editions. Other media ignored it.
China’s foreign ministry declares that horrors such as the Atlantic slave trade, colonialism and the Holocaust, as well as the deaths of so many Americans and Europeans from covid-19, should make Western governments ashamed to question China’s record on human rights.
Most recently Chinese diplomats and propagandists have denounced as “lies and disinformation” reports that coerced labour is used to pick or process cotton in Xinjiang. They have praised fellow citizens for boycotting foreign brands that decline to use cotton from that region. Still others have sought to prove their zeal by hurling Maoist-era abuse. A Chinese consul-general tweeted that Canada’s prime minister was “a running dog of the us”.
Such performance-nationalism is watched by Western diplomats in Beijing with dismay. Envoys have been summoned for late-night scoldings by Chinese officials, to be informed that this is not the China of 120 years ago when foreign armies and gunboats forced the country’s last, tottering imperial dynasty to open the country wider to outsiders.
Some diplomats talk of living through a turning-point in Chinese foreign policy. […] A veteran diplomat bleakly suggests that China’s rulers view the West as ill-disciplined, weak and venal, and are seeking to bring it to heel, like a dog.
In Washington and other capitals it is not hard to hear voices suggesting that China is making rash, clumsy mistakes. Surely China sees that it is souring public opinion across the West, they murmur. There is puzzlement about how China now views its recent draft accord with the European Union, the Comprehensive Investment Agreement, which it had appeared so eager to conclude. That pact’s ratification by the European Parliament is now on ice, and possibly entombed in permafrost, as a result of China’s sanctions on several Euro-legislators.
In reality Chinese leaders, if their own words and writings are any guide, think that assertiveness is rational. First, they believe that China has numbers on its side as a world order emerges in which developing countries demand, and are accorded, more sway. At the UN most member states reliably support China, as an irreplaceable source of loans, infrastructure and affordable technology, including surveillance kit for nervous autocracies.
Second, China is increasingly sure that America is in long-term, irreversible decline, even if other Western countries are too arrogant and racist to accept that “the East is rising, and the West is in decline”, as Chinese leaders put it. China is now applying calculated doses of pain to shock Westerners into realising that the old, American-led order is ending.
China’s rulers are majoritarians. Their hold on power involves convincing most citizens that prosperity, security and national strength require iron-fisted, one-party rule. They unblushingly put the interests of the many over those of the few, whether those individuals are farmers evicted to build a dam, ethnic minorities re-educated to become biddable workers, or dissenters who must be silenced.
China is a hard challenge for liberal democrats precisely because its tyranny in the name of the majority is backed by lots of Chinese, albeit at a terrible cost to outliers and minorities.
*** NS Germany was the same.
No multi-party elections but — or for this very reason — it was a happy, united, prospering people
Today, Chinese ideas about global governance sound like a majoritarian world order. Ruan Zongze, a scholar at the foreign ministry’s Xi Jinping Diplomatic Research Centre, explained the official line in a press briefing. He denied that China wanted to export its values. But he outlined a vision of multilateralism-by-majority that—by according no special legitimacy to liberal norms—would be a safe haven for Chinese autocracy. Mr Ruan scorned governments that “use the pretext of democracy to form alliances”.
He called that “fake multilateralism”, adding that developing countries need not endure finger-pointing from a West that does not speak for the world. As engines of global growth, China and other emerging economies should have a bigger say, he declared. “Those who represent future trends should be the leading force.”
The majority of the tyrannies
As one European diplomat sees it, at least part of China’s establishment is convinced that the liberal order established after 1945—built around universal human rights, norms and rules that bind the strong and weak alike—is an obstacle to China’s rise. Such revisionists are “convinced that China will not achieve its goals if it plays by the rules”, he says.
Diplomats describe a China that is hubristic and paranoid. They say some Chinese officials are convinced that the eu will soon drop its Xinjiang-related sanctions, because Europe cannot recover from the pandemic without Chinese growth. Other Chinese officials worry that their country is making too many enemies, and tell diplomats as much. Alas, they are outnumbered by those who blame China’s unpopularity on Western resentment of Chinese success. China’s rulers are duly preparing for a protracted struggle. The risks are clear, both for China and the West. ■
…..My advice and warning to Red China
First, this Corona-Covid thing is a hoax designed to take down the West.
These scenes from Wuhan, China in January 2020 are all fake, using crisis actors, and as usual with crisis actors, who are paid to act sick, wounded or dead, they are unconvincing. Everyone knows no one just keels over and dies from Covid!
Wuhan is where your bioweapons laboratory is located, and the US Deep State that hated Trump sent it money.
You must end this hoax.
And then do not follow in the same path as the Jewnited Snakes of seeking to rule the world.
The American people have no desire to rule the world, to corrupt China or to overthrown its government, whic is popular and mostly does a very good job.
It was not until the fake German-atrocity stories of WWI that Americans got brainwashed into a desire to run off and fight foreigners or get involved in foreign troubles.
Americans believed what our founder, George Washington, said: “No entangling foreign alliances.”
It was the jews who, in 1917, via their newspapers, agitated Americans (and Britons) with totally invented lies to declare war on an innocent Germany.
China is a great nation, thousands of years old, which of course resents 100 years of Western domination 1840s-1940s.
But who controls the West? You KNOW!
The jews!
Roberta Lipson
Who caused the Opium Wars, when Britain took away Hong Kong and forced the Chinese emperor to permit the Chinese people to be addicted to British-India-grown opium, crippling China’s economy with spending on illegal drugs for a century?
It was the Iraqi jew David Sassoon and his three sons!
He did it with the backing of the Rothschild jews!
Rothschild with the Queen
With Boris Johnson
Wiki (
The Sassoon family, known as “Rothschilds of the East” due to the immense wealth they accumulated in finance and trade,[1] is a family of Baghdadi Jewish descent. Originally based in Baghdad, Iraq, they later moved to Bombay, India, and then spread to China, England, and other countries. It is said that the family descended from one of the court families of the Iberian Peninsula in the 12th century. They later served as financial advisors to Islamic rulers.
From the 18th century, the Sassoons were one of the wealthiest families in the world, with a corporate empire spanning the entire continent of Asia.[2]
[…] Sassoon’s eight sons also branched out in many directions. The Sassoon family was heavily involved in the shipping and opium production industry in China and India.
Sassoon House, Shanghai, 1929
Sassoon ben Salih (1750–1830) and his family were the chief treasurers to the pashas of Baghdad and Southern Iraq. His sons David (1792–1864) and Joseph (1795–1872) fled from a new and unfriendly wāli.
*** They “fled” because they had been caught stealing! This is why the sultan became “unfriendly”!
In 1828 David first went to the Persian Gulf port of Bushehr and in 1832 to Bombay, India, with his large family. In Bombay, he built the international business called David S. Sassoon, with the policy of staffing it with people brought from Baghdad. They filled the functions of the various branches of his business in India, Burma, Malaya, and east Asia. He cemented the family’s dominant position in the Sino-Indian opium trade. The family’s businesses in China, and Hong Kong especially, were built to capitalise on the opium business.
[1] His business extended to China – where Sassoon House (now the north wing of the Peace Hotel) on the Bund in Shanghai became a noted landmark – and then to England. In each branch, he maintained a rabbi.
His wealth and munificence were proverbial; his philanthropy across Asia included the building of schools, orphanages, hospitals, and museums with the proceeds of the drug trade. On his death, tributes to him were made from across the continent by Muslims, Christians, Parsees, Jews, and Hindus.[2]
An important Jewish banker named Sassoon was hanged by the Ottoman Turks at the conclusion of the Siege of Kut al Amarah in April 1916. He may have been a member of this branch of the family or of Joseph Sassoon (vide infra).[3][end of quotation]
I suggest that China now completely jettison what is left of Marxism, an insane and false economic theory, and also atheism, both of which make China unpopular and feared in the world.
Both Near Death Experiences and reincarnation studies prove there IS another world beyond ours.
Also, true religion makes the people more peaceful, honest, hard-working, unified and idealistic.
The truth is that China naturally should be the number-one power in Asia.
And the white race must stay number-one in the countries WE built up with our own blood, sweat and brains: Europe, Russia, North America, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.
There is no reason for conflict.
However, this Biden-Harris “administration” may feel a need to “get tough” with China because of previous Biden family connections to Chinese business.
But Biden is senile, and Harris is insecure, uncharismatic, unpopular and weak.
This makes her dangerous, for she may think of becoming a “war president.” A war — she may think — will show she is “strong.”
Then you have the problem called the “Thucydides trap”: the declining dominant power (the jewish-ruined USA) fears the rising power (China), and starts a war to crush it.
In the time of Thucydides, it was Sparta crushing a rising Athens.
But this long and unneeded war weakened both countries, and Macedon and later Rome conquered them both!
However, in the nuclear age, war is much more serious than before.
China has worked and studied very hard for decades to again be a major power in the world.
But one such thermonuclear war could throw China back into the Stone Age.
Instead, it is time for all nations to get rid of all jewish influence, which is the strategy of dividing-and-conquering the Gentiles.
So let there be no pointless war between the white race and the great Han Chinese race!
Let all races live in peace and prosperity, lest a terrible WWIII annihilates us all!
National socialism is good for everyone!
Is this a ‘good’ jew ?
I met him twice actually, Dovid Weiss of Neturei Karta.
Good in a way, yes, though he is cherry-picking nice things about being kind and just, but the Old Testament and Talmud say never be kind to anyone but a fellow jew!
I met him twice actually, Dovid Weiss of Neturei Karta.
Good in a way, yes, though he is cherry-picking nice things about being kind and just, but the Old Testament and Talmud say never be kind to anyone but a fellow jew!