While “white supremacism” is so evil, Jewess boasts in WaPo how superior we jews are….; the REAL reason jews “excel” — FAVORITISM

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I love that jew-fro….
Thoughts by F. Arouet:
The following article, penned by a radical left-wing Jewish supremacist Washington Post authoress, posits that her kind fair better in life than their white Christian counterparts because they are raised better, are reared in egalitarian  left-wing homes, and are on indoctrinated with feminism early on.
Yet when studies show Whites do better than Blacks, now that’s to be attributed to “white supremacy,” to “oppression” and to “systemic racism”….
Go figure….
Do these tone-deaf hypocritical anti-EVERYONE racists have any ability whatsoever to see how utterly egregious their hypocrisy is? How hateful they sound?
Apparently thousands of years of being pumped full of anti-gentile hatred will erase any ability to see oneself for what and who they truly are.
The Washington Post

Study: Girls raised Jewish outperform Christian girls academically

Yonat Shimron – 30m ago

If a Supreme Court justice, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Treasury Secretary were not enough, Jewish girls can find plenty of other role models of professional success.

A new study suggests the examples of these Jewish women — Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen and many others like them — have made a deep impression.

*** JdN


The study, published in the latest edition of the American Sociological Review, finds that girls with a Jewish upbringing are 23 percent more likely to graduate college, and to graduate from much more selective colleges, than girls with a Christian upbringing. (The study included comparisons with Protestants, mostly Evangelicals.)

These girls, the study found, have ambitious career goals and prioritize their professional success over marriage and motherhood. The girls in the study were all reared in liberal Jewish movements that make up the vast majority of American Jewish life; none was Orthodox.

“Whereas Jewish upbringing promoted self-concepts centered on meaningful careers and public impact, non-Jewish upbringing promoted self-concepts centered on marriage and motherhood,” wrote the study’s four authors, led by Tulane University sociologist Ilana Horwitz.

The study is based on an analysis of data from the National Study of Youth and Religion, a 10-year longitudinal study of the religious lives of 3,290 American youth from adolescence into young adulthood. The NSYR included an oversample of 80 Jewish households, from which researchers based their study. (The NSYR did not include sufficient Muslim or Hindu participants for comparison.)

The researchers then matched the data with the National Student Clearinghouse, which provides educational reporting and verification.

The results were startling. The study estimates that boys and girls raised by at least one Jewish parent have a 73 percent probability of graduating from college, as opposed to 32 percent of young people raised by non-Jewish parents. In other words, they are at least 2.28 times more likely to earn a bachelor’s degree than children raised by non-Jewish parents.

When researchers looked at the elite schools attended by the Jewish NSYR participants, they found the school’s average SAT scores were higher, too.

Students raised by at least one Jewish parent attended colleges with a mean SAT score of 1201, whereas participants raised by non-Jewish parents attended colleges with a mean SAT score of 1102 (99 points lower).

And girls raised by Jewish parents were even more likely to graduate from college than boys raised with Jewish parents.

“I’d like to make a mark,” said a Jewish girl named Debbie who was interviewed by NSYR researchers. “I’m not the type of person who’s okay not being in the limelight.”

“I’m thinking about Ivy Leagues,” a Jewish girl named Jessica told researchers. “My parents both went to Cornell. I’ve been there a few times, I like it there a lot and it’s the kind of place where I would want to go.”

By contrast, some of the Christian girls in the study had other priorities.

“I think the biggest thing that a mother can do is to be with her kids,” said a girl named Mandy. “That’s the greatest thing over her career.”

The study suggests it was not any innate genetic factors that made the Jewish girls stand out. Rather it was a set of cultural, historical, political and religious factors that contributed to an environment in which parents and other Jewish elders imbued the girls with educational and professional expectations of success.

One key attribute shared by the Jewish girls: They grew up in Jewish communities that were egalitarian, believing men and women are equal in roles and responsibilities, in the home and in society at large.

Letty Cottin Pogrebin, a founding editor of Ms. Magazine and the author of “Deborah, Golda, and Me: Being Female and Jewish in America,” a 1991 book that addressed Jewish feminism, said she was not surprised by the findings.

“I think there has been a gradual accumulation of knowledge that explains women feeling that, ‘Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead.’ As long as we can have a postgraduate degree we can mark our lives and we don’t have to marry achievement,” she said. “We can achieve our own.”

Stephen Vaisey, a professor of sociology at Duke University who was an interviewer for the NSYR when he was in graduate school, said he thought the study of Jewish girls was well designed and comprehensive. But it contrasted two very different groups: liberal Jews and often conservative Protestants. Had it included non-religious as a comparison group, he said, the results may have looked different.

“If you took people with the same level of education and the same level of occupational prestige and compare Jewish and secular I wonder if you’d see a difference,” Vaisey said. “How much of this is about Judaism and how much about Christianity and traditional gender roles?”

All the girls in the NSYR study had what researchers described as a “moderate” level of Jewish engagement. They attended Hebrew school or perhaps a Jewish day school. They went to synagogue occasionally. Some belonged to a Jewish youth group.

But it was not Jewish teachings or any particular set of beliefs that necessarily contributed to their success so much as the stories they may have absorbed from their parents and grandparents at Shabbat dinners or bat mitzvah parties or at the Passover Seder about the accomplishments of their Jewish women ancestors, Horwitz said.

“Part of the narrative that Jewish adults convey to their children is that education helped Jews survive in Europe and eventually thrive in the United States,” according to the study.

Women are now much more likely to enroll in college than men. In 2020, just 41 percent of students enrolled in a postsecondary institution were men, according to the National Student Clearinghouse.

But Horwitz argues there is something about liberal Judaism that socializes girls to succeed academically and professionally.

“There’s an egalitarianism in Judaism where families teach their girls they can be anything they want to be,” Horwitz said. “They don’t want to do it by altruism, they want to do it by being prominent within. They want to be in the spotlight and make a difference in a loud way.”

 Religion News Service



….My comment

I thank Francois for this article.

Fact is that jews “excel” because they quietly help each other in the most ruthless way to get juicy college admissions, jobs, and promotions for others in their own Tribe! FAVORITISM!

From the usually superb website of former jew Ron Unz (https://www.unz.com/,  who studied at Harvard, Cambridge and Stanford. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_Unz)


(Actual title)

The Myth of American Meritocracy

JdN: The main library at Harvard;  I took many tour groups past here, and the tourists were visibly amazed how NON-“American” -looking the students were…. jewfros galore, black hair, big, curbved noses, dark-brown eyes and crafty, unattractive faces

The Myth of American Meritocracy


  1. What a brilliant article on jewish girl power….
    Not only do they fiddle the gas meter, they can write fictitious diaries that you have to believe are real — or it’s Hollohoax jail for you.
    Whites in their homelands are being ethnically pushed to the back of the queue and the bottom of the pile. They are being outnumbered by blacks and browns, who have the right to enter any country they choose because of the Whites’ role centuries ago in the slave trade.
    The J-Team have learnt over the centuries how to infiltrate and occupy positions of power, to control the money and then the minds of the countries they have set up shop in.
    It was the Rabbis who betrayed Jesus, as he was a threat to their power and money.
    How many countries and states have the jews been kicked out of because of their political meddling or financial greed?
    On John’s unique site was an article [about the Habiru tribe in the ancient Middle East] dealing with who and where the original jews come from. Not jewish at all, just pimps, liars, prostitutes, money-grabbers and thieves.
    A good example of Jewish villians would be Jacob Schiff, [possibly] Angela Merkel [née Kasner], Chaim Herzog, Dr Allan Shatter, and professor Solly Zuckerman. Between them they’ve killed tens of millions of white Christians, and ruined lots of countries with their open borders for gimmegrants, untold rapes, murders, drugs deals, and financial scams. How many millions have died over the centuries because of Jewish politics, or financing both sides in wars?
    As soon as you question the jews’ action, they hide behind their Hollohoax shield, yet won’t admit to the millions the jews themselves have killed.

  2. Apparently thousands of years of being pumped full of anti-gentile hatred will erase any ability to see oneself for what and who they truly are.

    There might be something to Sheldrake’s morphic resonance fields. His experiments can be replicated scientifically, so they cannot be poo pooed away.

    So, between morphic resonance, where like creatures share some sort of memory, and also epigenetics, might explain Jewish behavior. While the baby is in the Jewish mother’s womb, it is being stewed by epigentics turning on and off certain gene clusters. In other words, both the morphic fields and epigentics are working together in a type of synergy. The morphic fields are part of the multiverse, where memory of a species is held outside of its body.

    Later, when the Jewish baby is inculcated with Jewish victimhood narrative, said baby is already “tuned” to receive.

    I remember somewhere there were some baby trials of Aryan babies vs Jewish babies, and the Aryans were tuned for trust, while the Jewish babies were untrusting.

  3. But it was not Jewish teachings or any particular set of beliefs that necessarily contributed to their success so much as the stories they may have absorbed from their parents and grandparents at Shabbat dinners or bat mitzvah parties or at the Passover Seder about the accomplishments of their Jewish women ancestors, Horwitz said.

    It’s also usury and creditor dynamics that the Tribe operates. Here is Ron Unz, a tribester, dropping the dime on his fellows, who have infested Ivy League Admission Organs:


    Karabel showed that the collapse of WASP resistance to the admission of high-performing Jewish students soon drastically reshaped the ethnic composition of these institutions, with his triumphalist narrative suggesting that this transformation raised academic standards and lifted the quality of the student body to new heights. And for decades, I had entirely accepted this simple morality tale, which was implicitly or explicitly presented in nearly all the accounts, liberal and conservative alike, that I had read regarding the history of our leading East Coast universities.

    But as I began to quantitatively explore this issue, utilizing the same techniques and data sets I had applied to determining the existence of severe discrimination against Asian applicants, I uncovered evidence of an entirely contrary nature. I soon came to realize that many of my beliefs were merely ideological fairy tales, sometimes little more accurate than the Soviet claims of Russian peasants eagerly joining their collective farms.

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