Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds blows up — after all the risks, and full Internet exposition, is the public actually ”okay” with pedophiles running the government?

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Sibel Edmonds is a heroic, Iranian-born whistleblower. She was hired by the FBI in connection with September 11, and became outraged at what she then saw. Her roman à  clef novel’s website is:  http://www.thelonegladio.com/about-the-author/ Her main website is: http://www.justacitizen.com

On the Dennis Hastert case: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/04/hastert-sentenced-to-15-months-in-prison-222538



All four participants in this show are reputable and reliable sources of information.

I found the Sibel Edmonds outrage the most gripping of all.

Edmonds is actually an Iranian woman and one of the many females from that country that are quite attractive and fiery.

One of the most gorgeous women I ever met (I taught her American accent in the 1990s in Boston) was an Iranian women, and believe, me, she was a ”ten.” 🙂

She looked a bit like this and with a perfect figure to boot:


Sibel has those almond eyes at a tilt that are an Iranian ”specialty.”

Now while it is true that the Mongols did devastate Iran (as well as many other countries), and massacred huge numbers of people in terrible atrocities, and probably raped a lot too, the Iranian eyes are not mongoloid — with the inner eye fold.

The eyes themselves are set at a slight angle, like an almost flat ”v.”

I will engage in some totally wild speculation here. We know the true, ancient white Iranians descended from some group of eastern Aryans, a branch of the Indo-Europeans. About ten percent of Iranians to this day are fully white, some with blue eyes, and many kids in northwestern Iran have blond hair. (Iranians do NOT speak Arabic. Their language, Farsi ( = ”Persian”), is related to English, German, Latin and Russian.)


Anyway, some of the nordic aliens –there are many kinds — have eyes that are almond-shaped and set at a v-angle. So  is that perhaps the origin of the Iranians (and their cousins who conquered ancient India? I know it not. 🙂


(from my essay https://johndenugent.com/ufos-the-third-reich-after-1945-and-the-pleiadians/)


I have occasionally touched on my own unusual physical case….

I have a very large head (and, well, the truth is, a very large IQ to boot  🙂 according to the Stanford Binet-Wechsler IQ test I took in 1964 at age ten, though I have been a damn fool helping ingrates all my life, for all my vaunted IQ), and this ”noggin” of mine goes a long way from front to back.

This head size and shape was just one of the many jarring things that made me realize I was really profoundly different from most people, and was, basically, as I realized with some dread, was ”sent here on a mission”…………… a very dangerous mission, and that I was sent to a public that is both incredibly ignorant and disgustingly apathetic — and never more so than right now.

The only time they feel real anger is when you tell them the truth, and want them to act. 😉




Going back now to the subject of the video, the Dennis Hastert pedophile case, Edmonds complains very vociferously that, basically, after all this whistleblowing — and people risking their very lives — to expose pedophiles in high places in ”our” government, the rat’s nest of these child molesters is still very intact.

At most, as with Dennis Hastert, they indict ONE of the many powerful pedos– and then given him a relatively light sentence. As one of the other guests says, the problem is ”contained.” In other words, after ONE prosecution, now the public is satisfied that ”they got one.”

But suppose our entire government is run by blackmailed pedophiles whom the the Jews totally control with the threat of prosecution?

The Jeffrey Epstein case is a perfect illustration of all this. The guy molested both prepubescent kids and young teens at various mansions in the US Virgin Islands, Palm Beach and in Manhattan, yet got off with a two-year sentence to a halfway house, most of which time he did not even bother to  serve!


With Prince Andrew in Central Park


Basically, Epstein has blackmail footage — through the cameras he set up everywhere — on some of the most powerful men in America.


As the video shows, one of them is Donald Trump himself, though I do not believe he molested kids. I do know that despite what Joe Scarborough of MSNBC predicted, Trump never brought Epstein up at all against the Clintons………….. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.


It is certainly a proven fact that he and Trump were buddies and Trump went to a number of his parties (it was all reported in full in the then Trump-friendly media at the time and confirmed by Trump in a 2005 Vanity Fair article), and Trump flew once in Epstein’s infamous Boeing 727 — but not to the ”Orgy Island” that the vile Bill Clinton visited 26 times, five of them unaccompanied by the Secret Service.


flight log listing Bill Clinton



To return to Sibel Edmonds’ righteous rage, the real problem IMO is the human race itself, and what reincarnation teaches.

Most of us are young souls just out of the animal stage, followers and herd animals. We do what our friends do. If they do nothing, we do nothing. If they are brave and outraged, so are we. and that is how animals, not real humans, are.

Most humans are just herd animals (or in some cases reincarnated predators).


My Jewish landlord in Winthrop, Massachusetts 1996-2001, Ted Weiner, once spat out: ”Most people are animals,” and, you know, sadly, he was literally right.

Hey, if anyone knew about humananimals, it was this guy who manipulated his fellow humanimals to the max.


This is why we need a true Aryan (noble) religion, and I specifically must found it. As William Dudley Pelley said, ”until we fundamentally change human nature, it is pointless for a handful of heroes to try to stop the Jews.”



Your support will make this religion possible. Or not possible. 🙂






  1. I’m sure I’ll catch bloody hell for saying this, but did you know that the ancient Greeks were pedophiles and homos? They even produced artwork depicting relations between Greek men and boys. I think this disease has existed, in one form or another, throughout our history. And don’t forget, the ancient Greeks are revered, their culture is held up as the “cradle of western civilization.”


  2. Thanks for this, Heinz.

    All I can say, whew, is that at least it did not make them effeminate; the Greeks were very warlike and extremely masculine.

    One of the good things about Christianity, however distorted by Saul/Paul, is it put an end to all this.

    I can only say that our age will someday be seen as disgusting as well for the things WE of this generation tolerate and do nothing about, not just child molestation, but ritual murder of kids, vaccines which give kids the terrible fate of autism, vets killing themselves at the rate of 22 a day, and many, many other horrors.

  3. Ancient Greece was a very “phallic” society. They even had a god named Priapus (you can find pictures of the statue online). I guess Christianity put an end to it. Still, it blows my mind.

  4. Well, all ancient societies had fertility rites. Children were the only social security back then.

    The gods were not lofty moral beings, just superhumans ( = aliens).

    Not just the Christians, but long before them Plato and Socrates felt many of the stories of the Greek gods were appalling, and, you know,they were.

    The gods were technologically, not morally, advanced beings from elsewhere in the galaxy.

    The recent movie with Gerald Butler (of ”300” fame), ”Gods of Egypt,” shows this vividly.


  5. Well, do you want to take a guess on who (which ethnic group) codified the prohibition against Homosexual behavior and of course, pederasty? It was long before Christianity.

    “The basis of the prohibition against homosexual acts derives from two biblical verses in Leviticus: “Do not lie with a male as one lies with a woman; it is an abhorrence” (Leviticus 18:22) and “If a man lies with a male as one lies with a woman, the two of them have done an abhorrent thing; they shall be put to death—their bloodguilt is upon them” (Leviticus 20:13). The Torah considers a homosexual act between two men to be an abhorrent thing (to’evah), punishable by death — a strong prohibition.”

  6. Very true. I can only quote this rabbi in response:

    Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.

    –Jesus, Matthew 23:27 (King James Bible)

  7. Well, there’s an important reason I posted these quotes fro the torah, and it’s not to bash gays. David Duke, and others on the far right, accuse the Jews of promoting gay marriage and homosexuality. I just want everyone to know that these are not Jewish values, but secular ones.

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