A British comrade, writer, father, and former British soldier Carl Mason, wrote me:
LOL! Election fraud is common in Britain, John, usually committed by muslims/Africans and the Left.
I stand in local elections and can see first-hand how they cheat.
Look at our Brexit. Didn’t like the result? Have another vote!
People registered to vote who don’t even exist!
At 9:45 on election day the polling staff simply fill in the voting slips of people who haven’t voted.
Cardboard ballot boxes are collected by Paki taxi drivers.
The results are announced three days after voting day . What could possibly go wrong?
Shneur Odze was caught in London with a bag full of filled-in voting slips to use at ballot boxes. He ran UKIP’s “Friends of Israel” page.
Carl, a towering 6’3″, bodyguarding then-British National Party chairman Nick Griffin
I replied:
Thank you, brother Carl.
Ah yes, the “good rabbi”:
British Hate-Speech hypocrisy, UKIP, and the case of Shneur Odze
Sex scandal of Jack Sen enemy, Farage advisor, and UKIP “rampant rabbi”
I would say that Trump-supporting Americans will NOT accept blatant vote fraud that “elects” the pervert Biden and the bolshevik mulatress Harris, and for the following reasons:
1) Right-wing white males here understand this election is critical to the future of this nation.
2) they understand that they themselves will be in grave physical danger (from BLM, Antifa and malicious prosecution) if the Left wins.
3) America was born in a long and violent revolution, we have tons of guns, and this nation has a history of lynching evildoers, not waiting for the authorities to do something or begging the politicians for justice.
4) About the only good thing about Jewmerica’s constant wars is we have literally MILLIONS of white combat veterans who have already killed non-whites, muslims and communists.
5) Biden and Harris are objects of rightwing hatred, LOATHING and derision as well as fear. This is Biden’s third try at the presidency; he has no command presence.
Those two are literally unacceptable. As in: these two criminals shall never be president and vice-president.
Tony Blair and Bill Clinton were just as bad — but they, at least, were smooth.
These two, however, Creepy Joe and Kommunist Kamala, are just human turds, and terrible as politicians.
Proof? Their rallies are a joke. In a country of almost 400 million people, they get 10 for a rally?
It is time for America to again be “the land of the free and the home of the brave.”
I, John de Nugent, whose ancestors came here from England in 1635, solemnly declare in advance that this election is invalid.
Because the shocking truth voters need about the
pedophile, incestuous daughter-molester, greedy crook, tax cheat, and traitor Joe Biden, a proven Chinese agent,
is being deleted by the Internet-owning jews
so voters cannot make an intelligent decision!
….Guess what happened on the very day I was born, July 14, 1954?
The Lavon Affair exploded, the Israeli attempt to murder Americans and Britons in Alexandria and Cairo, Egypt and blame it on Israel’s enemies!
(Same with the USS Liberty attack in 1967 and the WTC/Pentagon attacks in 2001!!! Kill the Anglo-American Whites who saved your jewish asses in WWII from the righteous wrath of Hitler — then BLAME YOUR ENEMIES FOR THE MURDERS YOU COMMITTED!!!)
It wa s a JEWISH SCREW-UP, and so no Americans or Britons were actually killed — but four arrested jews died as suicides or were hanged for treason. http://
A good omen! I was born the day the jews went too far and got clobbered!
Is leftist Michael Moore, who accurately predicted Trump’s 2016 victory, a secret Trump admirer? (link below found on rense.com):
Here’s the video Michael Moore made before Trump’s victory on November 8th, 2016, set to Hans Zimmer’s “Time.” As one of the dispossessed people he refers to, the words and music in this video got me a little choked up:
“Time” performed live:
As a side note, I noticed today that all of the videos complimentary of the Third Reich that I had saved as favorites on JewTube have been methodically deleted by JewTube censors. “Time” was used as the soundtrack for one of those videos, which was about the fall of Berlin in 1945. That video, and many others like it, are GONE from JewTube. Are there any other video sharing websites which might carry such videos?
Child trafficking enabled by Obama and Biden:
Mexican journalist exposes Joe Biden for signing compact that created influx of child trafficking, immigrant children in cages
Saturday, October 31, 2020 by: Ethan Huff
“What Biden failed to mention, however, is that it was he and Barack Obama who signed the U.N. Global Compact that created those border cages in the first place, not to mention the tens of thousands of immigrant children that have been trafficked through America’s southern border ever since the Obama administration made it all possible.
According to El Blue, Obama and Biden’s signing of this compact created a “massive influx” of child trafficking, resulting in more than 20,000 children being locked in cages during Obama’s occupation of the White House.
El Blue also told viewers that he has witnessed first-hand how the “coyote” networks of child smugglers are taking full advantage of Obama and Biden’s open borders policies, which created a “massive black market industry” for trafficked children.
“The fake families that resulted from the compact are a result of the poorly designed text with loopholes wide enough to build concentration camps within,” reports Sooner Politics.”
I suoi occhi blu Iperborei!!
Onoriamo i nostri Antenati per ristabilire le nostre origini e il nostro coraggio.
Questo ti da una forza immensa e ti spoglia dai dubbi e dalle incertezze di questo terribile momento.
“L’ultimo battaglione sarà nuovamente Tedesco,vero sangue tedesco-vichingo, in un nuovo Stato:Gli Stati Uniti d’America”.
Io ci credo davvero 🙂
Sei sempre stato avanti al tuo Tempo.
Un Genio assoluto.
E torneranno all’Inferno!
Lo stanno umiliando sul web!
Perché le forze del Male hanno scelto proprio lui per questa campagna elettorale???Sembra uno scherzo..
PS:Noi invece proviamo rabbia per quello che hanno sempre fatto e tramato durante questi millenni 🙁