White Antifa rips MAGA hat off head of black conservative; my offer to blacks; the Cannon Hinnant tragedy

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I cannot think of any base, low-down reason for a black man to wear a MAGA hat except noble motives, among them humility, seeing black faults honestly, and being secretly pro-white and wanting to get along with us whites.

This white Antifa, in contrast, is a vile, arrogant, bullying POS.

The Hodge Twins,who did this video, are two former US Marines, and humorous black conservatives who are worth watching.

…..WN objects to the “white man’s burden”

A comrade read this

Record empty apts in Manhattan; Whites deserting big Demoncrat-ruled, BLM-abused cities

..and commented:

I disagree that we White Americans should think of ourselves as caretakers of colored peoples living in our (shared) country. I think we should think of ourselves as a Nation, and nothing besides that. America used to belong to us. America was 90 percent White until the Jews altered our immigration policy in 1965, after they killed Kennedy. Maybe we can return to that. In any case, the first thing we must do is develop a sense of ourselves as a nation, a White nation, in my opinion.

My  answer:

I did a major video in 2011 proving that White Americans became a racial minority in their own country  way, way back in 2006 already.

Let me be as blunt as possible:

There is no way that 180 million AGING whites are going to “expel” 180 million young blacks and browns.

And guess what? Antifa is gunning up too.

And half the US military is Deep-State infested and will be on THEIR side.

We MUST offer cooperation to the black and brown conservatives or we will be exterminated by the BLACK AND BROWN LEFTISTS.

The deal is this:

— overt white supremacy over all of America

— meaning an all-white homeland AND

— black, brown and mixed areas under white rule

I can tell you that many, many non-whites secretly admire us and want national-socialist white rule (not capitalist-Republican-hypocritical-fat-cat)

if it is strict,

caring and fair,

and in all these virtues we national socialists excel!

Here is the map:


Here is America now:


Lose your delusion that blacks and browns will accept being expelled, or that we can do so by force!

Would YOU move back to a Third World hellhole that your granddaddy left 50 years ago, or your slave ancestor was taken from 400 years ago?

Chris Rock is a black comedian who did a legendary comedy video in 1999. I will never forget him saying “Hell, no! I don’t want to ‘go back to Africa’!”

My town is all-white, sure, and the average age here is 57!

And the white UP is exactly 3% of the population of Michigan!



….. the Hodge Twins on the Cannon Hinnant tragedy

White 5-year-old boy shot in the head by black neighbor:




  1. There were and are differences between white and black. However, what has happened over the last 60 years is a deliberate zombification of large parts of the black population via social welfare. (((hatred))), (((incitement))) and (((slander))) against all that is white, with simultaneous degradation of many blacks via social welfare, over 3 generations. Not development of abilities, but deliberate degeneration and stupefaction (social manipulation, social engineering).

    Gifted school degrees, affirmative action here, affirmative action there. Also female quotas for black and white. In general: Discrimination against whites and especially white men.

    Someone once said that the Jews told the blacks: “Get it from the whites, they owe it to you”, and thus destroyed black neighbourhood assistance.

    Nobody is happy with the present conditions, and indeed, South Americans and Chinese are the enemies of both whites and blacks.

    There were and are the USA-original whites and the USA-original blacks, who, as you, John de Nugent, already have said, have a common history, walked a common path, and have a considerable intersection (musical interest, etc.).

    I7One must differentiate here between pseudo-Americans (from Somalia etc.) and the black Americans of origin. as well as between other new “Americans” and the white Americans of original colonial and later European stock.

    As you already mentioned, no black mother is happy if her son dies in shootings. The (((press))) always shows only the anti-white blacks, never the pro-white blacks. The white ones in the antifa do not represent the majority of the whites, the black ones in the antifa do not represent the majority of the blacks.

    But, as you explained the strategy years ago: start racial wars, disarmament, arrest, camp, extermination.

    Now it is really about the whole thing, that’s why Donald Trump has disappeared into his bunker. 🙂

    An alliance between White and Black is possible, but so far I know of no one else who speaks out this strategy as openly as John de Nugent.


    In German:

    Es gab und gibt Unterschiede zwischen Weiß und Schwarz. Jedoch, das, was die letzten 60 Jahre geschah, ist eine vorsätzliche Zombifizierung großer Teile der schwarzen Bevölkerung via Sozialhilfe. (((Haß))), (((Aufstachelung))) und (((Verleumdung))) gegen alles Weiße, bei gleichzeitiger Degneration zahlreicher Schwarzer via Sozialhilfe, über 3 Generationen hinweg.

    Nicht Fähigkeitenentfaltung, sondern gewollte Degeneration und Verblödung (soziale Manipulation, social engineering).

    Geschenkte Schulabschlüsse, affirmative Action hier, affirmative Action dort. Auch Frauenquoten für Schwarz und Weiß.

    Generell: Benachteiligung der Weißen und insbesondere des weißen Mannes.

    Jemand meinte mal, daß die Juden den Schwarzen sagten: „Holt es euch bei den Weißen, sie schulden es euch!“, und damit die schwarze Nachbarschaftshilfe zerstörten. Niemand ist glücklich mit den jetzigen Zuständen, und in der Tat: Südamerikaner und Chinesen sind die Feinde sowohl von Weißen und Schwarzen.

    Es gab und gibt die USA-Ursprungsweißen und die USA-Ursprungsschwarzen, die, wie Sie, John de Nugent schon sagten, eine gemeinsame Geschichte haben, einen gemeinsamen Weg gingen, und eine beachtliche Schnittmenge aufweisen (Musikinteresse u.a.). Man muß hier unterscheiden zwischen Pseudo-Schwarzamerikanern (aus Somalia etc.) und den schwarzen Ursprungsamerikanern. sowie zwischen anderen Neu-“Amerikanern“ und den weißen Ursprungsarmerikanern.

    Wie Sie schon erwähnten, keine schwarze Mutter ist glücklich, wenn ihr Sohn bei Schießereien ums Leben kommt. Die (((Presse))) zeigt immer nur die antiweißen Schwarzen, niemals die pro-weißen Schwarzen. Die Weißen in der Antifa repräsentieren nicht die Mehrheit der Weißen, die Schwarzen in der Antifa repräsentieren nicht die Mehrheit der Schwarzen. Aber wie Sie schon vor Jahren die [Juden]-Strategie sinngemäß erläuterten: Rassenkriege anzetteln, Entwaffnung, Verhaftung, Lager, Vernichtung.

    Es geht jetzt wirklich um das ganze, deshalb ist Donald Trump auch in seinen Bunker untergetaucht. 🙂 Eine Allianz zwischen Weiß und Schwarz ist möglich, aber soweit ich weiß, hat bisher nur John de Nugent diese Strategie offen ausgesprochen.

    • Thank you.

      Were people spiritual, all this would be perfectly obvious.

      There ist just one enemy, the egoic mind, incarnated in the jew but present in us all.

      Once this toxic mind is recognized as the engine of our auto-destruction, we decent people of all races can get along very satisfactorily. Then all the divide-and-conquer of the jew will just bounce off us all.

      Many thanks for your comment in excellent English and German!

    • an (((alliance between white and black))) -no cuz it will always be at the expence of innocent white people- blacks need to go back to Africa and jews need to go back to hell -Aryans are the landlords and the landlord is always hated out of jealousy. We are natures chosen because we care about our Aryan race/nature/The Gods/our forebears/our future Aryan family. Heil Wotan ,-)

      • A war for white survival is a life-and-death matter, not a
        pipe dream with an ideal outcome.

        Whites are 45% of the US population, and 7% of the world population.

        Whites are 45% of the US population, and 7% of the world population.

        Whites are 45% of the US population, and 7% of the world population.


        The jews are a separate case. They must be absolutely segregated, not left in the mixed-race area.

        Even the edict of the the Eastern Roman Empire (the Byzantine Empire), which lasted 1100 years, forbidding the jews to be involved in the government, military or banking, is insufficient.

        They must be locked away on their own island, such as Madagascar, and ruled by us, by a national-socialist warden.

        But trying or even advocating “sending the blacks back to Africa” is a guarantee of us losing the racial struggle, and this unrealistic dream would sentence us to eternal racial death.

        Hitler did not want to ally with non-white Japan against white Britain and America, but necessity forced him into it.

        First, we win. Then we Aryans keep our word, and as nature’s nobility we reward our allies for their concrete aid in battle by letting them stay — under our control. And that is exactly what they want, kind, firm, honest, fair white rule. They know they cannot get that from their own kind!

        I have run this video 99 times, and added 99 times that we should notice the yellow, black and brown people smiling at Adolf Hitler. This is not fake footage. This is real reactions — actual, spontaneous footage from the 2014-15 German movie, “Look Who’s Back.”


        Ideal outcome? That chance came and went 80 years ago, back in 1940, when national heroes and antisemites Henry Ford (the billionaire car maker) and Colonel Charles Lindbergh, beloved household words, did NOT run as Republicans for president and vice-president.

        That was our last chance for a bloodless victory, taking this country back from the jews, avoiding our entry into WWII, thus letting Hitler win in Europe.

        That would have peacefully avoided a catastrophic civil war that now is nearly unavoidable.

        • John, you are right- what i meant was that in time all of the world will be Aryan. We will unite in a new religion of Wotanism/Aryan christianity and all who hate us will destroy themselves in time -just look how all who hate whitey fight internally -they will do the job for us and all we have to do is sit back in our Aryan religion and enjoy the show. -Only honorary Aryans and Aryans will be left after their war.

  2. I think it weakens us to join in alliance with Blacks or any other non-White people. Blacks have been in the country for a vary long time, and there are some good relations between them and ourselves. But we need to keep a distance. We must pull together as White Americans (such that Jews do not count as White, as they used to). We must think of ourselves as a Nation in the National Socialist sense. We myst identify as a nation that presently lacks a state. We must develop this sense of nationhood, in my opinion.

    • correct Kendra ,-)We will unite in a new religion of Wotanism/Aryan christianity and all who hate us will destroy themselves in time -just look how all who hate whitey fight internally -they will do the job for us and all we have to do is sit back in our Aryan religion and enjoy the show. -Only honorary Aryans and Aryans will be left after their war.

  3. JDN, a civil war can be fought in more ways than one. Small groups that do hit and run operations has the best chance for success, I believe. In America it will be very hard to punish Whites as a group. Not only have we Whites built the nation, but we have also created the culture that everyone depends on, such as Science.

    Jews had no interest in Science until the hard work of creating it from naught had been done and it had become a money-making thing. Spinoza was the closest thing to a Jewish scientist in the early days of Science, and the Jewish community expelled Spinoza from their midst. Science was wholly a White creation. The Jews had nothing to do with it, nor did any other non-Whites. The Blacks never invented the wheel, for instance.

    If non-White people kill us or enslave us, where will they stand with their conscience?

    In America especially it will be hard to go after Whites, even if there is some guerilla action by people of their group.

    • Non whites will never enslave us – we are the strongest and brightest -you are right -jews never invented anything but parasiticism

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