White cops rescue two deer; when I saved a young jewess

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Nice story….it feels so great, too, to save lives. What an endorphin “rush” when you see someone kicking up their heels (literally if it’s a deer) and soooooooooooo happy to be alive after you saved them. 🙂



……..LOL — the day I saved a 14-year-old jewish girl

In 2004, while living in the south of France (actually, 100,000 Americans and Brits also live there) ….which is a beautiful, magical, sunny place with lavender fields [photo] and vineyards….

Champ de lavande, Provence-Alpes-C?te d'Azur, France (field of lavender in Provence)

..and is not far from the Stone Age home in France of the ancient Solutrean culture….

Rock of Solutre classic

….my then-wife Brigitte

…and her friends, a very nice French couple with a teenage daughter,  wanted to go out on some errand together….

So they asked me to please “baby-sit,” so to speak, that is, watch out for their daughter, a very pretty, Aryan (and I might add, ummm, curvy young) white girl, around 14, and also over her girlfriend of the same age. This was a Jewish girl, dark-complected, but not bad looking, with a golden Star-of-David necklace on her neck. 😉


Well, the girls wanted to go down the mountainside to the Mediterranean, sit out on the rocks, get some sun and watch the waves come in…………….. (and doubtless gossip about boys 😉 . )


It was out on the tip of the right side of this fjord, called a calanque in French.



Anyway, the girls sat down on the edge of the rock, with a steep drop of maybe 15 feet down to the water, and began the usual teenage-girl banter and giggling.

Moi, I was meanwhile in a state of being utterly awestruck, sincerely praying and thanking God for the marvels of beauty of this world, and of this France, the land of my very distant ancestors.

But as a father of two girls myself, one part of me was not in any reverie at all, but in parental/caretaker/chaperone mode: vigilant.

What happened next was weird….. but I guess that WAY out in the Mediterranean, miles out, some huge cargo ship we could not even see in the summer haze must have passed by at 15-20 knots.

Or was it a minor earthquake way out at sea (called, appropriately, a “seaquake”)?

Well, whatever it was, it produced one, just ONE, HUGE WAVE, a “rogue wave.”


I then saw it coming in, silently. You rub your eyes and begin to realize “this ain’t good.”

And, well, in the Marines, we are part of the US Navy, and we do watch the water.


There it suddenly was, though not this big:



The white girl saw the wave, suddenly shrieked (in that way females do that makes males drop everything). She began clambering higher up the rock.

The jewish girl, however, was too stunned to move — until it was too late for her.

The whole top two-thirds of the rock was flooded, the wave lifted her up and seized her, and she was swept out to sea.

I guess it was partly my nature and my world view — men are here to be heroes — and partly my Marine training — but I instantly went into the “combat mindset.”

I shut down all my emotions, asked coldly “what have we here?”, decided in seconds on a plan, and acted.

I “crab-walked” — on my hands and feet, my back hovering over the rocks —

…down, down, down to exactly the same place on that rock where she had been swept away by the rogue wave.

I felt somehow that the return wave (which would be smaller)  somehow would bring her back to the exact same spot.

I saw the young jewess, brown as a nut from her summer tanning, and with luxuriant black hair, look at me, saucer-eyed with fear, a good 25 feet away, and way up in the air, her head perched just below the crest of the wave….

…. this secondary wave that was preparing to hurl her, face first, back against this huge rock.

I felt the impact could crush her skull, or at least disfigure her for life if she even survived.

Well, I was now in position to effectuate the rescue.

I simply watched her very intensely, locking eyes with her, and she saw me stretch out my arms to her.

“Land in my arms, girl, if you want to live, and HOLD ON SO THE WAVE DOESN’T SUCK YOU BACK OUT.”

The second wave hit the rock with great force, washing over me as well, up to my face, thus risking sweeping me away as well. (At 185 pounds –still my body weight 18 years later — I was much heavier than she. But with both arms outstretched for the girl, I was not able to also hold onto the rock for my own safety, and there really was nothing much to grab onto anyway. This was a gamble. I did at least lean back so the wave would not hit me too hard.)

But the second wave did obligingly deposit this girl right straight into my arms. 😉

After all, this was a pretty girl, and it was a French wave. 😉

I grabbed  her tight… the water drained away, and voilà! here was this jewish mademoiselle, her golden Star of David bangle sparkling, clad in her little bikini, and safely in my embrace!

Being a jewess, oy, probably she is now an Antifa chanting “Kill whitey” or “Mort aux Blancs.” 😉

BUT I can say this…

I had agreed to safeguard these two teens. They were my responsibility.


….there is nothing more primal, more fulfilling, for a real man than to shut down your panic, freeze your emotions, and do the brave deed, saving a girl’s life.

Doing your man thing correctly will both save a life AND, as a side benefit, enhance your self-esteem and confidence forever.

And you might just also get a look of incredible thank-you that you will never, ever forget. 🙂

Yours truly in 2004 in beautiful France



I will add that I also saved my daughter Ingrid’s life at least once if not twice. The first time was when she suddenly ran a 107 fever. I dialed 911, flipped through a family medical guidebook for high fevers in kids,  and rushed her into the shower — under cool, not cold water — to cool her down.

After four minutes her raging temp. was down to a still dangerous 105 (almost 41 Celsius).

Then I heard the thunderous banging on the door — the EMTs and ambulance.

Much later, as a young lady, she had been suspended for pot and booze from the University of Vermont for two semesters and was nearly expelled.

(An out-of-state student, she had gotten a full scholarship thanks to a friend of mine.)

I felt she was borderline suicidal and drove eight hours through a blizzard from Boston up to Burlington, Vermont to see her.

The interstate highway was empty, windswept, and my car a very light station wagon. 1 am, 3 am, 5 am went by on the endless road….

And there were no cell phones then.  Had I gone off into a ditch, that would have been it. Nobody would have seen me at 4 am in a nighttime blizzard. And my tracks in the snow would have been obscured by the snowfall. I would have frozen to death, had I survived the crash.

Now, well……Ingrid has nothing to do with me, her “Nazi” dad, which for a while felt like a hot knife stuck in my heart.

But she has gone on to a successful life, a good marriage, and has two twin daughters.

Me — I did my duty.

And every good deed we do, it was seen.

Every heroic action, my friends — we do it to others and to ourselves.   🙂




….See also this TRUE story


Incredible white-hero movie “Sully”!


…….Contact and support


–2 September 2020 $88 via Amazon gift card from G in Nevada

–1 September 2020 50 euros from M in France

–28 August 100 euros via PP from C in Germany


  1. È bellissimo quello che hai fatto..sull’orlo del suicidio?
    Una parola che non mi è nuova..
    Ho passato le mie ore di fuga dal Conservatorio in Chiesa.

    Sai quante volte mi sono rifugiata lì..disperata,chiedendo di voler morire?

    E mio padre non si è mai accorto che ero assente..spenta,morta dentro.
    Sarebbe stato più giusto perdere l’anno che proseguire senza aver combinato nulla;almeno capivano che mentivo,che me ne stavo tutta da sola a piangere.

    Ma il colpo di grazia l’ho avuto giusto alla fine,quando volevo farcela e mi hanno bocciata perché si vedevano quegli anni bui passati a non studiare.Si vedevano tutti insomma.

    Io volevo arrivare a quel traguardo…ma con un bel voto!Non con una misera sufficienza..come diceva mio padre,giusto per far sapere agli altri che avevo uno stupido pezzo di Carta.

    Entrare con un dieci e finire con un sei?Bel traguardo.

    • Transl:

      Is what you did beautiful … on the verge of your daughter’s suicide?

      A word that is not new to me ..

      I spent my hours on the run from the Conservatory in the Church.

      Do you know how many times I have taken refuge there .. desperate, asking that I want to die?

      And my father never noticed that I was absent… off, dead inside.

      It would have been more right to lose the year than to continue without having achieved anything; at least they understood that I was lying, that I was all alone crying.

      But the coup de grace was when I was proved right in the end, when I wanted to make it and they rejected me because we saw those dark years spent not studying.

      I wanted to reach that goal … but with a good grade! Not with a poor old “pass.” …

      As my father said, just to let others know that I had a stupid piece of paper.

      Going in with an A and ending with a F?

  2. Anche io sono stata “espulsa”,non potevo più dare quell’esame da studente “interna”;dovevo ricominciare i tre anni di laurea con il nuovo decreto.
    Io non so come ho fatto a sopravvivere,i miei incubi si erano intensificati,a parte tutte le delusioni provocate dalle persone.Non riuscivo a fidarmi più di me stessa e neanche degli altri.
    Non è stato un momento di sbandamento,come succede a tanti ragazzi ventenni,non ho mai preso cattive strade,anche perché al liceo andava tutto bene,ma lì,a 70 chilometri da casa..no!La mia situazione era sempre più disastrosa.
    E potevo farla finita in qualsiasi momento sotto un treno..
    Invece ho cominciato a rifugiarmi in Chiesa..in cerca di protezione.
    È stata la fede a salvarmi da quel Buio totale?

  3. https://youtu.be/XKTtvILG17k
    È proprio così.
    È un filo che si spezza e devi cercarlo,altrimenti 🙁
    Mi sono ripresa dieci anni più tardi,dove sono ora,in questa casa piena di Luce e di Speranza,con una nuova identità da Socialista Nazionale 🙂
    Questa identità mi ha resa molto più forte,per me,per i miei figlie per mio marito.
    E morirò con questa Identità.

  4. L’immagine del Fuhrer come Arcangelo vendicatore??

    È finita sul cellulare di (forse quando ho scaricato l’immagine per fartela vedere).

    Ha messo questa immagine come sfondo..e mi ha detto:”Mi piace,è proprio un Super Saiyan! 🙂 🙂

    Ama Dragon ball 🙂

  5. https://youtu.be/SZjD_-rdh0c
    In questi ultimi anni hanno deriso questa canzone proprio davanti ad Amedeo…
    I Giudici di un programma.
    “Ma cosa significa Trottolino amoroso du du du da da da??”
    Apriti Cielo…
    Le sue figlie sono intervenute più tardi con insulti pesanti per difendere il loro papà e la sua canzone!
    Sono azioni che ti toccano il Cuore.
    Si,questa canzone ha davvero un significato “Speciale” 🙂
    Che Stupidi..

  6. https://youtu.be/XdLat4f7z30
    È passato un anno ormai da quando ho capito che sei qui,eppure questo pezzo continua a farmi piangere come allora.
    Ha la capacità di smuovere qualcosa dentro di me.
    È un dolore profondo,si nasconde e mi butta a terra!
    Wagner è stato un compositore davvero unico,direi chiamato da Dio in persona.
    Ha una sacralità incredibile,non so spiegarlo diversamente;come se avesse visto di persona quel tempo,i personaggi e i loro sentimenti!
    Anche il Fuhrer era rapito dalle sue composizioni 🙂

  7. Wagner dice:
    «Il compito di salvare la religione spetta all’arte,la quale, impossessandosi dei simboli mitici autenticizzati dalla stessa religione, ne dà una rappresentazione ideale e ne fa trasparire la verità profonda.»
    Questo lo pone ancora una volta in netta antitesi con Nietzsche.
    Per Wagner la religione si fa arte e l’arte si fa dramma.
    Il dramma è costruito intorno al martirio di Amfortas,sofferente di una ferita che lo accomuna a Tristano.
    In questa piaga pulsa tutto il male del mondo, assimilabile – rispondendo a Nietzsche – alla ferita inferta alla civiltà da parte di una scienza eccessivamente evoluta che appanna la dimensione umana.
    Ma si può anche immaginarvi la razza pura(Ariana)minacciata dalla corruzione,laddove Hitler considerava il Parsifal come uno dei simboli del Nazionalsocialismo.
    Tuttavia,”amore-fede-speranza” sono gli elementi cardine del compositore.
    Ah sì,kundry..da prostituta a Vergine!
    Qui nomina Erodiade e Maddalena.
    Ma è Salomè raffigurata con la testa del Battista!
    Questo Graal…che non si trova! 🙂

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