John D. Nugent shared a link.
A woman raped by an asylum seeker said the attack left her feeling ‘dirty’ and fearing she had contracted HIV. Mebrehtom Abrha targeted his victim while she was on a night out ¦
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Usually I am too desensitized to this kind of thing, but seeing this story made me feel physically sick. I can’t accept some bullshit explanation of ‘Karma’, when it just goes to say that for some reason someone would be forcibly made to suffer more from their previous mistakes, even when that does not help anything and jut makes things worse. The fact is that this girl basically did nothing wrong, unlike how it is with a lot of people, guys included, today, who just fall for the ‘sexual revolution’ and think it’s a good idea to have lots of sex partners and never commit, making everyone end up unhappy. You’d think that if there was any real justice, would-be rapists would be subconsciously repelled from those who really do not deserve it, and any ‘Karma’ would be hitting those who were already causing problems on their own. You can cite reincarnation all you want, but I’ll never believe that this is a ‘good thing’ that causes justice towards her, it would always be better if it could have been stopped.
This girl probably would have been fine if either A:The migrant swarm was not there or B:Some earlier generation hadn’t shamefully cucked out and given up their guns. There is just an absurd amount of lying about guns, they clearly are crime deterrents. In my HS sociology class we were even told possession of guns wouldn’t defend a classroom against a school shooter!(With a bullshit ‘demonstration video’ of how they would all die before they could react, it is clear as day that a gun vs no gun is all the difference in the world for self defense.)
You’d think those gun-wielding Britons would’ve been psychologically more willing to voice their opinion due to not being a disarmed Subject instead of a citizen, but no. Must be their personal cognitive dissonance about atheism and their professed religion, which IMO is just the #1 issue today affecting everyone and letting things be the way they are. Liberals have theirs about race, basic economics, and Jews, while even the Jew-wise have a lot that needs to be gotten rid of before they can have a real impact. People will just not listen to those who lie to themselves about dictatorship being good and the goal. The real truth is that we do not prefer being overlords over other races or masses of people, laws and control are out of need, not want. A law against racemixing is not preferable to everyone recognizing the truth that it is wrong, but that kind of law is necessary as a first step towards the objective. Whites ruling over non-Whites in America isn’t wanted but needed, if we could uplift their genetic level without letting them gene-steal through racemixing, that would be preferable(in the meantime ruling though of course). Similarly with laws about the military, and many other things besides borders, although even then, if others in the world could all finally understand the truth that the border is necessary, then the need of enforcement ceases.
Once liberals understand that we are doing these things out of need, only then, and when they start to understand reincarnation and how it allows justice after death, will they start to lose their fear of racial and Jew-related truth. But until then, they will definitely reject anything from the ‘Nazis’ who they think want to rule the world in a total dictatorship for the sake of power.
This is why the Jews in the UK government are afraid of Jack Sen and shut his site down in the first place, because they recognize he is being honest and without cognitive dissonance to a level that this would be recognized by decent chunks of people and lead to potential success.
One last note:You have mentioned Zoroastrianism briefly before, but I must say it’s quite accurate about some key truths in morality. Basically, Zoroastrianism has objective morality, where the good is Truth and evil is ‘The Lie’, associating the two with light and darkness respectively. This is a key fact, one that most Christians do not recognize, thinking that something is good just because God says it is, or bad just because God doesn’t like it. That leaves subjective morality intact instead of really showing how the goal is a natural order of morality based on what is true.