White girl commits suicide after her libtard father and school let blacks beat her; spiritual reading: clear out the old junk today

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The late Adrianna Kuch. (see below) The parents didn’t care enough to take her out of the school. What this meant was that their egoic goal was to continue to be approved and applauded as anti-racist virtue-signallers. Yes, look how they had remained tolerant, forgiving, and woke. Yes, feel sorry for the poor, poor blacks….and we feel their pain.

Yes, daddy-o was now a woke SAINT for not “feeling hate” and “not making this about race.”

I wouldn’t even be able to crawl out of bed if this happened to one of my children.

My Ingrid at 16


Go hang your own selves now, you libtard cowards who do not deserve the honorable term of “parents”!


….Virtue-signaling at Dachau


The great French Holofraud revisionist Maurice Bardèche wrote some profound insights in his 1947 book Nuremberg, the Promised Land.

As the western Allies advanced into Germany and saw the indescribable misery, smelled the stench of rotting bodies from the war-crime carpet-bombings, and saw beautiful cathedrals in ruins that had been built over centuries, they had a psychological and emotional problem– how to even sleep at night

As Bardèche said, the GIs (a third of them being of German blood themselves!”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), the Brits and the French WANTED to believe the Holohoax was true so their awful consciences could be soothed.

German-DNA Eisenhower (who was a brilliant planner and organizer for the wrong cause) watches a demonstration of how the SS spanked prisoners. ‘Oh, what a horrid atrocity! Men, go burn 500,00o German civilians alive at Dresden!’

“Well, yeah, sure, it does suck how the average German is suffering. But look what the Nazis did! And the Germans went along with it, and applauded Hitler while he was winning. The f—-ing Krauts started this god-damn war, and they even scapegoated and gassed six million innocent jews, people like Einstein!”

The Allied soldiers and publics needed to either believe that Big Lie…OR to face the horrible fact that

  1. they had fought, killed, or seen their comrades-in-arms die for a great, big, stinking whopper, and that, even more terrifying,
  2. our governments and media are composed of literal psychopaths — satanic jews and their goy minions.


Psychopathic brain 

Normal brain

Our governments are not a kind of wise and loving parents and experts who just want to guide our nation and protect us.

The jew-run governments recruit, and are full of,

dreadful, sadistic, genocidal monsters.

Only an unegoic person can accept this horrible reality…. AND yet another reality as well, namely, this…

Our own cowardice about the jews over many generations of denial

in our previous lives

has brought this about.

There is no reason to whine about a tragedy we ourselves permitted to happen by US ignoring the world-famous antisemites of the past, but only every clear reason to fight now — with desperate, heroic courage and piercing, awesome, lethal skill.




…super-cuck white dad still “woke” after blacks drove his daughter to SUICIDE 


….White Teen COMMITS SUICIDE After School Refuses to Punish Blacks Who Attacked Her


  1. It’s the white shite father who needs to be anally raped in front of his wife, then infected with Aids and allowed to rot. Useless bastard.

    As for the bullying wogs, smash their skulls in with hammers dipped in dog shit to die slowly from gangrene. Fucking apes.

    The teachers need acid thrown in their faces, the woke scum.

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