White woman who was pepper-sprayed in Berkeley (husband put in hospital) speaks out to Molyneux; Roosh says Trump is “waiting for the right atrocity to crack down”

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Roosh says Trump is probably waiting for some peaceful Trump supporters to be killed — and then he will crack down hard.


White woman assaulted by antifa at UC Berkeley speaks out to Stefan Molyneux:

John de Nugent
John de Nugent Cowardly campus cops HID in building and refused to ler her in to wash pepper-spray from erh eyes


John de Nugent
John de Nugent Her husband got broken ribs and a concussion, and is now in the hospital!, and now has memory loss and severe liver damage!!! Beaten while on the ground!!!


Margaret Huffstickler
Margaret Huffstickler No, that was not she.


John de Nugent
John de Nugent a different blonde? I guess more than one woman got pepper-sprayed by antifas


John de Nugent
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Margaret Huffstickler
Margaret Huffstickler That was a friend who was wearing a “Make Bitcoin Great” hat.
John de Nugent
John de Nugent Ok, thanks.


Margaret Huffstickler
Margaret Huffstickler She explains. This girl did not get it full in her face, as the interviewee did.
Margaret Huffstickler
Margaret Huffstickler The girl interviewed made sure not to wear provocative gear.
Margaret Huffstickler
Margaret Huffstickler She and her husband were also both wearing kevlar vests.
Margaret Huffstickler
Margaret Huffstickler And yet her husbands liver was severely injured from being beaten when he was on the ground in spite of the vest.
Margaret Huffstickler
Margaret Huffstickler This girl was attacked when she was trying to defend her husband.
Margaret Huffstickler
Margaret Huffstickler Her husband doesn’t remember what happened because of the head beating.
Margaret Huffstickler
Margaret Huffstickler He’s still in the hospital.
John de Nugent
John de Nugent She also said many “non-violent” antifas were actually spitting and cursing at the Trump supporters — at least half the leftist crowd. About 600 antifa – they are paid by Soros and their website admits it!


Margaret Huffstickler
Margaret Huffstickler Others just stood and watched and did nothing while people were beaten on the ground.


John de Nugent
John de Nugent Trump, prosecute these antifa bastards and throw the book at them!


Margaret Huffstickler
Margaret Huffstickler Did you see about the MMA champion who waded in to rescue a beating victim?
John de Nugent
John de Nugent A video about this?


Margaret Huffstickler
Margaret Huffstickler Yes; let me find it.
Margaret Huffstickler

Margaret Huffstickler http://www.breitbart.com/…/exclusive-mma-fighter-jake…/

EXCLUSIVE ” MMA Fighter Jake Shields on How He Saved a Man in Berkeley From Antifa Rioters – Breitbart

“Anti-fascists” started several fires, smashed windows and ATMs, looted downtown stores,attacked cars, and assaulted dozens of MILO fans, who they falsely accused of being “Nazis,” however only one suspect was arrested.

“I asked them ˜what did he say that made this guy a Nazi?’ and nobody knew,” said Shields. “They were like ˜oh, he said some racist stuff,’ and I asked, ˜what racist stuff did he say?’ and no one knew. They were just mindless ¦ It was really insane.”

“More chaos started happening, so I went up to the police and tried bringing them back, but they were just like ˜we’re not really going over there. You should just stay away.'” he concluded. “I don’t know if they were taking orders from someone or if they were just being lazy. I don’t know what the situation was, but it was pathetic to watch. Our police, who are supposed to defend the citizens of Berkeley. It’s a sad scene that they would allow that.”

Margaret Huffstickler
Margaret Huffstickler There’s some video; not sure if it’s in this article.
Margaret Huffstickler

Margaret Huffstickler http://www.bloodyelbow.com/…/mma-politics-news-video…

UFC vet Jake Shields protects man from being jumped at Berkeley riot

Margaret Huffstickler

Margaret Huffstickler This has video for sure: http://www.theepochtimes.com/…/2218376-jake-shields…/

Jake Shields, MMA Fighter, Says He Helped Man ‘Jumped by Thugs’ at UC Berkeley Protest

John de Nugent
John de Nugent I heard today that UC Berkeley gets four hundred million dollars in federal funds every year. This can be CUT OFF! For starters!


John de Nugent
John de Nugent As Molyneux said at the end, “Imagine if Hillary had won. These antifa would have full rein to do WHATEVER THEY LIKED.”


Margaret Huffstickler

Margaret Huffstickler http://www.dailystormer.com/sean-spicer-on-berkeley…/

Sean Spicer on Berkeley Terrorists: “We Know Who They Are”

Margaret Huffstickler
Margaret Huffstickler UC Berkeley was complicit.
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Margaret Huffstickler
Margaret Huffstickler Did you listen to the whole video yet?
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John de Nugent
John de Nugent Yes. I hope now this atrocious event will become a turning point,.


Margaret Huffstickler
Margaret Huffstickler She says toward the beginning she and friends saw some cops and starting chanting “Blue lives matter!” and got a thumbs up from the cops. Later they were inside their glass house and wouldn’t come out.
Unlike · Reply · 1 · 8 mins
John de Nugent
John de Nugent “Just following orders”


John de Nugent
John de Nugent Roosh says Trump HAS to crack down…. and says maybe the prez is sort of waiting for some Trump supporters to be outright KILLED to get the public so appalled that he can finally crack down and hard.


John de Nugent
John de NugentHis reasoning is actually good…. I had never seen a Roosh video before.
Margaret Huffstickler
Margaret Huffstickler Well, they cracked down on the rioters on jan 19. People were at least put in hospital by these thugs and much valuable propery destroyed. I think they will throw the book at them I think they have to.
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John de Nugent
John de Nugent Roosh points out that blue-state and blue-city (Demoncrat) PDs refuse to protect Trump supporters when being violently assaulted.


John de Nugent
John de NugentAs he says, what is striking is the beating and spraying of peaceful white women by the hypocritical left.
John de Nugent
John de NugentAt 2:05 an antifa female in black hair, prob. a Mex, says “Go back to Europe!” He says, “why? I was born here!”


John de Nugent

John de Nugent Powerful video of fights between antifa and Pegida-Ireland in Dublin, Ireland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48nVhG39ZbA


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