Whites must, and now are facing the music: fight, or you are doomed

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A comrade and generous donor wrote me:


The predicted “red wave” didn’t happen.

Maybe vote fraud was the cause of this prediction not coming true.

Another possible cause is that the younger generation has been strongly influenced by the media.

In particular, the Republican opposition to abortion could have led to a reaction that was engineered by the Jews.

Abortion was practiced by the Greeks. It is the Christian influence that strongly opposed it, not the Aryan influence.

Also, the Enlightenment influence (classical liberalism) sees abortion as a right of women.

The Jewish media could have raised the issue that the Republican opposition to abortion was contrary to ancient White tradition and Classical Liberalism.

Thus the Jews could have painted conservatives in a bad light over the issue of abortion.

In any case, it is amazing that with the inflation caused by the Biden regime, which affects everyone, the mid-term election could have gone the way it did.


I replied:

The 2022 election was once again stolen by the jews, just as was 2020, and as was my likely August 1990 victory in the Republican primary in the Sixth Congressional District of Tennessee in 1990!

In June-August 1990, using the campaign name “Jack Nugent,” I ran in the Republican primary for Congress in the Sixth District of Tennessee, south and east of Nashville, on a pro-white platform.  achieved 26.7 percent of the vote, albeit I suspect (now more than ever) that massive electronic vote fraud denied me an outright victory on primary day, August 10, 1990.

See 9:58 to 19:02




Here in Michigan (I live on Lake Superior), the vast majority of people have loathed governor Gretchen Whitmer, who is not midwestern German-American, despite her first name, and not gentile, ever since she crammed her tyrannical Covid lockdown 2.5 years ago down our throats, harming our freedoms, health, small businesses and livelihoods while bribing people with an extra $200 a month in food stamps that future generations must pay off.
Folks routinely and literally call her Gretchen “Bitchmer” or “Witchmer,” and say she “looks crazy, demonic, and possessed,” which she actually does from every camera angle, all that plus hateful and evil.


post photo preview
And yet they say Gretchen just “won re-election.”
After the 2020 Stealection, now we undergo yet another blatant rape of the democratic will of the people….
I say enough is enough, and if George Washington were here now, facing overt tyranny, he would certainly not be typing pointless complaints for endless hours, days, weeks and months on Facebook to our smirking, Epsteining, pedophilic, jew elite.

I am making drastic changes, and taking advantage (if life hands you lemons, make lemonade) of the tragic, grievous loss of my wife of 17 years and soulmate, Margaret, to free me up for action…and not for more eternal blogging on the latest jew/black/muslim/drag queen horror.

I watched a video by a financial advisor who said we will have a very bad winter, combining diesel fuel shortages and raging inflation.

And the chemtrailed, low-T, zombie Whites are once again allowing Brandon and his ilk to steal a key election.

And now, just as I predicted, more and more Whites are dying from the jews’ vaxx.

Nobel Prize-winning doctor Luc Montaigner of France said the vaxxed, “if lucky have 2-3 years to live.” In Brazil, twice now young tv reporters have had heart attacks while broadcasting live:

(watch at the very end; she is reporting on an armed drug gang when she starts acting anxious and then collapses)

Only a new consciousness can save us, a new people.



….Tucker a gatekeeper?

On VK a comrade wrote:
Tucker Carlson is controlled opposition. He also practices kaballah. Don’t trust him and don’t expect too much.
John De Nugent Aufdeutsch
Kz, Sorry, but I did some research and do see videos showing the red string, which would indeed seem to be a jewish thing.
But I see no proof that he “practices” kaballah (a mystical branch of judaism) because of wearing this string, which he has done for a few years. The man also has three little daughters, so maybe one of them made it for him. Carlson may have intended it, like Trump, as some sort of peace-offering to the jews, but of course in vain, just as with Trump.
the jewess Molly Ball wrote a piece on how the Stealection against Trump was carried out, and by whom — by two jews, Norm Eisen and Mike Podhorzer.
Norm Eisen
Mike Podhorzer
Basically, with Tjucker Carlson, as with Trump, Alex Jones, David Icke, or Pat Buchanan decades ago, they go as far as they think they can, but they very much want to stay this side of the jews’ red lines so they can keep their top show. Why=?sure, for the money but also they are trying to do “whatever good they can” within the limits that are there: 1) no discussion of racial differences, 2) never, EVER discuss the jew hated of Aryans and takeover of our societies, and 3) blast Hitler and affirm the Holocaust.
I know for a fact from a former associate that Jones actually loathes the jews, but fears they could shut him down. Mike Delaney, who got started politically with Jones, did the superb “Israel did 9/11” video “911 Missing Links”:  https://911missinglinks.com/
Delaney used to be close to Jones but then, exasperated attacked him on a call-in show for wussing out on the JQ.
Jones blasted him on-air right back, called him a “punk,” and implied on-air that there would be a fightfight if they ever met.
But then he called Delaney and sincerely apologized, saying “Look, I know about the jews, but they shut me down at any time.”
Bad photo of Delaney, but you will probably recognize the guy on the right.

With all these men with their big shows, the jews correctly see closet white nationalists and closet antisemites.
Btw, I have been a leading WN activist for 43 years, and know all about controlled opposition. I have been on CBS, ABC, Fox, the CBC in Canada, the BBC in England, and have been attacked also by the Washington Post and by the huge ZDF television network in Germany (which is like MSNBC — very libtard). https://johndenugent.com/wn-biography-of-jdn/
Finally, Carlson may have just sent me a tip of the hat: https://johndenugent.com/closet-wn-tucker-carlson..




……Time boasts how the Left (and two jews) took Trump down


  1. Too late, j-controlled media. People all over the planet distrust the media, so read the lies yet make up their own minds .
    Too late, j-controlled politicians. People all over the planet see you as corrupt, useless . Need shooting.
    Too late, j-controlled teachers. All over the planet kids know you are paid liars.
    Yet vast amounts of sheeple still believe everything they are told. No brain required. When the war comes they will die screaming.

      • Lol. Don’t tell’em your name, Jones. As if a DIY mask would stop Covid.
        When I had to go into hospital I had a gimmegrant at the door, making people take off black dust masks and put on blue dust masks. LOL. That’s why I had Olbas oil on cotton wool up each nostril. Lol. Smoking, drink , and heart attacks kill more each month than Covid. Was it an exercise in how to control the stupid masses?

  2. Bericht über die Demonstration in Plauen vom 7. November 2022 – der Bericht erstreckt sich auf ein knappes ½ Stündchen.


    Im besonderen interessant ist die Rede vom DJ Happy Vibes, und zwar ab der achten Minute – der Redner spricht das Kernproblem an, was überdies begründet, daß wir uns in einer handfesten Systemkrise befinden.

  3. – Nachtrag zu meinem vorherigen Beitrag –

    Von muß es heißen: die Rede von DJ Happy Vibes – und ja, da ward die Systemfrage gestellt.

  4. NASA’s Artemis Moon rocket engines set to expire in mid-December. Pretty convenient. Who knew that solid-fuel rockets have an expiration date, like milk or bread? Funny that this problem doesn’t affect the solid-fuel rocket engines in every silo-based ICBM on the planet. I’ve never heard of the U.S. or any other country having to replace the entire solid-fuel rockets on their ICBMs every 12 months. So, this latest NASA excuse sounds like total BS to me:


    As I’ve commented here many times, due to deadly deep-space radiation, the Apollo astro-NOTS never left Earth orbit, and the Apollo Moon landings were all faked with the help of Jewish filmmaker Stanley Kubrick, who also directed “2001: A Space Odyssey,” “A Clockwork Orange,” “The Shining,” “Full Metal Jacket,” and “Eyes Wide Shut.”

    Due to deadly deep-space radiation, NASA never sent astronauts to the Moon, which is also why they’ve never “gone back.” The Artemis unmanned Moon module is loaded with radiation sensors to assess the danger from deep-space radiation, which is something NASA never bothered to do prior to the Apollo missions.

    As I’ve commented before, NASA has a conundrum – if they send this unmanned Artemis rocket to the Moon, and it detects deadly levels of deep-space radiation as it surely would, NASA will have to either cover that up, or admit it, at which point people will ask why this deep-space radiation wasn’t a problem in 1969. This is a classic example of an agency caught up in its own previous lies.

    So, NASA is delaying and delaying the launch of this Artemis rocket, looking for an opportunity to cancel it altogether. NASA will probably find some other excuse to miss the Nov. 16 launch window, which will push the launch date into mid-December, at which point NASA will claim that the solid-fuel booster rockets have “expired,” and can’t be used, giving them an excuse to indefinitely delay the mission. U.S. politicians will then grandstand and demand to know why there have been such huge cost overruns and constant delays, etc., and eventually the entire mission will be cancelled.

    Meanwhile, though, the billions of dollars in U.S. taxpayer money that was spent on building Artemis will be safely in the pockets of Jewish banksters who have controlling shares in all of the defense and space contractors responsible for building the Artemis rocket. It will be another very profitable lie for them, much like the Holohoax and 9/11 (done by Israel, not 19 Arabs with box cutters).

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