Who can find anything about the wicked “Zim-zim”? pets see supernatural things we cannot; URGENT APPEAL

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A German comrade wrote me this:

Could it be that some “chosen ones” are reptilians in human form or incarnated demons?They are so damned ugly and evil like Kissinger, Sharon or Abe Foxman. I wonder if these freaks are human at all?

I replied:

Yes, or Jonathan Goldblatt, the head of the ADL:

As reincarnated psychopaths, they actually are from demonic worlds.

As I said in another life, God does us a huge favor; he makes these human devils even appear devilish so as to warn us.

But earthlings are in denial of the facts on a constant basis. Humans can deny any reality, get into foreseeable trouble, and then bemoan their fate! 😉

Another factor in jewish ugliness, a huge one, is incest. Our friend, French WN author Hervé Ryssen, has written entire chapters in his books about how many jews have sex and reproduce with their own children and so there is the ultimate in inbreeding, leading to sometimes freaky levels of ugliness.

A Chinese ambassador to the West in the 800s said there was a people of merchants whom he called the Zim-Zim, who were “the most wicked of all peoples” — they had sex with their own kids. There was an entire Wikipedia entry on the Zim-zim, but it was deleted before I could copy it.


….NDE experience I found online

I was 14. It was winter and the local canal had frozen over. I went for a walk and there were some younger boys playing on the frozen canal. As I walked by them, one boy fell through the ice. I instantly jumped into action to get him out. I managed to get him, drag him to the shore and just then my foot got trapped up in something under the water. The other boys pulled the boy I was helping out but I went under. The next thing I see is a man doing CPR on a boy. I watched, hoping the boy would be OK and then noticed the boy I saved stood next to me. I looked over the shoulder of the man only to see it was me laying there lifeless. All of a sudden I’m coughing up water, and I open my eyes and the man is leaning over me asking if I’m okay. I was so shocked, I just got up and ran home.


…..Seeing what we cannot

There are hundreds of stories of cats and dogs seeing things we cannot.


Margi on Ontonagon beach.  We saw an MD who specializes in alternative healing methods, and he will be doing MASSIVE doses of intravenous Vitamin C for Margistarting next Friday. I paid the doctor with a postdated check since we are flat-broke  and had to borrow $70 from a neighbor. We are also driving 110 miles  today to Marquette to prepare for stereotactic radiation there. This website costs me $1600 a month due to jewish hackers, and we have gotten in only $999.  The intravenous C wil lbe $100 a session every week.Where will we get the $400 a month from?

I guess from shutting this website down. Are earthlings worth it? You decide, and then show me by action– or inaction.


Margi in 2018 before the cancer.


A pic by Margi, totally unretouched, of the sunset

As for VK, it is the new home of the hard-core WNs and NS types, the ones Facebook has perma-banned!

Great posts and more and more good posters every day since January 2019, when a real holocaust of those WNs whom the Jews do not see as “small-fry” began in earnest. (My page, with 3,332 friends, was deleted without warning.)

See me here and let’s get in touch!

60 million visitors a day, in Russian, English, French and German. I have 700 friends there now. 🙂

I g out and visit taverns (without Margi — her ADD is triggered by any barrage of sounds, music and conversations coming at her from all corners) because I am a natural politician — I do love people, and forgive even those who have seriously wronged me — and because people really open up there — and tell you things.

Partly it is regular-joe customers “under the influence,” their lips loosed by good-old-booze. And partly it’s the bored barmaids who would not mind having an intelligent conversation or even a quick chat now and then between making drinks for inebriated people, for low-tipping “regulars,” and for cheap-ass snowmobilers from outta-state who buy six pizzas, order twenty drinks, and then leave a $3 tip. TOTAL! 🙁

Being 67, I am now also in that category of “respected older man” that I remember my dad once occupied. He was a perfect gentleman toward women, and carried himself with a quiet dignity and confidence that bespoke decades of life achievement. People would come to him for advice all the time, and he gladly mentored those who were worthy.

For me, on the verge of beginning a new world religion, I feel good that people are drawn to me as well for caring advice, born of painful life experience.


Pic by Margi last evening


It also helps in the tavern that I tip the barmaids well 🙂 , a dollar a drink. I never cause trouble, I am nice to nutzoid liberals (my worst problem is with the never-Trumper, RINO Republicans, actually), and I actually just lent one liberal ten bucks in a pinch.

And I always keep the jukebox fed with shekels, and put on the music that everyone likes (no rap!).

Those tunes lifts the mood for everyone, since alcohol, after 90 minutes, acts as a depressant!

These two songs get the crowd going, btw,


And people buy me drinks or give me money for the jukebox themselves.

Yet everyone knows “who I am,” btw.  🙂

The nice Nazi 🙂


Anyway here is today’s story. (I will leave out or change some identifying details.)

J is one of the really pretty barmaids there, Irish and Swedish, with a super figure, wears sparkling crystal earrings, and has a nice personality to boot. Married but zero kids, late 40s. Her clock has stopped ticking. Looks a bit like this…

It stuns me how many desirable white women have just one kid — or none at all. 🙁

Another pretty barmaid in her thirties recently terminated her pregnancy in the fourth month, “showing” visibly, but she did it perhaps only for health reasons.

Upshot: there will be one less white man out there 20 years from now, a male able to defend our race, or one less white mom to have white kids.

A fine waitress at Syl’s restaurant in town looks just like this gal. 🙂 She has two sweet kids and a nice husband.

It is a very serious eugenic problem in the medium and long term when beautiful, conscientious, hard-working, reliable white women have no kids, or just one offspring.

Let us never forget what Rockwell said (I was a stormtrooper in his party 1978-80): In the race war that is coming, your skin will be your uniform.


We lost in 1945 because we lacked the numbers. We had the quality — but lacked the quantity!

Magnificent Messerschmidt 262 jet fighters were often strafed and bombed right on the runway, or while taking off or landing, and destroyed by hordes of inferior, 70% slower American propeller planes.


Anyway, J has worked in hospice care (the Ontonagon branch of the Aspirus hospital chain having also a rehab and hospice wing).

And J has had several supernatural-type experiences involving pets seeing something we humans cannot.

She said that dogs, but especially cats, come visit hospice patients when they begin the final dying process.

And that cats routinely hop up on the bed — and comfort those who are passing over.

And that they actually look up at something that is rising above the person and follow it with their eyes.  

She also told me that she had a sweet white Labrador named Nikita (she showed me photos on her smartphone) who got Stage IV cancer. She and her husband had taken this lovely dog in when her beloved owner died.

Well, after two weeks, poor Nikita was on her last legs, too. Ths couple already had two smaller dogs, btw, one a rat terrier, the other some other breed, but also small. Suddenly, those two little dogs started barking up a storm and staring at a completely blank wall in their living room!

And then sweet Nikita passed over.

She said, “John, I just know her owner came to get her, and release her from her suffering, and take her over to the next world.”

You know what?

The coming religion will not be based on semitic fairy tales in some 2,000-year-old book but on the MILLIONS of supernatural experiences that real people are having today.

It will be credible, and thus enable us to lay our lives down willingly and intelligently to ensure our victory, not fearing death in the slightest, only dishonor.

How did the Iraqis and Afghans defeat the massive power of the US military?

Because Islam teaches the afterlife and the special glory of dying for their faith.


There is no way in hell the jews (or the jew-agitated black, muslim and hispanic militants) will let us peacefully take power. Just last week they stole more election victories by Republicans who were close to our views, such as Madison Cawthorn, the almsot openly WN congressman from Asheville, North Carolina.

The crooked Dominion voting software remains in place!

We must come to power and yet we cannot do so peacefully as we wish — because the Jews steal elections involving WNs (I saw this myself in 1990 when I ran for Congress), they assassinate or impeach our leaders, and as with Trump, they dogged him, sabotaged his every good action, stole his reelection and klocked up the January 6 protesters for over a year IN SOLITARY.

A female patron, a liberal and avowed atheist, thinks “God and all that stuff is malarkey.”

She also calls me in the earshot of everyone “my favorite Nazi.” 😉

And adds, “at least you’re not like that Hitler son-of-a-bitch.” 🙂

Yeah, what a monster he was. 😉

2011 video on the fiend….



Yet, knowing my supernatural “proclivities,” she just had to tell me a story.

She lost her first-born son, David, who tragically was strangled at the last minute in the birth canal by his own umbilical cord. “A perfectly healthy baby boy, born dead. The nurses brought him to me.”

She went on to tell me that her son Brian, who survived and was then three, was talking up a storm to an invisible friend and she asked: “Whom are you talking to?”

(She had never told her little boy about his dead older brother.)

“I’m talking with David, the baby you had who died when he was born.”

And the same applies to loving grandparents who have passed over….

My dad used to chuckle at the hubbub of getting everyone into the car to go somewhere, harrumphing “kids and dogs”.. and therein lay wisdom.

For little kids, like pets, can see things we no longer are atuned to.

And sometimes they get this beatific smile that comes from seeing the loving face, and hearing the words of a dear relative in the hereafter…

The problem for this gal is that she had nowhere in her brain to put her supernatural experience. Since, for her, God is not real, she just kinda shrugged it off.

She shrugged off a miracle that could have woken her up to God, the soul, the afterlife, karma, and the meaning of life.


My goal is to create an organized religion, not unlike the Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Traditional, pre-Vatican II Catholic Church,  and the Amish, and remolding people from the cowards and a-holes they are now.

For this, I must build a firm container for spiritual truths in their psyche, protected area, a sacred space, so people can have some frame of reference and can categorize, process and ponder these amazing happenings in their lives that their guardian angels gave them!

And feel comfort…

For if David was comforting and chatting with little Brian (whom I have met and conversed with, btw) he was also watching over his dear mother, who still grieves a bit for her lost baby!

Last night on the lake was just magical.

At the sunset, every stalk of dune grass was warmly glistening….

And, you know it seems the gods gave me some encouragement by what I saw in the sky.

You know, it is intimidating, daunting, to radically change missions and careers, even modify your own nature.

…to go from great general, an Irish noble who became a field marshal of Austria, Count Laval Nugent….

I never lost one battle in fifty years, and received from the emperor a castle in Croatia and the highest medal of the empire, the Order of Maria Theresa.

ith that Irishman having become a German Austrian soldier in his heart, I then incarnated next as a politician for the masses and a statesman…. then, forced into war, a famous conqueror…..

But who wants to see more mounds of bodies, death and destruction? Been there and done that in both my last lives — ghastly, especially for what followed, defeat and the rape of my adopted fatherland…..If we really must fight again, this time we do it as evolved warriors who understand both earthly skills and celestial reality. Then, blessed by the cosmos, our bloody victory over death and despair, this time, will be everlasting.

My desire this time has been to finally become, over time and via pondered suffering, a wiser, humbler and holier man, an enlightened conqueror, and thus victor in the most terrible, horrible, atrocious time that is lying straight ahead for our race.

And, I repeat, my evolution has come gradually, and by working at it.

Anyway, the sun on Ontonagon Beach was gleaming above a cloud bank and there was an unearthly reflection thereof right on the water’s surface — a bulge of light upward. I had never seen such a thing.

… like saying “As above, so below. A true light is above you, John, and own below, you are catching it and will reflect it powerfully onto the oceans of humanity.” 🙂

My friend Klaus over in Germany goes every year with his wife to Berchtesgaden, to the Berghof, to muse and think of the Reich. He burst out to his spouse “Oh, I wish Hitler could come back!” Then the words burst out of her lips, shocking her herself,

“He IS back, and doing a lot, but not in Germany. He is over in America!” Klaus called me on Skype just to say that!


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Note on composing comments under my articles:
I am tired of editing mis-spelled words and uncapitalized names and proper nouns (the names of persons, cities, rivers and countries). I do know they no longer even teach cursive. The way people type today is literally how Deep South negroes and the mentally retarded spelled fifty years ago. 😉
Whites are a detail race, a race of careful craftsmen.
1. If you recommend a book, then send a link.
2. If in your mind you are „too busy“ to check your comment for flaws before hitting the „send“/“publish“ button, then please abstain. I cannot keep on editing your sloppy typing; I cannot approve comments that were dashed off by someone on a caffeine buzz who needed urgently to go wee-wee. 😉 That sloppiness and lack of diligence I see in so-called Millennials actually is a kind of subtle disrespect both for you yourself and for all my readers. Be Aryan: strong and conscientious!




  1. Hunde und Katzen spielten auch fuür die alten Āgypter eine wichtige Rolle.

    Sie galten als heilig, Wāchter des Totenreichs, usw.

    Der 68er Hippie Rainer Langhans:

    “Hitler war ein verhinderter Spiritueller.”

    Rainer Langhans hat uübrigens freiwillig bei der Bundeswehr gedient.


    Genau das. Politik schön und gut, aber wir brauchen eine Religion.

    Glaube kann Berge versetzen. Oder fanatischer kaāmpfen lassen.

    Der Erfinder des LSD, der schweizer Forscher Alber Hofmann, sprach auch immer von spirituellen Eregnissen.

    Ereignisse die wir als Kinder hatten und auch noch als Erwachsene.

    Als Erwachsene glauben wir nicht mehr daran.

    Hofmann nannte das die “Visionaāre Schau”.

    Das kann ein Blick auf eine Blume sein um die Schönheit der Schöpfung zu erfahren.

    Er meinte damals schon, dass “die Russen gewinnen werden” falls es einmal zu einem Konflikt mit den USA kommen werde.

    Die Russen sind spirituell und glauben an etwas Höheres, die Amis nur an den Dollar.

    Ernst Jünger war übrigens ein guter Freund von Albert Hofmann.

    Und niemals vergessen:

    “Never trust a jew” (Tesla)

  2. “Wir müssen die besseren Faschisten sein, denn der Faschist ist in meinen Augen jemand, der erstmal natürlich das Himmelreich auf Erden holen wollte, also der wirklich was Gutes wollte. Also unter dem Gesichtspunkt ist Hitler selbstverständlich für uns alle ein großer Lehrer, das wird keiner dann ablehnen können. Jetzt aber im speziellen Fall dieser Spiritualität würde ich sagen: Hitler ist ein verhinderter Spiritueller, und er hat das, was in die inneren Ebenen gehört, auf den äußeren Ebenen – “Ich beschloß, Politiker zu werden” – durchzusetzen versucht. Das ist meiner Ansicht nach der Hauptfehler, da müssen wir hinschauen, wir Deutschen im wesentlichen, damit wir das verstehen. Wenn wir ihn von vornherein verteufeln, werden wir ihm nicht gerecht.”

    Seitdem ist er….ein Nazi 😉

    • Danke.

      Naja, “verhindert” durch die Realitāt, dass das paulinische Christentum 1920 noch recht stark war! Das Oberziel war die Einigkeit aller Deutschen. So war ein Kampf mit der Religion des Paulus leider ausgeschlossen.

      Heute aber ist Vakuum, innere Leere und stille Verzweiflung….Selbstmordgedanken bei Millionen!

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