Who cares what the goyim think? French supreme constitutional court sentences nation to death, validating Macron’s GENOCIDAL mandatory Covid “passport”

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This is the bizarre, freemasonic symbol of this court, the Constitutional Council, the chimera of a woman and a lion. Why does France, a supposed democracy with 70% being Christian (Catholic), feature a pagan animal that only the 1% who are Freemasons can “appreciate”? 
The president (“Chief Justice”) of the Constitutional Council, Laurent Fabius, is an infamous, filthy-rich jew, a perpetual office-holder, a former prime minister (1984-86), and the author,  as a Socialist Party legislator, of a wicked 1990 Holocaust-denial law, the Fabius-Gayssot law.  (As Chief Justice of this high court, he replaced Jean-Louis Debré, another French jew.)

(The other thug who sponsored this law against Holocaust truth, Gayssot, was a legislator from literally the PCF, the French Communist Party.)

Btw, Fabius, as prime minister minister in 1985 (under the socialist president Francois Mitterand, as mentored by the French leftist jew Georges Dayan, and after consulting another jew, Claude (((Weisselberg))), the advisor to the French health minister)

caused the deaths by criminal negiglence of 4,000 Frenchmen. 

These were hemophiliacs. Fabius negligently imported blood — for blood transfusions to give to said white French hemophiliacs — from American BLACK JUNKIES. Those were selling their blood for money in rundown neighorhoods of Atlanta, Georgia.

“Events” magazine: “The Contaminated-Blood Affair — Who was responsible, guilty, innocent? The trial record” 

Despite warnings, Fabius let it happen.

These poor French people (not gay libertines or intravenous drug users!!!) died of AIDS from American negro junkies.


But unto the richest jews all is forgiven. When the AIDS-blood transfusion affair exploded in 1991, it led to a major trial — 4,000 dead is a lot, after all, even if they were mere goyim — but the High Court of Justice [sic] ruled him innocent of “involuntary homicide.”

His jewsmedia friends then said cheekily he was “responsible — but not guilty.

Heh-heh, the opposite of me 😉

Guilty but not responsible….

Yours truly in this life, denouncing the Holofraud before 30 other anti-jewish protesters at the opening ceremonies of the US National Holo Musem in Washington DC, built for $50 million. 


Fabius with the utterly failed jew president of France François Hollande (2012-17)- – the nose knows.

Guess what, monsieur et madame Martin? [“Martin,” like DuPont, is a very typical French name, like “Smith” in America or England]

Your jew masters do not believe in your sacrosanct “liberté.” With it you may only discuss sports, the weather, or their 100% controlled puppet political candidates.

Nor did the jews and Freemasons ever REALLY believe in liberté who ran the “French” Revolution of 1789-94. They were the first to spout slogans about the defense of “la Liberté”but instead they chopped 40,000 innocent peoples’ heads off in “the Terror” – AND ESTABLISHED A NEW ARISTOCRACY OVER FRANCE —  that of HIGH-FINANCE JEWS!

Queen Marie Antoinette on her way to be killed for opposing the jew-led, jew-financed mob


The hook-nosed mystery man “Stanislas Maillard” ran the mobs


French constitutional court backs Macron’s Covid pass
France’s top constitutional authority on Thursday approved a Covid pass that limits access to cafes, restaurants and inter-city trains and planes to people who have been vaccinated or tested negative for the virus.*** This means with the deadly mRNA vaccines from Pfizer or Moderna, or the Johnson & Johnson adenovirus vaxx,  but NOT the relatively harmless Chinese Sinovac vaccine or the Russian Sputnik V vaccine. 

The controversial pass, which will become ubiquitous from Monday, has sparked mass protests, with critics accusing President Emmanuel Macron of running a health “dictatorship”.But the Constitutional Court said the restrictions voted by parliament last month represented a “balanced trade-off” between public health concerns and personal freedom.The biggest change concerns restaurants which will now have to turn away patrons who fail to produce the health pass.Visitors to some shopping centres and department stores will also need the pass, as will visitors to hospitals or care homes and people seeking non-urgent medical care.

But the absence of a health pass must not be an obstacle to patients receiving treatment, the court ruled.

Health workers and others whose job requires them to be in contact with people at risk of Covid must now get vaccinated by law.

But the court rejected as “disproportionate” the government’s wish to force people with Covid infections into isolation for 10 days.

The court’s judges also struck down another provision included in the health law that would allow employers to dismiss people on fixed-term or temporary contracts if they don’t have a pass.

The court said this was unfair treatment as employees on open-ended contracts could not be sacked for the same reason.

Staff can, however, be suspended from work without pay if they lack a pass if the nature of their job demands it because, for instance, it brings them into contact with the public.

The health pass will come into force for young people between 12 and 17 only on September 30.

Protests against the health pass assembled around 200,000 people across France on Saturday, and organisers have called for more demonstrations this weekend.

According to a Montaigne opinion poll this week, 37 per cent of French people sympathise with the demonstrations and 48 per cent are against. [I am skeptical about both figures.]

Some 60 per cent approve mandatory vaccinations. [Really?]

More than 8,000 people are currently being treated for Covid in French hospitals, with nearly 1,400 in intensive care, the health authorities reported on Wednesday.

Just under 29,000 new cases were reported in the previous 24 hours.

Some 54 per cent of the French population are now fully vaccinated.



……Important addendum and comments

There is one more way to get this health passport: test positive for having ALREADY HAD Covid. THIS MAKES YOU IMMUNE.

If youngish and healthy, you will not die from getting it, just maybe, MAYBE feel “weird” for a few hours. It is basically a kind of flu.

So my advice might be either:

—  (disliked option) get the Johnson & Johnson vaccine

(It is one jab, not two, and I know a person — a righwing conservative, btw — who got the J&J vaxx, and he told me( when I questioned him very carefully) that it had had zero side-effects on him for three months now….)


— (preferred) try getting infected/sick (or not even that) by contacting someone with Covid….and thus you will test positive, giving you immunity and obviating the requirement for a Covid vaxx

The French presidential decree says (https://www.gouvernement.fr/info-coronavirus/pass-sanitaire):

(first in French, then English)

3. Le résultat d’un test RT-PCR ou antigénique positif attestant du rétablissement de la Covid-19, datant d’au moins 11 jours et de moins de 6 mois. Les tests positifs RT-PCR ou antigénique de plus de 11 jours et moins de 6 mois (pris en compte à date) permettent d’indiquer un risque limité de réinfection à la Covid-19.

3. The result of a positive RT-PCR or antigenic test attesting to the recovery from COVID-19, dating from at least 11 days prior, and withinless than 6 months. The positive RT-PCR or antigenic tests over 11 days and less than 6 months (taken into account the date) indicates a limited risk of reinfection from  COVID-19.

My further comment:

There is no time to wait. As far as I am concerned, ND a WN friend concurred yesterday with me on this, this is a jewish-chinese genocide plot against the White Race — and it must not stand. Keep watching this website. The jews sure do.

Especially important blogs




— 4 August 2021 500 Euros (same in US dollars) from L in Québec, Canada

— 28 July 2021  400 euros via PayPal from M in France

— 28 July 2021 $200 with letter from M in Texas

This Texan, who previously sent me a great holster,

…donated, as he had promised, two hundred dollars ($100 cash and $100 via USPS money order) — and he wrote me a beautiful letter.


— 25 July 2021 $500 in cash from S in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

— 22 July 2021 40 euros, photos and note from M in France


— 21 July 2021 30 euros via PayPal from M in France

— 20 July 2021 400 Euros via PP from C in Germany

— 16 July 2021 400 euros, photos and card from M in France


–15 July 2021 400 euros via Moneygram from C in Germany

–15 July 2021 $25 via Amazon gift card from S in unknown location

— 14 July 2021 $400 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

–13 July 2021 two superb historical books from J in New Mexico, Stalin’s War of Extermination by Joachim Hoffmann, and Chief Culprit, by the Soviet jew and military historian Suvorov, proving that Stalin was just about to massively surprise-attack Germany, in August 1941 (despite the Berlin-Moscow Non-Aggression Pact of 1939)  when Hitler Germany instead, with full justification, surprise-attacked HIM.

–13 July 2021 book from Stan Hess in Idaho Defensive Racism by the late WN lawyer Edgar Steele, who was later tragically framed for attempted murder on the word of honor of a convicted felon who had stolen thousands in silver coins FROM HIM!  Then the FBI created a deep-fake audio — using tech from the Media Lab at MIT — of Steele supposedly discussing ON THE PHONE having his own wife bumped off, which his wife Cindy  never believed for a second. Steele was then railroaded into prison, given “diesel-therapy” (moved around constantly from prison to prison (in a diesel-powered bus, hence “diesel therapy”) with his mail never forwarded, so he had almost no communications with his friends, supporters and family for months). He then died in prison due to the feds withholding his medications and probably despair as well. This book is superb. You can see from it why the jew-feds hated and feared him.

— 12 July 2021 100 dollars Australian [ = US$75], ltr, UFO/Annunaki info from J in Oz

— 10 July 2021 200 Euros from M in France

— 9 juillet 2021 50 Euros et cartes de S en Allemagne

–29 June 2021 200 euros and letter from M in France

— 29 June 2021 100 euros, silver bracelet for Margi, and a copy in Italian of the famous Serenity Prayer from E in Italy

The Serenity Prayer from Reinhold Niebuhr


— 28 June 2021 $23 in cash and ltr from W in Tennessee


— 25 June 2021 50 euros via PP from M in France

–24 June 2021 $190 in cash and ltr from N in Georgia


–21 June 2021 200 euros, photos from the Louvre Museum, and a kind note from M in France 


–18 June 2021 150 euros, photos of the Roman arena in ancient Paris, then called “Lutetia,” and card from M in France.

–17 June 2021 200 euros, photos and card from M in France. (Lower-right: I always carry a sandwich in case I get hungry …)

— 16 June 2021 100 Australian dollars ( = $60 US) from Australian comrade P

He ends his kind letter:


Please send John a donation — whatever you can spare.

John is doing wonderful work on the vaccine issue.

He is trying to save lives!


— 11 June 2021 $20 and note from T in New York State

— 8 June 2021 US$500 and kind note from C in North Carolina (Internet/phone cut-off notice on pink paper on the right)


— 8 June 2021 100 euros from M in France

— 4 June 2021 $300 via Amazon gift card from G in Cicero, Illinois

These Amazon gifts pay for vital things I need or that keep Margi healthy so I can do my mission without a beloved spouse who is sick and dying on me, draining me in every way.

Among them, this incredible $40 book Virus Mania:


— 4 June 2021 100 euros ( = same in dollars) and Versailles pictures from M in France

–29 May 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

–29 May 2021 $200 loan from P in Florida



— 28 May 2021 200 euros, photos and letters from the heroic M in France, who rightly quoted Mussolini to me: “If one cannot give his blood, at least one can give money.”

— 24 May 2021 150 euros from M in France



— 22 May 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

–May 16, 2021 $300 via Amazon gift card from G in Illinois

— 16 May 2021 $50 via PayPal from H in Denmark

Kronborg Castle, Helsingfors



.(Not the donor) This was Povl [ = Paul] Riis-Knudsen, a very, very brave Danish national socialist whom I met several times via Matt Koehl, the then leader of the NSWPP.

For generations jewry has owned or controlled the main newspapers in Scandinavia (as well as in Holland), successfully brainwashing Germany’s neighbors and blood kindred to hate themselves, their race, all their German cousins — and obviously Hitler and his national socialists.

Incredibly, Denmark let SEVEN THOUSAND little German children, evacuated from East Prussia in 1945 to escape the mass murderers of the Red Army, perish of hunger and a total lack of medical care in Danish barbed-wire death camps after the war. Inconceivable with such an otherwise highly civilized and decent nordic people!

Anyway, Povl was a true hero to stand up for NS in a country that the Jews had taught day and night to hate our sacred cause, the true cause of the Scandinavian peoples too who now are being overrun by Muslim savages!

A comrade urged me to not overglorify nordic genes. Believe me, I do not. To let little children perish over the course of months over a Holocaust that the Germans never committed — and over an occupation which was a military necessity but also extremely mild — was a staggering crime against humanity and little blond Germanic children by their fellow nordics.

If people say, well, the Jews brainwashed the Danes, well, from 1940-45, under German occupation, they had also gotten THE TRUTH! And they rejected it! This is truly a benighted planet…
— 15 May 2021 Five letters containing generous donations (100 euros x 4 plus 60 euros) arrive suddenly from M in France!

– May 14, 2021 check for $20 from M in Indiana (US)

— 11 May 2021 220 euros, letter, photos of the Paris Métro and of Freemantle in Australia

–28 April 2021 $25 Amazon gift card from T in Florida
— 26 April 2021 newest number of the Circle of Friends of Léon Degrelle from G in France

— 24 April 2021 $5 in cash plus letter about Covid and the Talmud from R in Florida

— 23 April 2021 100 euros, cars, meme on change, and Montmartre/Paris photos

— 23 April 2021 check for 50 dollars and ltr from K in California

— 13 April 2021 100 euros, Paris photos, meme and card from M in France

— 6 April 2021 $300 via Amazon gift card from G in Nevada

— 6 April 2021 100 Euros ( = 100 US dollars), photo of the Paris Metro and card asking about Jesus’ one act of violence, His expelling of money-changers from the Temple

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