Why despite everything I have endorsed Donald Trump for president — his war on Clinton-Bush; he is literally the reincarnation of the Jew-hating & Jew-murdered General George Patton; I WANT a horny president who is macho, loves women, sex, power, and victory

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…..Women supposedly landsliding for Hillary

A jew named Nate Silver has come up with these Electoral College maps, and the world media is picking up on it. This graphic of how the election would run if it was only women was taken from the leftist, judeo-German Der Spiegel, which is of course delighted: blue is Hillary and red is Trump.



And this is the Nate Silver map if only men could vote, as it was until 1920 (and until 1945 in France) — a landslide for Trump.  Killary wins onlx the most hyper-liberal states.



The very fact that Killary is getting massive support from women shows why the Founding Fathers did not allow women to vote — the emotionalism and lack of simple logic.

Hillary is by far the most anti-woman, anti-child, anti-family and anti-peace, pro-WAR candidate for president ever!

Even dummies who never go online and read the alternative media know this, that she has to be power-mad to have ever stayed with her serial adulterer “husband.”

What kind of role model for women is that — a woman who tolerates ANYTHING her husband does with other women so that, some day, she can become president?

And for those who do have a brain at all and do go online to alternative websites, they have learned that Hillary is a foul-mouthed, psychopathic BITCH to end all bitches!  A tyrant and thus a complete fool toward her own Secret Service agents! A psychopath who mistreated her Arkansas State police bodyguards!

And who was it that leaked the now infamous Pussygate audiofile?  Billy Bush, a member of the vengeful Bush family!

The Bushes and Clintons are literally partners in murder, rape and drugs. Not long ago, George W. Bush joked that he and Bill Clinton were so close, they were “brothers from a different mother”!


"We are brothers from a different mother" -- George W. Bush

See my blogs here from Robert Morrow on the Clintons:




…..and the Morrow blog on the Bush crime family, who in my open are closet Jews:

with then-Congressman Richard Nixon — look at the shnozz


with President Eisenhower — look at the tan




This is where Dubya got his hooked nose…


Dubya with wife Laura, daughters and grandkids — there is some non-WASP genetic element in there…..



Three pals: Bill Clinton, George HW Bush and George Wallace





…….Jews gloat that whites are going down for the count

It is sickening how Hitler’s Volksgemeinschaft is never mentioned, as if the problem of so-called “white trash” and working-class misery, despair, alcoholism, drugs, domestic violence and poverty were some kind of intractable dilemma, and as if no one had ever addressed and solved it.
Well, someone did and he did it through 1) a national socialist dictatorship, 2) preaching new values such as the folk community, 3) literally banning any acts of greed by employers and all abusive strikes by unions, using the “German Labor Front” which he created, and 4) driving out the jew parasites:
A woman just told me yesterday that my all-white county (Ontonagon County) had the highest suicide rate in the state of Michigan.
Well, gee, just maybe the government and courts allowing or promoting the closing of ALL OUR JOBS — our copper mines, 90% of the shipyard jobs, and the closing of the paper mills (often profitable), might have played some part in all that!
The Upper Peninsula of Michigan, basically an ocean of TREES, now imports paper from China, a land without trees, while 39 million acres of woods just stand around and shed leaves.
Half of it is national forests.
Look at the UP from a NASA satellite in space — the dark-green means solid trees, and yet Wall Street has closed all the paper mills! WE ARE IMPORTING PAPER FROM F—G CHINA!


There were plans for a wood-chip gasification plant that would have resulted in 1,400 trucks a day coming with dried wood chips, there to be made into gasoline, diesel and aviation fuel and creating thousands of jobs.
It is doable — and it is not being done.
What is being done is good young white men cannot get a job, they cannot afford a girlfriend, or a wife and kids, and they are blowing their brains out. They are drinking themselves to death. They are shooting up heroin and overdosing. They are committing crimes such as selling drugs and then going for years as white men into a negro-infested state prison to be raped there.
Or in their forties watching their brainless daughters get hooked on heroin and impregnated by their black dealer “boyfriend”
You wonder why I hate the Jews?
Judaea delenda est.
Adolf Hitler proved there is great nobility, energy, skill and pride — that is suppressed under the Jews — in the now despised white working class. “All work is ennobling” was the motto of national socialism!

There is no such thing as white trash, only media trash and politician trash!

“The NSDAP secures the folk community. Folk comrades, for advice and help contact the local office [of the party.]”

…..I endorse Trump and why

I have written hundreds of blogs featuring or mentioning Donald John Trump, mostly positive, at least on his significance for our race
I have also been extremely concerned about the negatives,such as his kids being married to Jews and his business being run by them., and now also this thing with “Pussygate.” 😉 .
Most of all I was concerned by his onetime friendship (of sorts), which lasted for 18 years, with convicted Jewish pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, and on top of that over a May 2016 lawsuit accusing Trump himself of rape at an Epstein mansion.
My concern is not just with the obvious wickedness of pedophilia but also my fear that Trump can thereby be controlled by blackmail, just as the Jews controlled Woodrow Wilson via his passionate letters as a married man to his mistress. (This is the real reason why the US entered WWI. Wilson, who was insanely narcissistic, actually believed that the deaths of 97,000 Americans were worth it so that he, in his opinion A Great Man, could stay in the White House.)
I have now concluded that Trump is not a pedophile or a friend of the jews, and the lawsuit is just a Clinton maneuver.
I see Trump is a true sleeper agent, merely pretending to be pals with the top jew plutocrats and an enthusiastic part of their whole jet-set, wild-party, jew-loving agenda.
I also believe that the pragmatic jews who support Trump do not want the white race to die out because it is the goose that lays the golden eggs for them and so they not want the white percentage to fall below 40%.
At 40% we cannot come to power and overthrow them, but in their view, we can still work hard and run the economy, science, and military — for their Jewish benefit.
America is the Jews’ ATM.

And they know the Chinese will never become their next puppet; the Chinese see right through jews like an x-ray, and they (and all East Asians) admire Adolf Hitler.

How can the Jews ever inflict a guilt trip on the Chinese for the Holocaust? 😉
Only whites fall for that, because we are a naturally gullible race, Christianity, the religion of the whites, is all about guilt, and it was, after all, OUR ancestors who (as the myth goes) “did not stop the rise of Hitler in time.” None of this applies to the Chinese.
Moving on, as someone who was abused himself, and by using my Marine and other interrogation training, I have looked deeply into Trump’s eyes, I have studied his fqace, eyes, voice and body language, and over and over, and I have also studied his kids as they spoke, especially in close-ups at the Republican National Convention. I just do not see anything evil or any signs of abuse in any of them.
Heck, even Hillary at the second debate praised Trump for his kids!
I have now concluded that he is, just as he seems, one of us, that is, a closet white nationalist and yes, an antisemite as well — yes, despite the jew-married kids and the key jew employees.


That is what a sleeper agent is, after all, someone who for decades acts like everyone else, pals around with the target, but is not their “pal” at all.


I now believe more than ever that Donald Trump literally is the reincarnation of General George Patton, a charismatic war hero with a pugnacious personality who became a fierce antisemite and admirer of the Germans, then was murdered.
Quotations from Patton that reveal his nature and political and ethnic views (https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/George_S._Patton):
General George S. Patton on Russia & Russians
  • “We promised the Europeans freedom. It would be worse than dishonorable not to see they have it. This might mean war with the Russians, but what of it? They have no Air Force anymore, their gasoline and ammunition supplies are low. I’ve seen their miserable supply trains; mostly wagons draw by beaten up old hoses or oxen. I’ll say this; the Third Army [which he commanded] alone, with very little help and with damned few casualties, could lick what is left of the Russians in six weeks.
  • You mark my words. Don’t ever forget them… Someday we will have to fight them and it will take six years and cost us six million lives.
West Point Cadet George Patton
Army four-star general




Patton in the June 1945 victory parade in Los Angeles; he loved the exhilation of victory
Trump at the Republican National Convention in 2016 in Cleveland
Patton’s 1918 poem

Through A Glass, Darkly (1918)

Through the travail of the ages,
Midst the pomp and toil of war,
Have I fought and strove and perished
Countless times upon this star.

So as through a glass, and darkly
The age long strife I see
Where I fought in many guises,
Many names, but always me.

So forever in the future,
Shall I battle as of yore,
Dying to be born a fighter,
But to die again, once more.

  • Through the travail of the ages,
    Midst the pomp and toil of war,
    Have I fought and strove and perished
    Countless times upon this star.

    In the form of many people
    In all panoplies of time
    Have I seen the luring vision
    Of the Victory Maid, sublime.

  • I have sinned and I have suffered,

    Played the hero and the knave;

    Fought for belly, shame, or country,

    And for each have found a grave.

    I cannot name my battles
    For the visions are not clear,
    Yet, I see the twisted faces
    And I feel the rending spear.

  • I have fought with gun and cutlass

    On the red and slippery deck

    With all Hell aflame within me

    And a rope around my neck.

  • So as through a glass, and darkly
    The age long strife I see
    Where I fought in many guises,
    Many names, but always me.

    And I see not in my blindness
    What the objects were I wrought,
    But as God rules o’er our bickerings
    It was through His will I fought.

    So forever in the future,
    Shall I battle as of yore,
    Dying to be born a fighter,
    But to die again, once more.

Tombstone of George Smith Patton, Sr. in Luxembourg, surrounded by his fallen men. Patton wrote: “It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.”

Patton at a June 10, 1945 victory parade in Los Angeles

June 9, 1945: Gen. George S. Patton Jr., tips his helmet to crowd during welcome home parade on Broadway in Los Angeles. This photo was published in the June 10, 1945 LA Times.






Patton came in fifth in the pentathlon in the 1912 Olympics, here fencing against France’s Jean de Mas Latrie




Eisenhower, Patton and Truman in Berlin in June 1945


Patton with Zhukov, the top commander of the Red Army. Patton was outraged by the Soviet rapes of German women. The interpreter just behind, and between, them looks like a Soviet Jew.



As a fmr interrogator in the Marines, I watch the man’s body language ” and he IS genuine. Oh, he will lie to the media (the enemy, which is okay) and not tell just anybody his secret thoughts.

He is pure German on his father’s side, Drumpf, his grandfather changed it to the vaguely anglo-sounding “Trump,” and his mother is from an island that is part of Scotland. This is one tough cookie.

I also know Jews very well. I attended private schools with them. I had Jewish “friends” and was over at their houses many times.


moses-brown-Middle-House-Entry-Circle- providence-ri
In fact, the truth is that I’ve been an active WN for 36 years, and a blogger for eight years.


My analysis is this:

the Jews love twofers, and so unless Odin, Thor, Zeus and Jesus all protect him, the Jews such as Satanyahu WILL:


one, kill Trump just as they killed Kennedy when they realized JFK was not their tool but instead both a hardcore closet antisemite and also ” very dangerous for them ” charismatic and wealthy, in other words, A PRESIDENT WHO DOES NOT NEED THEM:





His killer and successor, the half-Jew Lyndon Johnson



*** Listen to Jews sounding the alarm bells about Trump here:

Donald Trump’s speech to Republican Jews was filled with anti-Semitic stereotypes

Midday on Thursday, Donald Trump gave a speech to the Republican Jewish Coalition.
*** JdN

21:43 “THAT’S WHY YOU DON’T WANT TO GIVE ME MONEY, but that’s okay, you [Jews — he is speaking to the Republican Jewish Coalition ] want to control your own politicians.”


These are three real things that he said:
  • “Stupidly, you want to give money. ¦You’re not going to support me because I don’t want your money.”
  • “I’m a negotiator, like you folks.”
  • “Is there anyone in this room who doesn’t negotiate deals? Probably more than any room I’ve ever spoken.”

The nicest thing that you can say about these comments is that they play on ancient stereotypes of Jews as money-grubbing merchants. The meanest thing you can say is that they’re outright anti-Semitic. The crowd appeared to laugh it off, but observers watching the speech were struck. [….]

Most of all, I have been persuaded that the alternative, Hillary Rodham Clinton, would be the end of this Republic, the end of the First Amendment and free speech, and the end of the Second Amendment and the right to own guns.
And that means the end of everything.
I believe that Killary Klingon is literally an MK-ULTRA, a hardcore, militant lesbian, a demonic and a literally insane woman (just look at her exspressions, and the screech in her voice), and worst, a half-Jewess via her father Hugh Rodham, and that she especially HATES white males and is out to disarm and then physically destroy them.
Hugh Rodham sold textiles, very jewish, had very dark eyes and hair (for an “English-ancestry” person) and (Wiki) “Hugh Rodham died in Little Rock, Arkansas, on April 7, 1993, three weeks after suffering a stroke[9] and less than three months after Bill Clinton’s inauguration as U.S. president. Following a private memorial service in Little Rock [why off-limits to the media? Because IMO it was a Jewish service] attended by the Clintons, he was buried in the Washburn Street Cemetery, Scranton, Pennsylvania, in a private funeral [again, why so private??? Did he have the Zika virus or Ebola?] also attended by the Clinton family.[9]
Her brother, a lawyer and Democrat activist
A Lubavitch rabbi named Kalmanson
She is the madwoman who heads a horde of millions of would-be white-male killershillary-criminal-supporters-don-t-care
Anyone who reads the following blog will know that she is even worse than Lyndon Johnson or Dubya, and is the most loathsome major politician to ever be nominated for president:
I am also more convinced than ever that Trump can win this because he will get 75% of the white vote and a third of blacks and Hispanics, who like him and though they would not admit it, they intend to vote for him.
A trusted friend in the construction business was just on business in the Greater Los Angeles area and said many Mexican-Americans told him they are for Trump. (They don’t want the US to become a second Mexico!)
I also believe that 85% of the homosexuals, who are often very networked and powerful, will vote Trump to stop Islam and sharia law.
Finally, however, we must have our own white nationalist religion and change white people. Trump is no spiritual giant or religious leader, not even close ot a saint, sh has done many shady business deals, and that is the understatement of the year.
He will not restore our values and the white family, or EVER challenge the toxic Holocaust and race-mixing propaganda, and he will never directly challenge the Jews and their control of the media and economy.
That is MY mission and you can support that.
I held off starting this religion, Virtus, for reasons I cannot discuss at this time. I stayed low-profile for a reason from February to August.
But now I am ready to move ahead. And the truth is that Trump may be assassinated before the election or soon after his inauguration in order to put his VP, Mike Pence, into the Oval Office.
Pence is a truly evil, treacherous, icy, Born-Again Israel Firster, every word out of his mouth is phoney., and he opposes Trump on every single issue.
Trump better get rid of him before Pence gets rid of Trump.


WASHINGTON, DC - DECEMBER 02: U.S. Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) (L) and U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) answer reporters questions during a news conference at the U.S. Captiol December 2, 2010 in Washington, DC. Pence and DeMint introduced the Tax Relief Certainty Act, a bill that would permanently extend the Bush-era tax cuts to all Americans. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) *** Local Caption *** Mike Pence;Jim DeMint

(Did you know that Neil Bush — son of Reagan’s Vice President, George H.W. Bush, and Dubya’s brother, a man later heavily involved in 9/11 — was close friends with the brother, Scott Hinckley, of the almost-assassin of President Reagan on March 230., 1918, John Hinckley, and the two men, Neil Bush and Scott Hinckley, had dinner plans for that evening?)

A summary of the Bush-Hinkley connection was made generally available through the Associated Press, which published the following short note on March 31:

The family of the man charged with trying to assassinate President Reagan is acquainted with the family of Vice President George Bush and had made large contributions to his political campaign ¦.

Scott Hinckley, brother of John W. Hinckley Jr.m who allegedly shot at Reagan, was to have dined tonight in Denver at the home of Neil Bush, one of the Vice President’s sons ¦.

The Houston Post said it was unable to reach Scott Hinckley, vice president of his father’s Denver-based firm, Vanderbilt Energy Corp., for comment.

Neil Bush lives in Denver, where he works for Standard Oil Co. of Indiana. In 1978, Neil Bush served as campaign manager for his brother, George W. Bush, the Vice President’s eldest son, who made an unsuccessful bid for Congress. Neil lived in Lubbock, Texas, throughout much of 1978, where John Hinckley lived from 1974 through 1980.


I can say that Hinckley shows every sign of being an MK-ULTRA and even, at the ultimate level, a Manchurian Candidate.
I was IMO a onetime Manchurian Candidate myself. By running away at age ten, I ended by an act of willpower my participation in this horrific and evil program.
This is beyond MK-ULTRA, where one can remember the torture.
The Manchu4rian Candidate program under MK-ULTRA is ultra-torture.
It is extreme torture, it is sick, it is rape, especially anal and oral, and murder, fiendish murder.
It is forcing children to kill other children, and when they do this to save their own lives, they feel life-long, unconscious SHAME.
It is the most savage and mind-bending mistreatment imaginable. The effect is the child represses all memories of the horrors.
In this way, innocent children, often of the “elite,” are broken and programmed into mind-controlled slaves WHO DO NOT KNOW THEY HAVE BEEN PROGRAMMED.
I ran away at ten, and was it angelic protection or just the Jews’ fear that the child of a famous Rhode Island family could not be murdered conveniently like a kid from the wrong side of the tracks?
Kid from a humble family is abducted in “Mystic River,” the Clint Eastwood masterpiece about pedophiles. (The two fiends in the front seat had posed as cops.)
Gong back to Trump, the Jews know Trump is a sleeper agent, just as John Kennedy was.
But Hillary is THEIR agent.
AND for us, the white nationalists, she would be an instant nightmare.

Hillary will mean white nationalists are locked up and killed in death camps.

George Soros and Killary
Killary has also threatened China and Russia, ancient, HUGE, and fundamentally invincible nations that just want to be left alone with their own sphere of influence.
If she is president, you may see this over Washington DC and every other American city. Yes, she is that crazy.
The best thing for America and the white world is for Trump to get in, or get so close before Election Day (this November) that his murder will lead to an explosion by outraged whites.
And then the religion Virtus must be guiding their lives.
And their actions.
Killary Klingon would be the end of the white race.
As a former Manchurian Candidate myself, I can tell you she is one too (just as former Marines can tell other former jarheads, gays can detect other gays, Jews can sniff out other Jews, etc.)
There is a deep imprint on you, a grooved-in mindset, a way of behaving, acting and reacting, which is simply recognizable to another who has “been there and done that.”
The good thing about Killary is that she is SUCH damaged goods, from the torture. Her insanity is obvious to millions of Americans who fear, loathe and hate her. .
She makes their skin CRAWL. She is the Anti-Woman, the opposite of everything feminine, gracious, kind and good. .
She is, figuratively or maybe literally, an incarnate she-demon.

I really believe white men will start killing themselves after hearing President Hillary every night on tv:


…..Does Hillary have syphilis-induced tongue or even throat cancer?



Hillary’s tongue hole revealed during her nomination acceptance speech


1 Comment

  1. What do all those evil people really gain at their end?
    No good things awaiting them when their journey ends, and sometimes before that.

    Evil people must somehow be demented and crazy.

    Why indulge in gratuituous excesses of all bad kinds when there is (still) beauty, peace, and excellent, uplifting, things to do and to enjoy?

    Thus, they must also be somehow stupid despite of being often highly intelligent. The smell of craziness, again…

    Sometimes, we are tempted to think that some of them, somehow, aren´t entirely human, or that they are possessed by evil forces, when their evilness exceeds all bounds and measures, all limits, and can´t be rationally explained.

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