Why I love the UP

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Why I love the UP (Upper Peninsula of Michigan), Reason 101: large, nice, well-behaved, nordic Caucasian families (Here my state senator, Ed McBroom, a conservative Republican to whom I have donated and spoken — a farmer, an overtly religious man, with his kids, his wife, and his sister-in-law, a widow, and her kids). Ed is Scottish and Swedish.

It feels completely different in such a monoethnic, northern European environment like the UP. You can lower your guard, breathe easier, leave your car and house unlocked, and the cops and staties wave to you. (I see LE only about once every three weeks in this 99.9% European-American town.) At least 15 times local people have given me a lift home from the grocery store, walking through the snow with shopping bags. In the UP, you can live, not just exist! 🙂

Alex Kern, Mike Ervin and 28 others


Christine Mud Beautiful to see so many white children.


Tee Pee Same thing in rural Maine.99% white. I can talk about the big J’s in public and while it may shock some, especially the SJW types people respect that it’s your right. Never have to lock doors or house and everyone knows the Cops by name. Everyone waves to each other as you drive down the road. The worst crime in these parts is usually a DUI. Drugs have infested the area but the courts go easy on those not dealing because they can in hopes of rehabilitation since there is so little crime. Everyone pretty much knows everyone and they genuinely care about their neighbors. People take in old folks who might get evicted to keep them off the streets. People volunteer to help the less fortunate all of the time and a general state of happiness, even if poor is the norm and this is overwhelmingly due to the lack of diversity. It’s here in rural Maine where I have decided to live out the rest of my life even if it means I am poor because the alternative in any major city with diversity is sheer hell.


Alex Kern Thank God places like that still exist! Ave! ⚘


John Dough I really enjoy traveling the UP. It’s a beautiful area and very affordable


Ken Simpson I might have to look in to this. Affordable?


John Dough Ken Simpson Yes land and housing is very reasonable. However, jobs are few and far between. I think it would be a good place to start a Blood & Soil Back to the land neighborhood! Farmland is good quality and inexpensive to rent or buy. Downside is a short growing season and drainage on some of the land depending on soil type and location.


John De Nugent Aufdeutsch Ken Simpson I’m renting this furnished house for $350 a month 🙂


Snowleena Whitter That baby he’s holding is cute enough to be the new Gerber baby.


Ken Simpson So wish we had that in Georgia. I’m getting concerned here.


…..White safety zone — Upper Peninsula of Michigan

Yes, in this heavily Finnish-Swedish-German area, we do have people who look like this here, platinum-blond hair with blue eyes. As I was walking to the grocery store one sunny day, a little girl like this (actually, maybe four years old), who was playing with her friends and her Golden Retriever, just came over, stretched out her arms, and gave me a great big hug. 🙂




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…….Recent donations



–8 February 2020 $50 Australian from J in New South Wales

–8 February 2020 check $50 Australian from J in New South Wales

Digging out every day, and loving the exercise and fellowship with other white snow-warriors



–6 February 2020 $50 Amazon gift card from T in Utah

check for $88 from J in Cicero, Illinois

check for $25 from C in North Dakota

–31 January 2020

Book on the Dreyfus Affair from M in Florida

Amazon gift card for $25

–30 January 2020 20 euros, a one-ounce silver coin from Degussa, two letters and a book catalog from “Der Schelm” (German for “The Rascal” 😉 ) from S in Germany

–29 January 2020:

check for $10 from J in Maryland

check for $88 from J in Illinois

two books from R in Minnesota, the Bhagavad Gita with comments by Sri Aurobindo, and Living in a Mindful Universe by fmr Harvard Medical School professor and brain surgeon Eben Alexander, MD, who had a dramatic NDE which ended forever his atheism

200 euros in cash, two interesting books (speculating on Jesus as a part-Roman and as a married man), photos and a beautiful pendant from E in Italy


–27 January 2020 $125 via MoneyGram from R in Canada

–23 January 2020 $20 Australian in cash (wrapped de rigeur in aluminum foil) from “Oz” from repeat-donor J with a beautiful card, thinking of Margi 🙂

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