Why I no longer miss Trump — women convulsing after his Warp Speed vaccine; black female doctor invented it

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This lady, from what I can glean, is Shawn from Kentucky. She says she is a 25-year CNA (Certified Nurse’s Aide) and had no medical issues. Convulsions  started after three days with the Moderna vaccine by the jew Taks. This woman might be faking it but I doubt it. What would be her motive? She says on Facebook she has been viciously attacked for doing this video, and under her Twitter feed she is also mocked.

The healthy Gregory Michael MD (Mt. Sinai Medical Center, FL) was hospitalized 3 days after his Pfizer vaccine and eventually died in the hospital. And healthy 41-yr-old healthcare worker Sonia Acevedo (Portuguese Institute of Oncology) died 2 days after her Pfizer vax.

Numerous adverse reactions/‘health impact events’ are being reported on vaxxers.

Visit injuredbycovidvaccine.com for support. Get an Attorney ASAP. Praying for you!

Here is the black genius who invented it, Kissmekia Shanta Corbett, PhD, the National Institute of Health’s lead scientist for coronavirus vaccine research:


Cprbett has worked to rebuild trust with vaccine hesitant populations such as the Black community.[25][26] For example, she presented education about the COVID-19 vaccine development to Black Health Matters in October 2020.[27][28] Her race has been a focus of government outreach; after a study released by the NAACP and others revealed that only 14% of black Americans believe a COVID-19 vaccine will be safe, NIAID Director Fauci was explicit: “the first thing you might want to say to my African American brothers and sisters is that the vaccine that you’re going to be taking was developed by an African American woman.”[29]


LOL! No wonder they don’t want it! 😉

So Trump dumped hydroxychloroquine, which worked, and was safe and really cheap, for this negro’s harmful, expensive concoction. (Did this negress really invent it? If so, IF, then a jew came along and threw in sterilization chemicals, and bribed Kissmekia to keep her mouth shut about it).

It is time for a white nationalist who understands about both race and the jews to lead a WHITE NATION!

“Black Panther” – delusional black-pride film about a secret, African, high-tech nation “Wakanda” ignores meltdowns in Zimbabwe & South Africa


  1. In der Bundesrepublik Deutschland werden Alarmrufe einzelner – in der Regel fraktionsloser und demzufolge unabhängiger – Abgeordneter immer eindringlicher, wie hier von Herrn Dr. med. Fiechtner (er wurde mit fehlender rechter Hand geboren, Vater von 2 Söhnen, Facharzt für innere Medizin), der das Deutsche Volk zur Anwendung des Artikel 20 Grundgesetzes gemahnt. Er sagt auch, um was es sich bei der Impfung tatsächlich handelt: um Mord!

    Es ist eine Mordimpfung!


    Artikel 20 Grundgesetz

    (1) Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland ist ein demokratischer und sozialer Bundesstaat.

    (2) Alle Staatsgewalt geht vom Volke aus. Sie wird vom Volke in Wahlen und Abstimmungen und durch besondere Organe der Gesetzgebung, der vollziehenden Gewalt und der Rechtsprechung ausgeübt.

    (3) Die Gesetzgebung ist an die verfassungsmäßige Ordnung, die vollziehende Gewalt und die Rechtsprechung sind an Gesetz und Recht gebunden.

    (4) Gegen jeden, der es unternimmt, diese Ordnung zu beseitigen, haben alle Deutschen das Recht zum Widerstand, wenn andere Abhilfe nicht möglich ist.

  2. I would never use a negroid doctor. Not just because of their lower intelligence and dysfunctional behavior, but because of affirmative action. Chances are they got into medical school not on merit but because of their black hides. No thanks.

    • While taking pre-med courses at Georgetown, I happened to be walking to class next to a black coed. We got to talking and I said:

      “I hear that unless our grade-point average in the pre-med courses (chemistry, math, physics, calculus, and biology) is at least a B+, there is no chance of getting into medical school.”

      She replied, with a sheepish smile. “For a black female, it is C+.”

      At least she was honest. She seemed even a bit ashamed of what she was saying.

  3. Biden has pledged a $15 an hour minimum wage. Who could oppose this? Only the country club GOP. No minimum wage increase and a miniscule stimulus check.

    The chamber of commerce RINOs want to commit political suicide.

  4. Let the “surprise” with Trump sink in and beware don’t make the same mistake also with putin…seeing them as a kind of savior is an error.

    • What surprise? I have been criticizing him for Jared Kushner and Israelophilia for five years, his terrible appointments for four years, and his dropping hydroxychloroquine for months.

      Putin has a far, far better record.

      And now the Russian answer to Faceberg, VK, is again uncensored.

      And I have stated the fact that my life as a WN A-C-T-I-V-I-S-T stopped being one of endless FBI harassment, as it was under Obama, the day Trump took office, as per one of his first executive orders, which stated that Muslim fundamentalism, not white supremacy, was the main threat to America.

  5. Wie Herr Dr. Fiechtner obig konstatiert: Bei den vorgeblichen Impfungen handelt es sich um MORD!

    Erneut ist ein Todesopfer zu beklagen:

    Rentnerin stirbt eine Stunde nach Corona-Impfung!
    (Überschrift des Artikels)

    Weyhe, Niedersachsen.

    Die rüstige Rentnerin galt als allgemein fit. Sie hatte gerade erst die Corona-Schutzimpfungen erhalten, e i n e Stunde später war sie tot!

    Anwesende Ärzte und die zwei Helfer des Impfteams sowie eine herbeigerufene Notärztin versuchten noch die Frau wiederzubeleben – ohne Erfolg.


    Nähere Einzelheiten sind zu studieren unter:


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