Why Most People Will Never Be Successful; INSANE — Dutch girl legally euthanizes herself over being raped back when she was a kid

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Research shows that people lie, at least in some degree, in almost every conversation they have.

One study found that in a 10-minute conversation, over 60% of the people said at least 2-3 lies.

“People tell a considerable number of lies in everyday conversation. It was a very surprising result. We didn’t expect lying to be such a common part of daily life,” Dr. Feldman, the researcher, said.

Lying is easy.

We all lie to ourselves all the time.

We lie to others.

We do things we don’t really want to do.

It takes courage to be honest.

It takes radical honesty to become TRULY successful, where you feel amazing about yourself and about what you do.

Being honest may cost you some friends and money in the short run. But lying will cost you everything. Especially yourself.

And this is why most people will never truly be successful.

Check out more in this POWERFUL article I’ve written.

[Excellent article by Benjamin Hardy: https://benjaminhardy.wpengine.com/successful/]

Why Most People Will Never Be Successful

“Success” isn’t just having lots of money. Many people with lots of money have horribly unhappy and radically imbalanced lives.

Success is continuously improving who you are, how you live, how you serve, and how you relate.

So why won’t most people be successful?

Why don’t most people evolve?

The more evolved you become, the more focused you must be on those few things which matter most. Yet, as Jim Rohn has said, “A lot of people don’t do well simply because they major in minor things.”

To be successful, you can’t continue being with low-frequency people for long periods of time.

You can’t continue eating crappy food, regardless of your spouse’s or colleague’s food choices.

Your days must consistently be spent on high-quality activities.

The more successful you become — which is balancing the few essential things (spiritual, relational, financial, physical) in your life and removing everything else — the less you can justify low quality. As Greg McKeown has said, “You cannot overestimate the unimportance of practically everything.”

Before you evolve, you can reasonably spend time with just about anyone.

You can reasonably eat anything placed in front of you.

You can reasonably justify activities and behaviors that are, frankly, mediocre.

As your vision for yourself expands, you realize you have to make certain adjustments. You need to cut back on spending all of your money and time on crap and entertainment. You have to save more, and invest more in your education and your future.

The more successful you become, the less you can justify low quality. The more focused you must become. The more consistently your daily behaviors must be high quality — and increasingly higher quality.

This isn’t about perfection. It’s definitely not about being busy all the time. Actually, the balance of true success involves what Tim Ferriss calls “mini-retirements” or regular sabbaticals.

Yet, if your daily behaviors are consistently low quality, what do you expect your life’s output to be?

Your choices must become higher quality.

Your relationships must become higher quality.

Every area of your life affects every other area of your life. Hence the saying, How you do anything is how you do everything. This is very high-level thinking. It only makes sense for people who have removed everything from their lives they hate. To actually live this principle: your daily and normal life can only be filled with those things you highly value.

In the important book, POWER VS. FORCE, Dr. David Hawkins details what he calls, “The Map of Consciousness.”

This map provides an easy way to see where a person is in their own emotional and spiritual development.

The level of your emotional frequency provides a score, 20-1,000.

The lower-level emotional states, which are all negative and lead to bad outcomes, are below 200.

These includes:

Shame (20 points)
Guilt (30 points)
Apathy (50 points)
Grief (75 points)
Fear (100 points)
Desire (125 points)
Anger (150 points)
Pride (175 points)

Around 80% of the world live between fear and anger. That is where they are in their emotional development.

Because most people are operating in low-frequency emotional states, they aren’t happy.

They aren’t moving forward.

Their relationships aren’t evolving.

They are stagnating in most areas of their lives.

They aren’t making huge leaps in their spiritual, financial, and relational lives.

Most people are the byproduct of their social environment. They don’t want to rock the boat. They’d rather stay connected to what is familiar than embrace what they feel would be better.

It’s absolutely insane how limited people choose to be.

Even more, it’s insane how resistant people are to learning from their experience.

Dr. Hawkins and others have actually performed millions of tests using his map of consciousness and have found that, during the average lifespan, most people only go up 5 points during their lifetimes.

As Hawkins states in POWER VS. FORCE:

“The average advance in the level of consciousness throughout the global population is little more than five points during a lifetime. Apparently, from untold millions of individual experiences in one’s life, usually, only a few lessons are ever learned. The attainment of wisdom is slow and painful, and few are willing to relinquish familiar, even if inaccurate, views; resistance to change or growth is considerable. It would seem that most people are willing to die rather than alter those belief systems which confine them to lower levels of consciousness.”

Only when you reach the level of 200 (courage) does your life start to become more honest, truthful, and powerful.

Courage is the doorway.

The higher emotional stages, all of which attract success into your life, include the following:

Courage (200 points)
Trust (250 points)
Optimism (310 points)
Forgiveness (350 points)
Understanding (400 points)

From courage to forgiveness, you will have a happy, productive, and successful life. You’ll stop being absorbed in your past. Your relationships will be healthy and prosperous.

You’ll continually move forward in your life.

Finances will stop being a major problem. You’ll know how to develop skills, relationships, knowledge, and success.

Childhood traumas, bad environments, and misinformation about the world will stop limiting you.

You’ll let all of that go and embrace much higher pathways of life.

You’ll learn your lessons.

You’ll stop repeating stupid mistakes and stop clinging to addictions for years or decades.

At the level of understanding, peak performance becomes a way of life. You’re tapped into your higher levels of awareness and ability.

You stop over-thinking things and allow creative power to flow through you.

The highest stages of emotional development include:

Love (500 points)
Gratitude (510 points)
Joy (540 points)
Peace (600 points)
Enlightenment (700-1,000 points)

It’s important to note that, right now, you are at a level.

Everything in your inner and outer worlds reflects your current level of consciousness.

The food you eat.

The people you spend time with.

Your environment.

The types of entertainment you enjoy.

The types of thoughts you entertain.

What you focus on.

What you care about.

All of it.

You are at a level, and your life is the evidence.

The average person will only increase 5 points in their lifetime. The reason for this is because they aren’t learning from life.

How many times have you repeated the same mistake?

How many times have you said you’d stop that addiction?

How many years have you made the same income?

How often do you exercise courage?

How much gratitude to you truly embody and express?

Are you living in what Dan Sullivan calls the “gap” or the “gain”?

Do you feel deep and powerful love, not only for yourself but for those around you?

Do you actively seek to improve the lives of other people?

Are you caught in distraction or are you continually honing your priorities?

iesyou engage in low-level media?

Your input shapes your outlook.

If you let even small doses of low-frequency information into your life, what do you think that does to you?

You’ve got to make a choice.

You’ve got to look at the bigger picture.

Where are your choices leading you?

Do you resonate with the person you are?

Does your current behavior reflect your future goals?

Are you acting FROM your desired future, or from your familiar past?

Are your standards going up in all areas, or are they about the same?

When your days are filled with only those core essentials that mean the world to you — and you’re succeeding in those few areas — you absolutely will dominate in “all” areas of your life. Because the only things in your life are the things you highly value. Everything else has slowly been weeded-out. You are living intentionally and congruently. You have momentum and balance. You’re being who you truly want to be, every single day.

To actually do this not only takes time, but is extremely hard to live in practice.

Saying “No” to great but irrelevant opportunities is hard.

Giving up bad habits is hard.

Changing your belief system and expanding your vision takes courage. It’s so easy to revert back to small and mediocre thinking.

However, as you come closer to living on a daily basis with your values and ideals, amazing things start to happen. You’ll feel happier. You’ll be more present with those you love. You’ll spend your time better. You’ll pursue bigger dreams and ambitions. You’ll be more resilient during challenges. You’ll live at a higher frequency. And everything around you will reflect that.

But to repeat Jim Rohn, “A lot of people don’t do well simply because they major in minor things.” Said another way, most people are caught in the thick of thin things.

Hence, most people won’t be successful. Most people won’t evolve and progress.

But you will. You know it, and you can feel it. You’ve already begun. And every day, you’re taking one step closer.

Soon enough, you’ll fully commit to being who you know you can be. Once you pass that point of no return, nothing will stop you.



….a girl who did not learn this lesson

I went through what this girl did (see below) l but even much, much worse — the Manchurian Candidate program. That takes rape, torture and mind-bending HORROR scientifically to a whole new level. It is designed to create a mind-controlled puppet., which in my case FAILED and I ran away from home at ten.

But I had violent, horrible nightmares from it until I was 49 and finally got counseling. THEN I got more healing by reading the book Unshackled by Kathleen Sullivan.

THEN I read Eckhart Tolle and realized that I had to become the boss of my own mind, or the horrors would keep eating away at me like sulfuric acid. In the 1990s I briefly took propranolol, which surgeons also take to prevent their fingers from shaking as they perform delicate surgery.

In my case, it was for a constant trembling of my fingers from extreme trauma, totally repressed and thus eating away at me absolutely unchecked. I had briefly a girlfriend in beautiful Tyrol, Austria in the late 1990s, and she once asked me if I was a junkie because my hands were shaking!

I was outraged, insulted, and her question seemed callous the way she said it.

I quickly broke it off with her, over that and other reasons, but I did understand her concern.

What I learned was that once you 1) get ahold of your own mind and  2) see the oneness of everything, then any and all crap that was done to you decades ago can no longer affect you NOW.


This book in Finnish

So this Dutch girl taking her own life, below, was a total waste.

Why would you ever give your sadistic molesters the wicked satisfaction to know that, by molesting you, they succeeded in ruining your life forever? Molestation is about enjoying the sadism, and delighting in harm, not about sex!

As Mephisto, the Devil, says in the great German play Faust by Goethe:

Denn alles, was entsteht, // Ist wert, daß es zugrunde geht; // Drum besser wär’s, daß nichts entstünde. // So ist denn alles, was ihr Sünde, // Zerstörung, kurz, das Böse nennt, // Mein eigentliches Element.”

EN: For all that arises // is worth only perishing; // Thus it would be better if nothing were created. // And everything that you call sin, // destruction, in short, evil, // that is my native element.”



I remember very few things about the Manchurian program, such as my mother giving me a blue pill and the room began spinning, and seeing an older man wearing galoshes stomp baby birds into mush (a classic satanic technique to make little kids freak with fear).

Unshackled shows that the CIA subcontracts with Satanists (Luciferians) to mass-produce traumatized kids for further training by the CIA to be, as the next step, assassins or puppet politicians, military officers or police chiefs, media moguls, etc.

*** LOL, I put these links up and no one goes to them 🙂 They just want to read more negroes-committing-crimes stories. 😉



It is essential that the victims NOT know they are mind-controlled, or they would use their powerful positions to suddenly turn on their masters and wreak horrific vengeance on those who tortured and killed their fellow child victims.

And that is who I am, someone who intends go eye-for-an-eye, a tooth-for-a-tooth with the Jewry that gave us Sydney Weinberg and Henry Kissinger, master child torturers, baby rapers and child killers.

But I did have one other memory. Some guy was looking at me with a smirk as if to say:

“Kid, after THIS I know you will be totally f–ked up in the head for the rest of your lifes.”


Anyway, here is the sad story of this Dutch girl and her pointless and useless suicide which spiritual enlightenment and the POWER OF NOW would have avoided:


Dutch teenager who was raped as a child allowed to end her life

Yahoo News UK
Noa Pothoven, 17, ended her life on Sunday by euthanasia. Source: Noa Pothoven/ Facebook

A Dutch teenager who was raped as a child has been allowed to die following a years-long battle with depression and anorexia after she was raped as a young child.

Noa Pothoven, of Arnhem in the Netherlands, explained the choice to end her own life in a now-private Instagram post last week, saying the trauma she struggled to live with following a childhood rape had become insufferable.

She died in a hospital bed in her family home at the weekend.

“After years of fighting and battling, I am drained,” she wrote.

“I have quit eating and drinking for a while now, and after many discussions and evaluations, it was decided to let me go because my suffering is unbearable.”

The teen, who published an autobiography in 2018 called Winning or Learning detailing her struggles with PTSD, depression, anorexia and self-harm, also asked her followers to not try to talk her out of her decision, adding that it was “final” and “not impulsive”.

“Love is letting go, in this case,” she ended her post.

Noa’s sister, Isa Pothoven, took to Instagram following the teen’s assisted suicide on Sunday to share a moving tribute, remembering her loved one as a “sweet, beautiful and caring person.”

“Sleep well sweetheart, we will miss you,” she wrote in a now-deleted post.

“Close your eyes and think of the beautiful place where you will go. We will have to let you go.”

According to local reports, Pothoven began to starve herself earlier this month and a decision was made by her parents and doctors not to force feed her at her request.

According to Gelderland, a local news outlet in Holland, Pothoven approached a euthanasia clinic in Levenseind without her parents’ knowledge last year. She was told she could not go through with the procedure.

She also sought electroshock therapy, which was refused.

Dutch law allows euthanasia as long as it is performed in accordance with the stringent terms of the controversial “Termination of Life on Request and Assisted Suicide (Review Procedures) Act,” which became law in 2002.

She insisted her decision, years after being raped as a child, was not impulsive. Source: MIND

Children as young as 12 can seek euthanasia in the Netherlands, although patients younger than 16 years old need parental consent to do so.

In 2017, the country saw a reported 6,585 deaths by legal euthanasia.



……Spirituality is not fluff

It means you do not kill yourself.

And then you learn to accept that everyone will be your friend or your teacher.

Suffering, and seeing others scream, suffer and die, forced me to get ahold of my own mind, or I would have ended up like this girl.

In my recent video conversation with Brian Ruhe and Pete Papaherakles, I go (at the beginning of this wide-ranging program) into the MK-ULTRA and Manchurian programs. Believe me, I know how wicked the Jews are, and their vile goy minions as well, and more than any other person alive.

And this has allowed me to reach a far higher understanding of the nature of pure evil.


Thanks go out again to all who financially support my work. 🙂 I suffered these things so maybe you won’t have to.

Just keep your support coming.


…..Recent donations

–20 dollars Australian from J in New South Wales, “Down Under” and a nice note for Margi, fighting her cancer bravely and maybe winning now, and thanking you very much!

I am holding here a stick of silver birch, which produces a growth called “chaga” that fights cancer and by which many Russians and Finns swear.

We took a friend’s Scotty along Lake Superior yesterday


–6 June 2019 (in honor of D-Day 😉 ) check from J in Nevada

–3 June 2019 PayPal from R in France

–3 June 2019 cash from T in Texas

–2 June 2019 PayPal from T in Texas

–3o  May 2019 check from G. in Cicero, Illinois

–26 May 2019 $110 from D in Australia via PayPal to mhuffstickler@outlook.com

–23  May 2019 check from G. in Cicero, Illinois

–16 May 2019 50 euros in cash from A in Germany

containing this note: “With best wishes for Margi’s further recover and all good things, and also thanks to you for your grand work for truth and justice. A”

–15 May 2019 PayPal for $88 to mhuffstickler@outlook.com from M in Florida

–14 May 2019 check from G in Nevada

–10 May 2019 check from TBR magazine



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