Why, on the deepest level, was there such love and reverence for Elizabeth II?

WATER MARK REMOVED BY DM ** THE SUN WORLD EXCUSIVE 18th July 2015** THE Queen and Queen Mum raise a Nazi salute in an astonishing home movie shot at Balmoral and seen today for the first time. The film shows the then Princess Elizabeth, just seven, larking about in 1933. Also in frame Princess Margaret and Prince Edward (later Edward VIII)
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In 1933, Princess Elizabeth sieg-heils at the urging of her antisemitic, handsome, blond uncle, Edward, Duke of York and Prince of Wales, who was a huge and early admirer of Adolf Hitler.

There are several reason why even Americans revere the Queen of England, Elizabeth II, who died today after a seemingly exemplary 70-year reign.

1) Many earthlings are young souls, which means they are on their first human-level incarnation, and as such they are used to obeying, conforming and being in a herd under an alpha animal. They want to follow.

2) The Ancient Aliens theory is basically true, and it also causes our reverence for what is called “nobility” (such as my family).

In part, this means that much higher humans than earthlings occasionally come here, humans from far more advanced planets, and rule over us. Their wisdom, courage, skills and abilities were (and are) far above those of the average terran.

Apollo, a nordic alien, pursues Daphne, a nordic goddess, who had the technology to shape-shift into a tree to hinder his desire to mate with her. The Greco-Roman gods had to continuously eat something called “ambrosia” (a word meaning, in Ancient Greek, “deathlessness”) and also drink something called “nectar” to stay immortal, i.e., not die, and repair even very serious wounds. The Norse gods, similarly, had to keep eating “the apples of Idun” to stay immortal. They were not gods, of course, but human aliens with technology 300 years ahead of ours. And, sadly, some misused this power for rape and other abuses.

The Indo-European word “dyaus” meant “a god,” and is cognate with our word “day.” It means “the beaming, shining ones.” If they landed at night, the whole area was lit up like the day.




Many earthlings today are reincarnated people from those ancient-alien times who accepted that some humans really were far, FAR above themselves.

3) Happiness, especially in a time of chaos, is this: finding a brilliant, capable and loving ruler, and serving hm with fanatical loyalty.

But this feeling of willing submission is also true of infants toward loving parents.

Happiness for a baby is having your big, strong daddy with his deep voice and chunky, hairy arms hold you tight, and seeing your beaming mother, with her high, gentle voice, offer you her soft and really miraculous breast in order to feed you from her own body.

Those who bow to a king or queen are, unconsciously, reliving a dream of being happy children, who feel secure and joyful in the knowledge that the ruler is a heroic man, of noble blood and ancient family genes, one who will govern you successfully, and ensure that the beautiful traditions of the nation will forever be upheld.

Hunger, fear and despair end; the folk unites as brothers, as sisters, as a vast  and loving family, under a serene, strong, fatherlike leader for whom the duty to his people is a sacred commitment.

And then the jew learns to fear us again. From the 2009 film “A Serious Man” — the jews know they are SIMPLY scamming scum, and not brilliant at all, just united against us.



While some are literally visitors from other planets, others, to be more effective, become starseeds. Their goal is not quick and ephemeral successes, but teaching the earthlings to HELP THEMSELVES. So they do not come as “gods,” or perform magic tricks for gawkers. No,  instead they deliberately reincarnate as earthlings themselves, pretending to be only their fellow humans, men and women such as the Buddha, Jesus, Saint Louis, Joan of Arc, Queen Isabella of Spain (who expelled the jews and muslims and discovered America for the white race), Leonardo da Vinci,  Edward de Vere (“‘Shakespeare”), the 18th Earl of Oxford,….


….Johann Wolfgang Goethe, and Adolf Hitler.

But they feel every second how much they miss the sanity, the beauty, and the perfect order of their wonderful home planet.

They feel pity for the earthlings as they endure eternal chaos, gruesome disease and death, and one heart-rending, pointless war and shameless political betrayal after another. What is life for earthlings? “One damn thing after another.” 😉


Do starseeds usually succeed? Usually only with a few. This time must be different.

Earthlings are either young souls, fresh from the animal stage, OR, to be brutal, schizophrenics who lie habitually to themselves, about themselves, to others and about others, men and women who have no control over their own minds, and hate and deny any reality they do not like.  Earth is, as C.S. Lewis wrote, for this reason a widely shunned planet, the bad part of town of this galaxy.

And the earthlings will suffer until they are good and tired of suffering, and of ALLOWING it without action.

As Dr. Faust realizes in the great play by Goethe, it is not “in the beginning was the word” (how jewy) but “in the beginning was the deed.”

Don’t just talk and don’t just hope. 

Do something, or find the man who IS doing something and support him to the hilt!

It doesn’t have to be this way; we can live in freedom, joy and dignity.



….God judges if we are liars

“This above all: to thine own self be true
And it must follow, as the night the day
Thou canst not then be false to any man

— Edward de Vere, in his play “Hamlet”

In other words: never lie to yourself! Face the truth and confront the reality!

National Socialism is the will to be truthful. — Adolf Hitler

A comrade is trying to help me in a slightly risky way. It did not work the last time, but maybe this time. 🙂

I responded:


You are wonderful!

As for the last attempt to help…Edgar Cayce said God knows that we earthlings simply lack the vast knowledge that would be required to always make perfect decisions.

Cayce was the great American seer who, in reverie, said so much about Atlantis (and about jews and blacks, all now suppressed, or Wikipedia dismissed it as “a reflection of the attitudes of his generation”).

Strange satellite images on the Atlantic Ocean floor:

A few years ago they told us this was just a computer glitch….and all UFOs were just swamp gas or weather balloons.

GREAT video by Robert Sepehr on Atlantis, about whom many races and cultures around the world have ancient stories:

But back to those plans that go wrong:

God, knowing we humans cannot know or control all the factors, judges us on what is really in our heart, and how serious our effort was. He knows how much we tried, a lot or a little, and knows if it was slapdash and half-hearted, going through the motions, or done with every attention to detail that was humanly possible.

Something can happen on the other side of the world that can interfere with a excellent, well-planned undertaking, and it was not your fault if things go awry.

For example, the very pro-German, pro-Hitler King of England, Edward VIII, fell madly in love with an American divorcée, and of course she was also a commoner, this Wallis Simpson, and so he had to abdicate the British throne. In fact, as Margi tells me, Wallis, a married women who loved her husband, never loved Edward, but then he threatened suicide unless she succumbed.

The egoic mind!


Were there really no beautiful, nice, single female aristocrats in all of the United Kingdom who might leap at the chance to marry a king?

What a Saxon, Norman, and truly germanic specimen Edward was. He ruled only one year, in 1936. The king (or queen) is literally the commander of British armed forces, not just a figurehead. The uniform is real; the monarch is a military official. ALL Aryan aristocracy goes back to the courageous and cunning winners of brutal wars. As Thomas Paine wrote, “Who were the Normans? William and his captains!” 

Prince Harry remarked on this real monarchical power once (pre-mulatress, when he was still sane), and was serving in the British Army 2005-15, including in Iraq and in Afghanistan. “I never forgot as an officer that my grandmother was also my supreme commander.”)


“….Edward shared a widely held racial prejudice against foreigners and many of the Empire’s subjects, believing that whites were inherently superior.[38] In 1920, on his visit to Australia, he wrote of Indigenous Australians: “they are the most revolting form of living creatures I’ve ever seen!! They are the lowest known form of human beings & are the nearest thing to monkeys.”[39]

Edward’s maternal grandfather was the Austrian count, Franz von Hohenstein, Duke of Teck.

And, of course Queen Victoria, his great-grandmother, was of German blood from the House of Hanover, and her beloved husband, Prince Albert, was directly from Germany.

Edward in 1920, then Prince of Wales (heir to the throne); he had attended Oxford and served as a Royal Navy midshipman on a battleship 

File source: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Prince_Edward_(1920_portrait).jpg

As King Edward VIII, he opened Parliament in November 1936


Edward VIII, then already abdicated, at the Berghof in 1937, and thereafter called “the Duke of Windsor.” He was so pro-Hitler and pro-German that Churchill banished him to the Bahamas as the governor there. Fiercley anti-communist and impressed by the new Germany, he also loathed the bolshevik jews for murdering his godfather, Tsar Nicholas II. The couple was unwelcome in England, with the jews and their Holofraud myth now absolutely ascendant, and spent the rest of their lives after 1945 in France.

1933: the then Duke of York, germanophile and future king sieg-heils

** THE SUN WORLD EXCUSIVE 18th July 2015**
THE Queen and Queen Mum raise a Nazi salute in an astonishing home movie shot at Balmoral and seen today for the first time.
The film shows the then Princess Elizabeth, just seven, larking about in 1933.
** THE SUN WORLD EXCUSIVE 18th July 2015**
THE Queen and Queen Mum raise a Nazi salute in an astonishing home movie shot at Balmoral and seen today for the first time.
The film shows the then Princess Elizabeth, just seven, larking about in 1933.
Also in frame Princess Margaret and Prince Edward (later Edward VIII)

THE Queen and Queen Mum raise a Nazi salute in an astonishing home movie shot at Balmoral and seen today for the first time.
The film shows the then Princess Elizabeth, just seven, larking about in 1933.
Also in frame Princess Margaret and Prince Edward (later Edward VIII)

Princess Elizabeth as a little girl

1938: The Duke raises his wife’s arm in a sieg heil as they visit Fascist Italy,  which also used the “Roman salute.”


Btw, another reason the jews hated and feared Kennedy, son of an open and very wealthy antisemite, Joseph Kennedy, Senior, was that JFK refused to shun their unforgiven enemies:

with the Duke and Duchess of Windsor

JFK with “Nazi rocket scientist” Wernher von Braun — Eisenhower had shunned WvB personally, and hired him only with the greatest reluctance after American-built rockets had repeatedly exploded on the launch-pad. My English grandfather met WvB and audited NASA at its then headquarters in Huntsville, Alabama.

JFK with antisemite, germanophile and WWII isolationist Colonel Charles Lindbergh, Jr and his wife, who also had children after WWII by several German women:

Then he was replaced by his German-hating brother, George IV, the father of the current Queen.

In a recent movie, Churchill bows to and gets along famously with George IV in hating Germany. (An Australian jew plays the king.)

This was a completely unpredictable turn of events, and thwarted the huge project which I outlined in both “Mein Kampf” (1924-25) and in “The Second Book” (1928) of a firm Anglo-German military alliance to defend both our realms against simultaneously the crypto-communist Jewmerica and the openly communist Soviet Jewnion.

Yes, one American woman destroyed with a kiss a historic shift in geopolitics.

I could have been destroyed myself by one. My SS bodyguards got a stern message after this incident. This could have been a perfect assassination ploy.

An outstanding nationalist and Bulgarian general who was very-pro-NS was shot dead by a woman, a jewess.

In the horrifying book Unshackled, Sullivan details how the jews use seemingly harmless women like herself to get close to men targeted for death and kill them. Bodyguards instinctively drop their guard, a fatal mistake.

The entire book, with my comments as a fellow MK-ULTRA, is found here. I checked out a good fifty detailed claims about actual people and places and verified every one:

MK-ULTRA and “Unshackled — A Survivor’s Story of Mind Control” by Kathleen Sullivan


If you only read and believed what is in here, you would fight the jews day and night.

Sullivan says she worked as a secretary for this muscular guy in the center, a Barry Gilway, at Maryland Casualty Insurance company. Well, four years ago, this company was quite real, and so was Gilway. Then she would get assignments to go kill people, often in Latin America, by poison, guns, knives or neck-snapping.

I am not sure of the recent Frazzledrip story — Hillary supposedly cutting a girl’s face off, who then begs her to kill her — but in this book, Unshackled, Sullivan tells about being forced to slit her own baby’s throat (either that, or they would do it, but only after torturing it as she was made to watch).

Sullivan learned how to walk right up to a man and snap his neck silently, then keep on walking very calmly.

Neither beautiful nor ugly, she was perfect because she attracted no attention. Her cover, she claims, was clerical work in an insurance agency, Maryland Casualty.

I consider it highly likely that the very anti-Obama Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court Antonin Scalia was murdered by a call girl who was a trained killer.

Anyway, a royal infatuation with an American woman induced  a historic shift in geopolitics. Britannia today would otherwise still rule the waves, Germany the land, the Soviet regime would have been smashed, and communism would never have spread to China, North Korea, North Vietnam, Cuba — and to American campuses, to BLM and Antifa, and to the chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, a hard-core marxist youth leader in East Germany.

Three decades earlier: German Chancellor Angela Merkel (then Kasner) 1972 at a training camp for East German civil defense

Look at those eyes. That is a bolshevik.

Yet she is portrayed as a saint like Mother Teresa!

We Germans actually offered that German troops embark on British warships and sail off anywhere in the world to defend our common Aryan interests as brothers.

Today, the British Empire would be intact and glorious, and humane like the Reich toward the workers.

And the beautiful old cities of Germany would be unbombed and undestroyed.

Two great brother peoples ….. a realistic and sensible vision ruined by this good king’s impractical infatuation, by his egoic mind.

If he had had control over his own mind, King Edward could have married a beautiful English aristocrat instead, a pro-fascist germanophile like Diana, later Lady Mosley!

The still single Unity Mitford, her sister, left, with Diana, now Lady Mosley, in Nuremberg with SS officers. Unity tried to commit suicide when Britain declared war on Germany, and was a vegetable for the rest of her life.

Now you can see that the egoic mind is our real enemy. The jew just used our own egoic mind. We should be immune to everything these two-legged turds throw at us, and laugh at such creatures before putting them in irons.


Yeah, so toxic.



One SS man who was clear-minded destroyed 77 bolshevik tanks rather than chase a married woman and lose a vast white empire:


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Note on composing comments under my articles:
I am tired of editing mis-spelled words and uncapitalized names and proper nouns (the names of persons, cities, rivers and countries). I do know they no longer even teach cursive. The way people type today is literally how Deep South negroes and the mentally retarded spelled fifty years ago. 😉
Whites are a detail race, a race of careful craftsmen.
1. If you recommend a book, then send a link.
2. If in your mind you are „too busy“ to check your comment for flaws before hitting the „send“/“publish“ button, then please abstain. I cannot keep on editing your sloppy typing; I cannot approve comments that were dashed off by someone on a caffeine buzz who needed urgently to go wee-wee. 😉 That sloppiness and lack of diligence I see in so-called Millennials actually is a kind of subtle disrespect both for you yourself and for all my readers. Be Aryan: strong and conscientious!




      • I would agree. Clark cannot merely assert the thing was cooked up by Genoud.

        And I can testify that the content matches Hitler’s actual views as reported by many other people who heard him in conversation from 1919-45.

        Furthermore, Veronica Clark (not her real name, which is Polish) is, yes, a “mudshark” who, yes, sleeps with blacks, and I know this from a very reputable WN activist in Southern California who knows her well.

        Plus she cranked out several ridiculous books claiming that because the Waffen-SS recruited people of different races, among them a few Africans, that Adolf Hitler did not believe in racial differences and was an anti-racist.

        You might read this:

        Veronica Clark
        From Metapedia
        Jump to: navigation, search
        Weronika Kuzniar (also known as Veronica K. Clark) is a revisionist. Revisionist writings include articles at the major revisionist organisation the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust, several books, and various stated websites, several now apparently defunct.

        Some of her (alleged) activities, background, and views have been controversial and criticized also by other revisionists, such as regarding claimed racial aspects of National Socialist Germany and regarding alleged trolling, although even some of her critics have stated that she has publicized “some valid information”. See the “External links” section.

        External links
        Codoh: Veronica Clark
        Demystifying Popular Nazi Conspiracies
        The Heretics’ Hour: “Anti-Racist Hitler” and Other Nonsense About “Nazis”
        Veronica Clark Says Europeans Need to Mass Convert to Islam

  1. When I’m in conversation with people and they complain about the state of the country . I like saying to them “Come back Adolph all is forgiven” most people give me a stare then agree to certain aspects of mein Kampf. I’ve never come across a screamer yet . I wonder how the world would look today if the Germans won WW2?

    • @Carl Mason – we would have Tesla/Schauberger free energy, antigravity and teleportation technology and a Germanic Asguardian world of unity.

    • As JdN stated, the Queen and all the Royals today are paid up frauds. The Queen said nothing when Britain’s sovereignty was given away to the EU, yet we invaded Iraq to restore their sovereignty. Prince Charles insisted in fitting muslim prayer rooms and muslim toilets for Muslim paying tourists in Royal Castles and Palace’s, while his son was killing Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq.
      Prince Charles coronation speech, he promised to defend the faith. This only applied to Christianity.
      Now he Defends all faiths , even those that want jihad against the indigenous British people . The Muslims hate us and want Britain as a caliphate.
      The Blacks want the upper hand , and cry raceism if they cant get their African way.
      The gimmegrants want the white indigenous British people gone from this land. King Charles supports the gimmegrants as he’s a wokey treacherous knob.I wonder what info they have on King Charlie boy to get him to shit on his own people and culture?
      It’s sad to see so many sheeple weeping of over the Royals , when the Royals don’t give a toss about the indigenous people .
      Why put gimmegrants over your own kind?
      There will be anti white apartheid in Europe soon.
      Are we going to apologise for being white? Yes you reading this .

  2. When the Queen took the reigns in 1952 the country was only 1% or 2 % colored and now look at it. She did a lousy job for the people of the UK and a swell job for the Jews and their agenda.

    • Actually no, not any longer.

      It is all so unverifiable. It might be legit, or an op. mixing truth and lies. I took down my article endorsing her.

      Having said thst, she was fiercely anti-vaxx and anti-NWO.

  3. The German knacker Angela Merkel is jewish. Her real name is Dorethea Kastner. On you tube is footage of her adressing the kineset in Hebrew. That explains why she willingly flooded Germany with Muslims . That explains why she did nothing when German women are gang raped by blacks / Muslims at Christmas markets and events.A lot of Iraqis who invaded Germany as rapeugees and gimmegrants ,had benefits lavished upon them. They cried ” princess Merkel has saved us” a lot of these muslim rapeugees dissappeared from Germany. They were traced back to what ever wog hole they came from , with tales of ” we had to work” “it’s too cold” or “our flat wasn’t good enough”. Deliberate ethnic cleaning by elite jews . I wonder if the Germans know this?

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