Why some jews are incredibly ugly; there WAS a truly evil Adolph; Margi interviews Hervé Ryssen

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The dreadful jew Adolphe Crémieux of France. Inbreeding makes many jews staggeringly ugly, and the ultimate horror in inbreeding is incest — jew fathers impregnating their own daughters, and jewish mothers getting pregnant by their SONS!


….Spiritual reading for July 18

This is a great moment to turn a corner. All that has been offered to you in the last two weeks has been
in preparation for this opportunity. There is an opening for you to turn your back on old ways of
being that you have been trying to shake, working to disengage from for years.

This is not by any means the only chance you have, but it is a valuable one. We urge you to use it if you
can. It is as if the door is open and in this moment you may stop knocking, may stop waiting, may stop
preparing yourself for the time when you must act.

That moment is here now, and you are ready to act if you will.

What should you do? Obviously, that depends entirely on the specifics of your own journey. You will
know if you give some time to the question. And we hope you will. We should note that the direction
today supports clearing and letting go, rather than the acquisition of new attributes. Today is a day to bid farewell to some of the balls and chains that you have been courageously dragging behind you for so long.

So you can see that it could be a day of realizing great and unexpected freedoms. It could be a day of joyous out-flying from the cages you have allowed to remain around your souls. It could be a day of radically shifting perspective as you drop something or things that have contained and defined you for as long as you can recall.

The experience of change may be immediate if you do realize your intent to let go of some aspect of
yourself that you no longer need. Or it may be more subtle, taking days or even, in some cases weeks, to
make itself manifest. In point of fact, you needn’t concern yourself with the outward signs, but rather
content yourself with doing the inner work.

Do your letting go today, and the results will follow.

How to do it? Each of you has practices that have proved helpful and feel comfortable. It doesn’t matter
the means. What does matter is that you are very clear on what it is that you have had enough of, what in
yourself wearies you to the point of tears, what you feel you can no longer carry forward, no matter what.

Once you know deeply and truly what that is, the letting-go will unfold on its own. Your job is to find that
which imprisons you now, that which perhaps strengthened and emboldened you in the past but which
has come to sap your energies or keep you small.

That which you are maybe most frustrated by and yet fear to live without. You find that, dear ones, and today it will be lifted without any further struggle.

Blessings of all sorts we shower on you. We love you and we are honored to watch you evolve, to watch
your great courage and spirit and heart.



……Ballad of an Ungrateful Immigrant, by a teenage Jew

(from an anarchist website in New Zealand)

There is so much one could say about this poem ” the hate of whites, ingratitude, self-centeredness, vulgarity. Care to add any more? ” JdN

by Nausea Nissenbaum

So ¦ what’re you getting for your birthday?
He laughs at the joke I don’t get
‘Cuz yesterday in economics class
He learned just what percent of Jewish girls
Want nose jobs for their sweet sixteens.

And every time I walk past
These boys yell out, ˜Hey, Moses!’
Like it’s the worst insult they could dream up.
And I wonder how do they know?
When my eyes are blue like theirs
And my hair is light like theirs
And my skin my skin is whiter than theirs
That pale Polish complexion so unsuited to this ozone-free climate.

But something gives me away
‘Cuz my nose is all wrong
And my lips —  they are fish lips — that same boy tells me.

So I wear a silver star around my neck
Like a big **** you to their wholesome Anglo paradise
And every time a teacher stops me to talk about uniform regulations
I talk back.
I talk about pogroms,
I talk about Jews taking communion and spitting it right back out,
I talk about Jews burnt at the stake, and
Jews burnt in ovens.
And after all that do you really think a detention’s gonna scare me?

And when I talk, they listen.
They listen, and they shut up, and they back off
Like the intensity in my eyes and the quivering in my voice
Is a knife that might start slashing
At their Anglo-Celtic-Saxon white-white-white reality.

In social studies we learn about the Holocaust..
My grandma’s existence on display for these
Wide-eyed blond teenagers
Who stare and whisper as I bite my lip to dam the tears.

Tears which burst out later, in drama,
When Wayne Lancaster tells the class how Hitler is his idol
And the AP apologises to me after my mum complains ‘cuz
Wayne’s entitled to his opinion.
But he needs to understand, you can’t
say things like that in front of Jewish people.

Of course, most people are nicer
They tell me all about their grand-dads who fought in World War Two
Like they were fighting for my freedom and I should be grateful
except that my grand-dad also fought in World War Two
And when it ended he had no home to go back to.

So all I can say is, **** you, New Zealand
Yeah, I’ll take your passport
I’ll take your dole payments.

But your smug gentile pity
Your churches on every corner
And your Christmas lights in every park
That you can shove up your tukhas. [arse]


And these are the people controlling our media.

…..The “good” Adolf?

I was reading Roger Gougenot des Mousseaux’s brilliant The Jews of France,  and he kept denouncing some villain named   “Adolphe Crémieux”. Hunh? Creamy Adolf?  Who dat?

This was a supposedly highly esteemed “civil liberties” Jew,  born as Isaac Moses, but he gave himself a nice, “creamier”-sounding name, “Crémieux,” which is pronounced “Krame-YOO” with the “oo” as in, uh, the word “crook.

He ran the “Universal Israelite Alliance,” the French ADL, and he sure was instrumental in getting “liberty” for a band of 16 Jews in Syria.

This diabolical thug orchestrated a successful campaign to free them after they were caught ritually murdering a French Roman Catholic priest, Father Thomas, who gullibly had become a FRIEND and even doctor for the local Jews in Damascus, Syria.. that is,  until they grabbed him and slit his throat to take his blood to dry and bake it into their Passover matzoh bread!
Yes, some  jews did get their “liberté” back thanks to this Adolphe, Adolphe Crémieux.

Unlike this one, who locked them all up.

But after all, the persecuted sons of Israel had only ritually murdered an esteemed, beloved Christian priest, and a French citizen, then dumped his dismembered corpse in the Damascus drinking-water system. And then, when his faithful servant Ibrahim came looking for him,  they did the same to him — murdered him, then drained out all his blood, and dismembering the body — but Ibrahim’s remains went into the sewage system.


Ibrahim and Father Thomas — to be honest, a hopeless Christian “libtard” who took Jesus seriously about “love thy enemy” and went way out of his way to help the Jews 

This all happened in 1840 Damascus. Arrested, they all got off scot-free, thanks to Crémieux and the huge bribes to the Turkish sultan which he arranged.

Jews have not only ritually murdered and drained the blood of thousands of helpless Christian children, sometimes crucifying them, and circumcising the boys while crucifying them, but occasionally they have done this to adults as well.

In Jewish (and all other) satanic or “black” magic, blood containing pain is considered as a very effective source of rejuvenation and energy. This is because torture of the victim causes the stress and fight-or-flight hormone “cortisol” to be secreted. Consuming this blood of ravaged Christians is the secret of the incredible longevity of wealthy Jews such as Henry Kissinger (now 94) and his boss, the late David Rockefeller (who died this year at 102).

I know all this to be a secret Jewish practice from my own personal experience.

Kissinger, left, and my father, right. The little blond girl whom he is photographing died of a heroin overdose at 36. Her father, Providence mayor Vincent Cianci, who did five years in federal prison for extortion, and who was a very close friend of my father, is in the middle.



And now you now about this esteemed Adolphe Crémieux.

His attide was like that of Saint Harvey Weinstein, the shiksa actress molester, who said Jews must be more like the mafia, and also support muslims against the whites.



…..Wikipedia on Crémieux

Adolphe Crémieux

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Adolphe Crémieux

Minister of Justice
In office
1870 “1871
In office
February 1848  “ June 1848
Personal details
Born Isaac Moà¯se
30 April 1796
Nà®mesFrench First Republic
Died 10 February 1880 (aged 83)
ParisFrench Third Republic
Resting place Montparnasse CemeteryParis
Profession Lawyer, statesman

Adolphe Crémieux (French: [adÉ”lf kʁemjà¸]; 30 April 1796  “ 10 February 1880) was a French-Jewish lawyer and statesman and staunch defender of the human rights of the Jews of France.[1]


He was born in Nà®mes to a wealthy Jewish family, from the papal enclave of Carpentras, which had migrated to Nà®mes. He married a member of the Silny family in 1824. He and his wife are credited with raising their grand-daughter, author and activist Louise Cruppi.

Political career[edit]

After the revolution of 1830 he came to Paris, formed connections with numerous political personages, even with King Louis Philippe, and became a brilliant defender of Liberal ideas in the law courts and in the press. Examples include his Éloge funèbre of the bishop Grégoire (1830), his Mémoire for the political rehabilitation of Marshal Ney (1833), and his plea for the accused of April 1835. Elected deputy in 1842, he was one of the leaders in the campaign against the Guizot ministry, and his eloquence contributed greatly to the success of his party.

From 1834 until his death, Crémieux served as vice-president of the “Consistoire Central des Israélites de France” (Central Consistory of the Jews of France), the administrative agency for all French Jews. On 24 February 1848 he was chosen by the Republicans as a member of the provisional government, and as minister of justice he secured the decrees abolishing the death penalty for political offenses, and making the office of judge immovable. That same year he was instrumental in declaring an end to slavery in all French Colonies, for which some have called him the French Abraham Lincoln. When the conflict between the Republicans and Socialists broke out, he resigned office but continued to sit in the constituent assembly. At first he supported Louis Napoleon, but when he discovered the prince’s imperial ambitions he broke with him.

Arrested and imprisoned on 2 December 1851, he remained in private life until November 1869, when he was elected as a Republican deputy for Paris. On 4 September 1870 he was again chosen as a member of the government of national defense, and resumed his position in the ministry of justice. He then formed part of the Delegation of Tours, but took no part in the completion of the organization of defense. He resigned with his colleagues on 14 February 1871. Eight months later he was elected deputy, then life senator in 1875.

Crémieux did much to better the condition of the Jews. In 1827, he advocated the repeal of the More judaico, legislation stigmatizing the Jews left over from pre-revolutionary France.[2] He founded the Alliance Israelite Universelle in Paris in 1860, becoming its president four years later. In 1866 Crémieux traveled to Saint Petersburg to successfully defend Jews of Saratov who had been accused in a case of blood libel.[2]

Crémieux published a Recueil of his political cases (1869), and the Actes de la délégation de Tours et de Bordeaux (2 vols, 1871).

Crémieux decree[edit]

JdN: If there is  one give-away that the person is a Jew, it is that arrogant look. The second is the extreme ugliness that comes from being born of incest — from the horrible fact that Jews, as is incredibly common, reproduce with their very own children: fathers with their own daughters, and mothers with their own sons. See Ryssen on incest, below.

Adolphe Crémieux portrayed by Jean-Jules-Antoine Lecomte du Nouà¿ (1878) Musée d’Art et d’Histoire du Judaà¯sme

While in the government of the national defence, he secured full citizenship for the Jews in French-ruled Algeria, through the Crémieux Decree (décret no 136 du 24 octobre 1870). The decree allowed for native Jews to become French citizens while MuslimArabs and Berbers were excluded and remained under the second-class ˜indigenous’ status outlined in the Code de l’Indigénat. This set the scene for deteriorating relations between the Muslim and Jewish communities, and proved fateful in the Algerian War of Independence, after which the vast majority of Algerian Jews emigrated to France.


Initiated freemason in 1818, at “Bienfait Anonyme” Grand Orient de France lodge in Nà®mes, he joined “Aide-toi , le Ciel taidera” lodge in Paris during 1830.[3] In 1866 he joined Suprême Conseil de France and became 33rd degree and Great Commander in 1868. During his masonic career, he encouraged republicans and monarchists to work together.[4][5][6][7]


Crémieux died in Paris in 1880 and was buried at Montparnasse cemetery.


A street is named after him in Jerusalem’s German Colony neighborhood,[1] as well as in central Tel Aviv and the French Carmel district in Haifa.

He is the subject of two lithographs by Honoré Daumier, both poking fun at his ugliness. The first was in 1848 in the “Representatives Represented” series, with caption “Great lover of change, nothing would be missing from his happiness if one day he changed his face!” The other was a year later, captioned, “Mr. Crémieux looking for an apartment: If I rent this lodging, I would like the landlord to take down this dreadful portrait… oh! but, Good God, it’s a mirror!…”


  1. Jump up to:a b http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1220526714430&pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull/Cremieux[permanent dead link] Street: Champion of French Jewry
  2. Jump up to:a b Encyclopedia JudaicaCremieux, Isaac Adolphe
  3. Jump up^ Dictionnaire universel de la Franc-maonnerie (Jode, Cara and Cara, Larousse ed., 2011)
  4. Jump up^ Dictionnaire de la Franc-maonnerie (Daniel Ligou, Presse universitaire de France ed., 2006)
  5. Jump up^ Histoire de la franc-maonnerie en France – Page 297(Achille Ricker Nouvelles éditions latines – 1978)
  6. Jump up^ La franc-maonnerie – Page 33 (Jean Massicot – Denoà«l ed. – 2010)
  7. Jump up^ Adolphe Crémieux: homme d’Etat franais, Juif et franc-maon : le combat pour la République (Georges Renauld, Detrad ed., 2002)

…..Hervé Ryssen of Paris explains that Judaism is not a faith, but the geopolitical project of a literally hysterical, highly incestuous cult promoting a Jewish master race

Hervé Ryssen, born in 1967, is a French writer and activist who specializes in Judaism as a geopolitical project, and graduated from the famous Sorbonne in Paris. He was fired for his views as a high school history teacher and became a militant with the Front National and then other groups. In 2003, he threw a pie in the face of a famous Catholic priest who, on television, had condoned illegal immigrants occupying his cathedral. He has been constantly fined and given prison sentences for denouncing Judaism, and especially the practice of incest in Jewish families, which he says makes Jews suffer from both inbreeding and hysteria. He is known for his definition of Judaism as a political project of world domination over a planet of uniform slaves. His website: https://herveryssen.wordpress.com/


Interview by Margaret Huffstickler in Paris for The Barnes Review magazine, September-October 2016





TBR: Hello, Hervè Ryssen. Between 2005 and 2010, you published five major books on Judaism. We are in the age of the Internet, videos and blogs, but you persist in writing books. Why? Do young people in France still even read? 😉

HR: From 2005 to 2010, I actually published six, yes, six major books on Judaism (http://www.amazon.fr/s/ref%3Dnb_sb_noss_1?__mk_fr_FR=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Herv%C3%A9+Ryssen), which are the fruit of my research on the subject.

It was in 2004 that I began systematically, voluminously, and daily to read Jewish authors, to devour books written by Jewish intellectuals, philosophers, sociologists, novelists, historians, etc.

I realized that their thinking was extraordinarily uniform. Whether they were religious Jews or atheists, liberals, socialists or communists, Zionists [committed to Israel] or “fully integrated” [supposedly committed to their host country] I found in every epoch, and regardless of their legal nationality or language of origin, the same ideas, the same paradoxes, and the same messianic expectations.


As as I advanced in my reading, I sorted into chapters everything appertaining to the same Jewish subjects. After completing the first book back in September 2005, I found that I still had many more things to say, and so I continued to document my findings in new books. . . until I realized now that I have completely covered the subject of Judaism.

All my books are very well-documented and factually unassailable. Moreover, none have triggered prosecution [Ed: unlike his interviews] and in order to avoid this, I had to do exhaustive research and follow strict procedures.

In France, for many decades, the only available “judeo-skeptic” books were old compilations of quotes from the 1930s, and these never clearly understood or explained the global political project of Judaism or the pathological nature of this sect.

So to go beyond mere quotes, I had to do a great deal of work, analyzing Jewish texts and also bringing the progress of the Jewish project up to our times.



Here it is, between two covers for the very first time—a comprehensive look at the Jewish mafia from the earliest times until today.

Meticulously detailed and documented largely from Jewish sources, this book is a fearless examination of organized Jewish criminality in all parts of the world, with an astonishing catalog of serious crimes.

[Margi and I have written or translated 62 articles for TBR.]

See also:


Jews have been expelled from every country they have ever lived in, at all periods of history, even when they were not massacred. They have been booted out by the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Greeks, Romans, Christians and Muslims; always and everywhere. Every time, the principal reason invoked was usury, that is, lending at abusive interest rates, ruining peasants and tradesmen while disproportionately enriching the Jewish communities in all the cities. The receiving of stolen goods is another accusation frequently mentioned in the texts, as well as their manifest hatred of the Church and the goyim in general. All over Europe, they engaged in smuggling, debasing the coinage, washing ducats in acid, using yellow arsenic to give brass the color of gold, all in order to swindle and deceive the Christians in a thousand ways.

Very little has changed in this regard, except that these swindles have acquired a scope unprecedented in history since the turn of the 20th century. In Israel’s Billions: Jewish Swindlers and International Financiers, author Hervé Ryssen details just how Jewish bankers, businessmen and powerbrokers are stealing the wealth of the people of the world. Included are chapters on the biggest financial rip-offs in history, the VAT frauds, the CO2 swindle, advertising and insert frauds, fake bank transfers, the Talmud, pyramid rackets, Bernie Madoff’s flimflams, insider trading swindles, today’s super-predators, the Cosmopolitan Project—and even more.

All together, this book comprises the most complete and precise source for exactly how the Jewish community—from its earliest incarnations—has worked to fleece the goyim amongst whom they dwell. Softcover, 279 pages, #833



I believe the message has been received, because I estimate that at least 15,000 people have read at least one of my books. And I also know that reading just one of these books tends to make the reader into a fanatic!

That’s not so bad for just a few years’ time. I am thinking of Freud, who had sold only 700 copies of his first book after ten years.

TBR: For decades, writers and activists have indulged in “anti-Zionist” talk and agreed on the hatred of Jews toward gentiles. But you think the Jews have not only negative attitudes and feelings, such as resentment, toward gentiles, but also a kind of concrete, geopolitical plan.

What exactly is their plan?

HR:To understand and explain Judaism, one must always begin with the idea that Jews are obsessed with a vision of a kind of “peace” on earth (“shalom“) as depicted by their prophets.

This is because they are convinced that only when peace reigns over all mankind, only then will their messiah finally come, and he will establish the new kingdom of David, which will mean their absolute domination of the planet earth.

In order to achieve this peace which they envisage, they feel they must remove all possible sources of conflict, that is to say, they must eradicate all the differences between people, because differences for them cause conflict.

French public-school sex-ed textbook: “Where do babies come from?

The Jewish theorists who gave birth to communism wanted to abolish social classes, but not just that.

They sought to also liquidate all the different religions, all national borders and even all separate nations.

So the current globalism means we must do away with separate races, hybridize humanity and create a one-world government. And feminism, which is also Jewish in essence, intends to abolish all differences between the sexes.

We see that all this massive trend springs from one single project,

the “pacification” of humanity by making everyone exactly the same.

And every committed Jew works daily to carry out this project.


When there is nothing left on earth but individuals without any roots, sans racial identity or pride, deprived of any religion, and existing only to be  consumers, the Jews — who, however, will have kept their own traditions and identity — will be recognized by all as “God’s Chosen People.”

You see, Judaism is, first and foremost, a political project of world unification under the rule of the Jews.

It is also, as we have seen, a sophisticated, worldwide war machine, deployed against the rest of humanity so it obeys.

Translation of a Ryssen graphic: How does one recognize a Jew? By what he says, how he writes, and what he does. The Jew wants a world without borders, and a global government. You have to start with that.

It is very rare, I have found, that committed Jewish intellectuals ever clearly express their true goal and idea, but it forms the background of their every thought.

But nowadays, with the power the Jews have acquired in recent decades, some feel bolder and more arrogant, and sometimes they let their goal slip out unintentionally, especially in certain novels, non-fiction books and articles which however are put out only by small Jewish publishers and are intended only for an audience within the Jewish community.


In these works that we gentiles are not supposed to read we find the most extraordinary pearls.

One that we discovered in the April 2003 issue of Israel Magazine is too beautiful not to be mentioned. This is a monthly magazine in color, sold in French kiosks. Dr. Yitzhak Attia, the “director of French-language seminars at the International School for Holocaust Studies of Yad Vashem” in Tel Aviv, usedvery explicit language here, writing with a clarity unusual among Jewish intellectuals:

“Even though our reason shouts out with all its might the absurdity of this confrontation between a small people as insignificant as the people of Israel and the rest of humanity, as absurd, as incoherent, as monstrous as it may seem,

we are engaged in close combat between Israel and the Nations, and it can only be genocidal and total,

because it is a question of our respective identities.

You have read that right: Attia of Yad Vashem writes that between the Jewish people and the rest of humanity, the battle can only be “genocidal and total.”

The Jews, therefore, inevitably trigger hatred against them, and it is as old as Judaism itself.

TBR: What do you think are the main characteristics of the Jewish mind ?

HR:If one adopts the perspective of the Jewish public, we note first that the history of Judaism is depicted as a succession of tragedies. From the Exodus out of Egypt all the way to Auschwitz, passing through the destruction of the Temple and the ravages of the Cossacks, the Jews present themseves as an eternally persecuted, unjustly persecuted community.

Now, if you look closely, dissecting their texts, I can assure you that there is also great pride taken in belonging to the “Chosen People” and no less contempt for the traditional cultures of the goyim.

Major French-Jewish writers such as Bernard-Henri Lévy, Emmanuel Levinas and Alain Minc have declared their distaste for our indigenous, deeply-rooted cultures.

This is associated with a deep desire for “revenge” (an ever-present Jewish theme) and an absolute faith in the final Hebrew victory over mankind.

This ferocious state of mind is however usually embedded in egalitarian phrases advocating “tolerance,” “human rights” and “universal brotherhood.” At other times, their goals of domination and revengeare expressed much more frankly.

TBR: Your second book is entitled “Psychoanalysis of Judaism”. Could you tell us the connection between the Jews and “psychoanalysis”?

HR: After writing Espérances planétariennes, [The Planetary Hope] I recognized, without being able to explain it, what seemed to me to be an “abnormality.”

 I noted especially how Jewish intellectuals are in breathtaking denial about their coreligionists’ roles in the Bolshevik regime.

The truth, as Solzhenitsyn revealed, is that many Jewish theorists, civil servants and torturers played an absolutely overwhelming role in this tragedy that remains, with thirty million dead, the most terrible crime in the history of mankind.

Stalin (probably not jewish but Georgian, and thus related genetically to the Jews), Kalinin (married to a Jewess), Voroshilov, Kaganovitch (Jew) at the 16th Conference of the CPSU in1930. You can see many other jewish faces among the delegates, such as the two men at the bottom, left and right, and possibly even the one in the center.


And yet almost all Jewish intellectuals still refuse to shoulder their responsibilities and do their mea culpa. Their impossible contortions to prove otherwise are a dazzling example of “chutzpah.”

One observes constantly their efforts to deny the obvious, to reverse roles, and finally to place all blame on others. One thinks, for example, of the role of the influential Jews surrounding George W. Bush in advocating the invasion of Iraq in 2003, or the key role of Jews in the African slave trade.

And what about the “Russian mafia” we hear of constantly, of which nothing but the name is Russian?

While systematically obscuring these sensitive issues, the media exaggerates disproportionately any incident of anti-Semitism, causing at regular intervals “an uproar in the [Jewish] community.” There is indeed, in this community, an emotional fragility, a need to dramatize, that sometimes takes the form of outright paranoia. Beside that, there is also a great nervousness whenever “the community” is criticized. Medical diagnosis emphasizes this “great intolerance of frustration.”

The fact is that the Jewish soul is pathological.

A number of Jewish intellectuals (such as Philip Roth, among others, with his Portnoy’s Complaint), have confided in us their anxieties. They talk about the “mystery” of Judaism without understanding the nature of the evil that underlies it.

Judaism is for average Jews themselves an “enigma” that they fail to solve. Bernard-Henri Lévy (photo) says it is “one of the deepest mysteries facing contemporary consciousness.”


I must say their situation is unique in all humanity. The truth is that after 3,000 years they still sometimes feel very alone in this world.

Put yourself in their place: for centuries, they were expelled from almost all the countries where they settled, and nevertheless they will not budge on this belief that they are the “Chosen People” of God and to have received from Him a “mission” to transform this earth.

Elie Wiesel has repeatedly referred to the”dramatic solitude of this people with a universal vocation.”

 TBR: What is your own take on this “mystery of Judaism”? And above all: what is its relationship with Freud and psychoanalysis ?

HR: Freud had already thought about the Jewish enigma in his time, in studying his own personal and family case history, but he then projected his discoveries about the Jews onto the “universal” plane, beyond the Jews onto humanity as a whole.

“Projection,” it must be said, is indeed a Freudian concept, as well as typically Jewish. We have already seen this tendency to systematically reverse roles and invert situations.

This also explains why Jewish intellectuals, in their entirety, accuse anti-Semites of being “mentally ill.”

Note what Abraham Foxman, the president of the Anti-Defamation League in the U.S. [1987 to 2015], said about Mel Gibson, director of The Passion of the Christ, who had made remarks considered “anti-Semitic” under the influence of alcohol before apologizing abjectly to the Jewish community under the influence of who knows what pressures.



“Treating his alcoholism is a good thing,” Foxman said in substance, “but he also needs to treat his anti-Semitism.”

You understand. Antisemitism, to them, is a “disease.” Jewish comments along these lines are legion. And we can understand, reading them, why opponents of the Judeo-bolsheviks were locked up in mental asylums in the USSR and other Stalinist countries.

So Freud was projecting his own Jewish pathology onto the universal level, where it did not belong.


As for pathology, it is not for nothing that he began his career working on the phenomenon of hysteria.

In this condition, countless symptoms are found that mimic perfectly those I can detect in the behavior and discourse of these cosmopolitan intellectuals.

The similarities are truly amazing: depression, introspection, anxiety, paranoia, constant state of vigilant arousal, selective amnesia, confabulation, sensitivity to the opinions of others, egocentrism, tendency to self-dramatize, the narcissistic inability to observe others, intolerance to frustration, megalomaniacal delusions, etc.

Every trait of hysteria is found in these committed Jewish writers, just as hysteria is described by Freud himself.

Ryssen in the Swiss Alps

ryssen-swiss-alpsBack when I wrote Espérances planétariennes I first noticed, without being able initially to understand why, that the horrific issue of incest — [Jewish] parents having sex with their own children ” returned hauntingly and mysteriously in the writings of some Jewish intellectuals, such as Jacques Attali, Isaac Bashevis Singer [a Nobel laureate], Stéphane Zagdanski. . . as if they had something to hide, some tribal secret.

I continued my research on this subject, and what I discovered is very enlightening, because incest is extremely traumatizing — and incest triggers hysteria.

I think I am the only writer to bring up this huge issue of the Jews and the widespread practice of incest.

Ryssen on the cover of the major illustrated magazine, Paris Match, as a Yellow Vest in an article entitled “From anger to confrontation”

TBR: You do realize that your work may be highly offensive to members of the Jewish community?

HR: Well, Jewish intellectuals have never been shy about offending others, and writing their “psychoanalyses of the anti-Semites” that call their opponents “paranoid,” “pathological” and “crazy,” with opinions that are “repulsive.”

This propensity to insult anelie-wiesel-1993-us-holocaust-museum-dedicationd slander others is one of the traits of the cosmopolitan intellectual.

Here, for instance, is what Elie Wiesel said on TV about Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: “The religious leader of Iran is crazy, I mean pathologically ill; he is mad with hatred.” ( May 6, 2006).

To this he added, with impeccable logic: “His bomb does not threaten Israel, but the entire world.”

Now there is some projection for you! Yes, you understood it right — all those who oppose the plans of Jewry are “crazy,” and Iran threatens the world, not Israel, so we have a duty to fight their enemies.

So should we now go to war in Syria or Iran?

My point is not to insult the Jews. I just think that the accusation of “the perfidy of the Jews,” as it was denounced by the Church and all major Western thinkers throughout the ages, does not come close to describing the real bedrock of the Jewish personality.

And although no statistics are available, I can tell you that my research suggests there is a very high rate of suicide in this community, and it seems the Jews need to exorcise their “dybbuk,” their demon, as they say!

TBR: How can one resolve the dispute between the Jews and the rest of humanity?

HR: We must once again repeat:

Judaism is first and foremost not a religious faith but a political project of world unification.

Its plan is to eradicate all the differences between individuals and peoples in order to achieve an absolute and definitive peace, because this “peace” will be conducive to the advent of their Messiah.

One must crush and grind down into one single powder all the nations, races, religions, and civilizations of the earth, raze everything that is different or unique to the ground, and leave behind only a human putty which can then be coagulated into a vast planetary workforce for them. Everyone must be exactly the same, except for the Jews.

Thus, the essence of Judaism is drastic — to destroy everything that is not Jewish.

They are indeed “enemies of humanity,” just as they were regarded even back in the days of the ancient Greek and Roman thinkers.

Now, if you do ever find that rare Jew who defends the white race, who supports ethnically homogeneous and independent nations, and advocates the patriarchal family, etc., it means only that he is no longer a committed Jew, that he has left his Judaism behind, or that he lives in its margins.

I have written about that phenomenon too in my books, the Jews who reject Judaism.

This is why great thinkers throughout history have warned men against, in Latin, the detestanda secta, “the sect one must detest.” Under these conditions, combating Jewish nihilism is the duty of every human being, for we can be well assured that they will not halt their activities on their own.

They are like infernal machines that will stop only when it is smashed!

When faced with the project of the total Jewish destruction of all cultures and nations, it is perfectly legitimate in turn to contemplate in turn the annihilation of Judaism, at least in its spirit, in order to save and liberate mankind.

This goal however is probably not very “Christian.”

The Church, indeed, has always protected the Jews as the “witness people” of the victory of Christianity, a people who must be preserved to be converted [to Christ] in some coming “end times.”

The Church has never changed its position on the Jews. Throughout history, it has always wanted the Jews to be respected in their peoplehood and their religion, but still she wanted them to be kept down, in a state of submission, powerlessness and isolation, in order to prevent them from harming others. (See our Histoire de l’antisémitisme [= History of Anti-Semitism], 2010).

Until the French Revolution of 1789, Jewish power was contained in this way for centuries.

But then it was unchained. The fact is this, that our history is very hectic, and Jewish power required a constant effort over the centuries to be contained, which even before 1789 did not prevent Jewish financiers from being guilty of causing many wars and misfortunes.

In my most recent book, La guerre eschatologique [ = The Eschatological War] ( 2013),

…I showed that according to the doctrine of the Church, the Jews must endure “until the end of time,” and yet their final conversion to the “true religion” of Christ will owe nothing to the work of Christians.

But now, at a time when European civilization and nations around the world are threatened with death by the cosmopolitan venom, the old Church doctrine of “charitable segregation of the Jews” has shown its shortcomings. You do not keep a basket full of writhing snakes around in your home!

Within Catholicism, only the Scottish theologian Duns Scotus opposed Judaism with an ideological and religious force that could have confronted it victoriously. Duns Scotus (1266-1308), a professor at Oxford University, was one of the most remarkable minds of the Middle Ages and the pride of the Franciscan order. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duns_Scotus]

He went further than St. Thomas in proposing a solution to the Jewish problem. It was not on the basis of segregation, but of the utter destruction of the sect.

Unlike canonists and theologians of the thirteenth century — with [Saint] Thomas Aquinas at their head –who believed Jewish children should not be baptized against the wishes of their parents, Duns Scotus believed it was the very duty of kings to take Jewish children away from their parents, to rescue them, and to baptize and raise them as Christians.

And readers of our books know that this salutary measure would also have broken the horrific chain of incest, a sexual crime that goes forward from generation to generation among the Jews.

When faced with the old argument that we need to preserve the Jewish people intact, anticipating their conversion to Christ in some far-off end times, the Franciscan replied that

“for this it is sufficient to preserve just a small number of them, but isolated out on an island.”


*** JdN I myself ghostwrote, in close collaboration with former Rockwell stormtrooper Ralph Grandinetti (photo, center, looking at the camera), an important revisionist work on Hitler’s Madagascar Plan. Hitler wanted to ban the Jews to life on a huge, German-supervisedisland off the coast of Africa that was part of France’s colonial empire.


We must never lose sight of the fact that Judaism is not a religious faith or a race, or an ethnic people who eat bagels.

It is primarily a commitment, a mindset, an ideology and a project of

world Jewish domination over a slave planet.

And so it is primarily through the mind that this evil mindset must be destroyed.

When a Jew is sincerely converted to Traditional Catholicism, for example, his Judaism, his hate and his desire to dominate others and wreak vengeance is destroyed within his heart. Judaism can in fact be rendered harmless in a peaceful manner.

For example, here a few common-sense measures for a future anti-Jewish program:

–We must begin by dissolving the major Jewish-Zionist organizations across the country.

–It will be established by law that any statement or written work, book, television program or film that glorifies immigration, miscegenation, adultery or homosexuality be punished by a prison sentence.

–Likewise, all writings calling for the establishment of a world government will be punished with imprisonment and a revocation of citizenship.

–Any incitation of Westerners to engage in a Middle Eastern war against the Muslim world will be punished as well with a prison sentence. In this way, militant Judaism is sidelined.

Further measures will be needed to put an end to the Jewish menace once and for all.

–It will obviously be necessary to forbid any rabbinical teaching, to close Jewish schools and synagogues because they teach hatred, and to separate children from their parents early enough to prevent the horrors of incest, which is all too frequent among the members of the sect, an atrocity which generates the characteristic pathology called hysteria in the Jews.

Children from Jewish families must receive instead a quality education, inculcating all the basic Indo-European, Greco-Roman values. Jewish youth in the process of healing will be encouraged to engage in projects that show solidarity with others, and work with other American and European children who are out in contact with nature, fresh air, animals, woods and farms.

And the most fragile young elements of the sect will receive the best care in specialized psychiatric hospitals.

After three or four generations, Judaism will have completely disappeared.

We will organize, in the meantime, an international trial for the crimes of Judaism against peace and humanity, and repudiate once and for all this disastrous, mankind-hating cult.

TBR: (Margi) When I interviewed the Catalan Revisionist author Joaquin Bochaca,

…he had a somewhat pessimistic view of the future. In fact, he compared the work of truth tellers to someone on a sinking ship who writes a final note and stuffs it in a bottle for posterity to find.

What is your opinion? Do you think it is not too late to prevail against the forces that seek to enslave humanity?

HR: Au contraire. In my book La guerre eschatologique [ = The Eschatological War], when speaking of psychological warfare, I took the example of a reader who expressed his disappointment in poor election results in 2007 by the Front National here in France [then led by Jean-Marie Le Pen]. In a nationalist newspaper he wrote in these terms:

“I am desperate, my friends. . . the Front National has lost three quarters of its electorate in France. . . I tore up my voter registration card. Hope is dead; I no longer believe in anything. We are disarmed; we are done for.”

My comment in the book was:

“After reading this kind of defeatist prose, I ask three questions.

First, is this guy really a supporter — or an enemy infiltrating our ranks?

Secondly, was the letter editor of this newspaper paid to publish it?

And thirdly, should this defeatist be shot now or wait until later?”

The last question is, no doubt, a little exaggerated, but everyone understands what I mean. The war our enemies are fighting against us is first and foremost a psychological war.

For centuries, when we Europeans were fighting among ourselves, each side gathered his men and they lined up openly in front of their opponents on a battlefield. The prince who was the winner grabbed someof the conquered territories, and it all ended there.

Jews, though, do not fight in this way. They act by stealth and deceit, through the media which they control; and all their work has one design — to demoralize others, to blame the white man and paralyze him with a guilt trip so that he will fall to his knees and submit, begging the Jews’ forgiveness.

So through their films, their newspapers and television they have constantly portrayed our Western history as one long succession of crimes: torture under the Roman Empire, the Inquisition, the pogroms of the First Crusade, colonization and pillage of the third world, etc. . .

So today our teenagers leave school unconsciously feeling the urge to obliterate their own race in a great, universal program of miscegenation.

All races must merge, then the evil white man will be gone.

To be demoralized faced with the ugliness of the modern world is to submit to the enemy.

Obviously, there are many reasons to be pessimistic if we look at our environment, if we turn on the TV, if we observe the statistics about unemployment, crime, immigration, etc. . .

But this is exactly what our enemies want — to destroy our morale so that we give up defendingourselves, we fold up our tents, and we abandon the field.

Sarcastic graphic by Ryssen on his site: “If a Jew says it, it must be true.   ˜Antisemitism is not freedom of speech but a crime.’- Haverim Collective.

Hervé Ryssen, 100% antisemite.”



Consequently, we must consider that everything that demoralizes the enemy is good, and everything that demoralizes and demobilizes us must be combated with the utmost energy, mercilessly censored, and totally rejected.

To paraphrase Carl von Clausewitz, we can say that “physical war is only the continuation of psychological war.”

TBR: Thank you, Hervé Ryssen.


….This interview showed that the Jews are absolutely unique 


And this corresponds to my own finding, which is that they are agents of another power. They are too sophisticated in their approach; they act as if guided by another group that psychoanalyzes humanity objectively as an outside force, as an entomologist would study a bug.

Major Rabbis states clearly that Jews were sent to earth as an alien race to conquer the earth:

UFOs, the Third Reich after 1945, and the Pleiadians

…….Jews and the widespread committing of incest

Can This Number Be Credible? Jewish Anti-Abuse Activists Say Half of Hasidic Boys Are Raped By Elders

Back in July, I wrote:

In the world of Judaism alone, news reports of child abuse are so numerous that the admirably tenacious and prolific writer Shmarya Rosenberg, who runs the Failed Messiah blog, has a hard time keeping up.

There’s actually another Rosenberg who has made it his laser-focused mission to expose this evil ” and who’s suffered the consequences. Vice has an interview withNuchem Rosenberg, a rabbi who throws out an eye-popping guesstimate:


Nuchem Rosenberg (Paul Martinka “ via New York Post)


The alleged abusers are schoolteachers, rabbis, fathers, uncles ” figures of male authority. The victims, like those of Catholic priests, are mostly boys. Rabbi Rosenberg believes around half of young males in Brooklyn’s Hasidic community ” the largest in the United States and one of the largest in the world ”have been victims of sexual assault perpetrated by their elders. Ben Hirsch, director of Survivors for Justice, a Brooklyn organization that advocates for Orthodox sex abuse victims, thinks the real number is higher. “From anecdotal evidence, we’re looking at over 50 percent.”

I had to read that twice. The number surely exceeds even the bleakest calculations of how widespread this crime is. In the absence of factual stats ” impossible to come by ” it’s hard to know what to make of it all. Take a walk through Brooklyn’s conservative-Jewish neighborhoods. Do you believe that every second orthodox boy you see is a victim of sexual assault? Can the iceberg be that huge?

Nuchem Rosenberg and Ben Hirsch have presumably studied the issue longer and more carefully than any of us here, and should be given a modicum of authority on the subject. On the other hand, due to possible factors like confirmation bias and/or an activist’s zeal, it could be that they’re wolf-criers ” that they see abuse everywhere, even where none occurred.

With that caveat, here’s what Rosenberg found, and how he became perhaps the most hated man in Brooklyn.

On a visit to Jerusalem in 2005, Rabbi Rosenberg entered into a mikvah [sacred ritual bath] in one of the holiest neighborhoods in the city, Mea She’arim. “I opened a door that entered into a schvitz,” he told me. “Vapors everywhere, I can barely see. My eyes adjust, and I see an old man, my age, long white beard, a holy-looking man, sitting in the vapors. On his lap, facing away from him, is a boy, maybe seven years old. And the old man is having anal sex with this boy.” ¦

“This boy was speared on the man like an animal, like a pig, and the boy was saying nothing. But on his face ” fear. The old man [looked at me] without any fear, as if this was common practice. He didn’t stop. I was so angry, I confronted him. He removed the boy from his penis, and I took the boy aside. I told this man, ˜It’s a sin before God, a mishkovzucher. What are you doing to this boy’s soul? You’re destroying this boy!’ He had a sponge on a stick to clean his back, and he hit me across the face with it. ˜How dare you interrupt me!’ he said.”

After that, Rosenberg started blogging about Hasidic sex assaults. He also opened a hotline and became a source for local and national media covering sex-abuse trials. That “betrayal” made him a pariah in his own community.

Leaflets distributed in Williamsburg and Borough Park, the centers of ultra-Orthodoxy in Brooklyn, display his bearded face over the body of a writhing snake. “Corrupt Informer,” reads one of the leaflets, followed by the declaration that Rabbi Rosenberg’s “name should rot in hell forever. They should cut him off from all four corners of the earth.”

When Rabbi Rosenberg wants to bathe at a mikvah in Brooklyn to purify himself, none will have him. When he wants to go to synagogue, none will have him. “He is finished in the community, butchered,” said a fellow rabbi who would only talk anonymously. “No one will look at him, and those who will talk to him, they can’t let it be known.”

And then, almost a year ago, there was the bleach attack. An orthodox assailant ran up to him in the street and threw a cup of bleach at Rosenberg, burning his face and blinding him. The rabbi quickly regained his eyesight, but not his sense of security. He’s forced to look over his shoulder everywhere he goes, anticipating the worst.

The same goes for some of the victims who seek justice, and for witnesses who break the forced silence. During the trial of rape fiend Nechemya Weberman,

¦ victim Boorey Deutsch testified about being abused from the ages of 12 through 17, despite threats of retaliation. [S]he and her husband Hershy Deutsch [were soon] receiving death threats. “I know my Jewish rights ¦I am allowed to kill youand that [is] what I am going to do,” the Postreports one person wrote on Deutsch’s Facebook. “I AM GOING TO KILL YOU WITH IN THE NEXT THREE YEARS you may be stronger than one thousand satmar people but not stronger than a gun bullet.”

Rosenberg, Hirsch, Sam Kellner, and other Jewish anti-abuse campaigners such asMichael Lesher have their work cut out for them.

“This isn’t a problem about a few aberrant cases or an old-fashioned community reluctant to talk to police about sexual matters,” said Michael Lesher, a practicing Jew who has investigated Orthodox sex abuse and represented abuse victims. “This is about a political economy that links Orthodox Judaism with other fundamentalist creeds and with aspects of right-wing ideologies generally. It’s an economy in which genuine religious values will never really rise to the top, so long as they’re tied to the poisonous priorities that elevate status and power over the basic human needs of the most vulnerable among us.”

The problem is compounded by the fact that Hasidic families tend to be large (every child born to a Hasid is seen as “a finger in the eye of Hitler,” says Hirsch), of modest means, and under tight rabbinical control. Plus,

[T]here is limited general education, to the point that most men in the community are educated only to the third grade, and receive absolutely no sexual education. No secular newspapers are allowed, and internet access is forbidden. “The men in the community are undereducated by design,” [Hirsch] said. “You have a community that has been infantilized. They have been trained not to think. It’s a sort of totalitarian control.”

A rare ray of hope for the child victims is that longtime District Attorney Charles J. Hynes, whose disinclination to prosecute these kinds of cases is legendary, was finally ousted from his job in last week’s elections. He is the first DA in the city to be unseated in almost 60 years. His successor, Kenneth Thompson, is expected to show less favoritism to Hasidic leaders, and less reluctance in going after the evildoers in their midst.

….Hervé Ryssen on incest amongst the Jews

Incest, the ultimate dark secret of Judaism

From his

Parental incest is the most selfish and devastating crime on earth, destroying not only the sadistic soul of the perpetrator but also the life of most child victims. As if the Jews had not already racked up the world’s longest list of crimes, incest is their masochistic crime against themselves, harrowing Jewish children and making the Jewish gene pool INBRED.

Frenchman HERVÉ  RYSSEN (pronounced air-VAY ree-SEN) is an extremely brave man.


And one of France’s most gifted researchers and writers, a comrade who has investigated Jewry from a unique perspective ” as a group that is psychologically sick, mentally twisted and morally loathsome. One cannot avoid the comparison withdangerous escaped psychiatric inmates who need ”  all points bulletin ” to be recaptured.

His books all deserve urgently to be translated into English ” and every other major white language. As does his shocking exposé report, the best I have ever read in any language, Israel et la Traite des Blanches ( = Israel and the Sex Trade in White Flesh ).

“The White Slave,” sculpture by Abastenia St. Leger Eberle, 1913


After I read Ryssen’s heavily-researched (and well-written) materials, I felt a WHITE HEAT inside.



A desire to end the tyranny of this micro-horde of Jew trespassers in our countries.

It reminded me of what I just wrote a comrade down in southern Texas:


We need a leader to agitate, enrage, excite, mobilize, organize, energize ” to make the white volcano go off and send the searing lava flooding into the big, wicked city of death, and roast out its filth.

I thanked GOD after reading Ryssen that the moral choice cannot possibly be clearer.

We whites must fight the arrogant Jew, an individual as sick as he is evil, as evil as he is sick.

Truly, “In fighting the Jew, I am doing the work of the Lord.”

Let us remember, if we are comfortable readers sitting here in the First Amendment-protected USA, that France is a country (like Canada, Britain, Germany and other occupied white nations) where the criticizing of Jews (and other minorities, including homosexuals) is illegal.

(But Jews can criticize whites to their ungrateful hearts’ content.)

There is NO sacrosanct “First Amendment” in these countries, no guarantee that even unpopular views have the God-given right to be expressed without the citizen being fired, fined and imprisoned.

In France, Hervé’s native country, thanks to Jew pressure, people go to prison for writing books like his. My friend Vincent Reynouard did as merciless one year in prison (although the father of eight children) and got a 10,000 euro fine. Georges Theil was sentenced to a 100,000-euro fine and six months imprisonment.

It is thus a privilege for you and me as Americans to be able to read in peace the words of a man who is risking everything ” because of the Jews’ laws in his native land — to get the truth out to YOU across a wide ocean, to you as another white man or white woman.

And we MUST prevent “hate-speech” laws from infecting our own nation, and especially from censoring the free Internet, a common carrier whose creation was funded by the US taxpayer and that MUST continue to carry all opinions as a PUBLIC UTILTY like water, electricity, roads and bridges, and like food.

Freedom is a NECESSITY.

As with the writers Kevin MacDonald (professor of psychology at California State U. Long Beach; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_B._MacDonald) and others, onsieur Hervé Ryssen proves his case almost exclusively from the words of (in)famous Jews themselves.

While MacDonald has convincingly portrayed Jews (in a trilogy of books) as a parasitic life form that has evolved psychological warfare as a weapon (two of his books are shown below) “

The Culture of Critiqueby MacDonald 

Separation and its Discontentsby MacDonald

A People That Shall Dwell Aloneby MacDonald

… and other authors, such as Harrell Rhome, PhD of Texas and even the Israeli professor Ariel Toaff have written on certain Jewish cults ritually murdering little non-Jewish children, Hervé Ryssen is the first modern non-Jewish writer, to my knowledge, to produce massive and documented works on a

Jewry afflicted with high levels of hysteria, paranoia, psychopathy, psychosis, incest and suicide.

I will add at this point that I feel compassion for all those among the “little Jews” suffering at the bottom of the Jewish social pyramid who are the victims of the horrors of incest  and of all the other pain the “little Jews” undergo because of the actions of the psychopathic leaders of Jewry.

I say to all Jews victimized by incest (which skulks in all cultures but is especially widespread or evencondoned, wink-wink, in Judaism) the exact same thing as Andrew Winkler of  www.therebel.org:


Judaism is SICK to the core and cannot be salvaged (as the noble-minded rabbi Michael Lerner of Tikkun [in Hebrew, “Healing”] has found out.

The Big Jews will not permit any reform of this psychopathic, racketeering organization that aggrandizes them- But the Little Jews won’t quit Judaism and the Jewish community, because they derive too many benefits from group solidarity — and they fear being ostracized, disinherited or even worse.

Just as all good Italian-Americans must and do leave behind all associations with the Mafia, with their Mafia relatives, and, yes, with their money as well, all good Jews must eventually LEAVE JUDAISM.


Your soul is at stake.

The fate of Norman Finkelstein, who merely criticized abuses of the Holocaust story (not the hoax itself), and recently found himself, LOSING HIS PROFESSORSHIP at Marquette University due to ALAN DERSHOWITZ, an interfering Jew from Harvard, then ” being arrested at Tel Aviv Airport and then banned from ISRAEL FOR TEN YEARS, should tell any Jew that you “little Jews,” to the Big Jews, are NOTHING.



And the hypocrisy, since Dershowity is himself one of the pedophiles who flew multiple to Jeffrey Epstein’s orgy island, Little Saint James, in the US Virgin Islands, on Epstein’s private Boeing 727!

Epstein’s little black book of phone numbers

convicted pedophile Epstein

He even has a kind of mini-synagogue there on the island with the classic white and blue stripes we associate with Judaism and the flag of Israel.




From Hervé Ryssen’s brilliant 2007 book Fanatisme Juif [Jewish Fanaticism] Margaret Huffstickler has translated the chapter below from the original French into English, and I edited her work.

Chapter seven (pp. 354-365), entitled L’inceste, is found in part three of  “Jewish Fanaticism,” entitled Psychopathologie du Judaisme.

The section L’inceste from Hervé Ryssen’s courageous Fanatisme juif,  translated by Margaret Huffstickler.


* * *

The issue of incest is a nagging one in the literary and cinematic production of Judaism. In myPsychanalyse du judaà¯sme [” Psychoanalysis of Judaism”] (2006), we saw that “the Torah” offers many examples of incestuous relations. [Ed. ” The Torah consists of the first five books of the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, which the Germans call “The Five Books of Moses.”]

Of course, incest is forbidden among the Jews, as stipulated in the Torah (Leviticus 18), and the Babylonian Talmud (Yebamot, 2a). Gerard Haddad explains this in his book entitled Les Sources talmudiques de la psychanalyse1[{The Talmudic Sources of Psychoanalysis]but not without ambiguity. For everything is ambiguous in Judaism, and it must be noted that Jews can find loopholes in biblical texts. In his book Jewish Messianism, Gershom Scholem [b. Berlin 1892, d. Jerusalem 1982], who is one of the leading specialists in the Jewish Kabbalah, explains that Hassidic Jews too know how to interpret the law to their own advantage, and he reminds us that Jews belonging to the heretic Sabbatean sect adopted as a line of conduct the systematic violation of all prohibitions of the Torah “in particular those of incest, which they declared repealed.

Gershom Scholem

That which is given an ambiguous interpretion by Talmudic Jews is expressed more clearly by Hassidic Jews [Ed. “a major sect of Judaism emphasizing joy, dance and song over learning], and is quite explicit in Sabbatean Jews. We will refer here to our previous work. The American researcher of Jewish origin David Bakan confirms that such practices are common in Jewish communities. In his book entitled Freud and the Jewish Mystical Tradition, he ponders “the role of incest in Jewish history” in an attempt to understand “the repeated references made to it by Freud.”


David Bakan confirms that [incest is] common in Jewish communities. In his book entitledFreud and the Jewish Mystical Tradition, he ponders “the role of incest in Jewish history”in an attempt to understand “the repeated references made to it by Freud.”

David Bakan
“Because of their endogamy,” writes Bakan, the problem of incest arose in a manner characteristic of the Jews, and the role of Jewish [i.e. Hassidic] mysticism, was partly to provide the means to cope with intense feelings of guilt associated with incestuous desires. “The Jews, actually, especially in Eastern Europe, usually lived in small communities,” so the choice there of a spouse was extremely limited, and it was of course forbidden to marry a goy. The traditional arrangement of marriages by elders of the Jewish community was due in part to the fact “that elders were holders of essential information on the degrees of kinship.”

Shtetl life in Old Poland and Russia — Jewish grain merchants talking in Slomniki; Jews were forbidden to leave their areas after a Jew killed Tsar Alexander II, who had fought ironically for their emancipation. Jews made money off selling liquor and lending money to peasants, then foreclosing on them.

We know also that Jews “Sephardic and Ashkenazi “married off their children at a very young age, as young as 12 or 13. “The custom of early marriages, writes David Bakan, “drew its justification, perhaps, not only from a realistic attitude concerning the sexual impulses that existed generally among Jews, but also from the need to overcome existing incestuous tendencies.”

And he concludes:


“The incestuous temptations that are perhaps, as Freud suggests, universally prevalent [sic], were particularly marked among Jews

” requiring therefore intense countermeasures and, as a consequence, [infliction of] an excessive sense of guilt.”

The mores of Jews are undoubtedly quite remote from European customs. We have seen inPsychoanalysis of Judaism that the Talmud was very explicit on this subject. The reading of texts being tedious, let us merely keep in mind these extracts from the Treaty of the Sanhedrin, 55a-55b:


“In any crime of incest committed by a child [sic], the compliant adult subject incurs no guilt, unless of course, the child has attained the age of nine years and a day. “(Sanhedrin, 55a).”A little girl of three years and one day may be acquired in marriage by sexual intercourse in case of the death of her husband ” and if she has sex with the brother of her husband, she becomes his.”(Sanhedrin, 55b).

The issue of incest is, however, mentioned relatively seldom in the literary production of Judaism. We know that the Jewish people like to maintain their mystery and secretiveness ” and


incest, in particular, is one of the secrets, if not “THE” secret of Judaism.

Nevertheless, it appears here and there in anecdotal form in the works of some novelists. In the study devoted to Romain Gary in the Cahiers de l’Herne [Ed. “”Notebooks of Herne” a French literary magazine dedicated to unknown or ostracized yet deserving authors] we learn that his work reflects, in many places, the neuroses of Judaism:

“The incestuous fantasies unfold in all their ambivalence. With young women he encounters, Momo, [the hero of one of his novels], hesitates between amorous flirtation and the quest for maternal love. Under the guise of a universal love, Jean sleeps with a woman who could easily be his mother.” Sexual ambiguity is also of course present: “The difference between the sexes becomes uncertain: Lola, born a man, chose a female identity and we no longer know if the aged Rosa is still a woman.”(La Vie devant soi) [ = “Your Life Still Before You”]).

Observe also what Elie Wiesel writes in Talmudic Celebration [?] [the French version, from 1991, is entitled Célébration talmudique], when choosing an example at random to explain the Talmud:

Elie Wiesel. “Wiesel” in Yiddish means . . . . 
“weasel.” He has been widely denounced as a fraud by other Jews ” but is still useful for snowjobs on goyeem. His Auschwitz memoirNight bizarrely never mentions gas chambers; it is so full of absurdities that it was eventually re-released as a novel “ as fiction!

“Sometimes a Talmudic saying requires ten lines, sometimes a few are enough to tell a story,” he writes.

“An example? A woman wanted to submit a serious problem to Rabbi Eliezer, but he refused to help. She then went to Rabbi Yehoshua who proved more accomodating. What was the problem? Here:


“B’ni hakatan mibni hagadol,” she said. “Mmy eldest son is the father of my youngest son.’”

On the subject of this incestuous woman seized by remorse and wanting to confess, would Dostoyevsky not have been capable of writing six hundred pages?”

Elie Wiesel quotes in his book the case of Rabbi Elisha, who lived in the second century, at the time of Emperor Hadrian and the war [between Rome and] Judea. He is, says Wiesel, the “symbol of repudiation and treachery. He had pockets full of anti-Jewish pamphlets. Worse: he began to campaign for forced assimilation. He sympathized with the [Roman] occupier, and became a collaborator and finally an accomplice of the Roman army.” The rabbi Elisha was akher; he represented the dark forces in the Jew, the forces of evil in man. He is first called Rabbi Elisha, then Elisha ben Abuya, then bin Abuya, and finally Akher. “What could be the origin of this unacceptable deviance?”

The first assumption, Wiesel wrote, lays the blame, of course, on. . . his mother. Jewish mothers are always guilty of whatever happens to their cherished son. “And Wiesel expresses himself here, elliptically:


“He was guilt of loving his mother a little too much.”

This is not, BTW, Monsieur Ryssen’s first foray into the topic of incest among the Jews.

In his “Psychoanalysis of Judaism” (p346), we read:


The question of incest is very present in Judaism. The Torah offers numerous examples. We know that the rabbis found excuses for the daughters of Lot.[Ed. “Father-daughter incest near the town of Tzo’ar: In Genesis 19: verses 30 to 38, Lot’s two daughters got their father drunk on wine, engaged in sexual intercourse with him on two successive nights, became pregnant, and eventually gave birth to two sons, Moab and Benammi. Their sons are described as founding the Moabite and Ammonite nations. The rabbis excuse it all, wink-wink, saying the dumb girls thought their dad was the last man on earth…..

“Lot and His Daughters,” 1616, by Hendrik Goltzius of Holland. I kinda doubt, Hendrik, that those semitic girls looked quite so Dutch…..

[. . .] One also sees in the Old Testament how Ammon, the son of [King] David, rapes his own sister Thamar.

The woman then reacts this way: “Ask for me [in marriage] from my father, the king, and he will not refuse you.” [sic!!!]

In his novel The Destruction of Kreshev, Isaac Bashevis Singer also recalls the fact that these practices are found frequently in the Torah:

“Thus, Jacob fornicated with his sisters, and Judah [Ed. “ whence the word “Jew”] sleeps with Tamar, his daughter-in-law. Reuben violates the bed of Bilha, his father’s concubine. Josiah finds himself a wife in a bordello, and others did just as much.”

We [French] also know the controversial song by Serge Gainsbourg [Ginsburg, a Russian Jew] called “Lemon Incest.” [sic; the title is in English]

  • * *Serge Gainsbourg (Ginsburg) sings “Lemon Incest” with his daughter Charlotte (mother: singer Jane Birkin)


(See “Serge Gainsbourg” in Wikipedia, esp. the paragraphs there about his songs on oral sex (Les sucettes) and “Lemon Incest.” The rest of the article is a typical “yet another great Jewish genius!” paean. The man’s voice was a hideous croak, as necrotic as the Montreal Jew Leonard Cohen’s,)

Some of the lyrics from the second part:


(Charlotte, daughter)
Lemon incest
I love you, love you
Love you more than anything
The love that we’ll never make together
Is the purest, the most troubling, the most exalting. (Serge, father)
Exquisite child
Delicious child
Oh my baby, oh my soul

The topic of legalizing incest —  sex between parents and children and between brother and sister — is far from esoteric. Jewish neo-con Jeff Jacoby wrote a column on May 2, 2007 for the Boston Globe entitled Lawful incest may be on its way.  It turns out that the usual suspects are behind it  — Jews (and their minions).

Jeff Jacoby, the neo-conservative freak who softens up readers on the incest topic. This war wimp never served in uniform, but demands the US attack the nation of Iran. His father is a “Holocaust survivor”  like over FOUR MILLION OTHER EUROPEAN JEWS IN 1945. Boy, those inefficient Germans; typical of them to miss four million people over there in the corner.

Neither the SS nor the Waffen-SS executed the Jews of Europe, including NOT executing Jacoby’s father. Ponder this photo of Jochen Peiper. Compare that human being to the Jew Jacoby. Which one looks more like “God’s chosen people”?



…..Wiki on incest

Wikipedia’s article on the mind-bending devastation of incest states:


The most frequently reported type of incest is father-daughter incest.[1] Incest between adults and prepubescent or adolescent children is a form of child sexual abuse [2] that has been shown to be one of the most extreme forms of childhood trauma, a trauma that often does serious and long-term psychological damage, especially in the case of parental incest.[3]

Approximately twenty percent of all women [sic] have had at least one incest experience before they turned 18.[3] Adults who were incestuously victimized by adults in their childhood often suffer from low self-esteem, difficulties in interpersonal relationships, and sexual dysfunction, and are at an extremely high risk of many mental disorders, including depression, anxiety, phobic avoidance reactions, somatoform disorder, substance abuse, borderline personality disorder, and complex post-traumatic stress disorder.[3][4][5]


After the abuse I experienced from the MK-ULTRA program, from age ten on (the age when I ran away from home and the incidents ended) I spent years with a shadowy sensation that the world itself was somehow unreal, a lying illusion-world, in fact a kind of nightmarish prison planet.

This is one of the hallmarks of incest abuse victims, to see the world as “somehow unreal.” (It may be connected to dissociative/multiple personality disorder, when a person is so abused their desperate personality splits off several new identities, with one ALWAYS suffering and reliving the torture, and the other personalities trying ” ineffectively ” to “get on with life.”

In my experience, all such tricks by the brain –and they are just tricks, stopgaps, not real solutions — have one purpose; to escape from and stave off the perpetual undercurrent desire for suicide in the victim.

I recall back in 2004 that the Jew doctor Ira Katz, the scandalous high official in charge of mental health at the Veterans Administration, was suppressing internal data showing that 15 military vets were committing suicide EVERY DAY. [“Our suicide-prevention coordinators are identifying about1,000 suicide attempts per month [= 33 per day] among the veterans we see in our medical facilities,” Katz wrote in a Feb. 13 e-mail to Ev Chasen, the department’s communication director.]

Yes, the mental pain can get that bad. And no Jew drug can erase the horror of traumatic experiences, only time and cognitive behavioral therapy — and ENOUGH of both. The worst pain of all is when you know it was all totally unnecessary and pointless suffering — as the Iraq war is, or being molested is for any child, whether Jew or Aryan.)

The world felt to me like a horror movie where the sinister music could start again at any moment.

About age 9

For decades I felt in some inner sense that this world was some sort of nightmare-planet. It also seemed a sick-joke realm ” where people pretended to be nice but were “in” on a great and wicked game.

It is very hard to believe in human goodness when “respectable people” are committing incest and enjoying cocktails with their distinguished friends.

Incest is absolutely devastating — and it must affect Jews similarly.

I would rather be Jesus up there nailed to the cross — an adult who at least knew exactly what He was getting into when He denounced the Jewish establishment, and that death was to be part of His mission — than see any child suffer one minute of incest.

As sick as Jewish ritual murder is, it at least is a crime practiced upon strangers.

But incest is the ultimate betrayal — the destruction of one’s own flesh and blood, of a child that rightfully expected love and protection from those who brought him or her into the world.

It therefore represents the nadir of all sadistic, twisted, psychopathic crime.

A crime against nature, against God and against man. Against society.

The punishment for all incest should be DEATH.

I myself lost 49 years of my life to it while I existed, not lived, in a miserable, private, inner hell.

* * *

Ryssen’s publishing house is Editions Baskerville (yes , as in the novel [about the famous detective Sherlock Holmes], The Hound of the Baskervilles!), and is located at 14 rue Brossolette, Levallois, 92300 France.

My thoughts in reading this were twofold:

1) How dare such a horde of degenerates set itself up as the enlightened teachers and the moral guides of the world!
2) Woe to our country if the Jews ever implement their full satanic agenda, and get their hands on all our children.
3) Incest may be seen by rabbis secretly as an evil that has its “good points”: nothing ensures the purity of the Jewish bloodline like having kids (barf) with your own kids…..

In writing this second point I have to harken back to seeing two Jew teenage boys hustling up the escalator at the Bethesda, Maryland subway (suburban Washington, D.C.) in the mid-summer of 2005. As they passed me, I got an unforgettable look at two classic Jewish profiles. What struck me was that they still had hooked Jewish noses 2,000 long years after the Jews in Palestine were driven from their homeland and they all thus lived in exile, a tiny minority among others, in the “Diaspora.”

The Jews certainly have mixed with other (and better-looking) peoples .

So I had to marvel:

“Look at those shnozzes! Still huge and unassimilated! After two thousand years of life next to thegoyim!”

How DO the Jews keep the noseline pure?

Actor Lee Van Cleef, Jewish bad guy in several Clint Eastwood westerns, from New Joisey.


And now, steel yourself. Face the facts below, and let a healthy emotional reaction stir you to fight for the destruction of such influences and such putrid hypocrisy  lecturing us on morality!


“You are from your father, the Devil”



Jesus of “Galilee of the Gentiles” [“Galil ha goyim“]




  1. Regarding the ritual murders of Father Thomas and his servant Ibraham, I believe this was done to slow down the assimilation movement among French and other European Jews. The Little Jews of Europe did not believe that ritual murder was a reality. They felt absolute certainty about this. Then when news was broadcast of the ritual murders of Father Thomas and Ibriham in the Mideast, these Little Jews thought an anti-Semitic campaign was being launched and they had second thoughts about their identities as Europeans — which was the objective of the Big Jews. Thus these two ritual murders were done to steer and control the Jewish community, I believe.

  2. https://www.jewage.org/wiki/he/Article:Yosef_Chaim_Sonnenfeld_-_Biography

    He became an important figure in Jerusalem’s Old City, serving as the right-hand man of Rabbi Yehoshua Leib Diskin and assisting the latter in communal activities, such as the founding of schools and the Diskin Orphanage, and the fight against secularism. He refused to meet with Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany who visited the Old City because he believed that the Emperor was a descendant of the nation of Amalek.

    So the Germans are Amalek?

    • Yes, the Jews have a special hatred for the Germans.

      It is not just that they broke free of the jewish yoke but that by this act, they became the most successful and happiest people on this earth.

  3. Thanks for posting “a few common-sense measures for a future anti-Jewish program.”

    Full disclosure: I’m Jew-adjacent and have family and friends in the community. Proselytizing won’t get me far with them, but neither can I advocate another Holocaust. The people don’t need to die– only their wretched ideology.

    I understand and feel bad for everyone involved in antisemitic spree shootings, even the murderer, who lashes out at an ephemeral system neither he nor its own members understand. The country makes it easy to express frustration from the business end of a firearm, and that instinct too is being leveraged against us to push gun control and disarm the population.

    What I’ve come to find about the Jews is that they tell half-truths. Hamas may have raped a few people on October 7, but the rest of the hostages are being returned unmolested while they use sophistry to imply Hamas is a machete-wielding rape squad. The Holocaust DID happen, just not to the extent they say it did. They’ve shown a propensity for stagecraft (as everyone also hates gypsies for being storytellers) and will caption banal photos with harrowing captions (in film, this is known as the Kuleshov effect).

    I’d never seen or heard anything about sexual abuse despite growing up around the community but I learned much later a possible reason for this. Like any good criminal organization, they have a code of silence: “mesirah.” It bans anybody from reporting crimes by Jews to outsiders (specifically police) and marks you for death if you do. That much is verifiable even if they dismiss the sex abuse claims as entirely slanderous. It was Jews who pushed the “believe women [without evidence]” narrative on the rest of us, so if they’re going to codify omerta in their doctrine I’d actually be willing to humor unsubstantiated sex abuse claims from their camp. It was misdirection all along. Believe YOUR women, because ours won’t talk to the police (also explains the normalization of “why I can’t go to the police about my rape.” If they’re turning you away, it’s because you’re making shit up. If someone invades your house, you’re calling them that instant, not 10 years later.)

    Thus, you missed an opportunity in your nonviolent anti-Jewish program: sexual assault outreach. I’d suggest some sort of shelter system to help anyone willing to testify but in dealing with such from the Jehovah’s Witnesses (“Diet Jews”), my experience is that these kids are damaged beyond repair, having been conditioned to defy all authority and exploit anything they have access to. With Jews, I would never trust that these brave souls you’re taking in aren’t actually spies or looking to murder you and steal your shit, then posthumously declaring you a child molester [in the media they control].

    To similar ends, supporting legislation that bans pornography would go a long way toward shutting down one of their propaganda arms. Israel banned pornography in 2016 or so; even they recognize how toxic their product is (unless you’re pushing it to drooling goys). These days “hypnosis” porn exists to reinforce emasculation of the audience. It’s a literal fucking shitshow.

    Anyway, thanks again for exploring nonviolent options. They’re not all bad but they don’t exactly police themselves unless it’s to suppress dissent, so I don’t encourage even trying to make the distinction. I love my family and friends, but even the best of them are fucking idiots who would denounce and shun me were I to share any of this with them.

      • Yeah I actually came back to correct that. The 2016 bill to ban it did pass but Netanyahu vetoed it. I think there’s another one going through their legislature right now that bans both porn and sex work but it’ll probably meet the same fate. There is clearly public appetite to rein it in, but that won’t divorce Rabbi Solomon Friedman from his stake in PornHub to push incest porn to the goyim.

        To give them credit, they’re as terrible to each other as they are to us:

        I wasn’t with the JW myself, just helped facilitate departures. I was well-aware of the sexual abuses going on there (they, too have a code of silence) so seeing similar about Jews was of limited surprise.

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