¦ ¦Star of David atop US one-dollar bill ” black Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson, MD was telling the truth in 2015
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Yes, the Fed actually CUT the money supply and kept it down (the money that was available at banks for farmers, businessmen and other citizens to borrow) in order to worsen and perpetuate the Great Depression!
This shocker really happened. A widow, covered her face in embarrassment, with her starving kids sitting on the front doorstep, offered to sell them to any family with the money to feed them and give them a new home. (She got some help after this dramatic gesture.)
A very famous Great Depression-era photo of an anxious Oklahoma woman with hungry kids. JEWS, YOU DID THIS.
Herbert Hoover, an honest, sincere German-American, recognized Roosevelt as a vile liar, defamer, fraud and traitor to the American people, and refused to even speak to him during the entire ride they made together to the US Capitol in March 1933 for the FDR inauguration.
“Why cannot even businessmen ” who are making a profit and have excellent credit ” get loans from banks they have been dealing with for decades? I don’t know!”
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….Russian researcher says seven million Americans died of malnutrition (and suicide, alcoholism, despair, domestic violence, etc.) during the Great Depression
I believe this researcher, Boris Borisov, is right. I can tell you, having been born in 1954, that my parents and grandparents literally shuddered when they spoke in sadness the words “the Great Depression.” It was both an economic and emotional holocaust of the decent, trusting naive and gullible white American nation.
And even Roosevelt admirers unanimously concede, readily and 100%, that “it is the war [WWII] that got us out of the Depression, not Roosevelt.”
I visited the US cemetery in Normandy in 2004, which is right over Omaha Beach, up on the heights. Wow, look at all those Star-of-David tombstones!
I heard this a hundred times as a kid from both Democrats and Republicans. Roosevelt was a nearly total failure in every aspect of his presidency.
….What I must do
…..Contact and support
This is just for laughs, of course. Trump, and the Daily Stormer (stop the presses; Jews are evil and negroes violent! 😉 ) will save us.
This comment actually doesn´t have anything to do with the contents of this post, but only with the picture of the evil Santa Claus holding two children in his clutches.
When I saw the picture, it came to my mind how, in the USA, Christmas and Jesus, for some time now, have gradually been replaced by “Santa Claus” who isn´t a Christian entity at all. The “people” behind this must be the same that invented the term “X-mas” in order not have to mention the hated word “Jesus” or “Christ-mas”.
Same with “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.”
The reasons for all these occurrences are the same. This seems to indicate an enormous and venomous hate by those same “persons” whom the late Revilo Oliver called pointedly “creatures.”