Why the last tsar of Russia almost deserved his fate

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Bad karma from seeking war with Germany and his own first cousin, the Kaiser, and being allied with the judeo-masonic French Republic….

This article originally appeared 4 weeks ago on a new site about the Christian renaissance in Russia, called Russian Faith. Their introductory video is at end of this article.

Michael Sokoloski I have no love for royalty past the 17th c. Monarchy outlived its usefulness. It was no longer a Khshatrya Warrior Caste, but a covent of bloodsuckers.

I couldn’t give a tinker’s cuss about the end of the Romanovs. After Alexander II they were shite.


Greg Yakovlev The Third French Republic provided most of the loans and subsidies in financing the construction of railways and communication lines across Tsarist Russia. Britain was the second largest providers of such financial aid. And besides the Third French Republic was a great power in Europe. It was not it that upset him. It was the British ambassador George Buchanan. Buchanan wanted revolution to prevent a separate peace.


Shelied Tuesday Bolsheviks

John de Nugent This wicked Third French Republic got the French obsessed with getting back the GERMAN-speaking areas of Alsace and Lorraine (which Louis XVI, “the Sun King,” had treacherously seized from Germany while it and Poland were defending all of Europe against the Turks).
Bismarck was fired by the foolish young Kaiser Wilhelm II for wanting to keep the Russo-German friendship treaty going.
Otto von Bismarck 1815 – 1898
Prussian prime minister who reunited Germany
Cartoon from the British “Punch” of 29 March 1890
“Dropping The Pilot” by John Teniel

When I write about the tyrannon, WWI comes to mind — pure folly, pure insanity, pure disaster for everyone except the Talmudists, who got from the British Empire the promise of Palestine. As the saying goes: “What were they thinking?”
In reality, the tyrannon was thinking for them: Austria, Germany, Russia, France, England and America.
It was as stupid as the genocidal war between Athens and Sparta, and Greece never recovered racially from it. It was then conquered by Macedon, and after that, by Rome, and today most Greeks look like Armenians, and are among the crookedest people in Europe.
When the German Wehrmacht occupied Greece in WWII, they expected to find Europeans and were shocked at how swarthy — and treacherous, and even communist — they were. (Greeks also did terrible things to captured German paratroopers on Crete.)
If you look at photos of white Europeans and Americans from 1914 and today, you can see the same massive loss of nordic genes, and of IQ as well. Fratricide is insane. When do you see Englishmen or Americans today who look like these British officers in WWI? https://johndenugent.com/…/british-officers-wwi…Manage
A lieutenant Burrill, married, childless, and killed at the Somme 

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