Wilful Aryan gullibility is also wrong

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What has changed about the jews in 2000 years? Nothing. 


A young college student wrote me [all identifying details were changed or deleted]:



I was raised in Arlington, Virginia, a place you yourself know as being a den of vipers.

The Pentagon, Arlington, built starting September 11, 1941. Exactly 50 years later, jews and white traitors attacked it and the4 WTC in New York.


Regardless, practically my entire youth, starting from 5 years to 18, was spent there. And for that entire duration I lived in extreme comfort and ignorance. My dad was a successful manager in the private-equity business and when I entered high school he was able to start his own company.


*** Arlington Cemetery

Five of the 37 Navy men killed on the USS Liberty by Israhell

This brings me to the past four-five years of my life, which, when put into that perspective, are quite incredible, although a fairly short period of time that has felt like an eternity.
My dad’s company was successful, and because nobody I knew or had familial ties to was aware of the issues with the Pharisees, especially my father, while in working that industry he had become accustomed to being around jews, and was actually harassed by an old decrepit “Holocaust Survivor”(that’s a whole different story if you wish to hear), during his time working at a prominent firm.

My father chose as his business partners a man with a jewish name who apparently claims to be a Catholic (but had been fired from his previous position at a leading firm for sexual misconduct) and another bona fide Jew whom my dad previously knew from one of his first work experiences.

I have a feeling you can already tell where this story is heading. 😉

My father had put his entire life savings into starting this company of his –and I believe you already know how much his business “partners” had contributed.

The company started small, but eventually grew to become quite successful, and on the cusp of this success my dad experienced what every person or people who have placed their trust in the jews do experience — a stab in the back.

In 2016 my dad’s father died, which was the last of his two parents, a really difficult blow after the death of his mom in 2012. During this time he took a leave of absence, only to return and notice “a change in leadership”.

He was kicked out for raising issues about the “Catholic” jew’s alcohol use and his derogatory comments about my dad.

My father had told the head of the board of directors of the company. This man happened to be of close familial ties to the “Catholic” jew, something my father was clearly unaware of.

A board meeting was convened without my father’s presence and ended in him being voted off, with his shares (millions of units) in the company confiscated as well.

Naturally, the board was filled with Jews, one of them being the former president of the New York Times, incredibly.

This occurred in late 2016/early 2017, and I wasn’t aware of these issues until the beginning of 2018, when my family started to feel the financial hit of starting a legal battle with little resources, going up against the wealthy company which my dad had built.

The stress caused by this was immeasurable, and unfortunately throughout the ordeal my entire family has remained ignorant and careless towards the problem of Jewry.

My father, due to this immense pressure, tragically passed away of a heart attack last year on June the 14th, John.

He was only 52 years old.

During this time I had resolved to try and look past the issue of jewry as a mode of therapeutic forgiveness, thinking that somehow maybe all jews aren’t bad in some form or another. But inevitably, as you yourself know, that assumption does not stand the test of logic and experience.

I am currently a college student, for only the purpose of fulfilling my mother’s wishes. I am studying [] at [] University, with about [] semesters of work left. Of course I am despondent and indifferent to college, because if I finish it either way there will be no way I can continue on the career path my family wishes for me.

My family are New Yorkers and completely oblivious to the jewish issue, to the point they laughingly use the [nasty anti-Aryan words] words “Shabbos Goy” or “shiksa,” which has disgusted me to a great degree.

Even my grandfather (a Vietnam veteran) who was stabbed in the back during that war by collective Jewry, works in an accounting firm where he is one among the few gentiles there. Even my friends who were never immersed in this environment have this same dismissive attitude of the greatest problem we face, going as far as to call me hateful!

Worst of all, I know that the money that my family will eventually receive from that legal battle, along with inheritance from other family members, will be withheld if I were to come out with my beliefs, and result in me being excommunicated from the family in all likelihood.

But at this point that doesn’t matter to me. I’ve lived my whole life with all the comfort and luxury I could ask for, and I don’t want to continue down this path that will kill me spiritually.

My skills probably don’t have much use to you, but I am good with computers, and I know how to edit photos, videos etc.

I am looking to garner other important skills over time, especially since I am relatively young, only being []. I am ready to turn a new page in my life and struggle for what is right.







I am so pleased to have high-caliber, sensitive, and spiritual readers like this! And not just white! I have black, East Asian and even jewish readers and financial supporters.

I would say this to this fine young man:


Thank you for this touching story of your life. You are young but not a young soul.  🙂

I feel deeply for you. How horrible that your dad died at just 52!
My own father, who fought Japs and Chinese in two wars as a US Marine, was courageous on the battlefield with his fellow Marines surrounding him,
 photo ltr-praising-capt-nugent-korea-marine-edited.jpg
BUT he would not take on the jews, even after they betrayed him over the Hasbro account, a huge jewish toy company. Hassenfeld Brothers, shortened to “Hasbro,” makes GI Joe, My Little Poney, and other big sellers. He lost that huge insurance client entirely and solely because he was a goy, not a jew. He told me so himself.
And on his death bed, blacks robbed him. (See below.)

I would say at this juncture in history that gigantic upheavals are coming at us all.  No one can count on a life of ease and comfort any more.

The shit has hit the fan.

And it is again a time for heroes.

We realize that we are here for a purpose, no matter what others do, say, or fail to do or say.
We are spirits on a human journey.
Will be in touch, comrade.



…..My own moderate, country-club Republican father disinherited me and then — karma — was robbed on his deathbed by Blacks 


Anyway, two blacks, and then another, came into my father’s hospital rehab room, and stole his things. Clearly the black staff had tipped some other negroes off.

Worse, because my father suffered from insomnia from tinnitus, a ringing in his ears that began during the Korean War (from the noise of constant nearby explosions — gunfire, mortars and artillery) and it worsened as he aged, he was awake, if groggy, as these crimes happened.

I feel so sorry for dad that he lost some precious WWII photos when the negroes stole his wallet.

 photo news-tip-wptv-ch-5-james-nugent-theft.jpeg


What is shocking is that this did not happen in the ghetto but in a very affluent area. God only knows how many other white, elderly patients have been robbed. How can you recuperate when you have to keep one eye open at 3 am for your things?

It is just psychopathic, and when I think of all the wars and battles my father went through, supposedly for his country, and how he treated the black Marines under him in Korea — very, very well — this is sickening.

Sickening, depraved, and COWARDLY.

DAD — from the beyond, I ask you to bless me, at least now — and from the next world — as I carry a new message of power and justice to our people and to our military, lest it soon be used actually against us!


US Army Lt. Gen. Lloyd Austin III sits at the witness table during a Senate Armed Services Committee on Military Nominations hearing for his pending reappointment to be general and commander of United States Forces-Iraq in the Dirksen Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, June 24, 2010. AFP PHOTO/ROD LAMKEY JR (Photo credit should read ROD LAMKEY JR/AFP via Getty Images)







  1. I feel sorry for how this young kid and his family have been betrayed by the money-grabbing jews. Son, don’t get mad –get even.

    There are lots of ways to win your battle against these robbing jews

    I’d be surprised if you get a settlement from a court (going from my own experience).

    I’ll email JdN about this.

    • Thanks.

      I had a friend in France who did outstanding extreme-sports and adventure documentary movies.

      I helped him build this house outside Aix-en-Provence:

      Well, his jew film partner took him for 70,000 euros.

      He sued and won.

      But the Jew had swindled others before, and was an accomplished swindler. He had parked all his assets in his mother’s name. No one could get at his ill-gotten gains.

  2. Only very few would dare to watch this voice-over film (American English, 65 minutes)[1], which deals with the camouflage and mimicry aspects.

    The Muppet version (black and white film)[2] is the humorous version, with Sid (“Cookie Monster”) as Curt Bois,[3] among others. However, things get intense during the description of the art scene (5:38). 🙂

    [1] “The Eternal Jew (Full Movie, English Dub, 1940, Der Ewige Jude)” (65 minutes, viewable directly in the browser), https://peertube.iselfhost.com/w/b57df5dd-4d26-43a7-a798-532abb074ff8

    [2] “Sesame Street – J for Jew – part 1”

    [3] “Curt Bois”, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curt_Bois
    and https://de.metapedia.org/wiki/Bois,_Curt

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